genius evil

Chapter 1396 1st Dynasty Famous World Knows

Chapter 1396 Once you become famous, the world knows
"Jiang Chen, you'd better tell me the truth, why did this happen, did you offend someone again?"

After a while, in the restaurant room, Yue Dong was questioning, his face was ugly.

Yue Dong was very annoyed at this moment, he almost wanted to vomit blood.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen is really good at making troubles. Ever since he came to Tianhai City, he has never stopped for a while.Rao's heart was so strong that Yue Dong could hardly take it anymore.

Previously, Jiang Chen had offended all the members of the Senluo Martial Academy. After all, he himself was the same. Looking at Dong Yunhai, 1 people were not pleasing to the eye.

However, Jiang Chen used an extremely high-profile attitude to make wind and rain in Qunying Building, so what's going on?

How about being low-key?

Could it be that this is Jiang Chen's so-called low-key?

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Chen is extremely high-profile, but in reality, Jiang Chen is already very low-key?

Then, if Jiang Chen became high-profile, what would happen?Thinking about it for a while, Yue Dong's head was about to explode.

"Elder Yue, you know who I am." Jiang Chen said slowly, before emphasizing, "I've always been kind to others, even if someone rides on my head to shit and piss, that's fine. Tolerance. How could it be possible to offend people? That's not my style."

"Is that right?"

Eyes widened, Yue Dong looked at Jiang Chen with a ghostly expression, and said sternly: "Jiang Chen, I told you, you must listen to the truth."

"This is the truth." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said.

Suddenly, Yue Dong was really about to vomit blood.

"Well, tell me, if this is the case, why would someone issue a reward order?" Yue Dong asked.

"It must be a misunderstanding. Maybe someone has the same name and surname as me." Jiang Chen said.

Yue Dong almost ran away, Jiang Chen was too perfunctory, with such an attitude, he clearly treated the reward order as a joke, or he didn't take it to heart?
"Well, never took it to heart?"

Thinking of this, Yue Dong couldn't help being stunned.

This matter, in his opinion, is also very difficult, and if he is a little careless, Jiang Chen is very likely to stop before the opening of the Garden of Everything.

As Jiang Chen was the focus of the Seven Star Martial Academy, Yue Dong naturally would not allow that to happen no matter what.

But Jiang Chen was too relaxed, and he just didn't take it to heart, which made Yue Dong feel puzzled.

I don't think that Jiang Chen will not understand what the reward order means, but Jiang Chen has always been lazy and not in a hurry.

"Jiang Chen, this matter is definitely not a joke, it must be treated with caution." Yue Dong said solemnly.

No matter what Jiang Chen thinks, from Yue Dong's point of view, this matter cannot be left unattended. You must know that the reward is a sky-high price. Heartbroken.

Jiang Chen is certainly very strong, the Seven Star Martial Academy, number one in the heaven list, pushes a big realm horizontally, it is definitely not in vain, but if a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm is dispatched, Yue Dong thinks that even if Jiang Chen plays all his cards, then It is also unavoidable, the danger of destruction.

What Yue Dong was worried about was exactly this.

It's not hard to see that some people are extremely crazy in order to kill Jiang Chen at all costs.

What's more, even a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm would not take action easily, but once the reward order came out, Jiang Chen became the target of public criticism. After that, there would probably be no peace at all.

"Elder Yue, I think what you said is right, and I will keep it in my heart." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Really?" Yue Dong was suspicious.

"It's absolutely true, Elder Yue, you have to believe that I haven't lived enough, have I?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"That's right, I'm waiting for you, kid, to enter the Garden of Everything and make a big mess." Yue Dong laughed, stretched out his hand, and patted Jiang Chen's shoulder, "If that's the case, before the Garden of Everything opens, you Stay in the restaurant honestly, not allowed to go anywhere."

After saying this, without waiting for Jiang Chen to respond, Yue Dong just left, not giving Jiang Chen a chance to refuse.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing, that's called one, he can't laugh or cry, what is this, is he going to be put in confinement?
Jiang Chen knew that Yue Dong was protecting him and wanted to keep him away from the center of the vortex, but with Jiang Chen's style, it was impossible for him to stop here.

In the final analysis, in Yue Dong's view, this is a great event, but in his eyes, it can be said that this matter is very insignificant.

How can his hole cards be beyond the imagination of ordinary people?

Even those who are strong in the Mortal Transformation Realm, if they hear the wind, what can they do? A slap is afraid of death. To put it bluntly, no matter how many people come, it is not enough to kill him.

Of course, the more important thing is, if the feet are grounded, how can the fish take the bait?

The timing of issuing the reward order was very abrupt. Jiang Chen had guessed it. No matter from which angle he looked at it, there was no doubt that Shen Anhe was the biggest suspect.

Combined with Shen Anhe's identity, probably only his kind of existence can be so generous and generous.

But this is just speculation and has never been confirmed.

