genius evil

Chapter 1400 Take the blame and pour dirty water

Chapter 1400 Take the blame and pour dirty water

The issue of the reward order continued to ferment after Jiang Chen was strongly intimidated, but Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to it.

He did everything he could, but it was a pity that he didn't catch the big fish behind him.

One day later, under the leadership of Yue Dong, the group of Qixing Wuyuan left the restaurant in a mighty manner.

"Let me emphasize once again that this internal communication is for the purpose of learning from each other and confirming it, so that no troubles can arise." Yue Dong said, these words were intended for Jiang Chen to hear.

"That's right, everyone must keep a low profile." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Naturally, as soon as this remark came out, it attracted a lot of blank stares. Anyone is qualified to say this, but Jiang Chen did not. Since entering Tianhai City, what has Jiang Chen done that is not shocking?
About half an hour later, a group of people appeared in front of a building in Tianhai City. This is the office of Shenfeng Wuyuan, which was set up in Tianhai City.

Far away, before he had time to enter, he saw that in another direction, there was also a group of people walking quickly. It was led by Dong Yunhai, a disciple of Senluo Martial Academy.

"Jiang Chen, I have a question for you."

In Jiang Chen, when he saw Dong Yunhai, Dong Yunhai also saw Jiang Chen, his figure was like the wind, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

His eyes were cold and sharp, and they fell heavily on Jiang Chen's body. It was clear that there was a murderous intent raging.

"Dong Yunhai, what are you going to do?"

Yue Dong lowered his voice and stared at Dong Yunhai vigilantly. If Dong Yunhai dared to attack Jiang Chen in front of him, he would not be polite and turn his face immediately.

Naturally, in that case, it was Dong Yunhai who provoked the dispute between the Seven Star Martial Academy and the Senluo Martial Academy. As long as Dong Yunhai thought he could bear the consequences, it would be fine.

"Elder Yue, you don't have to be nervous. If I want to harm Jiang Chen, even if he has a hundred lives, it's not enough for me to kill." Dong Yunhai said arrogantly and conceited.

"is it?"

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes and chuckled, noncommittal to Dong Yunhai's remarks.

Speaking of which, he has been looking for an opportunity to kill Dong Yunhai recently, after all, it is always a moderate threat.

If it is possible to erase this threat as soon as possible, Jiang Chen naturally doesn't mind at all.

Another point is that following the issuance of the reward order, Jiang Chen was under the enemy's back and forth, and became the target of public criticism, which brought him quite a lot of trouble.

In this matter, Shen Anhe was certainly the biggest suspect, but how could Dong Yunhai clear the suspicion?
Jiang Chen also wanted to have a face-to-face exchange with Dong Yunhai, and by the way, test whether Dong Yunhai had intervened in this matter.

At this time, even if Dong Yunhai didn't force him to meet someone from the Senluo Martial Academy, Jiang Chen would take the initiative to say hello.

"Elder Dong, it is not a glorious thing to bully a disciple of my Seven Star Martial Academy. Please respect yourself and don't lose your reputation for a lifetime." Yue Dong said coldly.

"Elder Yue, in fact, I, Jiang Chen, can't be bullied by anyone who wants to be bullied." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Then, Jiang Chen squinted at Dong Yunhai, still smiling, and said, "Elder Dong seems to be the kind of person who is very self-aware. He should be very clear. Once he tries to bully me, he will only end up being crushed by me." Therefore, he will not do such things that are beyond his control."


Yue Dong stared blankly, wishing he could sew up Jiang Chen's mouth with a needle. He tried his best to restrain Dong Yunhai and not give Dong Yunhai a chance to make a move.

Jiang Chen said such words, is this to provoke Dong Yunhai to take action?Where does the confidence come from?

"Out of control?"

Dong Yunhai laughed, but he laughed back in anger, and said sinisterly: "Jiang Chen, misfortune comes from your mouth, do you really think that I won't kill you?"

"It's not that I can't, but I don't dare." Jiang Chen corrected solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, you are too presumptuous. If Elder Dong wants to kill you, he can just stretch out a finger and crush you into fine powder."

As for the Senluo Martial Academy, the remaining seven disciples couldn't stand it anymore, and one of them stood up and accused him angrily.

"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death. To provoke Elder Dong's authority is to provoke my Senluo Martial Arts Academy. Your end will be miserable, I promise."

Another person jumped out, filled with righteous indignation, very annoyed.

"Jiang Chen, apologize quickly, or today will be your death day."

Then there was another person, with a stern voice, a livid face, bloodshot eyes, and irresolvable resentment.

Jiang Chen was very leisurely, and didn't take such accusations and threats to heart. He said lazily, "It's just telling the truth, why bother to become angry? You people in Senluo Martial Academy can't even listen to the truth?" ? No wonder it’s not a climate, it’s hard to be a big weapon.”

"Jiang Chen, shut up!"

Dong Yunhai's voice was gloomy, and in an instant, he was about to strike violently, but he wanted to see whether it was him who was overthinking his abilities, or Jiang Chen who was overthinking his abilities.

