genius evil

Chapter 1392 Chasing You To Pick You Up

Chapter 1392 Chasing You To Pick You Up



The sound of the wind is sharp and the wind and thunder are rolling. It is amazing. It is clearly there. The speed is several times faster than the physical barrier. It directly tears the air, which is hard to see with the naked eye. locking.

That was really an incredible speed, because even if Jiang Chen released his spiritual consciousness, he couldn't lock it all, it was just a phantom of Shang Heng.

That yellow figure was so ethereal that it was hard to find.

"Little man, just now you and I were even. Now, both of us have become thorns in everyone's eyes. As a man, why are you so stingy? Do you have to care about me?"

From the extreme distance, along with the wind, Shang Heng's voice came into Jiang Chen's ears very clearly. From that voice, it was as tender as possible.

In fact, at this moment, Shang Heng was very surprised.

The movement technique she practiced is a secret technique called Thousand Miles Step. This movement technique is extremely miraculous, traveling thousands of miles without a trace.

But after Jiang Chen chased him out of Qunying Tower, not only could she not shake him off, on the contrary, Jiang Chen got closer and closer.

"Miss sister, don't you understand? I'm chasing you." Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face, cast the phantom technique, and followed behind calmly.

This phantom technique is a small divine technique. If it can fuse with the ghost crystal of the shadow phantom flood dragon again, it will be able to transform again and become a flawless great supernatural power.

So far, Jiang Chen has not been able to find the second Shadow Phantom Jiao, but with his current cultivation base, with the help of his spiritual consciousness, when he casts the phantom technique, he also has several times the ability to break through the wall of the physical body. Compared with Shang Heng's Thousand Miles Technique, the speed of the obstacle is only fast but not slow.

"Little man, why are you chasing me?" Shang Heng said with a smile, a little bit of a joke.

"The reason why I chased you, Miss Sister, was obviously to pick on you." Jiang Chen responded quite seriously.


After a brief silence, Shang Heng burst out into an extremely joyful laugh, that kind of laughter, as crisp as the cry of an oriole, indescribably charming and moving.

"Miss Sister, hearing you laugh so happily, you must be very happy to be picked up by me... So you can ask me now, Miss Sister, why I picked you up." Jiang Chen also had a playful smile on his face.

"This question is obvious, isn't it?"

The figure in yellow shuttled through the void at extremely high speed. The distance of tens of meters was within a breath, like lightning and light. Shang Heng's delicate waist was like a willow in the wind.

"Is it so obvious?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stunned, and then suddenly realized: "Miss sister is worthy of being a young lady, and she understands more than innocent boys like me. It seems that Duoduo and Miss Sister you Just study."

"Little man, are you calling me watery?"

With a low voice, revealing a bit of displeasure, Shang Heng questioned.

The charm technique she practiced is, in fact, a supreme secret technique that can be called a supernatural power. When she reaches the stage of Dzogchen, talking and laughing to fend off enemies, turning her palms to kill people, and even a frown, a smile, a look, and a turn of the head are all Let people retreat one after another!

"Miss sister, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that you are well-informed. In other words, my favorite is a beautiful woman like you who has rich experience, good figure and big breasts." Jiang Chen said calmly.


Shang Heng let out a cold snort, whether he was flirtatious or well-informed, in Shang Heng's ears, there was no difference at all. In the final analysis, she thought that Jiang Chen regarded her as that kind of unrestrained woman.

"Is this the reason why the little man is unscrupulous and unscrupulous in front of me?" Shang Heng couldn't help thinking.

Jiang Chen was very presumptuous in front of her, and he would move his hands when he disagreed with her. It was certainly a manifestation of her own charm, but at this moment, Shang Heng was even more suspicious, whether Jiang Chen regarded her as the kind of casual convenient woman.

When such thoughts popped up in his mind, Shang Heng's complexion quietly became a little ugly.

"Little man, do you have to belittle my sister and me like this? Since you look down on me so much, why bother to get entangled?" With a soft sigh and a faint voice, Shang Heng asked.

"Miss sister, did I look down on you? There is no such thing." Jiang Chen categorically denied it, and said with a smile, "Miss sister, I think, you must have misunderstood."

"Could it be a misunderstanding?" Shang Heng said, his voice was full of bitterness, as if he was severely hit by Jiang Chen's words.

"It must be a misunderstanding." Jiang Chen was very sure, and said, "Miss sister, you are such a woman, it is really hard to pick one out of ten thousand. How can an ordinary man be able to fall into your eyes? In the whole world, only I, Jiang Chen, Let Miss Sister have a soft spot for you, and you can't stop it."


Shang Heng smiled coquettishly, his delicate body swayed, but his heart trembled slightly.

She activated her coquettish technique to the extreme in order to seduce Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen was not affected at all as before. If it was just that, it would be fine. hair naked.

"Miss Sister, I must be very tired after chasing you for so long, right? Why don't we take a rest for a while." Jiang Chen suggested.

