genius evil

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Confused, Tangyue was dragged by Jiang Chen for a few steps, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. She didn't come to Jiang Chen to talk about the meal, but to ask Jiang Chen why he was absent from class. Before he knew it, Jiang Chen got in his way.

Gently breaking free from Jiang Chen's hand, Tangyue glanced at Jiang Chen, took a light breath, and tried not to get angry, she said, "Jiang Chen, why did you skip class today?"

"Teacher Tang, aren't we going to the cafeteria to eat? Why are we talking about absenteeism?" Jiang Chen said with a face full of surprise.

Tangyue gave Jiang Chen an angry look, and said, "Stop making jokes here, don't get away with it, you must give me a reasonable explanation."

"Teacher Tang, if you want to explain, of course I can explain." Jiang Chen pointed at the sandbag and said with a smile: "Teacher Tang must have seen what I was doing just now, yes, I am exercising, I don't know What do you think of this explanation, Teacher Tang?"

Tangyue just took a look at Jiang Chen's small body. To be honest, Jiang Chen really lacked exercise. It was only at this time that he thought of exercising. Isn't it too late?
"Teacher Tang, you must be thinking that it's too late for me to exercise at this time." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tang Yuefen blushed slightly, and said angrily, "I don't have that kind of thought."

This guy doesn't know what's going on, how can he even know what she's thinking in her heart, is she so obvious?

"It doesn't matter. Teacher Tang, you are a beautiful woman. Even if you think so, I won't blame you... But it's never too late to exercise. As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution. ..."

"Okay, this explanation counts as your pass." Tangyue couldn't stand this guy Jiang Chen a little bit, why did this guy suddenly become a chatterbox, she couldn't bear it every minute.

"In this case, can we go to eat?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Eat, why do you remember to eat, I still have something to ask you." Tangyue was a little annoyed.

"We have to ask about things, and we have to eat... Let's go to the cafeteria to find a place to sit down and talk about things while eating. It's not a good time." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

Then, without waiting for Tangyue to speak, Jiang Chen directly pulled Tangyue away, Tangyue struggled a little, and said in embarrassment: "Jiang Chen, don't push and pull, I will go by myself."

It's nothing to talk about, you and I are still groping, Jiang Chen smiled, and led Tangyue to the direction of the cafeteria.

This time is the peak time for students to eat. The school cafeteria is full of students who come to eat. Some of the students in the third and third classes of senior high school greet Tangyue warmly, and they seem to be happy when they see Tangyue again. He came with Jiang Chen, and his expression couldn't help being a little weird.

When they saw Jiang Chen and Tang Yue sitting at the same table eating, their expressions became even weirder.

"An Qi, look over there, Jiang Chen and Teacher Tang are eating at the same table... Tsk tsk, look at Jiang Chen's attentiveness, he took the initiative to cook for Teacher Tang, it looks like he is flattering Teacher Tang... God, he's smiling, his smile is so lewd, his mouth is almost drooling." In a corner of the cafeteria, Jiang Yanyan pointed to the direction where Jiang Chen was, and said to Xu Anqi.

Xu Anqi raised her head, glanced at Jiang Chen, wrinkled her nose slightly, and said, "Yanyan, what do you mean by being too lewd, don't say such things, people will laugh at you if they hear it."

"Our An Qi is really pure like a little white flower, but that guy's smile is really lewd, and look at that guy's rice plate, is he a pig? He eats so much." Jiang Yanyan was surprised Said at once.

Only then did Xu Anqi notice the food piled high on Jiang Chen's rice plate, and her expression was a little astonished.

"You eat so much?" Tangyue was also asking the same question, looking at the mountain of food on Jiang Chen's rice plate, she was almost stunned.

"I can't help it. I exercised too much, so I have to eat more." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, picked up his chopsticks, and started to eat.

Seeing Jiang Chen's eating like that, saying he is a pig is a bit flattering him, even if he is a pig, his eating is not so ugly.

It's just that she didn't know what was going on, seeing Jiang Chen eating with relish, Tangyue, who had no appetite at first, looked at the food on the plate, and subconsciously felt that the food seemed to have become much sweeter and more delicious.

After 10 minutes, Jiang Chen swept away the food that was estimated to be enough for five people. Jiang Chen swept the last grain of rice into his mouth, still feeling unsatisfied.

Tangyue's appetite has always been very small, she only ate a few mouthfuls, then put down her chopsticks, she glanced at Jiang Chen, and said with some amusement: "Aren't you full, or I'll make another meal for you ?”

