genius evil

Chapter 18 Body Tempering 1 Layers

Chapter 18

In the next few days, Jiang Chen was absent from class as a matter of course, and he was still absent from class around the clock.

Everyone thought that Jiang Chen was kicked out of the classroom by Tangyue and had no face to come back. Only Tangyue knew that Jiang Chen's face was as thick as a city wall. It wasn't that he had no face to come back. return.

Tangyue also knew that the reason for Jiang Chen's absenteeism was that Jiang Chen was punching sandbags in the gymnasium.

However, Tangyue didn't talk to Jiang Chen again. Some students are destined to be unable to support the wall with mud, just like Guo Hu and Zhang Dapeng.

Guo Hu and the others were hospitalized after being beaten by Li Shan. Tangyue knew about it, and Tangyue also knew that it had something to do with Jiang Chen.

It stands to reason that Jiang Chen was responsible for this matter, but he didn't know what was going on. After Li Shan went to the hospital, he had no injuries at all. In this way, Jiang Chen beat Li Shan. All the claims are untenable, and this is also the reason why no one is currently holding Jiang Chen accountable.

Originally, she was supposed to visit Guo Hu and the others in the hospital, but Tangyue didn't go, the reason for not going was simple, she didn't want to go.

Just like now that she clearly knows that Jiang Chen is in the gymnasium, she doesn't want to go to Jiang Chen. Whether Jiang Chen is really exercising or willing to degenerate, let's make trouble as he likes. As a teacher, she is considered Do your best.

Moreover, she is just a teacher, not a nanny, let alone Jiang Chen's personal nanny. What she has to do is to be responsible for the whole class of students, not for a certain student.

Of course, when she thought about it occasionally, Jiang Chen tricked her once through Li Nengchao, and she didn't have to go to class if she was aboveboard, Tangyue couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

But at this time, Tangyue could only keep this comfort in her heart. Anyway, Jiang Chen was just absent from class and nothing else happened, so she just ignored Jiang Chen.

Tangyue didn't look for Jiang Chen, but Bao Shifan had been to the gymnasium twice, but seeing Jiang Chen beating sandbags, Bao Shifan didn't think it was interesting, stayed for a while and then left.
There are still a few months before the college entrance examination, Bao Shifan's grades are not good, he wants to work hard in the last few months, just like what Jiang Chen said, if he wants to go to the best university.

Bao Shifan didn't think he could be admitted to the best university, but he was no longer willing to go to the worst school.

Bao Shifan himself didn't know that, unknowingly, he had been influenced by Jiang Chen, and his personality was gradually changing.

But Jiang Yanyan did not know where Jiang Chen was in the gymnasium, so she took Xu Anqi around the gymnasium for a while, and Xu Anqi stared at Jiang Chen for two hours.

In the end, it was determined that Jiang Chen was indeed "exercising", and Jiang Chen didn't seem to care about the meaning of the two of them at all. Besides, Jiang Chen was walking slowly like an old man, as if he was doing Tai Chi in a park. None, just left resentfully, no longer paying attention to Jiang Chen lazily.

Jiang Chen was absent from class around the clock, not for a day, but for a full week.

During this week, apart from Bao Shifan, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, no one else disturbed him.

The sports students who often hang out in the gymnasium have long been used to Jiang Chen's existence. Although many people think that Jiang Chen's way of exercising is meaningless, they didn't try to provoke Jiang Chen.

Furthermore, with Li Shan's lessons learned, even if they want to provoke Jiang Chen, they still have to weigh whether they have the qualifications.

During Jiang Chen's week, except for going back to his dormitory to sleep every night, the rest of the dozen or so hours were spent in the gymnasium.

However, Jiang Chen wasn't just punching sandbags. Sometimes, he was eating.

Jiang Chen was eating in the classroom with an arrogant attitude, which was indeed meant to stimulate Tangyue, but that was not the whole reason, the most important reason was that Jiang Chen was really hungry.

Jiang Chen's method of tempering his body was almost cruel. As a result, his body consumed a lot of energy, so he had to supplement enough food and calories.

Otherwise, not to mention tempering the body, it would actually damage one's own body.

The most direct result of crazily replenishing food every day was that Jiang Chen's original one-month living expenses were almost exhausted in just one week.

After a week, Jiang Chen hit the sandbag day after day. In some people's eyes, Jiang Chen was repeating himself, doing useless work all the time. They didn't realize that Jiang Chen was actually changing.

For the first three days, Jiang Chen dealt exclusively with one sandbag.On the fourth day, one sandbag became two, on the fifth day it became three, on the sixth day, two more became five, and on the seventh day, the number of sandbags changed back to one again. .

And when the sandbag turned back into one, Jiang Chen had already been in the gymnasium for seven full days.

Jiang Chen was sweating profusely, and kept punching.

If someone observed Jiang Chen carefully at this time, he would find that although Jiang Chen still had no strength when he punched, in just one second, Jiang Chen punched at least ten punches.

Speed, terrifying speed.

