genius evil

Chapter 25 Don't even give me a dime

Chapter 25 Don't give me a dime
"You... what did you say..." Xu Anqi pointed at Jiang Chen with her slender fingers, and Xu Anqi stammered. Jiang Chen's words were so shocking that Xu Anqi was completely shocked.

"Squad Leader Xu, you invited me to dinner and gave me money, isn't this the rhythm of nurturing?" Jiang Chen's eyes became very innocent, as if he was eager to get an answer from Xu Anqi.

"No, of course not." Xu Anqi almost lowered her head to her chest in embarrassment, her face was flushed red, and she hastily denied it.

"No, why not? Let me tell you, I'm not that kind of casual man. Do you think I, Jiang Chen, can be taken care of casually? Except for you, Squad Leader Xu, I won't accept anyone's support. "Who knew, Jiang Chen suddenly became angry, as if he wanted to be anxious with Xu Anqi.

"Jiang Chen, you misunderstood, really not." Xu Anqi was taken aback by Jiang Chen's posture. She didn't know if Jiang Chen was a man who would be taken care of casually, but she definitely wouldn't. Take care of men.

Moreover, what the hell is going on? How does it involve the issue of nurturing?Xu Anqi was a little confused.

Jiang Yanyan was not confused at all, she just gritted her teeth and looked at Jiang Chen, scolding him shamelessly at least a thousand times in her heart, this guy's brain is too big, right?
Not to mention that Xu Anqi doesn't know how to take care of men, even if she wants to take care of a man, at least she should take care of a pretty boy, right?With Jiang Chen like this, he is far from the standard of that little boy. He doesn't know where Jiang Chen's self-confidence comes from. It seems that many women are rushing to keep him.

"Squad leader Xu, you definitely want to take care of me, so don't deny it, I know you are worried that I will refuse to be taken care of by you, so you are embarrassed to admit can rest assured, I will accept it after thinking about it for three to five days at most It's yours, so don't be embarrassed." Jiang Chen looked at Xu Anqi and said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, I beg you, just forget about being shameless yourself, please don't ruin An Qi's reputation, okay?" Jiang Yanyan felt like she was about to collapse, and she said quickly, "Jiang Chen, you Don't you want to know why An Qi invited you to dinner and gave you money? That's because you are a liar, a super liar, An Qi is worried that you will cheat other people's money, so she gave you money."

"Liar? At most, I just cheated squad leader Xu's heart. How could I cheat other people's money?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, do you think we don't know what you did?" Jiang Yanyan decided not to pay attention to Jiang Chen's nonsense, because she found that if she followed Jiang Chen's words, it was a very simple matter. It's going to be incredibly complicated.I don't know if Jiang Chen did it on purpose, but it just happens that he has the ability to turn small things into big things. Often in the end, the other party is left speechless, wishing to beat him up to relieve his anger.

Then Jiang Yanyan went on to say: "Jiang Chen, we have all seen the post you posted on the campus forum, saying that ancestral medical skills can cure all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and the consultation fee is 100 million. Don't bother if you don't have money. We are all in high school. I've been a classmate for three years, why didn't I know that you also know medical skills, so what if you're not a liar?"

Jiang Chen was originally a little curious about Xu Anqi's actions today, but he never thought that this was the case, so it was a little funny.

But before she could speak, she heard Xu Anqi say: "Yanyan, stop talking, Jiang Chen is not a liar, he probably just has no money."

Speaking of such words, Xu Anqi lacked confidence, because she found that even though the words came from her mouth, she couldn't even convince herself.

Of course, from the bottom of her heart, Xu Anqi still hoped that Jiang Chen had no money to spend. She didn't want Jiang Chen to be a liar. Furthermore, if Jiang Chen really was a liar, then just lie to her alone. Don't lie to other people.

"An Qi, it's not like you haven't seen how hateful this guy is. You treat your kindness like a donkey, why are you still defending him like this?" Jiang Yanyan complained about Xu Anqi.

"Yanyan, don't say it anymore, Jiang Chen is not that bad." Xu Anqi's face was slightly serious, she was speaking to Jiang Yanyan, but she said while looking at Jiang Chen.

"He's inherently bad, and it's not that I think he's bad." Jiang Yanyan said coldly, this time, she didn't even listen to Xu Anqi's words.

"Well, I'm really bad." Sighing, Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Hmph, An Qi, did you hear that, he himself admitted it." Jiang Yanyan immediately said after hearing the words.

A look of disappointment quietly flashed across Xu Anqi's eyes. Could it be that Jiang Chen is really a liar?

Jiang Chen's personal admission made her somewhat disheartened. She regretted inviting Jiang Chen to dinner, and even more regretted giving Jiang Chen 1000 yuan.

However, since she was the one who took the initiative to treat Jiang Chen to dinner, she would naturally not ask for it back.

