genius evil

Chapter 20 The little policewoman who can't grasp the point

Chapter 20 The little policewoman who can't grasp the point

"It hurts me to death."

"My hands are useless."

"No, it hurts so much, I want to call the police."

"That's right, we're going to call the police and call the police to arrest him."


These four guys seem to have completely forgotten how they threatened Sister Lan just now, and they also completely forgot their identities, and they all screamed to call the police.

Hearing these words, even Sister Lan felt weird. Of course, Sister Lan's eyes on Jiang Chen were also a little weird.

She knew that it was Jiang Chen who made the move, because besides those four people, there was only Jiang Chen left in the hotel, but she didn't see how Jiang Chen made the move at all, and those four guys were hit.

"Who, who wants to call the police?"

But at this time, a crisp voice sounded.

Then a figure rushed in from the outside in a hurry.

"Hey, are the four of you going to call the police?" The policeman who rushed in glanced at the four guys and said with a smile from ear to ear.

The four of them looked at each other, why did they feel that the policewoman smiled a little weirdly, she seemed very excited, but soon they all said in unison: "Yes, we are going to call the police, beauty, hurry up and give that kid Grab it."

Ding Lingling was indeed very excited. Who told her that she had graduated from the police academy for almost half a year, and she had even been involved in a single case. She was almost bored to death by doing paperwork every day.

Unexpectedly, when wandering around Yilan Middle School after get off work, she heard someone yelling to call the police. For Ding Lingling, this was the first real call to the police. How could she not be excited? Woolen cloth.

"Blind your dog's eyes, you can call a beautiful woman, call me police sister." Ding Lingling put her hands on her hips and said with her eyes wide open.

The four of them froze for a moment, feeling more and more that there was something wrong with the policewoman, but they still said honestly: "Sister police, hurry up and arrest people, it's going to hurt us to death, we have to rush going to the hospital."

Then at this time, Ding Lingling, who seemed to be a little over excited, realized that each of the four guys had a chopstick stuck in their palms.

At a glance, Ding Lingling took a breath of cold air, stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, and said, "Little rascal, you hurt them, right?"

Without further ado, Ding Lingling directly labeled Jiang Chen a hooligan. Of course, Ding Lingling didn't just label Jiang Chen casually. In her opinion, if Jiang Chen wasn't a hooligan, how could he be with Jiang Chen? What about people fighting?

"Can I deny it?" Jiang Chen had a headache.

Who would have thought that those four guys would call the police for a while, and the policewoman would come too soon, right?
"Of course it can't be denied. Now there are all evidences. Little hooligan, be honest and go to the police station with me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you." Ding Lingling said quickly, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

If she can successfully arrest Jiang Chen and take him to the police station, then she can prove to those guys that she is not a flower vase, and she can handle the case openly in the future. Thinking about it, it will be wonderful.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Little girl, I'm curious, how are you going to be rude to me."

"Well, I haven't made up my mind yet, anyway, just be honest with me." Ding Lingling said smoothly, and while speaking, Ding Lingling suddenly felt something was wrong, and said loudly: "Little rascal, what did you call me?"

"Little girl." Jiang Chen said with a light smile, his gaze swept past the policewoman.

Ding Lingling is actually not too young, she is 22 years old now, and in a while, it will be her 23rd birthday.

It's just because she was born with a baby face that she looks much younger than her actual age, she looks about seventeen or eighteen years old.

What's worse is that Ding Lingling not only has a baby face, but also has a figure similar to that of a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. The parts that should be developed have not shown any development trend in the past few years.

It is precisely because of this problem that what Ding Lingling hates the most is that others say she is small. After all, if it is not because of this baby face, even if her figure is a little weaker, it will not be half a year after graduation, and she has been in charge of copywriting Work, not even a chance to go to the police.

Moreover, some parts of her body are indeed a little smaller compared to other women of the same age. Ding Lingling hates the word small even more. Sensitive nerves.

"You are the chick, and your whole family is a chick." Ding Lingling yelled in anger.

"Look at yourself, you have small breasts and small buttocks, you're not developed at all, so what is it if you're not a chick?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Little rascal, I warn you, don't call me a chick anymore, I'm not young anymore, I'm almost 23 years old." Ding Lingling said angrily.

The atmosphere in the small restaurant became a bit weird for a while, the four injured guys couldn't stand it anymore, their side was still in pain, why did the police sister flirt with Jiang Chen, even told her own age Jiang Chen, this seems to have missed the point.

