genius evil

Chapter 1391 Game time is over

Chapter 1391 Game time is over


Jiang Chen raised the tripod and smashed it wildly.

There was a big explosion here, and the light in the void became distorted under the pounding of the Pure Yang Cauldron.

The several people who made the move all had names and surnames, and the names of geniuses were widely known.

At this time, the shots were fierce and domineering one by one, rushing forward, full of murderous aura, and various killing moves emerged one after another, as if they had an inextricable enmity with Jiang Chen.

They are all powerful, worthy of the name of geniuses, but, after all, they are different, no different from puppets, they look more like walking dead.

This is because their sanity is lost, and their fighting methods are all based on instinct. They seem to be powerful, but in fact, there is no one in them.

Jiang Chen was fearless and used the Chunyang Cauldron to suppress it.

This battle was fought violently, and in the end, they were all suppressed and killed by Jiang Chen.

"Who else?"

Jiang Chen growled lowly, his face slightly ferocious.

Accompanied by Jiang Chen's roar, there were originally a dozen or so people who were ready to move, but suddenly, it was as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on them.

They paled in horror, realizing that they had lost themselves for a short time and lost themselves. This situation is undoubtedly very scary, because, unconsciously, they were manipulated by others.

There were even some people whose backs were dripping with cold sweat, feeling as if they were terrified after a catastrophe.


Xiumei quietly frowned, and Shang Heng was surprised again.

Because, Jiang Chen's roar actually broke her charm.

"What a powerful soul power." Shang Heng whispered.

She is invincible in her charms, she kills people invisible, and easily makes people fall into it, unable to extricate themselves.

At this moment, I finally know why Jiang Chen is immune to her charms. The power of the soul is too powerful, which is very amazing. That low growl is deafening. Rao, her soul trembles and is very uneasy. .

"How could this be? What kind of secret technique is this?" Shang Heng said softly.

The power of the soul is mysterious and mysterious, and it is difficult to describe it in detail. In Shang Heng's view, Jiang Chen must have practiced a certain mysterious technique to have such a powerful soul power.

"The little guy from the Seven Star Martial Academy, could it be that he has entered the sixth floor of the Seven Star Palace?" Shang Heng was thoughtful.

After that night, she had some understanding of Jiang Chen's identity and history, but at this time, she was still confused. After all, as far as she knew, in the Seven Star Martial Academy, people who had stepped into the sixth floor of the Seven Star Palace, It can be said to be a rare existence.

Not to mention the sixth floor, even the fifth floor is out of reach.

"Miss sister, the game time is over, what do you think?" No matter what Shang Heng thinks, Jiang Chen said.

Shang Heng smiled slightly, and said: "Little man, you are really an eye-opener for my sister."

"Really?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal, he walked slowly towards Shang Heng, and said, "Miss sister, you are the real eye-opener for me, compared to your method of killing people without blood, I am ashamed , It's better to sigh."

"You don't see blood when you kill someone? I didn't kill anyone." Shang Heng said without changing his face.

"That's why I said that Miss Sister, you have opened my eyes. Such a method has never been seen before." Jiang Chen sighed, feeling more and more ashamed.

"Little man, I don't understand what you said." Shang Heng smiled sweetly.

"It doesn't matter, someone can understand." Jiang Chen said indifferently.



All eyes fell on Shang Heng's body.

Jiang Chen's words were not obvious, how could he not understand?


Someone woke up, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

"Damn it, you're bewitching everyone."

Someone said again, gnashing their teeth.


They have all lost their minds, felt deeply afraid, and felt uneasy. They simply couldn't help themselves, or they were reduced to puppets and used by Shang Heng.

"It's scary!"

Shen Anhe's complexion changed for a while.

He had some understanding of Shang Heng's origin and had always been afraid, but after he had truly experienced Shang Heng's methods, he learned how terrifying this woman was.

Because, just now, he was unavoidable, affected to a certain extent, and almost sunk.

Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que stared at Shang Heng closely, looking at him non-stop.

One of the two seems to be simple and honest, and the other seems to be ignorant of the world. At this time, the gaze they are looking at Shang Heng is very naked and undisguised.

"Brother Jiang, this woman, you'd better stay away from her."

After a while, Mu Sirius said solemnly, but he didn't know what he saw. He was very serious in advising like this, with a rare earnestness.

Obviously, after knowing Shang Heng's origin, he knew how terrifying and extraordinary this woman was.

"Brother Jiang, that's what I mean too." Monk You Que said, his words were sincere, while he was talking, he clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

"Miss Sister is my woman, even if the whole world abandons her, I will protect her for the rest of my life." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Little man, you are really kind to my sister." Shang Heng was very moved.

"No way, who made me a good person, so in this life, I can only be bullied by you." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Then you still pour dirty water on me?" Shang Heng said, full of resentment.

"This is because I love you too much, young lady." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"The love is too deep, so you want to kill my sister?" Shang Heng said, even more resentful.

"How could it be? It's definitely not to harm you, Miss, but because I love you so much." Jiang Chen said.

"Demon girl, die!"

At this time, some people couldn't bear it any longer. They still have lingering fears and trembled with fear.

"Demon girl, you've done a lot of harm, take your life."

Someone is roaring, kill them.

Those few people who were suppressed and killed by Jiang Chen, in their view, were a lesson learned from the past. It was terrifying and frightening. No one knew whether they would follow in the footsteps.

One person made a move, and in an instant, more than a dozen people launched an attack, intending to kill Shang Heng.

"Miss Sister, come on." Jiang Chen cheered Shang Heng up, his smile was brilliant, and he was very happy.

"Little man, is this what you want?" Shang Heng sighed lightly, exhaled like blue, and his figure disappeared in place like a ghost.

"Little man, I remember what happened today, Miss."

A voice came from afar, and into Jiang Chen's ears, Shang Heng gritted his teeth lightly, this account was taken to heart.

"Miss, wait for me..."

Jiang Chen yelled loudly, using his spiritual sense to detect the strangeness of Shang Heng's departure, and rushed out immediately.

Shang Heng's game time is over, but his game time has just begun...

(End of this chapter)

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