genius evil

Chapter 22 He likes big ones

Chapter 22 He likes big ones

"Do you really want to know?" Jiang Chen glanced at Ding Lingling and said jokingly.

"Of course." Ding Lingling curled her lips. Isn't this little rascal talking nonsense? If she didn't want to know, why would she ask this question?

"Oh, it seems that you really want to know..." Jiang Chen deliberately prolonged his tone, and after whetting Ding Lingling's appetite, he said with a light smile, "It's a pity, it's useless for you to think about it. Didn't intend to tell you."

"You——" Ding Ling was extremely energetic, and for a long time, the little hooligan was playing tricks on her.

"However, if you can help me with one thing, maybe I'll tell you as soon as I feel better." Soon after, Jiang Chen's leisurely voice rang in Ding Lingling's ear again.

Ding Lingling immediately became nervous, stared at Jiang Chen and said: "Young rascal, although I am really curious, but I warn you, I will never do illegal things, if you dare to let me do illegal things , I’ll be the first to arrest you, and I’ll lock you up for ten or eight years first.”

"Ding Lingling, don't you think too much of yourself? Even if I let you do illegal things, would you do it?" Jiang Chen's eyes are so vicious, he has already seen that this neurotic woman The police is a rookie.

Ding Lingling's face flushed, and she said awkwardly: "Then tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple, go and arrest Brother Dao, when did you arrest Brother Dao, I will tell you when." Jiang Chen said casually.

Jiang Chen's words were very simple, but Ding Lingling's expression suddenly became depressed.

Ding Lingling naturally knows who Brother Dao is, and all the gangsters in this area are under the control of Brother Dao.

However, Brother Dao can be arrested if he wants to. There are so many people in the police station, but no one has seen Brother Dao arrested. Jiang Chen asked her a rookie policewoman to arrest Brother Dao. life?
"Why, it's difficult?" Jiang Chen said, frowning.

"It's not just embarrassing, it's really too embarrassing, it's simply impossible, brother Dao doesn't arrest me." Ding Lingling shouted.

"Then it's a pity, you don't want to know the answer in this life." Jiang Chen shook his head, but he ignored Ding Lingling and left directly.

Of course, Jiang Chen knew that this rookie policeman couldn't touch Brother Dao at all. What he said was just a reminder to Ding Lingling. After all, after those four guys failed to escape, the matter on Lan Jie's side was not over yet. , Brother Dao may come to make trouble at any time.

The little rookie can't catch Brother Dao, but if the little rookie comes to Sister Lan's restaurant often, he can still frighten Brother Dao to some extent.

Originally, these things had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was never a good person with a sense of justice, but since these things happened to him, he didn't mind taking care of them casually.

However, if he was asked to make a special trip to get rid of Brother Dao, then Jiang Chen was not very willing.

Jiang Chen left soon, and Ding Lingling's expression became even more depressed. Why did she look down upon Jiang Chen's words?

"Hmph, little rascal, what are you so proud of? Do you really think I don't know about it? Don't tell me if you don't tell me. If you beg to tell me in the future, I won't listen." Ding Lingling snorted lightly. Said duplicity.

"Lingling, why do you call Jiang Chen a hooligan?" Sister Lan said puzzledly.

In Sister Lan's opinion, if even an honest boy like Jiang Chen is a hooligan, then there would be no reliable man in this world.

As soon as the words came out, Sister Lan felt that something was wrong again, because it seemed that the honest boy in her impression was not as honest as she thought, and what happened tonight was not at all what an honest person could understand. It can be done.

Of course, this was on the premise that Sister Lan didn't know what Jiang Chen was doing in school. Although Jiang Chen wasn't a hooligan, he was even better than a hooligan, making people gnash their teeth.

"Hmph, he is a rogue, a rogue who doesn't know how to behave, I am a super beautiful woman, how can he call me a chick, it's fine to call me a chick, but he still doesn't answer my question, it's simply too hateful." Ding Ling Ling said bitterly.

In the end, Ding Lingling still cared about the word small, or rather, she hated the word to death.

Not to mention, Ding Lingling is indeed good-looking, even if her age doesn't match her face at all, but this has a different taste, she looks sweet and cute, a genuine super big loli, definitely It is in line with Lolicon's aesthetic standards.

"Even if that's the case, you can't call Jiang Chen a hooligan." Sister Lan said dumbfoundedly. She thought that Jiang Chen had something to do with Ding Lingling. Such a thing.

"Sister Lan, don't be fooled by his appearance. He is a rascal. He called me a chick. The underlying meaning is to ironically say that he has small breasts and a small butt. What is it if he is not a rascal?" Ding Lingling said rationally. .

"Lingling, in fact, you have a very good figure, which matches your face and figure very well. If you grow older, you won't look so good." Sister Lan had no choice but to comfort her.