Jiang Chen had no intention of slandering Shen Anhe, nor did he intend to, indiscriminately, to throw all the blame on Shen Anhe, so he needed to seek proof.

Once it is confirmed that this matter is really what Shen Anhe did, then, without waiting to enter the Garden of Everything, he will send Shen Anhe to hell in advance.


On this day, there was a news that spread in Tianhai City.

Someone offered a sky-high reward, the goal was extremely direct, and they pointed out that they wanted Jiang Chen's head.That is, not subtle at all, not euphemistic at all.

Because, deliberately fueling the flames, this news, within a very short period of time, spread in Tianhai City and became widely known.

Jiang Chen has become famous, and has attracted the attention of countless geniuses, and there is a tendency to become famous all over the world.

This is amazing speed.

Always, when the Garden of All Things is opened, there will always be strong people who will show their talents, achieve unsurpassed fame, and coerce an era.

But right now, the Garden of All Things has not been opened, Jiang Chen is, and it is widely known that it can be said to be No.1 in history.

This situation is very novel, because of the novelty, it is easier and attracts attention.

"It was someone who issued a reward order. Jiang Chen, who did he offend?"

Some people said that they had been to Qunying Tower before, and they had a deep impression on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen had offended many people, so he was not surprised that there would be retaliation. The only thing that was surprising was, who issued the reward order?

"There are no heroes in the time, but Shuzi becomes famous."

Some people also said that they were extremely dismissive of Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen was like a clown, and that tragedy was about to happen to him right now.

"Such a sky-high reward is offered just to kill a Returning Yuan Realm martial artist. Jiang Chen is also honored to die."

Some people said so, thinking that this was actually Jiang Chen's honor, because the price paid by the person who issued the reward order was astonishing.

That kind of price, even if it is used to kill a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm, is probably enough, but now, it is only used to deal with Jiang Chen.

This is very suspicious of killing chickens with a sledgehammer, which makes people feel puzzling. Therefore, it is enough to confirm that Jiang Chen is dead and there will be no room for a comeback.

"Too high-profile often means that you will be very unlucky. It's better to be low-key as a human being."

Of course, there are also people who say this, which is very embarrassing.

In the Qunying Tower, Jiang Chen called Mu Tianlang brothers, talked and laughed happily with Monk Youque, flirted with Ye Luosha, and even flirted with Shang Heng.

Such a demeanor, how many people can match it?
But just like this, it was considered that he didn't know how to restrain himself, so if he was disliked by others, he had to be taught a lesson, and the price was Jiang Chen's life.


"This time, Jiang Chen is dead."

In the restaurant room, Jian Xiuming was talking, and he spoke with certainty and swear.

While talking, he was smiling, his face was full of smiles, very bright, it was obvious that he was in a very good mood.

This is because I heard the news about the reward order.

It can be said that since meeting Jiang Chen, there has never been a day when Jian Xiuming has had such a good mood, as if he finally cleared the clouds and mist and saw the sun above his head.

Because of this, Jian Xiuming's whole body was revitalized.

"That's right, he's dead. I've seen his fate. It's miserable. His body is in a different place. There is no whole body." Another person said, it was Luo Ding.

Luo Ding smiled slightly. He didn't look very excited, but in the depths of his eyes, the haze was surging, and it was not difficult to see that there was also a backlog of bad breath in his heart.

In fact, the disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy and the inner sect all had a lot of resentment towards Jiang Chen.

At this time, following Jian Xiuming and Luo Ding's conversation, the rest of the people also expressed their optimism about this matter. Without exception, no one was optimistic about Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen would end his way.

"You don't have to gloat so much." Zhong Shenxiu said after waving his hand.

Then, Zhong Shenxiu spoke slowly, and said: "This is not good news, don't forget, Jiang Chen is from my Seven Star Martial Academy, to a certain extent, he represents the face of my Seven Star Martial Academy."

In Zhong Shenxiu's heart, he naturally had resentment towards Jiang Chen, and that resentment was still very deep, but his identity was different, so his vision was naturally different, and he saw further.

"Brother Zhong, in my opinion, you are the representative of my Seven Star Martial Academy, Jiang Chen, a mere villain who got his way for a while, so what's the point?" Jian Xiuming said.

Zhong Shenxiu shook his head and said: "There is no need to say more about this matter. I understand what you mean, but it is all an internal conflict in the Seven Star Martial Academy."

There was a slight pause in the speech, and Zhong Shenxiu issued a warning. He said: "Once the reward order is released, no one can predict what Jiang Chen's final result will be, but one thing, if someone makes a fuss about this matter, don't blame me, Zhong Shenxiu, for turning my face against him." recognize people."

Internal conflicts, internal handling, if at this time, internal turmoil, how will outsiders view it?Would you treat them as a joke?

Jian Xiuming and the others, their complexions changed slightly, and they all became unnatural. They were surprised and puzzled that Zhong Shenxiu made such a statement. Could it be that the most important thing to do is to add insult to injury?It's justified when the wall falls and everyone pushes it, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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