genius evil

Chapter 1398 Forced Deterrence

Chapter 1398 Forced Deterrence
"Why are you so happy?"

Seeing Jiang Chen smiling so brightly, the woman was almost shocked.

I thought to myself, is this kind of thing worth being happy about?

After all, if she came to kill Jiang Chen, then how strange is Jiang Chen to show such a bright smile.

"You came to kill me, I'm so happy." Jiang Chen smiled, as warm as a spring breeze, he waved and said, "Hurry up, I can't wait."

Hearing that, the woman looked at Jiang Chen like that, which was horrifying. She can be sure now that Jiang Chen is a wonderful flower.

The onlookers listened to Jiang Chen's words in their ears, and one counted as the other, and they all fell down one after another. They simply doubted whether Jiang Chen was a pervert.

From their point of view, even if Jiang Chen didn't regard the woman as a threat, being killed would not be a good thing, would it?Even if you don't feel depressed and resentful because of it, at least your mood should not be much better.

However, Jiang Chen's smiling face was full of spring breeze, what's the situation?
Is it because of having such a weird hobby?
"Did I hear it wrong?"

Someone said, couldn't help but pick out his ears, to make sure that he heard right, and that Jiang Chen didn't say wrong, and then his whole person became a bit messy.

"What's wrong with Jiang Chen, is he crazy?"

Some people also said that Jiang Chen was extremely crazy, and a group of people, seeing such a scene in their eyes, were all stunned by it.

"Haha, I must be scared, like a frightened bird, the grass and trees are all soldiers."

Another person said that they were very gloating, thinking that Jiang Chen was a manifestation of a broken heart, and it must be due to the influence of the reward order, and maybe he would go crazy soon.

"To disappoint you, I didn't come to kill you."

After a while, the woman opened her mouth and said quietly.

"Actually, you can kill me, come on, welcome to kill me." Jiang Chen urged as if he didn't hear what the woman said.

"I really didn't come to kill you." The woman could only say.

"I think it's necessary for you to change your mind and kill someone. Isn't it an extremely wonderful thing?" Jiang Chen said in a hypnotic tone.

"Sorry, I don't like killing people." The woman shook her head and said seriously.

"This is too simple, kill and kill, and you will fall in love with it... Hurry up, if you don't kill me, it's up to me to kill you." Jiang Chen threatened with a face.

"how could you do this?"

Immediately, the woman almost cried out of anger. Jiang Chen was clearly trying to force her to do so. She was given two choices. One, she killed Jiang Chen, and the other, she was killed by Jiang Chen.

According to Jiang Chen's meaning, if she didn't kill someone, she would have to be killed. This made the woman extremely wronged and her eyes turned red.

"Then, what should I do?" Jiang Chen asked with narrowed eyes and a chuckle.

"I was just passing by, I didn't do anything, you are too much." The woman choked up, tears were about to come out of her eyes.

This woman's appearance is not bad, and her figure is also not bad. At this time, she showed a delicate and pitiful expression, and many men saw it, and their eyes became straight.

"Jiang Chen, you are going too far."

Immediately, someone stood up and criticized loudly.

"This girl is just passing by, but she is being made difficult everywhere, Jiang Chen, she must be forgiving and forgiving."

Another person said, I hope Jiang Chen will hold his hand high and stop making things difficult for this woman.

"Jiang Chen, once the reward order comes out, you are already the target of everyone's criticism, do you want to cause trouble for no reason?"

Someone also coldly warned, telling Jiang Chen that if Jiang Chen acts recklessly, he will suffer the consequences sooner or later.

"Are you finished?"

Jiang Chen glanced around, stretched his waist, and said lazily.

"If I'm done talking, then please shut up, please. Do you have to force me to kill and bleed the blood here, so that you can be honest?"

Jiang Chen spoke again, casually speaking.

He is very leisurely, even if he threatens, there is still no smoke and fire, which seems to be stating a fact, that is, once he has the intention to kill, the next moment, at this moment, is inevitable, blood will flow like a river.

This is too arrogant, causing many people to be irritated.

"Jiang Chen, I can only say that you think highly of yourself."

Someone stood up and said in a cold voice.


Jiang Chen glanced at it lazily, and when he sacrificed the Chunyang cauldron, he smashed it out and reaped the person's life.

"See if you don't, this is the fate of dishonesty." Jiang Chen said lightly.


"Destroy you!"

Jiang Chen was arrogant and domineering, unscrupulous, and if he disagreed with him, he would be suppressed and killed. This made some people, filled with righteous indignation, step forward and strike fiercely.

In the end, there was no difference, they were all killed by Jiang Chen.

"Who else?"

Jiang Chen asked, before that bright smile appeared on his face again.

All the people were silent.

Jiang Chen was very successful, arousing public anger and becoming the target of public criticism, but Jiang Chen was too strong, killing several people one after another was enough for people to see Jiang Chen's strength clearly.