"The beautiful teacher cooks for me in person, how can you be ashamed." Jiang Chen pretended to be shy and smiled.

"What beautiful teacher, I'm your teacher, you can either call me Teacher Tang, or you can call me the class teacher, the word beautiful, please don't call me any more in the future." Tangyue said a little annoyed.

"Okay, beautiful teacher." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"..." Tangyue was very angry. Is this guy pretending to be stupid or really stupid.

"Mr. Beauty, there's no need for cooking..." Jiang Chen stared at Tangyue's rice plate and said.

"Could it be that you want to eat my leftover meal?" Tangyue was stunned.

"Wasting food is a disgraceful act, Mr. Tang, as a teacher, you should lead by example and set an example for us students..." Jiang Chen said incomparably serious.

Then, seeing Jiang Chen quickly snatch the rice plate in front of Tangyue, three times, five divisions, several big mouthfuls of food, he burped: "Finally, I'm half full."

Eat so much to be half full?Tangyue didn't know what to say, she glanced at Jiang Chen's greasy mouth, then at the empty rice plate, and she didn't know what to think of, her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Okay, I've finished my meal. Next, I have something to talk to you about. I hope you don't deliberately talk about other things." After clearing up her mood, Tangyue said seriously.

"Teacher Tang, I actually have something to talk to you about. How about I say it first...well, let me talk about it first. After all, the matter is related to you, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said seriously, with a look of great concern.

"What, how could it be related to me?" Tangyue said, completely unaware that her attention was once again diverted by Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, did you not sleep well?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes, I didn't sleep well last night." Tangyue stared at Jiang Chen and said in such a tone, reminding Jiang Chen what good things he did last night.

Especially, when Tangyue saw Jiang Chen's energetic appearance, she felt very unbalanced.

Shouldn't people who take advantage of it be tossing and turning with guilt, why is it the other way around now?

"Of course I know that you didn't sleep well last night. In fact, apart from last night and the night before, the time has been pushed forward a little bit, and you have already..." At this point, Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he said: " You haven't had a good night's sleep in almost a year and a half."

Seeing Jiang Chen frown, Tangyue thought he was playing tricks, but after listening to Jiang Chen's words, Tangyue's heart was shocked.

She looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, and her shock was indescribable for a long time.

She has the problem of insomnia, which is still very serious. Tangyue is not very clear when this problem started. If it is roughly calculated, it has been nearly a year and a half. Sleeping pills are unable to fall asleep.

Only she knows about this problem, even the closest people around her have never been aware of it.

She has a beautiful face, and her natural beauty is hard to give up. Even if she sometimes loses her spirit due to lack of sleep, it is a different kind of beauty in the eyes of others.

Because of the severe insomnia last night, she couldn't close her eyes all night. When she looked in the mirror in the morning, Tangyue saw dark circles under her eyes. For this reason, she specially put on eye makeup to cover up the dark circles.

When Jiang Chen asked her if she didn't sleep well, Tangyue subconsciously thought that her makeup was not refined enough, and Jiang Chen saw the problem.

But Tangyue never expected that the problem Jiang Chen saw would be so beyond her expectation.

"How do you know?" Tangyue said, implying that she admitted Jiang Chen's words, she stared at Jiang Chen even tighter, her breathing was a little short, and she felt a little uneasy.

"It can be seen." Jiang Chen said simply.

"How did you see that?" Tangyue's eyes gleamed faintly with anger.

"Of course you can see it with your eyes." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Good job Jiang Chen, so you've been paying attention to me for so long, no wonder you showed your true colors last night, I didn't expect you to be so hateful, you rascal!" Tangyue suddenly yelled, turned and left.

"Is this a bit of a misunderstanding?" Jiang Chen was confused, and it was just a small problem of insomnia. Could Tangyue have stretched the problem too far, and she could do it better than him.

Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue's leaving figure speechlessly, thinking how could he be a hooligan?

"Hey, Teacher Tang, what are you doing for walking so fast? I haven't apologized to you yet." Jiang Chen shouted helplessly. He also wanted to talk to Tangyue about the problem of insomnia. Get rid of this trouble, and then apologize for what happened last night, and then ask for a vacation or something. Everyone is happy with each other and takes what they need.

But looking at Tangyue's appearance, how could Jiang Chen not know that he offended Tangyue again this time, and he offended Tangyue even more ruthlessly than last night.

"Rogue? Teacher Tang, you really know me very well. You can see through my essence at a glance. I obviously hide it so deeply." Immediately, Jiang Chen smiled, and when he turned around, he saw the side beside him. There are two more little beauties.

(End of this chapter)

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