genius evil

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
Ding Lingling left and came back again, Sister Lan was dazzled as she was looking straight ahead, she still hadn't figured out what was going on, but she heard Ding Lingling's sudden words.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Sister Lan panicked and hurriedly said, "Lingling, are you mistaken? Jiang Chen is still a student, how could it be related to a criminal case?"

"Sister Lan, you said this little rascal named Jiang Chen is a student?" Ding Lingling said in surprise, she didn't know Jiang Chen's identity yet, she didn't expect Jiang Chen to be a student.

"Yes, it's really a student, a student from Yilan Middle School." Sister Lan said, she didn't quite understand what was going on with Ding Lingling, but Ding Lingling was a policeman anyway, and in Sister Lan's opinion, Jiang Chen was going to be handed over to Jiang Chen. Getting caught in the game is still very simple.

"Isn't Yilan Middle School closed for teaching? Since this little rascal is a student, how could he appear here?" Ding Lingling asked suspiciously.

Sister Lan was also a little puzzled, yes, how could Jiang Chen leave school at this time? What Jiang Chen did tonight gave her a somewhat different feeling, but that honest impression has never changed.

What's more, Jiang Chen didn't wear a school uniform tonight, otherwise, he could tell at a glance that Jiang Chen was a student of Yilan Middle School, so Ding Lingling wouldn't be misunderstood.

"Hmph, even if the little hooligan is really a student of Yilan Middle School, he is not a good student. Maybe he is using his identity as a student to do bad things outside." Ding Lingling said with a whimper. The appearance of grasping Jiang Chen's handle.

"You're insane." Jiang Chen, who originally decided not to pay attention to Ding Lingling, was inevitably amused, and almost didn't want to spit. This chick must be watching TV and looking stupid.

"You're crazy." Ding Lingling fought back angrily. The hooligan scolded her for being mentally ill, but now he just called her crazy, which made her very angry.

"If you weren't crazy, how could you talk nonsense?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Hey, where am I talking nonsense, is there something wrong with what I said?" Ding Lingling responded angrily.

Jiang Chen didn't want to waste time with her, and said directly: "Ding Lingling, right? Those four guys ran away just now. If you can't catch them, just use me to make up for it. Are you crazy or what?"

"" Ding Lingling's face was flushed red, stuttering, unable to utter a complete sentence for a while.

She widened her eyes and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. How could this rascal even know what she was thinking? She didn't act so obviously, did she?
Jiang Chen was not wrong, Ding Lingling was indeed planning to use Jiang Chen to make up for it, who told those four guys to run so fast, she couldn't catch up at all.

You must know that this is her first real call to the police, if it fails like this, how can she be reconciled?Besides, she still wanted to use this matter to make a splash in the bureau.

So after those four guys ran away, Ding Lingling returned to the small restaurant immediately, and wanted to bring Jiang Chen back. As for the so-called criminal cases, she learned them from watching TV and used them to bluff people. of.

Of course, looking at it now, what she did was a failure. She didn't frighten Jiang Chen at all, and Jiang Chen saw through Xiaosi at a glance.

As a result, Ding Lingling found with some sadness that she probably couldn't take Jiang Chen away, because judging by Jiang Chen's attitude, even if she wanted to take Jiang Chen away, Jiang Chen would definitely not go.

"Is it just a failure?" Ding Lingling was very frustrated.

"Lingling, how can you act like this, you are using it for private use." Seeing Ding Lingling's reaction, Sister Lan knew that Jiang Chen was right, and her tone was a bit off.

"Sister Lan, I don't. I just saw this guy sneaking around, so..." Ding Lingling lowered her head and said weakly.

"Fortunately, I didn't make a big mistake this time, forget it, or I will definitely complain to your boss." Sister Lan said sternly.

Sister Lan seems to be weak, but as a woman, she can always keep her body clean, and her natural personality is also soft but strong.

The reason why she was so easily threatened before, and even thought of compromise, was because her daughter Xiaodie was involved. Since the current matter has nothing to do with Xiaodie, Sister Lan naturally recovered her resolute side of her character, and she did not care about it at all. Give Ding Lingling face.

"Sister Lan, I know I was wrong. Is it okay if I was wrong? I apologize to you... No, I want to apologize to the little hooligan. At worst, I just don't arrest him." Ding Lingling said embarrassingly.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Ding Lingling really apologized to Jiang Chen, her attitude was quite sincere.

Seeing Ding Lingling like this, Jiang Chen was amused, and he didn't know how this little girl became a policeman. He waved his hand, ignored it lazily, and said to Sister Lan, "Sister Lan, I'm not full yet. Could you cook some more rice?"

"You boy, don't you want to eat up Sister Lan's small restaurant?" Sister Lan scolded softly, she meant to cook some more rice, Jiang Chen said so, so she walked towards the kitchen.