They were very angry, but they could only endure in silence, no one wanted to lose their lives for nothing.

"Woman, several people have already died because of you. Are you sure you don't want to take action yet?" Jiang Chen turned to look at the woman and said.

"They were all killed by you, and have nothing to do with me." The woman said hurriedly with flickering eyes.

"Is it nothing to do with you? If you shot me early in the morning, how could I have the chance to kill someone?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

The woman became dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen's words were undoubtedly unreasonable to the extreme, but for some reason, it was hard to refute.

"Brother Jiang, who is this?" Frowning, Fang Qingxuan made a move, deliberately stepped forward to persuade him.

As someone said, once the reward order came out, Jiang Chen was regarded as a thorn in the flesh by countless people, and it is very unwise to provoke innocent people.

"Brother Fang, wait a minute." Seeing this, Ji Mobai said, he said thoughtfully, "Since Brother Jiang did this, he must have his reasons."

"What reason?" Fang Qingxuan asked.

"I don't understand." Ji Mobai said with a wry smile.

"I'll give you one last chance, count to three, if you don't do it yet, I will do it first." Jiang Chen said, very aggressive.


He didn't plan at all, and gave the woman time to think and hesitate, and as the voice fell, Jiang Chen opened his mouth and counted to three.

The moment the count reached one, without any hesitation, Jiang Chen immediately raised the Chunyang Cauldron, and smashed it towards the woman.

The golden glow of the Pure Yang Cauldron shone like a round, burning sun, releasing unparalleled power, head-on, hitting the woman's head.


With a soft shout, the woman also made a move. As soon as she stretched out her hand, she shot out black lights, but it was a piece of black cloth, I don't know what kind of material it was made of.

The moment the black cloth was shot, it swelled against the wind in an instant, as if it wanted to cover the day and day.

This was undoubtedly astonishing, and made Jiang Chen's complexion quietly become a little serious, because he clearly felt the strange and inexplicable aura of destruction.

The black cloth stretched out to cover the sky and the sun, it was not just as simple as covering, in fact, it was very mysterious, similar to a domain.

Of course, this is not a domain in the true sense, it cannot be compared with the domain of Chunyang Ding, it should be said that it is a crude version.

But even so, it is still very extraordinary. This is because the black cloth stretches amazingly and unfolds with a howl, which is to envelop and wrap the void within a radius of several feet.

If an ordinary genius meets this woman, he is afraid that after the woman sacrifices the black cloth, he will be severely frustrated immediately, or even die on the spot.

Unfortunately, the woman's target is Jiang Chen.

The pure Yang cauldron smashed into the void, and the void was completely shattered. The simple field formed by the black cloth was miraculous, but it couldn't stop the pure Yang cauldron's smashing strike.


The black cloth was shattered, and the covered sky fell down again, and the radiant golden light made people dizzy.

"not good!"

The woman's complexion changed suddenly. Her magic weapon was cracked so easily. After all, Qingzhi underestimated Jiang Chen's strength. When she turned around, she turned into a phantom and wanted to escape.

"There is no escape."

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen whispered to himself, he pursued lazily, sacrificed the flying sword, controlled it with his divine sense, and violently slashed!
A few minutes later, the woman was decapitated.

"Now, do you understand why I'm happy?" Jiang Chen said with a smile. He was smiling all the time, and his smile was incomparably pure. However, in the eyes of other warriors, this kind of smile was no different from a devil.

"Another one died."

Some people were amazed, people were suppressed and killed one after another, Jiang Chen was invincible, and he just pushed horizontally, under the crushing, it made people despair.

"The reward order is certainly tempting, but if the most powerful one doesn't make a move, who can compete with Jiang Chen?"

Some people lamented and thought that Jiang Chen's strength is enough to rank among the top powerhouses. If someone is lucky enough to get that reward in vain, the result will only be suppressed by Jiang Chen. kill.

"Seven Star Martial Academy, No. [-] in the Heaven Ranking, is it so powerful? I heard that in the past, when the Garden of All Things was opened, all the major martial arts colleges would have an exchange. I'm afraid it can only be reduced to a foil."

Another person said, although Jiang Chen's actions are not pleasing to the eye, but in this world, the strong are always respected. Let me ask, how many people dare to disobey?

"Killing chickens to scare the monkeys and deter the monkeys with force, who would have thought that Brother Jiang would succeed in turning the corner?" Fang Qingxuan said dumbfounded.

"It's not a turn of events, it's just brother Jiang who deliberately calculated." Ji Mobai also smiled wryly.

Then, he looked at the woman, with a look of surprise on his face, and asked, "It's just, how did he know that there was something wrong with this woman?"

"Brother Ji, the answer to this question is really too simple. After all, in this world, there are very few smart men like me..." Jiang Chen walked over and said calmly ...

(End of this chapter)

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