genius evil

Chapter 24 Don't You Want to Keep Me

Chapter 24 Don't You Want to Keep Me
"Bao Shifan, don't be in a daze, let's go, we can have a big meal at noon." Jiang Chen said with a smile, suddenly there was an extra 10 yuan, and Jiang Chen was still in a good mood.As for why that person transferred money to him, Jiang Chen spent his brain cells lazily. After all, to Jiang Chen, the money was just money for food, and it wouldn't make him think too much.

In the morning, Jiang Chen had no money, and Bao Shifan paid for the breakfast. Bao Shifan didn't expect Jiang Chen to make money so quickly. Jiang Chen wanted to invite him to dinner, but he didn't think it was a big deal. The main reason was Jiang Chen's money. It was too easy, so easy that Bao Shifan felt like he was dreaming.

Just as Jiang Chen led Bao Shifan to leave, suddenly a figure rushed over from the side.

"Jiang Chen, you guys are going to the cafeteria to eat, let's go together." It was Jiang Yanyan who sprang out. After Jiang Yanyan came over, she stared at Jiang Chen again and again, as if a flower had grown on Jiang Chen's face. .

"Jiang Yanyan, I know I'm handsome, but if you fall in love with me, it's your fault." Jiang Chen let Jiang Yanyan watch, and said casually.

"Don't be smug here, who fell in love with you, I just want to see, what is the difference between you and other boys, otherwise, why would An Qi invite you to dinner, but I watched for a long time, but I didn't find anything wrong It's different... Ah, maybe the biggest difference is that you are a little uglier than other boys, and you are so different." Jiang Yanyan said in a spirited voice.

"Jiang Yanyan, duplicity is the most annoying thing. I know you are shy, and I am embarrassed to admit that I am the most handsome, but I will not argue with you. After all, not everyone likes duplicity like you, such as squad leader Xu." Dust said swearingly
Then Jiang Chen glanced at Xu Anqi who was standing behind Jiang Yanyan, and said with a smile; "Squad Leader Xu, you want to treat me to dinner."

"Yes, I'll treat you to dinner." Xu Anqi nodded and said.

"Jiang Yanyan, did you hear that, if I'm not handsome, how could squad leader Xu invite me to dinner? I really am the most handsome." Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

"Jiang Chen, can you be more shameless?" Jiang Yanyan was a little speechless, why doesn't this guy have any self-knowledge?
"Isn't it? Otherwise, why would the squad leader invite me to dinner for no reason?" Jiang Chen said brazenly.

"No." Xu Anqi said softly, it wasn't that she didn't intend to hit Jiang Chen, but that Jiang Chen was indeed very ugly. To put it simply, the word "handsome" was insulated from Jiang Chen.

"Squad leader, I misread you. I didn't expect you to be a duplicity woman." Jiang Chen looked hurt.

Jiang Yanyan and Xu Anqi looked at each other, resisting the urge to kick Jiang Chen to death. Doesn't this guy know what the word shameless is?

"Jiang Chen, I just want to treat you to a meal. If you don't want to go, then forget it." Xu Anqi said a little depressed.

"Go, of course. This is the first time in history that the squad leader took the initiative to treat a guest to dinner. A handsome man like me will definitely not refuse." Jiang Chen laughed.

Of course, in the eyes of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, that kind of smile was extremely hateful.

"Then let's go." Xu Anqi decided not to say anything more, otherwise, she felt that she would give up the idea of ​​inviting Jiang Chen to dinner.

"Let's go, Bao Shifan, you can eat more in a while, the squad leader took great pains to treat guests, if you eat less, you don't want to show face, you know?" Jiang Chen turned to Bao Shifan and said.

Xu Anqi couldn't help but glared at Jiang Chen, what does it mean not to give her face when she eats less, Jiang Chen is really hateful.

"Jiang Chen, it's the first time An Qi invites a boy to dinner, can't you speak normally?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't bear to listen anymore, and said aggrievedly.

"Inviting a man to dinner, once in a while, there will be a second time. The so-called first time is raw and second time is familiar, just get used to it." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"An Qi won't invite others to dinner. Do you think that An Qi is the kind of casual person? Not everyone is qualified to ask An Qi to invite you to dinner. An Qi invites you to dinner with good intentions to save face." Jiang Yanyan said a little Unhappy, he said like firing a machine gun.

I thought to myself who is it, just invite him to a meal, why does it sound a bit ambiguous, why is it used once for raw and second for familiar?Even if you're not very good at Chinese, you can't talk nonsense, it's easy to be misunderstood, okay?
"Squad leader Xu will certainly not casually invite other men to dinner, but I am not another man, she will definitely invite me to dinner again." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"Fulfill your spring and autumn dream." Jiang Yanyan was about to be defeated by Jiang Chen's shamelessness.

"Okay, Yanyan, stop talking, let's go to the cafeteria." Xu Anqi heard that the two of them were talking more and more chaotically, if they kept talking, maybe they would say something else.

