genius evil

Chapter 15 You are shameless

Chapter 15 You are shameless

The two little beauties are wearing the uniforms issued by Yilan Middle School, one is quiet and beautiful, and the other is bold and bright.The identical school uniforms, worn by the two of them, have two completely different flavors.

Jiang Chen looked at the two of them at close range, and gradually had a feeling that random flowers were gradually entering the charming eyes.

"An Qi, did you see that, let me just say that this guy's smile is extremely lewd." The pungent little beauty pointed at Jiang Chen and said to Xu Anqi.

"Yanyan..." Xu Anqi shook Jiang Yanyan's arm. She knew that Jiang Yanyan was straightforward and said whatever came to her mind. She had no bad intentions. This was the biggest reason why she and Jiang Yanyan became good friends.

But you can't say everything, especially in front of Jiang Chen. Isn't this intentionally provoking Jiang Chen?

"An Qi, don't pull me, he's just a bad guy, just flirt with you and me, but even Teacher Tang dares to flirt with you, you must show him some color." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

Hearing these words, Xu Anqi also looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes, obviously she also heard Tangyue's words.

"Hey, when did I molested Teacher Tang?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid.

"Hmph, if you didn't molested Teacher Tang, why would Teacher Tang call you a hooligan?" Jiang Yanyan smiled coldly.

"Jiang Yanyan, you're wrong. That's not teasing, it's praise. Beautiful women, you just want to praise, right? It's like you... no, it's our class leader An Qi. Every time I see her class leader An Qi I can't help it..." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

A blush flashed across Xu Anqi's pretty face, and she glared at Jiang Chen fiercely, preventing Jiang Chen from saying what happened next.

"Can't help it?" Jiang Yanyan said curiously and with great interest.

"I can't help but take another look." Jiang Chen joked.

Xu Anqi's face turned even redder, and she couldn't help lowering her head, her delicate pink neck was burning red.

When had she ever been molested like this before, and she couldn't adapt in every way, especially, it was even more difficult for her to adapt to a guy who was so honest before and couldn't even speak, suddenly became so glib.

"Pfft..." Jiang Yanyan covered her mouth and chuckled, but said with a stern face on purpose: "Jiang Chen, you said that every time you see An Qi, you can't help but take a second look. What about me?"

"You, it's enough to take a look every time." Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Yanyan and said leisurely.

A look of disappointment flashed across Jiang Yanyan's eyes. Jiang Chen said that just looking at her was enough. Is she that bad?

Just then Jiang Chen's voice sounded in her ears again: "Every time I see you, I just want to take a look at you, because I'm afraid that I will always look at you, and three or four glances are not enough."

Jiang Yanyan immediately beamed with joy. She knew that she was not as beautiful as Xu Anqi, but which girl doesn't like to be praised by others? Jiang Chen's words, ups and downs, made her heart fluctuate. She hated Jiang Chen again and again. Hi again.

Jiang Chen looked at Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan's reaction, and secretly laughed in his heart. He probably didn't even realize that the two little girls were complaining about being molested by him, while enjoying the process of being molested by him.

Indulging in embarrassment for a while, Xu Anqi raised her head, looked at Jiang Chen bravely, and said, "Jiang Chen, I heard you fought again today, didn't you?"

It turned out that Xu Anqi came here because of his fight, Jiang Chen was a little surprised, Xu Anqi was quite well informed.

From last night to today, how long has passed? Jiang Chen fought two fights in a row, and even skipped class for an unprecedented time. From a good student to a bad student, the speed can be calculated at the speed of light. Xu Anqi is not worried about this of.

"If I don't beat people, people will beat me. You can't let me stand still and be beaten." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, you are all nonsense. If someone bullies you, you can tell the teacher and let the teacher handle it." Xu Anqi said softly and sincerely.

She said this not because she cared about Jiang Chen. As the class monitor, she cared about everyone in the class. forked road.

"Tell the teacher?" Jiang Chen chuckled, looked at Xu Anqi, and said, "Squad leader Xu, may I ask if it's useful to tell the teacher? Squad leader, you are really naive."

Xu Anqi stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, angry and ashamed, but didn't know how to refute.

Because she knew that what Jiang Chen said was right, the teacher couldn't control many things, and there were some students in Yilan Middle School that the teacher couldn't control, or in other words, didn't dare to control at all.

"Squad Leader Xu, I didn't mean to satirize you on purpose. I was just telling the truth. In the final analysis, whoever has the biggest fist has the truth." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Of course, Jiang Chen knew that Xu Anqi cared about him out of good intentions, and that she was doing her duty as the squad leader. He had always disdained such unnecessary explanations, but in front of Xu Anqi, he still explained it.

"Jiang Chen, fighting is never a good thing, you have to know this." Xu Anqi said helplessly, Jiang Chen's words made her feel a little relieved, but Jiang Chen's logic was unacceptable.

