genius evil

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
Teacher Zhu was in class, and Jiang Chen was eating outside the classroom.

Teacher Zhu finished class, and Jiang Chen was still eating.

However, as Teacher Zhu left the classroom, Jiang Chen returned to his seat and continued to eat.


"Careful to hold on to death."

"Damn, what stimulated this guy, is this the rhythm of trying to support himself to death?"

"Yeah, he bought so many snacks, it's okay to share some with us."


When Teacher Zhu was in class, everyone was still quiet, but when the get out of class was over, the classroom suddenly exploded, and everyone looked at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.To be precise, he looked at Jiang Chen like a fool.

"Look, An Qi, that guy Jiang Chen has really turned into a pig." Jiang Yanyan tugged on Xu Anqi's sleeve and said in a low voice.

When she was in the cafeteria yesterday afternoon, Jiang Yanyan had seen Jiang Chen's astonishing appetite. Not only did she finish her own portion, but she also stuffed Tangyue's leftovers into her stomach.

If it is said, it just means that Jiang Chen has a good appetite, but what is going on with Jiang Chen, pigs may not be so edible, right?
Jiang Chen had eaten for a whole class. In other words, Jiang Chen had been eating non-stop for more than 40 minutes. To say that Jiang Chen is a pig is a very euphemistic description.

"Maybe he's really hungry." After hesitating for a while, Xu Anqi said softly. Having said that, the way Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen was also a bit weird.

"I don't think he's hungry. He probably has something like hyperthyroidism. I heard that people with this kind of disease can eat very well." Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen's thin body, her eyes rolling around. .

"Yanyan, don't talk nonsense, what are you planning?" Xu Anqi said dumbfounded.

Jiang Yanyan's mouth is really too poisonous, isn't this cursing Jiang Chen?
"An Qi, don't you think Jiang Chen is going too far? It doesn't matter what he eats. What matters is that it affects our class. I have to talk to him and let him restrain himself." Jiang Yanyan spoke quickly and left her seat. , walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Do you want to eat?" Jiang Chen said lightly without raising his head.

Before Jiang Yanyan could speak, she heard Jiang Chen say this.

"I don't want to eat." Jiang Yanyan said immediately.

She really wanted to eat something, not that she was hungry, it wasn't long after lunch, it was just that Jiang Chen's food seemed so delicious that she just couldn't help but want to eat some snacks .

It just so happened that Jiang Chen bought a lot of snacks, if Jiang Chen was willing to give her some, that would be the best.

It's just that Jiang Chen said it outright, so of course Jiang Yanyan would not admit it.

"I know you really want to eat it, but it's definitely not enough to eat for free. Simply noodles cost 15 yuan a pack, ham sausage costs 20 yuan a piece, and bread costs [-] yuan a piece... Pay with one hand and get the goods with the other." Jiang Chen ate hard. , casually said.

"It's clear that one pack of crispy noodles is good, why do they cost ten dollars per pack?" Jiang Yanyan said subconsciously.

"I'm sorry, I don't accept a counter-offer." Jiang Chen said in a tone that he wasn't afraid that you wouldn't buy it.

Jiang Yanyan was a little angry, this guy is really a profiteer among profiteers, but why, she seems to want to eat it very much.

"Hey, does anyone else want to eat? It's a one-hundred-dollar price. If you want to eat, hurry up and buy it. It will be gone in a while." After saying that, Jiang Chen ignored Jiang Yanyan, raised his voice slightly, and directed said others in the classroom.

"No, no, no, I wasn't hungry in the first place, why am I so hungry now?" The greedy person couldn't help it, took out his wallet, but instead of buying from Jiang Chen, he rushed out of the classroom.

Only a fool would buy Jiang Chen's stuff. This stuff is clearly a scam.

After one person ran out of the classroom, several people ran out one after another, even Jiang Yanyan, who almost couldn't help but want to go to the school's canteen to buy some food together.

"Business is difficult." Sighing, Jiang Chen took out a tea egg, stuffed it into his mouth, and said, "By the way, tea eggs cost 50 yuan each."

"This guy wants money and wants to go crazy." Countless people slandered in their hearts, but no one said anything, quietly watching Jiang Chen eat, and the sound of swallowing saliva kept coming and going.

"To make a splash." Suddenly, a slightly shrill voice sounded.

It was Li Nengchao who spoke. Li Nengchao pushed his glasses, looked at Jiang Chen coldly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Li Xueba is worthy of being a top student. He even knows idioms like sensationalism. I don't know if Li Xueba knows that there is an idiom called none of your business?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, not at all angry.

"Jiang Chen, you made a mistake, it's none of your business." Jiang Yanyan kindly reminded.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Yanyan felt that something was wrong, that Jiang Chen was cursing someone.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think you're going too far? Eating in class disturbs the teacher's teaching order. If you don't want to go to class, you can get out of here." Li Nengchao said angrily.

"None of your business." This time, Jiang Chen directly threw the four words to Li Nengchao.

"Jiang Chen, I've tolerated you for a long time. You can't be so selfish. Do you know that your actions have directly affected dozens of students in the class." Li Nengchao stood up, clenched his fists, and said angrily.