And this is a manifestation of the most perfect coordination of the body.

Jiang Chen hit the sandbags for many days. In some people's eyes, he was doing useless work. The truth of the matter is naturally not the case.

The reason why Jiang Chen's punches were neither entertaining nor powerful was because he had been exercising his physical coordination during this period.

Jiang Chen has always been controlling the power of his punches. For a person like him, if he can do something with a little effort, he will never give two points.

Jiang Chen was very fussy. This was a habit brought about by years of cultivation. He hadn't started cultivation yet, but he always believed that good habits should be kept.

Of course, this is not an easy task. Keeping the angle and strength of the punches unchanged is an amazing manifestation of endurance and willpower.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's powerful soul, then Jiang Chen would definitely not be able to do it.


Jiang Chen hit the sandbag with a punch, and with Jiang Chen's punch, suddenly, the blood in Jiang Chen's body surged, and the blood in his body seemed to be summoned by some kind of call, and it was raging. Clothes that were soaked in sweat, in an instant, seemed to be flooded, and drips of sweat dripped onto the ground.

"The first layer of body tempering, it's a success." Jiang Chen whispered, and just as he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a big mouthful of blood.

Then Jiang Chen didn't turn his head, and walked quickly to the outside of the gymnasium.

"Hey, that kid vomited blood." Someone saw Jiang Chen spitting blood and said in confusion.

"Yeah, the body is too weak, and you can vomit blood after hitting the sandbag so slowly." Some people thought it was incredible.

"No, look." Someone yelled and pointed at the sandbag that Jiang Chen hit.

Everyone in the gymnasium looked in the direction the man pointed, and saw that the sandbag suddenly exploded at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

"The sandbag exploded, did Jiang Chen blow it up?" someone said in surprise.

"No, with Jiang Chen's strength, can he blow up the sandbag?" Some people were skeptical.

"Brother Jie, look, the sandbag has exploded." Next to him, on the treadmill, Zheng Yu murmured with rounded eyes.

Beside Zheng Yu, Qiu Shaojie's eyes lit up slightly, he didn't know what he thought of, and soon, Qiu Shaojie smiled knowingly again.

Zheng Yu would run on the treadmill for an hour every day, but Qiu Shaojie didn't come here often. This week, counting today, Qiu Shaojie came here for the second time.

Qiu Shaojie didn't expect that he would see such a scene when he came here this time. To be honest, he was a little shocked.

Some people doubted whether the sandbag was blown up by Jiang Chen, but Qiu Shaojie had no doubts at all. In his opinion, the sandbag was blown up by Jiang Chen.

In terms of the power of Jiang Chen's punches, it was impossible to break the sandbags. However, Jiang Chen just exploded the sandbags. This was not at all the leading role of strength, but a manifestation of perverted willpower.

The so-called dripping water wears away the stone, nothing more.

Yes, it was perverted. Qiu Shaojie had never seen such an astonishing existence of willpower. Apart from the word perverted, he really couldn't find any other suitable adjectives to describe Jiang Chen.

The explosion of the sandbag was the expected outcome for Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen didn't know, because he vomited a mouthful of blood, he once again successfully attracted everyone's attention, let alone that Qiu Shaojie regarded him as a pervert.

Of course, even if he knew, Jiang Chen wouldn't care about it.

Jiang Chen is very hungry now, his only thought is to find a place to eat.

It's eight o'clock in the evening, and the school cafeteria has already closed.

Jiang Chen didn't go to the canteen to buy food either, because he didn't have much money on him. He only had 20 yuan left in his pocket, so he couldn't buy much food at all, but 20 yuan was used to eat two fast foods. is enough.

So Jiang Chen left the school directly. Naturally, just like the last time he left the school, this time Jiang Chen also went out over the wall.

There were several restaurants outside the school. After Jiang Chen climbed over the wall, he happened to appear near a small restaurant.

"Sister Lan's Restaurant." Jiang Chen looked up at the restaurant's signboard and walked directly into the restaurant.

"Sister Lan, stir-fry two dishes, one is stir-fried pork with green peppers, and the other is shredded cabbage." Entering the restaurant, Jiang Chen sat down on the stool and said weakly.

Stir-fried pork with green peppers costs 12 yuan each, and shredded cabbage costs 20 yuan each, adding up to a total of [-] yuan. After ordering these two dishes, it means that Jiang Chen has spent all his money.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you, haven't you had dinner?" A soft voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear. It was a young woman, about thirty years old, who was the owner of the restaurant, Sister Lan. .

And the reason why Sister Lan Restaurant is called Sister Lan Hotel is precisely because the owner of the restaurant is called Sister Lan.

"Sister Lan, don't talk for now, hurry up and cook." Jiang Chen waved his hand, he almost didn't even have the energy to speak now.

After breaking through the first layer of Body Tempering, the whole body's blood was boiling, as if every cell was opening its mouth to cry for hunger.If he didn't eat something to supplement it, Jiang Chen wondered if he was going to faint from hunger.

(End of this chapter)

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