genius evil

Chapter 1399 The good show is yet to come

Chapter 1399 The good show is yet to come
That woman is far from being a weak person, she can even be regarded as a rare strong person.Especially that piece of black cloth is extremely miraculous.

Once this kind of person appears, no matter how she conceals her sharpness, it cannot be concealed.

What's more, from the very beginning, the first sentence the woman uttered was to expose her position. Afterwards, she was arrogant and condescending, just to go further and cover up her killing intent.

She tried to fool Jiang Chen and make Jiang Chen careless. After all, she underestimated Jiang Chen and overestimated her own IQ.

Jiang Chen has always been the most taboo. If someone teases him like a fool, it is naturally impossible to let it go easily. Even if in the end, this woman is genuinely afraid and intends to back down, Jiang Chen will not be polite. Kill the town to the end.

Seriously speaking, Jiang Chen should thank this woman instead.

After all, it was because of her that Jiang Chen managed to arouse hatred and perfectly fulfilled his goal of killing chickens and monkeys.

Hearing this, both Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan suddenly realized, but the way they looked at Jiang Chen became, after all, a little strange.

This is just an insignificant detail, they didn't care about it, but in the end it became the most deadly factor.The meticulousness of Jiang Chen's mind can be seen.

This surprised both of them.


Jiang Chen was in the street, shooting out one after another, suppressing and killing several people. After such news spread, it caused one after another and fermented reactions. After receiving such news, all the forces had different thoughts and different ideas.

"This Jiang Chen is really difficult."

Inside the restaurant, Jian Xiuming said unwillingly.

After the reward order was issued, Jiang Chen would never have a day of peace in the future. For anyone, under such circumstances, it is necessary to avoid the sharp edge.

Instead of avoiding it, Jiang Chen directly did the opposite.

As a result, the record was brilliant, and it could be regarded as once again taking the entire Tianhai City by storm after the Qunying Tower gained the limelight.

"That's right, this guy swaggered around in Tianhai City, why wasn't he hacked to death?"

Na Luo Ding said, grinning his teeth, he was also quite unhappy with this ending.

Although, because of Zhong Shenxiu's warning, they didn't make trouble in this matter, but they were still extremely concerned about it. It was about Jiang Chen, and they were all staring at every detail.

"Don't worry, hurry up, it's just a jumping clown, it won't last long."

Cao Xi said, with a sharp tongue and a disdainful expression, it was obvious that the resentment was deep.

"What happened today is not as simple as you think." Zhong Shenxiu said, and he told Jiang Chen that he did it on purpose.

"On purpose? To die?" Jian Xiuming sneered.

"He has a bad breath in his heart, and he is venting it." Zhong Shenxiu said.

Inexplicably, someone issued a reward order, bluntly saying that he wants to take it, and the head is on the list. No matter who falls on such things, it is probably aggrieved and resentful.

Therefore, Zhong Shenxiu could understand Jiang Chen's blatant behavior, because if this happened to him, he would do the same.

Escape can only be avoided for a while, and it is never a solution to the problem.

Only by taking the initiative to attack is it possible to take the initiative.

On the one hand, Jiang Chen was venting, and on the other hand, he was intimidating. This was undoubtedly an extremely clever approach, and Zhong Shenxiu was deeply amazed.


After Zhong Shenxiu said one by one, Jian Xiuming and the others were all stunned. So, did Jiang Chen have such a purpose?

"You guys have too much prejudice against Jiang Chen." Feeling helpless, Zhong Shenxiu said.

Jian Xiuming and the others were all blinded by hatred and reason. They just wanted to see Jiang Chen's misfortune, but they ignored Jiang Chen's intentions in every move.

"Brother Zhong, I admit that what you said is very reasonable, but it is impossible for Jiang Chen to shock everyone." Jian Xiuming said.

"That's right, there is still no solution to this problem." Zhong Shenxiu nodded.

It can deter ten people, or deter a hundred people, but there will always be exceptions, and such exceptions don't need too many, and that is enough to make Jiang Chen feel devastated.

Unless Jiang Chen went a step further and used deterrence, then it would be possible to resolve this crisis.


"Jiang Chen, what's the situation now?"

In another restaurant, Dong Yunhai was talking.

Just as Jian Xiuming and the others stared at Jiang Chen all the time, so did Dong Yunhai.

The three of Cui Ning died inexplicably, and there was no proof of death. It's just that Dong Yunhai put the blame on Jiang Chen. If he hadn't been worried, Dong Yunhai would have personally mobilized to kill Jiang Chen. dust.

That reward order can be said to make Dong Yunhai overjoyed.

Today, Dong Yunhai received news that Jiang Chen walked out of the restaurant and went out to drink. Such behavior, in Dong Yunhai's opinion, is no different from courting death.

Jiang Chen wanted to seek death, so Dong Yunhai was naturally happy to see the success.

"Is he dead?"

After saying that, Dong Yunhai said again, leisurely.