"Oh, it seems that you have endured very hard, so don't bear it." Jiang Chen said with a kind look.


The students in the class were overjoyed when they heard this, and Jiang Chen was a little too funny.

Even Xu Anqi couldn't help laughing, how could this guy say that, isn't this trying to provoke Li Nengchao on purpose?

"Yes, I don't want to bear it anymore, I decided to tell the head teacher." Li Nengchao said loudly.

"I thought you were going to challenge me one-on-one. In this case, you should continue to bear it." Jiang Chen shook his head, looked at Li Nengchao like an idiot, peeled off the second tea egg, and stuffed it in one bite. mouth.

Li Nengchao couldn't take it anymore, he really couldn't take it anymore, he really wanted to fight Jiang Chen one-on-one, but he didn't dare, because Li Nengchao knew that Jiang Chen beat Guo Hu and the three of them, and he also knew what happened in the gymnasium .

Even Li Shan couldn't beat Jiang Chen. He had small arms and legs, let alone Jiang Chen's opponent. He knew that Jiang Chen was humiliating him, but he didn't dare to make a move.

Li Nengchao's face turned red, he yelled, and ran towards the outside of the classroom. As soon as Li Nengchao left, many people looked at Jiang Chen with worried eyes.

Li Nengchao went to find Tangyue, Jiang Chen must have no good fruit to eat.

"This guy, he probably won't have the appetite to eat next." Jiang Yanyan returned to her seat, thinking in her heart.

But just as Jiang Yanyan's thoughts came to her mind, that annoying clicking sound resounded in the classroom again.

"I'm hungry." Jiang Yanyan hugged Xu Anqi's arm and said pitifully. If she had known this was the case, she would have spent money to buy a pack of crispy noodles from Jiang Chen.

"I'm hungry too." Xu Anqi said quietly.

"Jiang Chen is too much, it's fine if he can eat, but he still eats alone, I hate him to death." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

The bell for the third class rang, and all the students who went out to buy snacks came back. The only one who didn't come back was Li Nengchao. This class was chemistry class.

Jiang Chen's appetite was not affected in the slightest by Li Nengchao, he was eating as usual, as if he couldn't get enough.

Fortunately, he was eating bread and didn't make a sound. Of course, despite this, some students who bought snacks came back were very envious. They didn't even have time to eat the snacks. How nice it would be to eat in class.

Tangyue listened to Li Nengchao's brief report, and when she appeared at the door of the classroom, her eyes widened when she saw Jiang Chen.

That's right, Jiang Chen was eating.

Because Jiang Chen was eating, except for a few students in the class who were listening carefully, the rest of the students more or less focused on Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, get out of here." Tangyue yelled angrily. She was still thinking about how Jiang Chen would change his mind and go back to class. It would have been better if he had known that Jiang Chen wouldn't come to class. Jiang Chen was sincerely confronting her. .

No wonder Jiang Chen went to the canteen on the way to the classroom. It turned out that this was the idea. It was clearly provoking her authority as the head teacher.


In the classroom, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen, even the chemistry teacher who was teaching.

Jiang Chen got up indifferently, and of course he didn't forget the two food bags. He picked up the bags, and Jiang Chen walked out of the classroom leisurely.

Seeing Jiang Chen walk out of the classroom, Li Nengchao's face flushed red with excitement, and Jiang Chen rolled out of the classroom in front of everyone's eyes to see how he would behave in the future.

"Jiang Chen, how does it feel, doesn't it feel good?" Li Nengchao said in a low voice when Jiang Chen walked by.

He couldn't beat Jiang Chen, but he didn't have to use his hands to teach Jiang Chen a lesson. The same goes for using his brain.

"Li Nengchao, you must think you have won." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Of course." Li Nengchao said coldly.

"I know you like Jiang Yanyan, the taste is really unique." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Li Nengchao's face was pale, and he looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

The reason why Li Nengchao broke out today was not because Jiang Chen was eating in class, but because Jiang Yanyan seemed to care about Jiang Chen very much.

That's right, Li Nengchao likes Jiang Yanyan, to be exact, he has a crush on Jiang Yanyan.

Unlike other students who have a crush on Xu Anqi, Li Nengchao has a special liking for Jiang Yanyan. Just like what Jiang Chen said, Li Nengchao has a very unique taste and a weak personality, so he likes the straightforward Jiang Yanyan.

However, Jiang Yanyan herself didn't know about this matter, so how could Jiang Chen know?

Jiang Chen carried the bag and leisurely disappeared into the corridor.

Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen's leaving back, frowned slightly, and faintly felt that she seemed to be tricked by Jiang Chen, and she kicked Jiang Chen out of the classroom, wasn't it just in line with Jiang Chen's wishes?
After leaving the teaching building, Jiang Chen walked in the direction of the gymnasium. Jiang Chen found that he was getting used to his current status more and more, and he liked the current living conditions more and more. If he had nothing to do, he would go to class to practice kung fu, and pick up girls by the way. The leisure and comfort!
(End of this chapter)

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