genius evil

Chapter 1402 I Don't Want to Bully You

Chapter 1402 I Don't Want to Bully You
"Yes, disciple obeys!" said the girl.

Seeing that Elder Cai did not intend to change his mind and insisted on letting the girl appear, Qu Heng was even more helpless, so he also ordered: "Gu Chaozhang, you also remember it, just confirm it with each other."

"Disciple understands." Gu Chaozhang said weakly.

His voice is very low, although it is not a woman's voice, but it easily gives people a sense of cowardice, and looks easy to bully.

"Your name is Gu Chaozhang?"

The girl looked at Gu Chaozhang interestingly and asked.

"Yes... yes..." Gu Chaozhang said stammeringly, after all, mustering up his courage, he raised his head and looked at the girl.

"My name is Ge Lin." The girl said directly and simply.

"Gu Chaozhang, admit defeat, I don't want to bully you." Then, Ge Lin said again.

She was in high spirits, very good-looking, and that not-so-beautiful face had a strange flowing charm, which added a bit of charm.

"You can't bully me." Gu Chaozhang responded, saying very seriously, as if he was afraid that Ge Lin would not believe his words.

"If you don't know what's good, then don't blame me for being rude." Frowning, Ge Lin said, she thought it was out of kindness that she let Gu Chaozhang take the initiative to admit defeat, so as not to lose face in front of so many people.

On the other hand, for Ge Lin, she didn't feel any sense of accomplishment in bullying Gu Chaozhang.

After all, before this internal exchange, they knew something about the situation of the major martial arts academy. Ge Lin knew about several powerful geniuses in the kamikaze martial arts academy, but Gu Chaozhang was not among them.

Therefore, Ge Lin inevitably looked down on Gu Chaozhang. She didn't think that Gu Chaozhang was qualified to be her opponent, so she just acted lazily and wanted Gu Chaozhang to admit defeat.

Gu Chaozhang didn't appreciate it, which made Ge Lin's complexion a bit, not pretty.

"Go ahead, I will be careful not to hurt you." Gu Chaozhang said, his speech was very slow, giving off a weak feeling, but he was still very serious.


Ge Lin scolded lightly, she got angry, and decided to teach Gu Chaozhang a good lesson, to let Gu Chaozhang know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

The banquet hall was huge, and a temporary martial arts platform was set up inside. After speaking, Ge Lin tapped her foot lightly, and in the next second, she landed on the martial arts platform.

Seeing this, Gu Chaozhang moved and stepped on it.


Ge Lin made a move, and the attack came. She was very heroic, and the martial arts skills she practiced were quite domineering. With one punch, she directly punched a hole in the void.

The wind of the fist is surging, tyrannical and unmatched, as the strong wind roars, it just sweeps out and smashes down violently.

Gu Chaozhang also made a move, he raised his right arm unhurriedly, and slapped out a palm in the air, a light palm, that kind of power, not majestic.

But with Gu Chaozhang's palm strike, Ge Lin's unusually domineering fist style collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

A slender hand broke through Ge Lin's attack, and appeared on Ge Lin's chest unbelievably.

This scene happened within a breath, and Gu Chaozhang's hand approached infinitely, but in the end, it was not printed, it seemed to be worried, and it seemed to be very embarrassed, because Gu Chaozhang's face turned red.

"how is this possible?"

Ge Lin was shocked. She lowered her head and looked at the palm on her chest. No matter what, she couldn't believe it.

She was conceited of her own strength and didn't take Gu Chaozhang to heart, but Gu Chaozhang just shot at will, and she couldn't stop him no matter what.

If this palm falls, she will inevitably be seriously injured at this moment.

"Miss Ge Lin, admit defeat." Gu Chaozhang said seriously.


Ge Lin yelled, she was a little unbelieving, her figure flew out backwards, a magic weapon was sacrificed, and another round of violent attacks was launched.

It's just that this is useless, the gap is too big, the young man who seems to be easy to bully, is actually not easy to bully at all, her magic weapon was broken, and she was almost severely injured.

"I surrender."

Taking a deep breath, Ge Lin said, looking at Gu Chaozhang with strange, even frightened eyes.

She was completely suppressed, Gu Chaozhang had an overwhelming advantage, clearly like her, he had not broken through to the Mortal Transformation Realm, but every time he took a shot, a random palm, it had indescribable power.

The battle ended quickly, and there was no suspense in the ending. At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Gu Chaozhang involuntarily.

The young man was not outstanding in appearance, standing on the martial arts stage, he was shy and embarrassed, and he didn't show the slightest complacency because he defeated Ge Lin.

It's just that after all, we can no longer look at it from a casual perspective. Before that, he was unknown and unknown, and he became famous in one battle!
"If I'm not mistaken, this Gu Chaozhang used two kinds of martial arts just now. As far as I know, almost all the disciples of Shenfeng Wuyuan have practiced those two martial arts. Why are they different?"

Someone said, quite puzzled.

Many people have this kind of doubt, so they feel surprised. They look at Gu Chaozhang, and there is an inquiring look in their eyes.

