genius evil

Chapter 1403 The first person who eats crabs

Chapter 1403 The first person to eat crabs
"Gu Chaozhang, you must think it's very interesting to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger."

Stepping onto the martial arts platform and staring at Gu Chaozhang, Zhao Fenghua said with a half-smile.

"I haven't." Gu Chaozhang said, shaking his hands in a panic.

He seemed to be very afraid of Zhao Fenghua's misunderstanding, and hurriedly explained, but he stuttered, unable to speak a complete sentence no matter what.

"In front of me, how dare you put on a show!" Zhao Fenghua's voice turned cold, and he looked at Gu Chaozhang like that, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Gu Chaozhang, no matter how you play tricks, I, Zhao Fenghua, will let you understand that a pig is a pig, and a tiger is a tiger. No matter how a pig pretends to be, it's impossible to swallow a tiger." Zhao Fenghua said again, madly Very proud.

Gu Chaozhang's face was flushed red, and he was at a loss. He didn't know where to put those hands, which were squeezed by Zhao Fenghua like this.

"You misunderstood." Gu Chaozhang murmured, looking very disturbed.

"Shut up!" Zhao Fenghua scolded, very impatient, and urged, "Shoot."

Gu Chaozhang panicked, but Zhao Fenghua couldn't wait any longer. He rushed forward, directly towards Gu Chaozhang, and pressed him.

Vientiane Martial Arts Academy, No. 1 in the Qingyun list, Zhao Fenghua is the only leader, his strength is not as simple as talking about it, he is tyrannical and domineering, he is directly pushing horizontally.

Gu Chaozhang is not weak, he is quite good, but in front of Zhao Fenghua, he has a superior opinion, just like he suppressed Ge Lin, in a very short period of time, he was suppressed by Zhao Fenghua.

There wasn't much suspense about the outcome afterwards. There was a huge gap between the young man who was serious about this battle and Zhao Fenghua, and fell off the martial arts stage, vomiting blood.




Seeing Gu Chaozhang injured helplessly, everyone in the Kamikaze Martial Academy turned pale, and they were enraged.

This was an internal exchange, aimed at exchanging ideas and confirming it. However, Zhao Fenghua made ruthless moves one after another, making his moves fatal. This situation made them unbearable.

"Anyone who is not convinced, come up and fight." Zhao Fenghua said expressionlessly.

"Zhao Fenghua, I've heard about you, number one in the Qing Yun Ranking, for a long time." At this moment, a cold voice sounded, a young man was talking, and he walked slowly towards Yanwutai.

There was a mysterious aura about the young man, mysterious and mysterious, his voice was indifferent, and he said as he walked: "Brother Zhao is invincible and admirable, but the disciples of my Kamikaze Martial Academy are not everyone can bully .”

"Really?" Zhao Fenghua sneered, with a look of disdain on his face, "You say you can't bully, but I will bully you anyway, Meng Xinghai, don't think too highly of yourself, you are nothing in my eyes."

"What a big breath!"

It has to be said that Zhao Fenghua was too insane. As soon as these words came out, many people gasped and were almost stunned!
Zhao Fenghua is not simple, and Meng Xinghai is not an ordinary person. The No.1 of Shenfeng Wuyuan is actually looked down upon by Zhao Fenghua. This is beyond the expectations of many people. They all think that Zhao Fenghua's tone is too loud .

The battle broke out immediately.

This battle is a battle of the strongest in the true sense, whether it is Zhao Fenghua or Meng Xinghai, they all have the strongest combat power that pushes across a large realm.

What's more, everyone knows well that this battle is no longer a matter between the two of them, but about the face of Vientiane Martial Academy and Shenfeng Martial Academy.

In the end, it was very tragic. Both of them refused to give an inch, and fought real fire. At the end of the battle, their respective magic weapons were shattered.



Cai Qiang and Qu Heng said one after another.

If the fight is allowed to continue, it will be a result of mutual injury, which is not the ending that Cai Qiang and Qu Heng want to see.

This is because their final battlefield is the Garden of All Things. Once injured, it is very likely that they will lose a chance.

And if they miss it, it will be an irreparable loss. Cai Qiang and Qu Heng must come forward to stop it.

"Meng Xinghai, I'm waiting for you in the Garden of Everything," Zhao Fenghua said.

"To each other," Meng Xinghai said.


Within the Eastern Great Territory, more than a dozen great empires are side by side, and the exchanges between the major martial arts academies in the past, although it is difficult to say that they are harmonious, have never happened once, and this situation has happened from the very beginning.

The atmosphere became quite subtle for a while, and it was obvious that realizing that something was wrong with this situation, both the Vientiane Martial Academy and the Shenfeng Martial Academy became slightly restrained.

Otherwise, once the situation gets out of control, it will not benefit anyone to go further.

Elders from other martial arts schools joined in, intending to liven up the atmosphere.

The internal communication conferences of the major martial arts academy are, to a certain extent, an opportunity for self-expression. Such opportunities do not exist anytime and anywhere, and they usually only happen once in hundreds or hundreds of years. Naturally, it is impossible to stop here.

