genius evil

Chapter 16 Lying Chapter Breasts Will Get Bigger

Chapter 16 Telling Lies Makes Your Breasts Bigger
On the morning of the second day, Jiang Chen went to class normally.In the afternoon, Tangyue passed by the classroom and found that Jiang Chen had actually skipped class, skipping class for the second time without her permission.

"Jiang Chen, you are too courageous." Tangyue felt very uncomfortable.

After hesitating for a while, Tangyue strode towards the gymnasium. She knew that if there were no major accidents, she should be able to find Jiang Chen in the gymnasium, because she found Jiang Chen in the gymnasium yesterday.

When Tangyue appeared in the gymnasium, she really easily saw Jiang Chen. There was no way, Jiang Chen was too conspicuous. Many people were looking at Jiang Chen like a monster.

"This guy is really in the gymnasium, really exercising." Looking at Jiang Chen's back playing sandbags, Tangyue muttered to herself, but soon, the way Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen was also a bit like looking at a monster. up.

"Jiang Chen, stop pretending." Tangyue walked over and said displeasedly.

Jiang Chen's movement of punching the sandbag was too slow, and he didn't have any strength at all. He punched out one after another, but the sandbag didn't move at all, and there was not even a sound.

Seeing such a situation, Tangyue subconsciously thought that Jiang Chen knew she would come and deliberately pretended to show it to her.

The hateful thing is, can't this guy pretend to be serious?

"Teacher Tang, I didn't expect you to come to see me so soon. It's really like three autumns." Jiang Chen stopped punching, turned around, and said with a look of surprise, while While talking, he grabbed Tangyue's jade hand.

Tangyue had been on guard against Jiang Chen's move for a long time. As soon as Jiang Chen's hand was stretched out, she hid her hands behind her back to avoid being molested by Jiang Chen.

After giving Jiang Chen a blank look and motioning him to restrain himself, Tangyue said angrily, "Jiang Chen, can you speak normally?"

What do you say that if you don't see each other every day, it seems that the relationship between the two is so close. Besides, she also had a math class in the morning, and it was only two or three hours since she hadn't seen each other. Jiang Chen is too capable. Nonsense.

"Hey, am I speaking abnormally?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Then speak normally, Teacher Tang, did you dream of me last night?"

Jiang Chen really became normal, regardless of his expression or tone of voice, they were all very normal.

"No." Tangyue denied without thinking.

"Teacher Tang, if you tell a lie, your breasts will get bigger. If you don't believe me, take a look." Jiang Chen pointed at Tangyue's breasts.

Tangyue took a step back subconsciously, her breathing was slightly panting, her chest was trembling and undulating, and a stunning wave passed by, it really got a lot bigger.

"Jiang Chen, do you still have my teacher in your eyes? You dare to say anything." Tangyue stared at Jiang Chen angrily, furious.

"I'm really angry. In fact, I just want to tell Teacher Tang that I just dreamed of you last night." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Shut up." Tang Yue's pretty face flushed, she really wanted to tear Jiang Chen's mouth off.

I don't know if it's because of Jiang Chen's troubles these two days, or because of Jiang Chen's intentional ambiguous reminder yesterday, she really dreamed about Jiang Chen last night.

Tangyue was naturally ashamed to say such things, she would never admit it, but Jiang Chen deliberately reminded her, how could this make her not angry.

Then without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Tangyue immediately said: "Jiang Chen, you go to the classroom immediately, immediately."

"Teacher Tang, if I remember correctly, I have asked for leave." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I didn't approve it at all." Jiang Chen didn't say that, it was fine, but when Tangyue said it, he just came here out of anger.

Tangyue is not someone who gets angry easily. The education she has received and the people she has been in contact with have allowed her to develop a very ladylike personality since she was a child.

She has been teaching in Yilan Middle School for more than half a year, but no one has ever seen her get angry, not even red-eyed.

But born in front of Jiang Chen, she couldn't help but get angry when Jiang Chen spoke. This man was like her nemesis, restraining her to death.

"Hey, haven't you approved it? Then I will ask for another leave now. Teacher Tang, you should be able to approve it." Jiang Chen pretended to be stunned for a moment, and said.

"You should give up on this idea. I will never approve it." Tangyue said in a non-negotiable tone, "Jiang Chen, could it be that you want me to call your parents over?"

"The old man never uses a mobile phone, Mr. Tang, if you really want to invite the old man over, you probably have to go to my house to invite him in person, but even if you go, you probably won't find anyone. Maybe the old man is moving bricks at some construction site .” Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Old man?" Tangyue was startled for a moment before she realized that Jiang Chen was referring to his father. She had never met Jiang Chen's father, and had no idea whether Jiang Chen's father was old or young.