"It's not a good thing to be beaten, you don't care about men's affairs." Jiang Chen shook his head, the strong is the king, he lazily told Xu Anqi more, leave this sentence, get up and leave He took his seat and walked towards the outside of the cafeteria.

"Jiang Chen, wait, wait for me." Just as Jiang Chen reached the entrance of the cafeteria, he heard shouts behind him, and Bao Shifan stepped forward to catch up.

"Jiang Chen, did you quarrel with Xu Anqi? I think Xu Anqi is about to cry." Bao Shifan whispered in Jiang Chen's ear.

Jiang Chen turned his head, and saw Xu Anqi standing there blankly, her eyes were red, just took a look, Jiang Chen withdrew her gaze, and said lightly: "Cry if she wants to cry, the flowers in the greenhouse don't experience A little wind and rain, how can you grow up."

Bao Shifan looked at Jiang Chen strangely. Now he felt that Jiang Chen was different from before, so he murmured, and Bao Shifan said, "Jiang Chen, it's going to be late for self-study soon. Do you want to go? ?”

Yilan Middle School arranges evening self-study for two classes every night, but unlike other middle schools that take mandatory measures, Yilan Middle School’s evening self-study arrangement is quite humane, and you can go or not.

However, because there are only a few months before the college entrance examination, except for some students who really don't like studying and who know they can't get into college and give up on themselves, others usually take part in evening self-study.

"Evening self-study is not interesting, I'd better go to the dormitory to sleep." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said.

Shaking his hands, Jiang Chen swaggered out of the cafeteria, but Jiang Chen didn't go to the dormitory, but walked towards the teacher's office building.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing here?" Jiang Chen just appeared at the door of the office, and Tang Yue found out, and said with a straight face.

"Of course I came to see you, beautiful teacher, by the way..." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I want to rest for a while. I don't want to talk to you right now. What's the matter? Come and find me after class at noon tomorrow." Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Tangyue interrupted him.

"Teacher Tang, I don't have time at noon tomorrow." The smile on Jiang Chen's face remained unchanged.

"Then tomorrow afternoon." Tang Yue said without turning her head.

"I don't have time tomorrow afternoon, why not tomorrow night." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you are shameless." Tangyue's heart fluttered. This damned guy didn't say anything about molesting her in the cafeteria, but actually came to the office to moles her. Does he still have her as a teacher in his eyes?
"Why am I shameless?" Jiang Chen's face was full of innocence, but the smile that filled his eyes betrayed his thoughts.

"You are shameless." Tangyue gritted her teeth, saying that she came to see him at night, who knows what kind of dirty idea Jiang Chen had, if it was not shameless, it was what it was.

"Teacher Tang, you misunderstood me once in the cafeteria and called me a hooligan; now you misunderstood me again and called me shameless. It's so sad... The reason why I said I don't have time at noon tomorrow is because I I want to eat." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Eat, eat again.

When the word "eating" was mentioned, Tangyue became annoyed. She felt that she would lose any appetite for food in the next two or three days.

"And the reason why I said I don't have time tomorrow afternoon is because I have to ask for leave tomorrow afternoon." Jiang Chen continued.

"No." Tangyue was annoyed.

"I plan to ask for leave every afternoon for the next week." Jiang Chen said to himself as if he didn't hear Tangyue's words.

"I said no, no, no, Jiang Chen, didn't you hear what I said?" Tangyue was very angry. Could it be that this guy was trying to make him angry on purpose.

Touching his nose and smiling, Jiang Chen said: "Teacher Tang, I respect you so I came here to ask for leave, so starting from tomorrow afternoon, you won't be able to see him in the classroom for the next week. me."

"What are you asking for leave?" Tangyue had no choice but to follow Jiang Chen's words at this time. She thought Jiang Chen was just asking for half a day's leave, but she didn't expect Jiang Chen to ask for a week in a row, and even said that she respected her. I just told her, but how did Jiang Chen respect her?
"Exercise your body." Jiang Chen said casually, then Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Teacher Tang, when you were in the cafeteria just now, didn't you say you wanted to ask me a question? I came here specially to listen to the teachings."

"No more, there are no problems, you go out." Jiang Chen didn't say anything, but Tangyue got angry when he said it, pointing his delicate fingers at the door of the office, and said loudly.

"Mr. Tang, I'll go first. I hope you have a good dream tonight. Of course, I will definitely have a good dream. Maybe I will dream of you, Teacher Tang. I don't know if Teacher Tang will be in your dream. Meet me." Jiang Chen was very thick-skinned, blinked and smiled, and Shi Shiran left the office.

Tangyue sat down on the chair, still very angry, and said bitterly: "Smelly rascal, even if I die, I won't dream of you."

(End of this chapter)

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