genius evil

Chapter 1401 Killing You Every Minute

Chapter 1401 Killing You Every Minute
"I've heard about the name a long time ago, and he is indeed a great romantic figure. No wonder he has achieved such a great reputation, and the future generations will be feared."

The middle-aged man walked towards Jiang Chen, sighing softly again and again, expressing his undisguised admiration for Jiang Chen.

As soon as the conversation changed, the middle-aged man looked at Yue Dong and sighed: "Elder Yue, the Seven Star Martial Academy has such peerless geniuses, and this internal communication is bound to make the Seven Star Martial Academy the leader. It’s better to say congratulations in advance.”

The middle-aged man had a very high evaluation of Jiang Chen, and he spared no effort in admiring him.

However, upon hearing this, Yue Dong's face changed quietly, and he also looked at the middle-aged man, deep in his eyes, a haze surged.


A thought popped out of his mind in an instant, and Yue Dong was surprised.

Although, he had thought that due to Jiang Chen's popularity, he would be targeted if he showed up today, but he never thought that such targeting would come so quickly.

The middle-aged man's words seemed to be full of admiration and optimism towards Jiang Chen, but when he thought about it carefully, he was clearly flattering and killing him. This would undoubtedly make Jiang Chen even worse, pushing Jiang Chen to the opposite of everyone!

"Elder Qu's praise is too high." Yue Dong said, "Jiang Chen is nothing more than a small fight, but he can't deserve the praise of Elder Qu."

This Elder Qu, named Qu Heng, comes from Shenfeng Wuyuan.

The internal communication of the major martial arts academy is agreed, but it is not static. Speaking of it, this time, the internal communication before the opening of the Garden of All Things was Qu Heng, who tried his best to match, and it took a lot of effort.

At this time, Qu Heng spoke, and the first sentence pointed to Jiang Chen. Although it was a compliment, it also changed Yue Dong's impression of Qu Heng.

I knew that if Qu Heng did it unintentionally, it would be fine, if it was intentional, it would inevitably cause disturbances today.

That was naturally not what Yue Dong wanted to see, he could only try his best to downplay the impact that Qu Heng's words could have.

"It's not an exaggeration." Qu Heng said solemnly, "There are rumors from the outside world that Jiang Chen is the No. 1 among the younger generation among the major martial arts schools like us. I agree with this very much."


Yue Dong's complexion changed again and became unkind.

At this time, where can't you hear it? It's not unintentional, Qu Heng did it on purpose, which can be said to be sinister.Sure enough, the geniuses and powerhouses of other martial arts schools all looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes at this moment.

"No.1, do you really think so?" Jiang Chen smiled, but Jiang Chen had no choice but to speak.

He was certain that this was the first time he had seen Qu Heng, so he could not be said to have offended him, but he was like this, with sinister intentions and his ability to flatter and kill, which surprised Jiang Chen.

"Because of Shen Anhe?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

Undoubtedly, this is the only possibility, otherwise, it would be difficult to explain Qu Heng's attitude.

"It's true, Jiang Chen, you have great potential, and you will travel across the continent in the future, so let's not talk about it." Qu Heng said.

"How can you say that you are an elder of the Kamikaze Martial Academy, but now you are, saying such things, could it be that the treatment of the Kamikaze Martial Academy is too bad, and you want to defect to my Seven Star Martial Academy?" Jiang Chen smiled half a smile Said.

"Ha ha!"

Someone couldn't help laughing out loud, that person raised his hand, pointed at Qu Heng, and said, "Elder Qu, is that so? It seems that you have long held grudges against the Kamikaze Academy."

Then, someone laughed again, with almost the same meaning, asking Qu Heng if he had any plans to join the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Qu Heng was very calm, without a trace of embarrassment, he smiled slightly, and said: "In my life, everything has been bestowed on me by the Kamikaze Academy, so how can there be resentment, everyone, worry too much. "

"Since you don't want to betray, then why do you appreciate me so much? Could it be that you want to trick me into betraying?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

Without waiting for Qu Heng to reply, Jiang Chen just shook his head, and said solemnly: "This matter is absolutely impossible, I, Jiang Chen, am not the kind of person who treacherously, Elder Qu, you should die."

"This kid is quite quick-witted." Qu Heng was speechless, thinking to himself.

His actions today were indeed related to Shen Anhe, and he received Shen Anhe's instruction. The reason why he didn't directly attack Jiang Chen was because such flattery was more effective than targeting him.

He was very simple, just pushed Jiang Chen to the opposite side of the geniuses of all parties, this must be no small trouble.

Jiang Chen was responding and counterattacking very cleverly, diverting everyone's attention to him, with sharp teeth, which surprised Qu Heng a little.

In the outside world, there are many rumors about Jiang Chen. Judging from the rumors, Jiang Chen is that kind of rude and rude person, but he has such a delicate mind, which is beyond Qu Heng's expectations. Definitely not the kind of easy target to deal with.

"No wonder Mr. Shen has nothing to do with it." Qu Heng said in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, don't get me wrong, Qu is just envious of Seven Star Martial Academy." Qu Heng said.