Afterwards, the geniuses and strongmen from the major martial arts schools took turns to play, perhaps because of the lessons learned from the Shenfeng martial arts academy and the Vientiane martial arts academy, they were all amiable.

This is a very rare opportunity. As the exchanges continued, the geniuses from all sides became excited and eager to try. After all, everyone is a top genius. benefit.

"It's too boring." Jiang Chen sighed, feeling very dull.

"Jiang Chen, keep a low profile." Glaring at Jiang Chen, Yue Dong warned.

He is very relieved now, because finally, Jiang Chen kept a rare low profile and did not make trouble.Of course, if Jiang Chen could keep a low profile, he would be even more gratified.

"Elder Yue, I think it might be because I kept a low profile that no one challenged me." Jiang Chen said, complaining.

Yue Dong was stunned, realizing that the situation was indeed the case.

Zhong Shenxiu has been on stage, Ji Mobai has also been on the martial arts stage, but Jiang Chen seems to have been forgotten by everyone.

This seems normal, after all, there will always be people who are selectively forgotten, but Jiang Chen becomes that forgotten object, no matter what, it is not normal.

You know, once the reward order came out, Jiang Chen became famous. Looking at Tianhai City, it can be said that everyone knows everyone. Even if you want to ignore Jiang Chen, there is no way to ignore it, unless it is intentional. Jiang Chen was deliberately ignored.

But one person did it on purpose, everyone did it on purpose, inexplicably, causing anxiety to grow in Yue Dong's heart.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded on the martial arts stage: "Brother Jiang, how about you and I compete with each other?"

On the martial arts stage, the young man's face was full of sunshine, he smiled slightly, looked at Jiang Chen's direction earnestly, and extended an invitation.

"Can I refuse?" Jiang Chen stretched his waist and said.

"From my point of view, Brother Jiang, you will not refuse." The young man said in a very firm tone.

His name is Yan Qiu, and he is a disciple of Yuanling Wuyuan. He ranks second among the ten disciples of Yuanlingwuyuan. Such a ranking can be regarded as eminent.

"I really won't refuse. After all, you are the first person to challenge me." Jiang Chen said leisurely, "But, are you sure you really want to challenge me? Don't worry, you will be beaten all over the floor looking for teeth." ?”

Yan Qiu's face froze, and he said, "Brother Jiang was joking."

"I don't like to tell jokes." Jiang Chen said so, and walked towards the martial art stage.

Jiang Chen walked very slowly, but as he said, this was his first battle today, and it was inevitable, attracting everyone's attention.

Their eyes fell on Jiang Chen one after another, paying attention to Jiang Chen's every move.

"Brother Jiang, please be merciful!"

When Jiang Chen finally stepped onto the martial arts stage, Yan Qiu cupped his fists and said quite sincerely.

Jiang Chen grinned and said, "No, I have to beat you to the ground."

A bit of embarrassment appeared on Yan Qiu's face, and he said, "I've overestimated my own strength, so I ask Brother Jiang to enlighten me."

After the words fell, he took the lead to attack, and the attack moved forward. It was a well-regulated attack. It seemed that he was worried that he would offend Jiang Chen. It seemed that his hands were a little restrained.

"Is Yan Qiu afraid?"

Someone saw this and said with a strange face.

Anyone could see that Yan Qiu was extremely cautious when he made a move. He was attacking, but his defense was impenetrable. It was obvious that he was afraid of Jiang Chen and couldn't let go.

"It's hard to say what Jiang Chen's strength is. Yan Qiu took the initiative to challenge, but he behaved like this. Are the disciples of the Yuanling Martial Academy so courageous?"

It was also said, not without ridicule.

With so many geniuses and powerhouses appearing on the stage one after another, no one would think that Jiang Chen would become that exception. After all, compared to them, Jiang Chen's light was too bright.Let everyone become eclipsed by this.

All along, they have been waiting for someone to challenge Jiang Chen, but no one is willing to be the first person to eat crabs. This is what caused Jiang Chen to be selectively forgotten. In fact, they have been secretly There were countless pairs of eyes staring at Jiang Chen.

Finally, someone couldn't stand it any longer and challenged Jiang Chen. Everyone was quite looking forward to it, but when Yan Qiufu made a move, it was a great disappointment.

"Yan Qiu will definitely lose. He lost the will to win in front of Jiang Chen."

Some people said this, swearing, not optimistic about Yan Qiu, thinking that even if Yan Qiu's talent and strength are not bad, today is doomed and irretrievably lost.

"Yan Qiu, right? You can't, be a little more serious? In case I misunderstand and you look down on me, what should I do?" Jiang Chen said, making random moves and punching out Yan Qiu's offensive.

When Jiang Chen said this, Yan Qiu was immediately embarrassed, and he said, "Brother Jiang, please pay attention."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the aura on Yan Qiu's body suddenly changed. The seemingly gentle and sunny young man had a bit more sharp aura on him.


The next moment, the attack came, and it was completely different. On the martial arts stage, strong winds shook, the air was instantly torn apart, and a big explosion occurred...

(End of this chapter)

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