genius evil

Chapter 1397 Looking for a big tree to enjoy the shade

Chapter 1397 Looking for a big tree to enjoy the shade
On the second day, Jiang Chen invited Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan out for a drink.

"Brother Jiang, if I remember correctly, Elder Yue gave you a foot restraint order." Ji Mobai said dumbfoundedly as he played with his wine glass.

The foot restraint order was only issued yesterday, Jiang Chen was restless for a moment, he didn't take it seriously at all, did he intend to provoke Yue Dong's authority?
After all, if you just invite the two of them to drink, the restaurant where you live can also drink, there is no need to go outside.

Ji Mobai was even very skeptical that apart from provoking Yue Dong's authority, Jiang Chen deliberately came to cause trouble and seek excitement.

This is not to say that Ji Mobai has any prejudice against Jiang Chen, but that this is not the first time Jiang Chen has done such a thing.

This is because, in fact, this is not the first time Yue Dong has given Jiang Chen a foot restraint order.

When Jiang Chen offended the people of Senluo Martial Arts Academy, Yue Dong had expressed that he wanted Jiang Chen to keep a low profile. However, Jiang Chen had never been honest, and soon, he took Yue Dong's words as wind in his ears. Inside, there were several big news.

"Elder Yue told me about this on a special trip, and he said it's for you to watch you." Fang Qingxuan also said.

"Is there such a thing? Why didn't Elder Yue tell me? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come out. This is troublesome. Elder Yue wouldn't blame me for this." Jiang Chen said with a full face. The color of worry.

Looking at each other, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan were both speechless.

I have to say that Jiang Chen pretended to be too similar, the two of them almost had to believe it.

"Brother Jiang, what do you think about the reward order?" Changing the topic, Ji Mobai asked.

He could tell that Jiang Chen was very leisurely, and he didn't seem to take it seriously, but he was even more curious about what was going on and who was targeting Jiang Chen.

"I don't have any opinion." Jiang Chen said lazily. He took a sip of wine and said, "This matter is obviously a misunderstanding."

"Could it be a misunderstanding?" Ji Mobai's head was full of black lines.

This is too easy, it is too easy, a misunderstanding, and it will be prevaricated, making Ji Mobai very suspicious, whether Jiang Chen is insulting his IQ.

"It must be a misunderstanding." Jiang Chen vowed, and then told him that he has such a good relationship, and he is friends all over the world, how could anyone feel sorry for him.

"This guy doesn't tell the truth." Ji Mobai looked at Fang Qingxuan again, feeling helpless.

After drinking for nearly two hours, Jiang Chen and the three left.

However, just after walking out of the gate of the restaurant, a person appeared in front of him like a ghost, just happened to be everywhere, blocking Jiang Chen's way.

"You are Jiang Chen?"

The man stared at Jiang Chen, took a look, and asked.

"I'm so famous, you don't know me?" Jiang Chen was immediately angry.

"Very well, it looks like I didn't recognize the wrong person." The man smiled, this smile was incomparably weird, and that thin face was full of sullenness.

"What do you mean? Could it be that you believed the bounty of the reward order and came to kill me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's right. To be precise, I'm here to fetch your head." The man nodded very directly, without hiding his purpose at all.

Seeing this, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan's expressions changed slightly.

Even if they had known for a long time that the news of the reward order had been spread in Tianhai City, the two had expected that Jiang Chen's troubles would not be too small, but it was still an accident. Take Jiang Chen and put his head on the neck.

"Is it worth sacrificing one's own life for a mere reward?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I didn't take that bounty to heart. You are just a stepping stone for me. Do you understand?" the man said.

"Stepping stone? This statement is a bit interesting." Jiang Chen was slightly surprised. On the one hand, he was surprised by this person's purpose, and on the other hand, he thought that he was so honest with this person.

"So, do you know who issued the reward order?" Jiang Chen asked with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"I don't know, it doesn't matter, when you die, I will naturally get what I want," said the man.

The implication was actually very obvious. This person did not come for the bounty, but for the person who offered the bounty. Therefore, he had a murderous intention towards Jiang Chen that he was bound to win.

"It's certainly a good idea for you to find a big tree to enjoy the shade, but unfortunately, you overestimate yourself," Jiang Chen said.

"I didn't intend to hide anything, because you will surely die," the man said.

Then, he said: "Remember my name, my name is Wenquan, under the Nine Springs, you will be honored, dying by my hands is definitely not a bad thing."

"Death at the hands of an idiot, is there anything worse than this?" Jiang Chen said angrily, and he said carelessly, "Wen Quan, I really admire your courage, but why don't you Have you ever wondered why I made such a high-profile appearance?"


Hearing this, Wenquan's face changed, and he had some associations.