She just wanted to treat Jiang Chen to a meal very simply, is it so difficult?
Jiang Yanyan was still angry with herself, rolled Jiang Chen's eyes, took Xu Anqi's arm and led the way, Jiang Chen greeted Bao Shifan and followed with a smile.

Bao Shifan did not speak from the beginning to the end, because Bao Shifan knew that he had no part to speak. Speaking of which, Xu Anqi wanted to invite Jiang Chen to dinner, but he was only in Jiang Chen's favor. Man, Bao Shifan still has such a little self-knowledge.

As for why Xu Anqi invited Jiang Chen to dinner, Bao Shifan didn't think about it, because that was something Jiang Chen should think about, and it didn't have much to do with him.


Xu Anqi wanted a treat, and after going to the cafeteria, Jiang Chen just found an empty table and enjoyed it quietly.

In this way, Jiang Yanyan was dissatisfied with Jiang Chen again, but Xu Anqi didn't say much, Jiang Yanyan didn't want to say much, brought Bao Shifan together, and bought four meals over.

Naturally, due to seeing Jiang Chen's astonishing appetite in the cafeteria last time, the amount of rice on Jiang Chen's rice plate was the most among the four, more than the three of them combined.

"Eat, eat." Jiang Chen smiled, picked up the chopsticks, and ate without hesitation.

"What's the matter with you, you don't understand politeness at all." Jiang Yanyan couldn't help it after all, and slandered.

"What is politeness, can it be eaten?" Jiang Chen said lightly, picking up a chicken leg and stuffing it into his mouth, chewing it carelessly.

"You—" Jiang Yanyan was pissed off by Jiang Chen, and said angrily.

"An Qi, let's eat, there is an exam in the afternoon." Xu Anqi was relatively calm, and pulled Jiang Yanyan and said.

However, Jiang Yanyan is destined to be unable to eat this meal. Xu Anqi has always had a small appetite, so she put down her chopsticks after a few mouthfuls.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Chen who ate and stuffed himself, and wiped out all the food on the plate in just a few minutes.

"Hey, are you two full? Don't you want to eat?" Jiang Chen said after glancing at the rice plate in front of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

"Can I not be full? I've already been full." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"It's good to be full, I'm not full yet." Jiang Chen grabbed the plate of rice in front of Xu Anqi as he spoke, and started to eat.

"Jiang Chen, are you that hungry? Even if you are really hungry, you can't get some food. That's the food that An Qi has eaten." Jiang Yanyan couldn't take it anymore.

When he was in the cafeteria last time, Jiang Chen ate Tangyue's leftovers, this time even Xu Anqi's leftovers, why does this guy eat women's leftovers, to be precise, beauties' leftovers.

"Yeah, I know it's squad leader Xu's leftovers, so I don't want to waste it. As for your leftovers, just waste it." Jiang Chen said vaguely with his mouth full of food.

Jiang Yanyan was angry with Jiang Chen again, what did Jiang Chen mean by this, what did she mean if her leftovers were wasted, then Xu Anqi's leftovers could not be wasted?

Even if she is not as beautiful as Xu Anqi, she is still a real little beauty, okay?
Xu Anqi blushed slightly, and Jiang Chen ate her leftovers. Although Jiang Chen was eating very simply, Xu Anqi was still very uncomfortable.

That feeling, like having some kind of intimate communication with Jiang Chen indirectly, made Xu Anqi's heart flustered.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was only eating, not talking nonsense, which made Xu Anqi feel at ease.

The meal that Xu Anqi invited a boy to eat for the first time ended in such a noisy environment.

After Bao Shifan had eaten, he left first, Jiang Chen sat and did not leave, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan also sat and did not leave.

For a short while, Xu Anqi said softly: "Jiang Chen, here is 1000 yuan, you take it first."

Xu Anqi took out 1000 yuan from her wallet and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Hey, what do you give me money for? Even if I'm poor, I'm very ambitious. You don't want to use money to insult me. You can insult my body, but you can't insult my soul." Jiang Chen said As he spoke, the movements of his hands were extremely fast. He grabbed the 1000 yuan and stuffed it into his pocket.

Xu Anqi also had the feeling of being pissed off by Jiang Chen, these are some kind of nonsense words, what could mean that she could insult his body but not his soul, as if she wanted to insult his body.

"Bah bah... what are you thinking about?" Xu Anqi didn't allow herself to think about it anymore, because those messy thoughts had shocked her to a certain extent.

"I don't have much money on me. If you run out of money, you can still come to me, but I won't give you too much money." Xu Anqi said in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Anqi suddenly noticed that Jiang Chen's eyes were very fiery. When her eyes met Jiang Chen's gaze, driven by Jiang Chen's fiery eyes, Xu Anqi realized that her heart was full of passion. Wei Wei was a little fiery, and her breathing was also a lot hotter. She couldn't help lowering her head, not daring to look more.

"Squad Leader Xu, are you planning to take care of me?" Then, a not-so-loud voice fell into Xu Anqi's ears.

And that not-so-loud sound, to Xu Anqi's ears, seemed like a thunderbolt exploding in Xu Anqi's ears, and Xu Anqi hardly jumped up from the chair due to the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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