genius evil

Chapter 23 Ancestral medical skills, including treatment

Chapter 23 Ancestral Medicine, Cure All Diseases

"Jiang Chen, do you want to make money? Do you have no money for food? I still have 200 yuan on me. If you are really in a hurry, spend it first." Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Bao Shifan said, While talking, Bao Shifan took out the only 200 yuan in his wallet.

Jiang Chen didn't pick it up, and said a little helplessly, "200 yuan is too little, you can keep it for yourself."

200 yuan, in terms of Jiang Chen's current appetite, is just a day's meal money. To him, it's just a drop in the bucket, and it can't solve the problem at all.

Furthermore, Bao Shifan only had 200 yuan, if he took the money, Bao Shifan would be hungry, but Jiang Chen was still a little moved by Bao Shifan's actions.

Although Bao Shifan didn't have any advantages, he really had nothing to say about being friends.

"Jiang Chen, do you want a lot of money?" Bao Shifan put down the book in his hand, turned his head to talk to Jiang Chen, he said embarrassedly, "But I only have so much money on me."

After thinking about it carefully, Bao Shifan said again: "As far as I know, in today's society, the fastest and most profitable industries are finance, doctors and lawyers. Of course, if you are a rich second generation or For the second generation of officials, even if it is collecting waste products, it is still making money."

Most of the transactions in this world are money beget money and power beget money. Those who are rich and powerful get richer, and those who have no money and power get richer.Making money is actually not a difficult task, but it is very difficult if the time is short and you need to earn a lot.

Bao Shifan's words sounded like he was complaining, but Jiang Chen didn't bother to pay attention.

"Finance? Lawyer?"

These two industries are too far away for Jiang Chen, but the doctor... this sentence reminded Jiang Chen.

No matter how rich you are, no one in the world will die.

Even if it is a person who controls the life and death of the people and stands at the top of the pyramid, in the final analysis, his life is ultimately controlled by the doctor.

"Doctor, not bad!" Jiang Chen whispered.

Jiang Chen's medical skills are naturally unquestionable. He is known as a master of both medicine and morality. One can imagine his attainments in medicine. Definitely won't be a big problem.

There is no doubt that if Jiang Chen becomes a doctor, he will be the best doctor in the world, not one of them.

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't think of this seemingly simple question before.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that it was because his medical skills were actually not used to save people, but largely used to kill people.

Saving people and killing people are often in a single thought. A doctor who can kill people with medical skills is naturally the best doctor who can save people. Therefore, even if Jiang Chen's medical skills have never been used to save people, but his medical skills Cultivation, looking at the entire True Spirit Continent, is recognized.

After having a rough idea, Jiang Chen quickly knew what he should do next.

Jiang Chen turned on the computer, entered the campus forum of Yilan Middle School, and posted a post as quickly as possible.Then, by copying and pasting, the post was posted on several well-known domestic forums.

The content of the post is very simple, except for the contact information, there are only a few short lines.

"Ancestral medical skills, wonderful hand rejuvenation, all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, consultation fee 100 million, if you are the one! If you have no money, don't bother!"

The above content is the entire content of the post.

Bao Shifan stood aside and watched Jiang Chen's fiddling. After seeing the content of the post clearly, Bao Shifan gasped in shock.

"100 million... 100 million..." Bao Shifan really didn't know what to say, let's not talk about Jiang Chen's medical skills, the 100 million consultation fee alone is enough to make Bao Shifan whole They were all stunned.

"Jiang Chen, did you make a mistake?" After staying for a while, Bao Shifan couldn't help reminding him aloud, thinking that it should be 100 yuan, 100 million is too crazy, it has nothing to do with stealing money difference.

In Bao Shifan's eyes, Jiang Chen's actions may be very crazy, but he doesn't know that Jiang Chen is a crazy person in the first place.

Not to mention 100 million, even if it was 1000 million to [-] million, Jiang Chen wouldn't think it was a big number, but now that he is in peace, in order not to be bullied by dogs in the future, he can only lower his figure for the time being.

"Is 100 million a lot?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Not many, but too many." Bao Shifan smiled wryly,

"You think it's too much, but in my opinion, it's too little... even if it's a little less, it's better than nothing. When I make money, I'll treat you to dinner at the best restaurant in Yilan City... By the way, Yilan City What is the name of the best restaurant." Patting Bao Shifan on the shoulder, Jiang Chen changed the subject, so as not to keep Bao Shifan entangled in this issue.

"It seems to be called Supreme First Grade." Bao Shifan said nah.

"Supreme First Grade, what a nonsense name, then let's go to Supreme First Grade for dinner." Jiang Chen grinned and said.


"Brother Jie, you transferred 10 yuan to Jiang Chen?" At the same time, in the third bedroom building, bedroom [-], Zheng Yu was talking to Qiu Shaojie in a daze.

Even though he saw Qiu Shaojie transfer [-] to Jiang Chen with his own eyes, Zheng Yu still somewhat thought that he had misread the number, but it was indeed [-], and he was not mistaken.