"Sister police, are you arresting or not? Stop talking nonsense here, and arrest this kid quickly." One of them couldn't help but reminded aloud.

"It's none of your business, if I catch someone or not, I need you to teach me?" Ding Lingling said, rolling her eyes.

"Sister policeman, it really seems to be none of my business, but we were injured by him." The guy who was scolded for no reason said pitifully.

"Hey, how can you swear? It's really none of your business. Can't you be more gentle, don't you see that I'm a woman? If you swear again, be careful and I'll arrest you too." Ding Lingling He was a little dissatisfied again, threateningly waving his small fist.

The guy who spoke was already in pain. When Ding Lingling said this, he almost didn't cry. People say that she has big breasts and no brains, but this woman doesn't have big breasts. Why is her brain so hard to use? That's not the point at all.

What's more, she was the one who said the foul language, so it's really okay to beat her up like this?

That guy almost regretted calling the police, otherwise they might have arrived at the hospital by now.

Fortunately, Ding Lingling was dissatisfied, and finally turned her attention to Jiang Chen, saying: "Little rascal, you offended me, you know? Hurry up and call me police sister, or I really want to You're welcome."

"Little girl, let me tell you if your brain is sick." Jiang Chen felt that he had already talked a lot, but he didn't expect this little policewoman to talk more, it was just chatter.

"You're the one who's sick... you insult the police openly, do you know that you're provoking the authority of the people's police?" Ding Lingling said seriously.

Jiang Chen was somewhat defeated by Ding Lingling, he was lazy to talk nonsense with Ding Lingling, then turned to Sister Lan and said: "Sister Lan, tell her what happened just now, I haven't eaten my meal yet It's over."

While talking, Jiang Chen picked up the bowl and chopsticks and continued to eat.

"Little rascal, did I allow you to eat? Get up and follow me to the police station." Ding Lingling said unhappily, why is this kid not afraid of her at all?Is she not good enough?She's obviously doing well, right?
"This policeman... police sister... things are not what they said, and things are a little misunderstanding." Sister Lan said, she didn't know what to call Ding Lingling, she hesitated, so she had to call Ding Lingling police sister Anyway, it seems that Ding Lingling likes to be called sister. Although she is much older than Ding Lingling, it is a bit strange to call her sister.

Soon after, Sister Lan recounted what happened at the hotel tonight, and finally said: "It was the four of them who threatened me, and Jiang Chen made the move. If you want to arrest me, it should be the The four of them were taken in."

It was because of her that Jiang Chen acted. At this time, Sister Lan had no choice but to speak up. Otherwise, Jiang Chen was really brought into the police station, which would be bad.

"Sister, you are older than me, how can you call me police sister? My name is Ding Lingling. You can call me Lingling, or Linger." After Sister Lan's remarks, she didn't rush to deal with the case, but instead got close to Sister Lan.

Then Ding Lingling couldn't help muttering in her heart, how could this sister Lan also call her police sister, wouldn't that make her old?She wouldn't like that.

"Okay, Lingling." Sister Lan was also a little helpless, and her headache was endlessly caused by Ding Lingling. Lingling did a good deed by mistake.

Hearing that Sister Lan called Lingling, Ding Lingling was satisfied, snorted coldly, Ding Lingling said to the four guys: "Okay, you guys are actually yelling and catching thieves, are you getting impatient?" ?"

The four people were crying, and one of them said: "Sister policeman, don't listen to that woman's nonsense, we are the victims."

"You guys with snarky eyebrows and mouse eyes are not a good thing at first glance. Don't try to escape my hot eyes. If you don't want to suffer, be honest with me." Ding Lingling said with a straight face.

Not to mention, Ding Lingling is quite majestic when he does this. The four of them looked at each other, knowing that they should not try to blame Jiang Chen tonight, this Ding Lingling is a bit unreliable , or hurry up and get out of the way.

The four of them understood the meaning in each other's eyes, and after one glance, they ran out quickly.

"Stop, stop for me." When Ding Lingling saw the four of them running away, she immediately panicked and quickly chased them out.

However, 5 minutes later, Ding Lingling returned to the small restaurant again. She walked directly to the dining table where Jiang Chen was, slapped the table hard, and said loudly: "Little rascal, I suspect that you are related to a certain criminal case. Please come with me to the police station to assist in the investigation, you can keep silent, but every word you say may become evidence in court."

(End of this chapter)

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