That reward was too generous, even with his status, it was inevitable, and he was very moved. Dong Yunhai knew that there were countless geniuses and powerhouses who could not resist this kind of reward. Temptation.

Once he couldn't resist the temptation, then, for Jiang Chen, it would be troublesome and murderous.

If Jiang Chen honestly hides and accepts Yue Dong's protection, he can live a peaceful life for a few days. If he doesn't know what to do, if he doesn't die, it will be very difficult in Dong Yunhai's view.

"not dead."

Someone responded, and then said, "Jiang Chen killed several people in a row, which is frightening. He is too strong and no one can beat him."

"Didn't he die?"

Originally, Dong Yunhai, who had a pleasant face, suddenly had a cloudy expression on his face.

"Trash, all of it is trash!"

Reaching out to slap the table, Dong Yunhai was furious.

After a while, he calmed down and said, "Let's talk about the specific situation."

The man didn't dare to utter a single breath, he said everything, after listening, Dong Yunhai frowned suddenly, and said to himself: "Jiang Chen, it seems that I have misjudged you."

Jiang Chen's intentions were very obvious. Dong Yunhai's eyes were vicious, so how could he fail to understand, it was clearly intentional, to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys.

Looking at it now, the effect is very good, because after Jiang Chen swaggered away, no one dared to trouble Jiang Chen anymore.

"It's a good calculation, but it's too naive after all. Jiang Chen, do you think you can sleep peacefully like this? The fun is yet to come." Dong Yunhai said again.

Dong Yunhai and Zhong Shenxiu thought exactly the same.

Unless the person who issued the reward order voluntarily revoked the reward order, otherwise, the problem would still be unresolved, and there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Jiang Chen still had a long way to go to solve the trouble once and for all.

However, despite thinking this way, Dong Yunhai is still very unhappy, because, in this way, countless people are afraid of Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's troubles have been reduced by at least 90.00%. This is naturally not Dong Yunhai's hope. see the results.

"Shall we do something?" the man asked.

"Take a long-term view, and don't have to limit everything to Jiang Chen." After a while of pondering, Dong Yunhai shook his head after all, not wanting to waste all his energy on Jiang Chen.

"Elder Dong, you mean, the internal communication between the major martial arts schools?" The man thought for a while and said.

"This time the garden of all things is opened, and the major martial arts schools originally did their own things..." At this point, after a pause, Dong Yunhai continued, "Get ready, absolutely not, and be snatched away by the kamikaze martial arts academy." In the limelight."


The Garden of Everything will open in a few days.

According to the usual practice, on the eve of this day, all major martial arts schools will have an internal communication. This matter has been agreed upon. Of course, whether or not to participate is entirely voluntary and will never be forced.

Jiang Chen didn't know much about this matter, he just heard about it, but Ji Mobai knew something about it, and talked to Jiang Chen after returning to the restaurant.

"Last time, when the Garden of All Things was opened, my Seven Star Martial Arts Academy was very shameless at the exchange meeting." At the end of the speech, Ji Mobai smiled wryly.

"Is this why Elder Yue hasn't mentioned a word all this time? It's the worst thing to do." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you brat, don't you think it's messy enough? The reason why I didn't say anything is because I'm afraid that you will make a big fuss at that time."

Someone pushed the door and walked in. It was Yue Dong, who stared at Jiang Chen with an angry look on his face.

"Elder Yue, when did you come, hurry up, please sit down." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Don't do this." With a wave of his hand, Yue Dong stared again. How could he not know that Jiang Chen had known that he was coming, and those words were intended for him.

"Elder Yue, what happened? You don't seem to be in a good mood?" Jiang Chen said with concern.

Yue Dong stared. Why is he in a bad mood? Could it be that Jiang Chen doesn't know?Has the face to say sarcastic remarks?
Yue Dong just wanted to reprimand Jiang Chen a few words, but he also knew that no matter what he said, Jiang Chen would always go in and out of his left ear, so he couldn't help but sit down.

"It's good that you have heard about the internal exchanges of the major martial arts schools. I originally planned to talk to you today." Yue Dong said.

"This is just an internal communication, to learn from each other, to confirm, it's a trivial matter, you don't have to worry too much about it, just take it to heart." Just listen, Yue Dong said again.

"Elder Yue, is that why you have no confidence in us?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The key point is the Garden of Everything, where there are endless opportunities." Yue Dong said.

"Elder Yue, please answer my question. The answer to this question is very important to me." Jiang Chen asked.

Immediately, Yue Dong's old face turned red, it was because he wanted to slap Jiang Chen to death.

"The major martial arts schools all have extraordinary backgrounds, geniuses are like clouds, and strong men emerge in large numbers. It is not as simple as it seems on the surface." Yue Dong said.

"Elder Yue, you can put your heart in your stomach. With me around, Bao Zhun will suppress everything. No matter who it is, they will be beaten to death, and no one will be left behind!" Jiang Chen said in this way, making a vowed statement...

(End of this chapter)

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