"I like you the most without self-knowledge idiot, it's better to have more." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Wen Quan regards him as a stepping stone and uses it to throw stones to ask the way. His ambition is not small, it is paving the way for entering the Garden of Everything.After all, that bounty is tempting, but it is only a temporary benefit.

It is a pity that Jiang Chen is sharpening his sword, and has long been waiting to make an example of others.

That's right, the purpose of Jiang Chen's high-profile appearance was to lure the fish into the bait, and by the way, suppress and kill several people, so as to scare others.

This is a very direct purpose, and it is also the most direct means to dilute the influence of the reward order. Jiang Chen's patience has always been limited, and he has always disliked using his brain for problems that can be solved with his fists.

"I have my schemes, you have yours..." Wen Quan said, and with a low drink, he said: "Jiang Chen, I admit that you have a lot of ideas, but no matter how good the scheme is, in the face of absolute strength , are destined to become empty talk.”

"Such a simple truth, do you still need you to teach me?" In an instant, Jiang Chen became angry, and he sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron, raised his hand, and smashed it.


The golden light suddenly appeared, bright and dazzling, Jiang Chen made a move, and did not intend to show mercy.

As a result, Wenquan was miserable and turned into a tragedy.

His biggest mistake was overestimating his own strength, thinking that this was an opportunity, as long as he seized it, he would be able to enjoy the endless benefits.

Little did he know that such thoughts, in Jiang Chen's eyes, were a big joke.

"It's too miserable, hurry up and see, the brains have been beaten out."

Putting away the Chunyang Cauldron, Jiang Chen yelled, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, both corners of their mouths were crazy ~ twitching, are they showing off?
It's just that it's really miserable.

Wen Quan was not weak, otherwise, he would not have appeared in front of Jiang Chen so quickly, which undoubtedly showed that Wen Quan was confident enough to crush Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen was stronger, and this battle ended very quickly. From the beginning to the end, Wenquan was suppressed, and then Jiang Chen urged the Pure Yang Cauldron to smash him to death.

That was a very domineering method, from the beginning to the end, it left Wenquan no room for a comeback.

"Come on, all of you come and have a look, don't lie, it's really miserable, I've never seen anyone die so terribly." Jiang Chen yelled again.

Some people were watching, they were witnesses of this battle, they knew very well that under a heavy reward, there must be brave men, and they were looking forward to Wen Quan's performance.

There were also people who recognized Wen Quan's identity and knew that this person was a peerless and powerful man with a very high reputation, so he was quite optimistic.

In the end, Wenquan died tragically, and they were astonished and shocked when they saw it.

In the final analysis, when Shen Anhe was entertaining the geniuses from all over the world, the geniuses who went to the Qunying Building were only a small number of people. Most of them only heard about Jiang Chen and didn't have much understanding.

Jiang Chen was in the street, suppressing and killing Wenquan, finally let them understand Jiang Chen to a certain extent.

"That is a peerless and unique strong man, in front of Jiang Chen, he can only be suppressed?"

Some people gasped, it was a little hard to accept, because during the battle, Wen Quan was too embarrassed and was completely pushed by Jiang Chen.

"No wonder, the reward is so generous."

Some people also said that they suddenly realized that it was a reward that even the strongest in the Mortal Realm would be tempted to offer. Countless people thought that it was a sledgehammer, but they finally realized why it was so.

Jiang Chen's yelling was very successful. It attracted a lot of attention and heated discussions. This was far from a wonderful battle, but it was destined to leave an indelible impression on some people.

"It's a pity, there are not enough fools after all."

After a while, the three of Jiang Chen left, and Jiang Chen said with great regret.

Wen Quan was the first fish he caught. Originally, Jiang Chen thought about catching a few more fish, but no one made trouble.

"Brother Jiang, is this why you invited me and Brother Fang to drink today?" Ji Mobai asked, thoughtful.

Jiang Chen was still so high-profile, as before, seemingly reckless, but in fact, how could Ji Mobai fail to see that it was intentional and forcibly intimidating.

"It's just drinking, how can there be a purpose." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and said, come back tomorrow.

"Brother Jiang, I'm afraid this kind of deterrence is not enough." Fang Qingxuan reminded.

It's just a mere Wenquan, which can deter a small number of people at most. After all, a lone martial artist with no background, no matter how strong he is, there is a limit.

"This is what I said, because there are not enough fools." Jiang Chen said, feeling even more regretful.

"Jiang Chen, you see others as fools, but how do you know that you are the same in the eyes of others?" Suddenly, a voice came to Jiang Chen's ears.

It was a woman who spoke, with a cold tone full of contempt and irony.

"Very good, no, it should be said that it is simply too good, you are here to kill me, right?" Jiang Chen looked over, and immediately became excited, extremely excited... It gave people the feeling that he seemed to be He couldn't wait, he stretched his neck, as if waiting for the woman to kill him...

(End of this chapter)

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