"Who told you to keep chasing me?" Shang Heng said helplessly, but he said it sincerely.

Simply, the invincible charm technique was useless to Jiang Chen, so Shang Heng restrained himself, and there was a bit more dignified look on his delicate face.

"Miss Sister, let me emphasize again, I chased you to pick you up." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Then if you can't catch up?" Shang Heng smiled sweetly and sweetly.

"It's absolutely impossible. The ends of the earth, the sky and the earth, I will not hesitate to do anything." Jiang Chen vowed.

Shang Heng was awed by it, biting his white teeth lightly.

If Jiang Chen's words were heard by other people, they would probably regard them as love words and be greatly moved, but how could Shang Heng not understand, this was clearly a threat.

Jiang Chen was threatening her, either, he would submit obediently, or he would chase her to the ends of the earth, even if she went to heaven and earth, he would not give up.

"What an asshole!"

Shang Heng, who had always shown others with an elegant and calm appearance, couldn't help but swear at this moment.

"Stop running, little man, come here, let's have a good talk." After stopping, Shang Heng said in a coquettish tone.

"call out!"

The figure pierced through the air, and within a few breaths, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Shang Heng. He was quite skillful, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grasped Shang Heng's little hand in his palm.

"Miss sister, I see that you are sweating profusely. You must be exhausted. Otherwise, let's find a place where no one is around..." Jiang Chen said with great pity.

"What are you doing?" Shang Heng smiled slightly.

"Find a place where no one is around, take a shower, and sleep." Jiang Chen said.

At the next moment, Shang Heng made a move, and a gray light emerged from the palm of her left hand.

The ray of light emerges, and immediately, it pulls all directions, the void is collapsing, and the electric light is swimming, dazzling and brilliant.

That is not a magic weapon, but a piece of simple and old yellow paper.

The yellow paper is old and as thin as a cicada's wing, and it seems that if one is not careful, it will be shattered into powder.

The yellow paper radiated light, and a terrifying coercion spread out. In an instant, Jiang Chen was locked, and the domain was released, like a prison.

"This paper?"

Jiang Chen looked over, his eyelids twitched.

He is too familiar with it, because there was once a handbook of the strong man who proved the Tao, which is a one-time consumable, but its power is unstoppable. To shed blood and fall.

"What is the origin of this goblin, and there is such a thing?"

It has to be said that Jiang Chen was shocked.

Back then, it was pure luck that he waited for the letter from a strong man who proved his way. Jiang Chen naturally would not think that Shang Heng was also due to luck.

"Miss sister, are you trying to kill me? Have you thought about it clearly?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice, frowning.

As soon as the handwriting of a strong man proving the Dao comes out, even the most powerful man who pushes a big realm horizontally can only fall, and Jiang Chen doesn't think he can be an exception.

But he was not without cards. If Shang Heng wanted to kill him, it would be no exaggeration to say that it was a fool's dream.

However, once Shang Heng really used this letter, it meant that the two of them would completely tear each other apart and face a life-and-death battle.

There was a slight movement in Shang Heng's heart. She was very surprised, and took a look at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was very calm and his face was as usual. This made Shang Heng feel puzzled and confident. Once he used this letter, Jiang Chen would undoubtedly die.

"Could it be that you have a card?" Shang Heng hesitated.

The reason why she wants to kill Jiang Chen is because Jiang Chen is a big trouble, hard to get rid of, and what will be necessary in the future will be entangled with her.

Naturally, that was not what Shang Heng wanted to see, and this was his intention to avoid future troubles at all costs.

You must know that this handbook of a strong man who proved the Dao is extremely precious to her, and it is a life-saving weapon. Unless it is a last resort, it is impossible to use it easily.

"Little man, sister, why would I kill you?" Soon, Shang Heng smiled, the light faded, and her enchanting look returned. She blinked her big eyes and looked at Jiang Chen with extremely pure eyes.

"Miss Sister, I knew that you were reluctant to kill me." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and he stretched out his hand to take Shang Heng into his arms.


Shang Heng's heart was shocked, this guy is really daring.

"Miss Sister, because of the misunderstanding between us, we must have in-depth communication. Only such a misunderstanding can be solved. Do you understand what I mean?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, I will teach you my little sister." Before Shang Heng could speak, Jiang Chen said again.

"Little man, sister, I'm confused." Shang Heng said, trying to break free from Jiang Chen's embrace.

But soon, her complexion changed. An unprecedented sense of powerlessness swept over her whole body. She couldn't move at all, not to mention leaving Jiang Chen's embrace. On the contrary, half of her body was limp and collapsed. Jiang Chen's body.

"what are you going to do?"

At this moment, Shang Heng was shocked after all.

"Miss Sister, it's time for my game, the two of us, let's have fun." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

However, just as Jiang Chen was planning to make a move, he saw several people coming through the air...

(End of this chapter)

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