But one thing Jiang Chen said was correct, the old man did not have a mobile phone, at least Tangyue did not find Jiang Chen's father's contact information.Otherwise, it would not be as simple as a verbal threat, she would have called the parents directly.

"Jiang Chen, tell me, is this the reason why you are confident? Your father is very old, and he moved bricks on the construction site to earn money for your education. Don't you feel ashamed of your behavior?" Tangyue was a little bit exhausted. a feeling of.

"Moving bricks is the old man's own choice. He likes to move bricks. What can I do?" Jiang Chen smiled helplessly and said, "As for being confident, Mr. Tang, you are too extreme. I just want to exercise well."

"Have exercised, and then go to the construction site to move bricks with your father? I heard that moving bricks can make a lot of money now, one or two hundred a day, but it makes more money than me as a teacher. Seeing you like this, He is planning to follow his father's career, he is really promising." Tangyue said sarcastically, gnashing her teeth.

If in the past, Tangyue would never have said such things, she was really pissed off by Jiang Chen today, and she seemed a little out of choice.

"Well, it looks good, but I don't know if the owner of the construction site has a daughter, otherwise it would be meaningless to go." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"What's the matter with the boss' daughter at the construction site?" Tangyue asked puzzled.

"The old man is best at seducing the proprietress. He seduced the older ones, so I naturally want to seduce the younger ones, too. The so-called tiger-fighting brothers are father and son soldiers." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tangyue was speechless, and she didn't know whether what Jiang Chen said was true or not. If it was true, then like father, like son.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you right now, so hurry up and go to class now." Tangyue said angrily.

"Teacher Tang, do you really want me to go to the classroom?" Jiang Chen took a deep look at Tangyue.

"You are a student, where are you going if you don't go to the classroom?" Seeing that Jiang Chen's tone was a little loose, Tangyue took the opportunity to say.

"Alright then, I'll go to class now. Goodbye, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, shook his hands, and strode towards the outside of the gymnasium.

Jiang Chen suddenly changed his mind, which actually made Tangyue a little uncomfortable. She subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong.

After thinking about it for a while, Tangyue followed quickly. She wanted to see what Jiang Chen was going to do, but to Tangyue's surprise, Jiang Chen actually walked towards the teaching building after leaving the gymnasium. .

Then Tangyue saw Jiang Chen enter the classroom with her own eyes. However, Jiang Chen did not enter the classroom empty-handed. On the way to the teaching building, he bought two big bags at the canteen of the school and walked into the classroom together. .

This was the second class in the afternoon. The bell had just rang, and the physics teacher was about to start the lecture. When he saw Jiang Chen coming in, he casually glanced at Jiang Chen, didn't pay much attention, and continued to lecture.


"What sound?" The physics teacher frowned and followed the sound.

Soon, the physics teacher's face changed. He couldn't believe his eyes because he saw Jiang Chen eating.

To be exact, Jiang Chen was eating crispy noodles, and he bit into them with a crunching sound. The sound attracted everyone's attention in the classroom.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" The physics teacher's face was very ugly. This guy was late for class, but he was still eating in class. It's okay to eat, but he was eating crispy noodles, making such a big commotion , can't you eat something in peace?Need to let everyone know you eat in class?
"Mr. Zhu, I'm a little hungry. Eat something to fill my stomach. Don't worry about me." Jiang Chen waved his hand, indicating to ignore him, and finished the crispy noodles in two or three bites. Open the package and eat it.

Zhu Dayu's face was very dark. What's the matter with this guy? He's usually not very honest. He listens seriously in class. Why is he so courageous now?
"Jiang Chen, it's class time now. If you're really hungry, eat after class." Zhu Dayu didn't make things difficult for Jiang Chen, after all, if Jiang Chen was really that hungry, he wouldn't be incomprehensible.

After Jiang Chen finished eating the ham, he took out a piece of bread, took a bite, and said vaguely: "Mr. Zhu, you teach your class, and I eat mine. Try not to affect you."

The corner of Zhu Dayu's mouth twitched, what do you mean try not to affect him, this guy has already affected him, okay?
"Get out and eat." No matter how good Zhu Dayu's temper was, he would have exploded. What's more, his temper was not very good in the first place. The reason why he didn't get angry right away was because Jiang Chen was always honest. Come on, at this time he shouted.

Jiang Chen chuckled, got up and walked towards the outside of the classroom, but what stunned all the students in the classroom was that he walked out with a bag of things, and then everyone saw Jiang Chen standing outside the classroom In the corridor, he tore open another bag of crispy noodles.



The sound of chewing crispy noodles, one after another, came into the classroom, and all the students were in a mess...

(End of this chapter)

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