genius evil

Chapter 19 The Terrible Appetite

Chapter 19 The Terrible Appetite
Five minutes later, Sister Lan came out with a bowl of fried pork with green peppers, and a big bowl of rice for Jiang Chen. During these five minutes, Jiang Chen had already drank five cups of boiled water.

It's just that the more Jiang Chen drank, the hungrier he became. When the food was served, he picked up the rice bowl and ate it like a reincarnated starving ghost.

"Jiang Chen, you really haven't eaten dinner." Sister Lan said looking at Jiang Chen.

"I ate it, but it's been digested long ago." Jiang Chen responded vaguely. In an instant, the big bowl of rice was half empty, and the bowl of vegetables had not been touched by a single chopstick.

"Jiang Chen, why do you only eat and don't eat vegetables? Do you dislike Sister Lan's poor craftsmanship?" Seeing this, Sister Lan was a little unhappy.

"How could it be, Sister Lan, do you need to talk about your craftsmanship? Even if you are a chef in a five-star hotel, it can't compare with you." Jiang Chen chuckled, picked up a chopsticks dish, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Not to mention, Sister Lan's cooking skills are really good. An ordinary stir-fried pork with green peppers is full of color and flavor, which is much better than the big pot dishes in school.

"Stinky boy, when did you become so glib." Sister Lan smiled at Jiang Chen, but also smiled heartily, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

This is not the first time for Jiang Chen to come to Sister Lan's restaurant for dinner. He came to Sister Lan more often, and he also met Sister Lan's daughter, Xiaodie, because Jiang Chen has always been honest and gave Xiaodie free tuition. , Sister Lan's impression of Jiang Chen is still very good.

"Sister Lan, is the rice enough today? I guess I'll eat a little too much." Jiang Chen said to Sister Lan's back.

"Enough, just eat as hard as you can." Sister Lan smiled lightly.

But soon, Sister Lan understood why Jiang Chen would ask her if she had enough rice.

After she brought out the shredded cabbage, she saw Jiang Chen eat five bowls of rice with her own eyes, not including the few minutes when she went in to cook the vegetables.

Then, Jiang Chen started to deal with the sixth bowl of rice.

The seventh bowl...

The eighth bowl...


ten bowls...

twelve bowls...


Jiang Chen has been eating. The rice in the restaurant is provided for free. Jiang Chen is not worried that he will not be able to eat it. He is really worried that there will not be enough rice.

Yilan Middle School is closed for teaching, half a day off every weekend, and another four days off at the end of the month.

But even on weekends, Sister Lan's restaurant business is still not good, because after the holiday, many students go home directly, and they don't care about Sister Gu Lan's business at all.

Furthermore, Sister Lan's restaurant is too small, and the people who come here to eat are basically poor students, like Jiang Chen. In this way, even if Sister Lan's craftsmanship is good, the restaurant's business is still very good. Bad very bad.

At this time, it was already past the meal time. After Sister Lan cooked two dishes for Jiang Chen, she had nothing else to do. Sister Lan sat on the sidelines and watched TV. Bowl of rice for dinner.

"Jiang Chen, are you so hungry?" After Jiang Chen started to eat the No.12 bowl of rice, Sister Lan finally couldn't help it, and said softly.

Sister Lan runs a restaurant. It's not that she hasn't seen anything that can be eaten, but she has definitely never seen anything that is more edible than Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen has already eaten twelve bowls of rice. Sister Lan doubts whether Jiang Chen can eat it again. Eat twelve bowls.

"No way, who told Sister Lan that your cooking skills are so good." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and kept stuffing rice into his mouth. Jiang Chen didn't know that he had already eaten twelve bowls of rice in a row, because he I didn't feel anything at all, my stomach was still empty, like a bottomless pit, no matter how stuffed it was, it couldn't be filled.

"Poor mouth." Sister Lan gave Jiang Chen a blank look. She hadn't realized that Jiang Chen could eat so much before.

"I swear, it's really delicious. I almost ate my tongue." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Sister Lan blushed slightly. She hadn't noticed that Jiang Chen was so good at talking before. He seemed to be a different person. Moreover, Jiang Chen seemed to be different from before. The difference wasn't that Jiang Chen's appearance had changed. , but Jiang Chen's aura, which seems to be a little different.

"Jiang Chen, no matter how hungry you are, you can't eat like this, it will spoil you." Sister Lan persuaded softly.

When Sister Lan said this, she didn't mean that Jiang Chen ate too much and she had no money to make. In fact, according to Jiang Chen's way of eating, she would definitely lose money.

Sister Lan wasn't worried that she would lose money, she was just worried that Jiang Chen would spoil people if he continued eating like this.

And Jiang Chen didn't have the consciousness to eat people badly, he kept eating, until the No.15 bowl of rice was eaten, Jiang Chen's eating speed slowed down a little.

The reason for this situation was that there was no rice in the pot, so he had to slow down the speed of eating, and also, he was concerned about eating just now, and the two dishes hadn't moved much.