"Sister Lan, I haven't eaten tonight. You should cook more and stir-fry two dishes by the way." Ding Lingling said cheerfully behind Sister Lan's back, quite heartless, with a change of attitude before and after. Turning the book will come faster.

Sister Lan responded, and after plugging in the rice cooker, she cooked two dishes and brought them out. At this time, the rice was cooked.

Jiang Chen started to eat the No.16 bowl of rice, Ding Lingling ate the first bowl of rice... When Jiang Chen ate the No.17 bowl, Ding Lingling ate the second bowl of rice...

Jiang Chen ate very fast, and Ding Lingling ate not too slowly.

So, Sister Lan found out with a bit of a headache that her rice seemed to be a little undercooked. There was no way, Jiang Chen could eat it alone. Who would have thought that Ding Lingling, who looked soft and weak, could eat it so well? ?

"Food." When Ding Lingling was eating the third bowl of rice, Ding Lingling cursed.

Ding Lingling is recognized as a foodie in the police station, and she is famous for being able to eat, but the most depressing thing for Ding Lingling is that she eats three or four times as much food as other people in each meal. Why? Just don't grow meat?
Naturally, Ding Lingling doesn't want to gain weight, but wants to have more flesh in her chest and butt.

In addition, since Ding Lingling didn't eat at night, she could eat even more. For this reason, she specially asked Sister Lan to cook a little more to avoid not having enough food.

The two foodies got together, the rice in the pot was naturally not enough to eat, Ding Lingling was a little unhappy, could it be that this guy was deliberately against her?
Of course, if Ding Lingling knew that Jiang Chen had already eaten half a pot of rice before she came over, she would not call Jiang Chen a foodie, but a rice bucket.

Jiang Chen didn't seem to hear Ding Lingling's words, so he buried his head in hard work, and finally, after about twenty minutes, Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling put down their chopsticks together.

"Finally full." After belching, Jiang Chen said contentedly.

"I'm full too." Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen and said, in fact, she wasn't full yet, but there was no food in the pot, so she couldn't let Sister Lan cook it.

What's more, she has already eaten enough, so much that she, who has never been thin-skinned, feels a little bit embarrassed.

"Sister Lan, I'm going back first, and I'll come see Xiaodie when I have time." Jiang Chen took out 20 yuan, put it on the table, got up and said
Jiang Chen still likes Xiaodie very much. He didn't see Xiaodie tonight. Xiaodie should be sleeping, but it's fine if he didn't see it. After all, there are some things that are not suitable for Xiaodie to see.

"Hey, you eat so much, so I'll give you this little money, just to send off the beggar." Ding Lingling looked at the 20 yuan on the table, and said loudly,
As far as Jiang Chen eats, 20 yuan is definitely not enough. Ding Lingling can see that it is not easy for Sister Lan to run a small restaurant.

"Lingling, it's 20 yuan, and yours is also 20 yuan." Sister Lan said, she knew that Jiang Chen was not rich, besides, the rice was originally free, and Jiang Chen helped her a lot, even if it was Jiang Chen didn't give money, and Sister Lan wouldn't say anything more.

"Hmph, I'm not as heartless as some people." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes in disdain, took out 100 yuan from her wallet, stuffed it into Sister Lan's hand, and said, "Sister Lan, Let me tell you, some people like to take advantage of others, next time you see a guy like that, just drive him out."

"Lingling, Jiang Chen is not that kind of person." Sister Lan explained for Jiang Chen.

"Sister Lan, there is a good saying, you know people, face but not heart, who knows who she is." Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen provocatively and said.

Jiang Chen was silent, did not speak for a while, and finally said: "Sister Lan, I will make up for your meal in a while."

Jiang Chen is not a good person, but he will not take advantage of Sister Lan, but he only has 20 yuan on him, even if he wants to get more money, there is no way.

This made Jiang Chen a little helpless. It seemed that he had to find a way to make money. He didn't care about face or anything. What he cared about was whether he could eat. If he couldn't even eat, it would be a big joke.

Leaving these words behind, Jiang Chen walked towards the outside of the hotel.

"Hey, stop for me." As soon as Jiang Chen left, Ding Lingling stopped him again.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen frowned, this chick is still going on.

Seeing Jiang Chen frowning, for some reason, Ding Lingling's heart throbbed for a moment, feeling a little nervous for no reason, she inadvertently raised her voice, and said, "Jiang Chen, can you tell me... those four guys How did you insert the chopsticks in your hand?"

The four guys who ran away each had a chopstick inserted into their palms, and the chopsticks directly penetrated the palms. Ding Lingling couldn't imagine how much strength it took to do it.

She had been thinking about this question, but she didn't understand it. Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to leave, she would have no chance to ask if she didn't ask again, so she hurriedly asked...

(End of this chapter)

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