This can't help but make Zheng Yu look at Qiu Shaojie like that, which is a bit like taking advantage of him.

"Zheng Yu, do you think there is any problem?" Qiu Shaojie said, putting down the phone casually.

"Is there no problem?" Zheng Yu found it hard to understand, he said: "Brother Jie, you are not sick, why do you want to give Jiang Chen money, besides, even if you are sick, you should go to the hospital, Jiang Chen This post by Chenfa is clearly intended to scam money, how did you fall for such a smart person?"

"I'm not being fooled, but I'm willing to give money to Jiang Chen." Qiu Shaojie shook his head and said.

"Brother Jie, I know you are a little interested in that kid Jiang Chen. That kid seems a little weird, but is it necessary to give away [-] in one go? Moreover, the money is directly transferred to Jiang Chen's card, and it will wait until tomorrow." After the money arrives in the account, Jiang Chen won't even know who transferred the money to him." Zheng Yu said in wonder.

You must know that although Qiu Shaojie's family background is good, 10 yuan is not a small amount for Qiu Shaojie, because Qiu Shaojie's parents are still very strict in terms of money, and Qiu Shaojie's monthly living expenses plus pocket money are also very expensive. It's about 1 yuan.

1 yuan may be a year's living expenses for ordinary students, but compared to some children from rich families, such money is nothing.

When Qiu Shaojie transferred [-] yuan to Jiang Chen, he transferred all the savings in his own card to Jiang Chen, and he still sent the money to Jiang Chen on the pole. Zheng Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, of course it is necessary." Qiu Shaojie smiled, looking in a good mood.

So Zheng Yu was even more puzzled. If Qiu Shaojie earned [-] yuan, it is understandable that Qiu Shaojie was in a good mood. Now that he gave someone [-] yuan, he was still in such a good mood. Even if his head was broken, he still couldn't figure it out. of.

Zheng Yu couldn't figure it out, but Qiu Shaojie understood it very well.

Even if Qiu Shaojie didn't think that Jiang Chen was good at medicine, even if Jiang Chen was good at medicine, the consultation fee would not be as outrageous as 100 million, but these are not the point. Dust needs money.

Jiang Chen needed money, so he would give it away. This was a very simple act.

As for whether Jiang Chen would know that he sent the money, Qiu Shaojie was not worried about it, because if Jiang Chen couldn't even think of this, it could only mean that he misjudged the person.

You know, that time in the gymnasium, after seeing Jiang Chen defeat Li Shan, Qiu Shaojie had been following Jiang Chen all the time. It can be said that Qiu Shaojie was the one who knew Jiang Chen best in the entire Yilan Middle School.

Because of understanding, Qiu Shaojie is confident that he won't misjudge people.

As for why he knew Jiang Chen's card number, that's actually a very simple question. Yilan Middle School doesn't accept cash when the school starts. Every student has a bank card issued by the school. When the school starts, the tuition fee is directly deducted from the card. , as long as you have the heart, you can easily find out Jiang Chen's bank card number.

Undoubtedly, Qiu Shaojie is the one with a heart.


The timing of the mock exam for the college entrance examination was very sudden. After the papers were distributed, everyone realized that the exam was indeed going to take place.

Many unprepared students couldn't help feeling uneasy. Jiang Chen was naturally the type of person who was unprepared. However, for the current Jiang Chen, he didn't intend to get a so-called blockbuster result in the exam. , He just used a brand new identity to feel the atmosphere of the exam.

The first exam in the morning was Chinese, which was not Jiang Chen's forte. In fact, except for the two courses of physics and biology, the rest of the courses were not Jiang Chen's forte.

Jiang Chen didn't do anything unique either, he took the exam quietly, and only handed in the paper and left the classroom when the bell rang at the end of the exam.


Just as Jiang Chen walked out of the classroom, the text message in his trouser pocket rang.
"One hundred thousand!"

Bao Shifan, who was walking behind Bao Shifan, saw Jiang Chen take out his mobile phone, glanced at the screen of the mobile phone inadvertently, and immediately opened his mouth wide enough to stuff an egg in.

Even though he couldn't see it clearly, Bao Shifan knew that it was a transfer text message, and the transfer amount was 1. When he saw the zeros after the word [-], Bao Shifan felt a little dizzy.

"Jiang Chen, someone transferred 10 yuan to you. Who is it? Could it be the person who came to you for medical treatment... But even if they came to you for medical treatment, how would that person know your bank card account number?" Bao Shifan's wide-open mouth couldn't be closed, he stammered, and couldn't help thinking, is it true that there are people in this world who are taken advantage of?

But no matter what, Bao Shifan suddenly realized that something that was absolutely impossible in his imagination seemed to be becoming possible at a speed that he couldn't understand.

Jiang Chen opened the text message and looked at it, frowned slightly, then smiled, and said softly: "Interesting, that guy is really getting more and more interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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