"Stinky boy, you are going to eat up my little shop." Sister Lan cursed with a smile, got up, and planned to cook some more rice, because she could see that Jiang Chen didn't seem to be full yet.

Even if the meal was destined to lose money, but the guests didn't eat enough, she still felt a little bit sorry.

However, just as Sister Lan got up, she saw four young people walking in outside.

"Boss, cook some dishes." Four people came in and sat down carelessly, one of them said loudly.

"Sorry, there is no more rice in the store. If you want to eat, you may have to wait for half an hour." Sister Lan said.

The store's business is not good, and Sister Lan is very happy to have customers, but Jiang Chen has eaten all the rice, so she has to cook another pot.

"Fuck, I don't have enough food to open a restaurant. I think you can just close this shabby shop." Hearing what Sister Lan said, the man immediately became upset and said swearing.

"Yeah, Sister Lan, I said what kind of restaurant do you open? With your looks, what can you do to make more money than opening this dilapidated restaurant?" Another person said with a smile.

As he spoke, the man's eyes swept across Sister Lan's body, hot and undisguisedly obscene.

Not to mention, Sister Lan's figure is really good, the place on her body is convex, and the place that should be concave is concave. Although Sister Lan's daughter Xiaodie is already seven years old, Sister Lan has the charm of a mature young woman. But it is not comparable to young girls.

In particular, when Sister Lan looked at people, her eyes were always timid. If such eyes fell on a man's eyes, it would naturally easily arouse his desire to conquer and protect.

"That's right, Sister Lan, if you want me to say, you just follow our Dao brother, and keep you popular and hot in the future... Don't you always hope that Xiaodie can go to the best school, as long as you follow us Brother Tian, ​​that's not a matter of one sentence." Another person said.

Sister Lan's face changed slightly. At this time, how could she not know that these four people didn't come to eat at all, the meal was just an excuse, they came to make trouble, to be more precise, they came to make trouble for her.

Brother Dao is known to Sister Lan, and Sister Lan also knows that Brother Dao means so much to her, but although she is a widow, she has always kept herself clean, relying on her own hands for food, and never thought of relying on anyone. His goodwill has never been false.

Because it is close to the school, the law and order has always been good. Brother Dao didn't come hard after the harassment was fruitless. Counting the days, Brother Dao didn't show up for a while. Sister Lan thought Brother Dao gave up harassing her. My sister didn't expect that these four people would belong to Brother Dao. It seemed that Brother Dao didn't give up on her.

"Please leave, or I will call the police." Sister Lan said with a cold face.

"Hey, Sister Lan, it's not the first time you've called the police. If the police were useful, we wouldn't be here, so don't scare us with the police." One said with a playful smile.

"Hurry up, or I'll really call the police." Sister Lan was a little uneasy. She knew that calling the police was useless, but she couldn't do anything other than call the police.

"Sister Lan, you can call the police, but let me warn you, Brother Dao's patience is limited... I don't think you want to see Xiaodie suddenly disappear on the way from school one day." The man said coldly hum said.

Sister Lan's face was pale, she knew very well that this man was not threatening her, as far as Brother Dao's actions were concerned, he could do anything.

Xiaodie is her lifeblood, if something happens to Xiaodie, then what's the point of her being alive.

"Well, I know I'm afraid, now that I know I'm afraid, then I don't need to teach you what to do next." The man said triumphantly.

Sister Lan's delicate body trembled, panicked, she didn't want to accept the threat, but she had to accept it, if she didn't have a daughter, even if she died, she wouldn't follow Brother Dao, but now she had to think about Xiaodie.

She had already thought of what the worst outcome would be, but she couldn't escape at all.

"Could it be, is this my destiny?" Sister Lan thought in her heart, her eyes filled with despair.

"Hey, let me tell you guys, are you annoying? Didn't you see that I was eating?" But at this time, Jiang Chen frowned and said displeasedly.

"Who are you, kid? Do you know who you're talking to? Get the hell out of here before we get angry." One of them immediately said angrily when he heard Jiang Chen speak.

"I said, didn't you come to eat? What are you doing with so much nonsense? It would be nice to have an honest meal." Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied, he didn't even eat enough, these few flies really have a bad appetite.

As Jiang Chen's voice fell, the four of them immediately realized that there was something extra in their mouths. The lump of something was stuck in their throats.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death." The four were furious and turned towards Jiang Chen again.

"By the way, you need to use chopsticks to eat, right? Here are the chopsticks." Jiang Chen grabbed a few chopsticks and threw them out as if he didn't hear what they said.


Four screams came out, and each of them had a pair of chopsticks in their hands, but the chopsticks were not held in one hand, but a chopstick in one hand.

To be more precise, there was a chopstick stuck in each hand, and the chopsticks pierced through their palms directly, the flesh rolled up, and the blood flowed horizontally...

(End of this chapter)

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