"Is it because you have practiced some powerful secret technique that has affected your character?"

Some people said, have some associations.

"The heart of a pure child is really rare."

Jiang Chen saw it and whispered to himself.

Gu Chaozhang's character, in Jiang Chen's view, is a manifestation of the heart of a child. This person has a pure heart, so in terms of martial arts cultivation, no matter how simple and crude the skills are, he can cultivate them to Extreme, with extreme power.

Of course, even so, the gap between Ge Lin and Gu Chaozhang is not that big.

Ge Lin was too proud and strong, and didn't take Gu Chaozhang to heart, thinking that she could suppress Gu Chaozhang by making a move. As a result, she failed to do so, and her confidence inevitably suffered a serious setback.

Furthermore, Ge Lin was extremely impatient and lost his composure, while Gu Chaozhang was always well-behaved, not rushing or slowing down. In this way, with no advantage, Ge Lin could only lose and seemed vulnerable.

"When did the Kamikaze Martial Academy produce such a young genius, Elder Qu, you are hiding it so deeply." Elder Cai said with a smile, but even though he was smiling, there was a faint haze in his eyes.

Elder Cai said earlier that the Wanxiang Martial Academy does not bully people and has full confidence in Ge Lin. In the end, Ge Lin was defeated miserably.

"It's not intentional to hide." Qu Heng said with a slight smile, "Gu Chaozhang has not been in my Kamikaze Academy for a long time. Before that, he has been unknown and not outstanding. This time, he was specially brought out to practice."

"Oh, so to speak, the disciples of my Vientiane Martial Academy are too weak." Elder Cai said, even more displeased.

"Elder Cai, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that." Qu Heng was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

Elder Cai's name is Cai Qiang. As his name suggests, he is known for being aggressive and aggressive. Qu Heng knows him well.

"Zhao Fenghua." Cai Qiang ignored Qu Heng, but called him by a name.

As Cai Qiang's voice fell, a young man walked out slowly from behind him.

"Elder Cai, please order." The young man named Zhao Fenghua said respectfully.

"You heard what Elder Qu said just now. The young genius of the Kamikaze Martial Academy needs training, so you should not let him down." Cai Qiang said.

"Yes." Zhao Fenghua nodded, and glanced at Gu Chaozhang, deep in his eyes, there was a fighting spirit.


Seeing this, Qu Heng's expression changed irresistibly, and the rest of the martial arts academy's eyes also changed when they saw Zhao Fenghua's appearance, and they became a little strange.

"Is this Zhao Fenghua amazing?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Vientiane Martial Arts Academy, No. 1 on the Qingyun List." Ji Mobai replied.

Just like the Seven Star Martial Academy has a list of heavens, in the Vientiane Martial Academy, a similar list was set up, called the Qingyun List.

This young man named Zhao Fenghua, in the Vientiane Martial Academy, is the only one who stands out and crushes countless people. He is the number one in the Qingyun Ranking, unshakable and famous far and wide.

"So that's how it is." Jiang Chen felt relieved, and finally understood why Cai Qiang reacted like this.

"Brother Jiang, I think it is necessary for you to learn more about the forces of all parties." Fang Qingxuan said.

Although Fang Qingxuan and Ji Mobai are not familiar with the situation of the major martial arts academy, they are no strangers to the overall situation.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, knew nothing about it. Of course, it wasn't because Jiang Chen didn't have a channel to understand these things. It can only be said that Jiang Chen was too lazy to spend his time on this aspect.

"It's not necessary at all, it's enough for them to understand me." Jiang Chen said lazily, very free and easy and conceited.

Fang Qingxuan smiled bitterly, but his heart was quietly shocked. Jiang Chen's words sounded like an excuse, but in fact, they were a manifestation of great confidence and fearlessness. height.

"The strong are always strong, it really is the eternal truth!" Fang Qingxuan said silently, the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that, quietly, a little more awe.

Jiang Chen didn't know what Fang Qingxuan was thinking, the reason for this was just his usual style.

"You actually sent Zhao Fenghua, Elder Cai, in order to save face, you really spared no effort." Someone chuckled, it was the elder of Qingxuanwu Academy, named Xiao Zhiguang.

"Elder Xiao, do you think there is something wrong with my approach?" Cai Qiang said tit for tat.

Xiao Zhiguang still smiled, and said: "It's just a sparring, why does Elder Cai get angry? Even if Zhao Fenghua wins, it's still an ineffective victory. Elder Cai doesn't even understand such a simple truth, does he?"

Cai Qiang's face was ugly, and he said in a cold voice: "Elder Xiao, if I heard correctly, you are teaching me how to be a human being. Very good, I will show you the style of Qingxuanwu Academy in a while."

Cai Qiang was very strong, and he didn't change his mind because of Xiao Zhiguang's words. He glanced at Zhao Fenghua, Zhao Fenghua understood, and as soon as his figure moved, the next second, he landed on the martial arts platform...

(End of this chapter)

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