"It's because I'm so bad that I only want 100 million in consultation fees. If I were a good person, I would definitely ask for 1000 million in consultation fees. Alas, I'm so bad that I can't even do it myself. Forgive yourself." Jiang Chen sighed again.

Jiang Yanyan's cheek twitched, almost paralyzed.

Xu Anqi was also dumbfounded, completely unable to understand Jiang Chen's logic, subconsciously, Xu Anqi asked: "Why do you charge 1000 million for a good person, and 100 million for a bad person?"

"Squad Leader Xu, have you ever heard a saying that good people eat meat and soup, and bad people eat bran-soaked vegetables? I only want a mere 100 million, which is barely enough to eat bran-soaked vegetables. If it's not too bad , how could I only want 100 million?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

Jiang Chen's words may sound like nonsense to others, but in essence, they are the truest thoughts in Jiang Chen's heart.

Because if he personally took action to treat patients and save lives, then he would only receive 100 million consultation fees, which would definitely be a big loss. He, Jiang Chen, has never been a person who suffers. What he likes most is to make others suffer.

Naturally, such logic, whether Xu Anqi or Jiang Yanyan, is doomed to be incomprehensible.

Jiang Yanyan's eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, she shouted: "Jiang Chen, what is a mere 100 million, when you talk nonsense, please don't be so serious, please? It's easy for our simple The little girls believed it was true."

"Yanyan, let's go." Xu Anqi was speechless at Jiang Chen's words. She decided not to pay attention to Jiang Chen anymore. Whether Jiang Chen was a good guy or a bad guy, it had nothing to do with her.

What she did today was just for the sake of her classmates, and she didn't want Jiang Chen to go astray, but Jiang Chen himself didn't care, so why should she care?

After finishing speaking, Xu Anqi stood up and walked outside the cafeteria. Jiang Yanyan waved her small fist at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, don't say I didn't warn you, An Qi has already taken the initiative to fuck you. If you cheat other people's money again, I will call the police and arrest you."

"Oh, does this mean that I can still cheat you out of money?" Jiang Chen smiled indifferently.

"You think I'm stupid. I know you're a liar and I was cheated by you." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes, feeling a sense of IQ superiority spontaneously.

"Also, many people will know that you are a liar soon. You don't want to cheat anyone, and you don't want to cheat any more money." After leaving the last sentence, Jiang Yanyan also stood up.

"Jiang Yanyan, even if I'm a liar, Squad Leader Xu still let me cheat 1000 yuan, but you, aren't you going too far?" Jiang Chen said.

"Hey, where did I go too far? It's obviously you who went too far, okay?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily, she didn't even say that Jiang Chen was too much, Jiang Chen actually said that she was too much, is there any reason?

"Don't even give me a dime, isn't it too much? Is there anything more too much in this world?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.


Resisting the urge to smash the rice plate on Jiang Chen's head, Jiang Yanyan decided not to pay any attention to this guy she considered a super liar, and chased after Xu Anqi who had already walked to the cafeteria door.

Watching the two girls leave, a knowing smile gradually appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth.

Although Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan misunderstood him as a liar, but I have to say that Xu Anqi's actions somewhat surprised Jiang Chen.

Xu Anqi is innocent, just like the word An Qi in her name, she has not been polluted by the world at all. Under the premise that he is a liar, she would rather be deceived than her to deceive others. Such a woman , It's hard not to be likable.

Jiang Chen recalled the intrigues in the Real Spirit Continent. When they met each other, he was all smiles. He turned around and stabbed the knife in the back without hesitation. The life after crossing the earth is no different from a paradise on earth.

For Jiang Chen, who has adapted to that bloody, intriguing life, Xu Anqi's character is undoubtedly a good freshener for Jiang Chen.

The other woman, namely Tangyue, also has an extraordinary meaning to Jiang Chen. Firstly, Tangyue is his savior, and secondly, Tangyue is the first person he saw in this world. to the woman.

This was also the reason why Jiang Chen couldn't help being verbal in front of Xu Anqi and Tangyue.

"This girl is so simple, it seems that she should be molested less in the future... Well, no, if I don't molested, other people will molested her. I have to molested a few more times. If I molested a lot, she would get used to it." , and then probably begging me to tease you." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Naturally, if other people heard such words, they would definitely regard Jiang Chen as crazy.

And Jiang Chen, who didn't feel that there was any problem with his logic, got up at this moment, and Shi Shiran walked towards the classroom.

And when Jiang Chen just appeared in the teaching building, Jiang Chen had no choice but to stop. He saw a large group of people surrounding the teaching building, blocking the road. Everyone raised their heads and looked at The direction of the roof.

On the edge of the roof, stood a woman impressively, a woman who was about to jump off the building...

(End of this chapter)

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