But when he thought of Yuedong and where he was now, Dong Yunhai had no choice but to forcibly hold back his anger.

"This kid did it on purpose." Dong Yunhai thought in his heart.

He could see that Jiang Chen was clearly deliberately provoking, trying to force him to act. As an elder of the Senluo Martial Academy, if he couldn't bear it and made a move, after a while, the news would reach the ears of other martial arts In today's day, it is also doomed to lose face.

"It's really easy to calculate, no wonder you have nothing to worry about!" Dong Yunhai was annoyed.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't know what was going on in Dong Yunhai's mind, if he knew, Jiang Chen would definitely yell aggrieved, he didn't make any calculations, indeed, he was confident, but it wasn't what Dong Yunhai thought.

"Elder Dong, what I have to say is that honest words are hard to hear." Jiang Chen said.

At this moment, Dong Yunhai's expression was as ugly as it could be. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Jiang Chen, let me ask you, did Cui Ning and the other three die at your hands?"

"Who is Cui Ning?" Jiang Chen's face was full of suspicion.

"How dare you deny it!" Dong Yunhai shouted.

"Wait, I remembered. You mean that guy who looks like he was born with a short life, right? Did he die? When did it happen?" Jiang Chen asked belatedly.

"I knew that you wouldn't admit it, but it doesn't matter, whether you admit it or not, I know it well." Dong Yunhai said.

After finishing his words, he waved his hand and led everyone from Senluo Martial Academy to enter first.

"The three of Cui Ning, were you killed?" Yue Dong asked as he watched Dong Yunhai leave.

This matter has been heard and thought about, it was Jiang Chen who did it, but Yue Dong did not talk to Jiang Chen.

"How is it possible, I am such a low-key person, I don't like fighting and killing the most." Jiang Chen flatly denied it.

"Whether you did it or not, Dong Yunhai is responsible for this account." Yue Dong reminded, feeling worried.

"It doesn't matter, if there is a debt, I will also blame it on him." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

What Jiang Chen said was referring to the matter of the reward order. Now, it is enough to be sure that it should have nothing to do with Dong Yunhai, but this has nothing to do with it. If Dong Yunhai is indiscriminately pinning a hat on him, then why can't he give Dong Yunhai a reward? What about splashing dirty water on Yunhai?
You know, he is much better at this kind of thing than Dong Yunhai.

As for whether to admit it or deny it, Jiang Chen must be an idiot to choose to admit it?
"Remember, don't cause trouble today."

After a while, Yue Dong led Jiang Chen and the others to walk inside. Once again, he solemnly told Dong Yunhai to be very troublesome. Yue Dong didn't want Jiang Chen to offend anyone again.

"It will definitely not cause trouble." Jiang Chen promised.

Under normal circumstances, he would not cause trouble easily, unless it was profitable, and based on the principle of not getting ahead without profit, Jiang Chen would naturally not miss it.

However, Jiang Chen didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, but it didn't mean that others could provoke him.


This building occupies an astonishing area, and it is very conspicuous in Tianhai City, where every inch of land is expensive. It is obvious that the Kamikaze Martial Academy has such a status in the Tianfeng Empire.

Inside, there is a huge banquet hall. When Jiang Chen and others appeared, it was already extremely lively, with the guests enjoying themselves and talking and laughing happily.

But as a group of people from the Seven Star Martial Academy entered, the bustling scene suddenly froze and condensed.



Then, I saw that the eyes of one after another fell on Jiang Chen's body neatly, sizing up Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen?"

Someone said softly that they had some impressions of Jiang Chen, they had met each other in Qunying Tower, and at this time Jiang Chen just recognized him as soon as he appeared.

"Oh, is he Jiang Chen? It looks like there is no difference."

Someone said casually, with a hint of teasing on his face, so the look in his eyes towards Jiang Chen, more or less, contained a bit of provocation.

"A reward order, a head, interesting, really interesting."

Some people also said that there was a hint of inquiry in their eyes. Of course, this was not because they were interested in Jiang Chen, but because they thought of a reward order.

Under that reward order, how many people in Tianhai City don't know Jiang Chen?It can be said that Jiang Chen has become a hot favorite.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at Jiang Chen's every move, openly and secretly. Jiang Chen made a high-profile appearance at this time, which naturally attracted countless attention at the first time.

"How are you all?" Jiang Chen waved his arms and greeted with a smile.

Following Jiang Chen's words, the crowd were all stunned and speechless.

The gazes of so many pairs of them fell on Jiang Chen at the same time. If it were someone else, his scalp would probably be numb and his hair stand on end.

Jiang Chen was fine, he looked completely fine and relaxed.

"This kid, you have so much courage." Someone said to himself, inexplicably, he had some respect for Jiang Chen, after all, not everyone could be as calm as Jiang Chen.

"You are Jiang Feng?"

However, a voice sounded, and then, a middle-aged man stepped forward slowly, walking towards Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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