"But, men like big ones, and that dead rascal must also like big ones, just like you, Sister Lan." Ding Lingling said aggrievedly, her eyes fell on Sister Lan's plump chest, A little envious.

Sister Lan had a big blush, even if Jiang Chen liked the big one, what did it have to do with her?

"Sister Lan, it's getting late, I have to go back." Ding Lingling didn't notice that Sister Lan's face was a bit strange, and said beside her.

"Lingling, wait a moment, I'll give you some change." Sister Lan said.

"No need, no need, Sister Lan, I'll come back tomorrow." Ding Lingling ran away quickly, her face was not as thick as Jiang Chen's, although the two fried dishes only cost 20 yuan, but really Ding Lingling must be embarrassed if she only gave 20 yuan.

Sister Lan looked at the back of Ding Lingling's departure, thoughtful, with her sophistication, how could she not see that Ding Lingling said that she would come back tomorrow, but she was actually persuaded by Jiang Chen, otherwise, her family Small restaurant, how could Ding Lingling come again.


When Ding Lingling left the small restaurant, Jiang Chen had already returned to the bedroom.

After Jiang Chen took a shower, Bao Shifan came back from his evening self-study.

"Jiang Chen, why did you come back so early today?" Bao Shifan said curiously when he entered the door and saw Jiang Chen in the bedroom.

Jiang Chen had been staying in the gymnasium for nearly a week, and he didn't come back until after eleven o'clock every night. It was only ten o'clock now, but Bao Shifan didn't expect that Jiang Chen was already in the dormitory.

"I don't have anything to do, so I came back early to rest... By the way, did anything happen in class today?" Jiang Chen asked while wiping his hair.

Speaking of which, he hadn't gone to class for a week, so he didn't know anything about the situation, and he didn't know what kind of attitude Tangyue had.There is no doubt that he must have offended Tang Yue badly by being absent from school for a week.

"It's not a major event. However, during the self-study tonight, Teacher Tang announced something. The school will organize a mock exam for the college entrance examination tomorrow." Bao Shifan said.

"Well, it was announced tonight? Exam tomorrow?" Jiang Chen's expression was a little strange.

"Yeah, the exam time was announced very suddenly, and everyone was caught off guard." Bao Shifan didn't know why this arrangement was made, so he glanced at Jiang Chen and asked, "Jiang Chen, are you going to take the exam tomorrow? "

"Go." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said, now that he has broken through the Body Tempering Layer, he doesn't need to force himself too much in the short term.

"Then, let's go to class together tomorrow morning." Bao Shifan nodded, turned around and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Bao Shifan quickly came out of the shower, picked up the book and read it again. It seemed that he was going to sharpen his gun before the battle. Jiang Chen was sitting on the bed with his hair dazed. Although he planned to take the exam, but for such a Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't take small things to heart.

Jiang Chen was thinking about making money.

All the money on Jiang Chen's body was spent. If he didn't make any more money, he wouldn't even be able to eat. Besides, he actually needed a lot of money to temper his body.

Because Jiang Chen knew very well that his physical body was severely depleted of blood energy. Even if he used conventional body quenching methods to stimulate all the blood energy, the effect would be very limited. Some unconventional methods had to be adopted.

If he failed to break through the first layer of body tempering, Jiang Chen was not in such a hurry. He had already broken through the first layer of body tempering, so he naturally had to make plans and preparations for his future cultivation.

Seriously speaking, Jiang Chen has at least a thousand ways to strengthen his own blood energy. If he is in the True Spirit Continent, then Jiang Chen can at least use more than a hundred ways in a very short period of time. remodel.

But now, it doesn't work at all.

The reason for that is that he has no money!
Many people subconsciously think that life in the realm of comprehension is nothing but killing and killing, but they don't know that this is a very wrong concept.

You need money to buy heaven, material and earth treasures, you need money to buy magic tools, and you need money to take drugs... If you don't have money, you can't take good medicine, so naturally you can only be suppressed and beaten.

It can be said that on earth, if you don't have money, you can live in poverty at most, but in the cultivation world, if you don't have money, you will die.

"Should I ask the old man for some money first?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Changing Jiang Chen’s mind is denying this not-so-good idea. The old man in the family even collected his tuition and living expenses together. Asking the old man for money, according to the old man, is drawing his blood. , to his life.

"Without money, it's hard to move an inch. How can I make a sum of money in the shortest time?" Jiang Chen was a little helpless. Before this, he would never have thought that one day, he would actually worry about money.

"Bao Shifan, let me ask you a question. What can I do to earn the most money in the shortest time?" Jiang Chen asked Bao Shifan, his eyes on Bao Shifan.

(End of this chapter)

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