"Then you don't have to be envious. After all, a character like me only appears once every 1 years. If you continue to envy me, you'll probably vomit blood aggrieved." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"That's true, I can't be envious." Qu Heng said slowly.

Before that, everyone had heard about Jiang Chen. At this time, many people saw Jiang Chen for the first time. It must be said that their impression of Jiang Chen deepened once again.

"Jiang Chen, you are too ignorant of good and bad. Elder Qu only appreciates you as a talent. It's too rude for you to speak such wild words."

Dong Yunhai raised his voice and asked coldly, rushing to help Qu Heng.

He was at the door just now, and was run away by Jiang Chen for a while. At this moment, he heard that Qu Heng had intentions against Jiang Chen. Although he didn't know why, he was extremely happy to see the result, and wanted to add insult to injury.

"Shut up, have you been told to speak?" Jiang Chen was not polite, just scolded.At the end, Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously and said, "If you see it, this is called rudeness."


Dong Yunhai's old face turned red. In front of so many people, he was actually scolded by Jiang Chen, which made him lose face in the future.

"court death!"

He slapped the table and stood up, Dong Yunhai wanted to make a move, he thought that by being patient again and again, he gave Jiang Chen a chance to live for a few more days, but Jiang Chen only wanted to seek his own death, so it could only be fulfilled.

"Things that are beyond our control, if you dare to do it, you will be killed in minutes." Jiang Chen said boldly.

While talking, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said to Qu Heng: "Elder Qu, do you see that, Elder Dong is the true temperament, you have to study hard to be that."

Immediately, Dong Yunhai and Qu Heng were both stunned.

Especially Dong Yunhai, who was so angry from embarrassment, what is this, is Jiang Chen using him to give Qu Heng a lesson?

Qu Heng's face turned green and red, and Jiang Chen was very arrogant. He used provocative Dong Yunhai to insinuate him. This was still a counterattack, but it was more direct.

"Elder Dong has always been genuine, I appreciate it very much." Qu Heng said.

In the end, Dong Yunhai still couldn't make a move, because the matter was too big, and it would affect the whole body, and under the rage, he had to consider all aspects.

What's more, more than a dozen geniuses from the martial arts academy are all here, but he, Dong Yunhai, does not have the qualifications to act recklessly in front of so many people.

"I made everyone laugh." After a while, Qu Heng said, his face was as usual, as if nothing had happened.

"Coinciding with the opening of the Garden of All Things, the geniuses and powerhouses of our major martial arts academies can gather together. This is a grand event that has only happened for hundreds of years." Qu Heng said again.

The opening time of the Garden of Everything is uncertain. Sometimes it is opened every hundred years, sometimes it is hundreds of years, and sometimes the interval is longer.

The Eastern Great Territory is vast and boundless, and the powerful empires are divided and entrenched, and the power shakes one side.Everyone lives in peace and harmony, and the well water does not violate the river water!

In the Zhenwu Continent, martial arts is at its peak, and so are the major empires. The top martial arts schools in the empire have always been strong, and geniuses rise like clouds.

Every time before the opening of the Garden of Everything, the internal communication of the major martial arts schools can be said to be an appetizer. It can be regarded as a testimonial before entering the Garden of Everything. To put it bluntly, it is a test.

To test the depth of each party's background, and to test the level of cultivation of the genius academy of all parties.

This is a repertoire, and it is a custom. Every time, there will be a party who tries its best to match it up and strive to continue it.

Qu Heng spoke on behalf of the Kamikaze Martial Academy, with a few short words and a few polite words, and then he went straight to the topic.

"Like everyone else, I am looking forward to it. Everyone's time is precious and should not be wasted. Next, let's start." Finally, Qu Heng said.

"Which one of the disciples of my Kamikaze Martial Academy will be on the list?" Qu Heng asked.

"Disciple...disciple Gu Chaozhang..."

Accompanied by Qu Heng, the words fell, and a slightly shy voice sounded, that is, a young man with a fair complexion walked out embarrassedly.

He seemed to be very shy. After walking out, he lowered his head involuntarily, not daring to look at other people.

"Elder Qu, is this Gu Chaozhang a male disciple or a female disciple?" Someone teased.

"Naturally, it's a male disciple." Qu Heng said, looking at Gu Chaozhang, feeling a little helpless.There is no way, Gu Chaozhang is like this, he is extremely shy.

"Male disciples, right? That's fine, my Wanxiang Martial Arts Academy doesn't bully anyone, so let's send a female disciple to learn from each other." One of them chuckled, stretched out his hand, and waved it casually.

A girl with a good figure and pretty appearance strode out. She was full of heroism and heroic appearance. Compared with Gu Chaozhang, she was more masculine.

Especially, when the two are listed, the comparison becomes more conspicuous, and many people can't help laughing when they see it.Because the contrast is really stark.

"Elder Cai, would it be better to send a male disciple?" Frowning, Qu Heng asked.

"Elder Qu, Mr. Cai said that my Vientiane Martial Arts Academy has no tradition of bullying people." The man said, and immediately ordered the girl: "Remember, click here, don't kill anyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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