genius evil

Chapter 26 1 Pair of Neuropathy

Chapter 26
"Hey, isn't that girl Cao Fang? What is she doing there?"

"Idiot, isn't this obvious? She's going to jump off the building."

"What are you doing by jumping off a building? Isn't that sick?"

"I don't know if Cao Fang is sick, but there must be something wrong with your eyesight, go to the hospital quickly, don't delay me watching the fun here."


Below the teaching building, there was a lot of noise, many people were talking in low voices, and all the topics were related to the girl named Cao Fang on the edge of the building.

The name Cao Fang is very common, but in fact, Cao Fang with a very common name is not common at Yilan Middle School, because Cao Fang is known as a super student in Yilan Middle School.

From the first semester of high school, Cao Fang has been occupying the first place in her grade. By the second and third year of high school, Cao Fang's grade ranking has never been shaken by anyone.

In short, this is a girl with perverted academic performance, and the reason why Cao Fang jumped off the building is also very simple, that is, Cao Fang accidentally failed the Chinese test this morning.

For ordinary students, failing an exam is not a big deal, but for Cao Fang, it means that she is about to be dissatisfied with her number one position in the grade.

Dugu has always sought defeat, and has never failed. It is conceivable how much a blow to Cao Fang was caused by a failed exam. No, Cao Fang, who could not accept the reality, appeared directly on the roof of the building. She didn't want to live anymore.

"Cao Fang, don't jump, don't jump."

"Yeah, it's just that you failed an exam. This is not a college entrance examination. We all know that you are very good."

"Cao Fang, I am Teacher Cao. You are still young and you have a long way to go. Although you did not pass the exam this time, no one will blame you."


The onlookers and students are constantly persuading Cao Fang.

Teacher Cao is the head teacher of Cao Fang's third class, her surname is Cao, and she is considered Cao Fang's family, but she is not related to Cao Fang, but Teacher Cao has always valued Cao Fang very much. , Teacher Cao was sweating profusely.

Jiang Chen was blocked, so he had no choice but to stop. Jiang Chen saw Xu Anqi, Jiang Yanyan, and Tangyue. In addition, Jiang Chen also saw another familiar figure. It was a bit unexpected so soon. It's the second time we meet.

"Hey, why are you here?" Jiang Chen walked over and said casually.

"Don't talk to me, don't you see that I'm busy." The girl replied, and then felt that the voice sounded familiar. She turned around and saw that it was Jiang Chen. She was also a little surprised.

"Jiang Chen, it's you, are you really a student of Yilan Middle School?" Ding Lingling said in a tone of disbelief.

Ding Lingling knew from Sister Lan that Jiang Chen was a student of Yilan Middle School, but she was more willing to believe that Jiang Chen was a hooligan and a liar, and also a stingy cheapskate.

It has to be said that the impression Jiang Chen left on Ding Lingling was really not very good.

"What are you busy with? I didn't see that you were very busy." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Hey, I'm really busy, okay? I'm busy saving people." Ding Lingling raised her head, looked towards the direction of the roof, and said unhappily.

"If you want to save people, then go save them. Do you think you can save people by standing here in a daze?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"You think I don't want to go up, but the iron gate on the roof is locked, and I'm waiting for other colleagues' help." Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a white look.

Ding Lingling finally had a chance to call the police, and such an opportunity came very quickly.

However, the reason why Ding Lingling had such an opportunity was because she was eating at Sister Lan's small restaurant at noon. After receiving the call to the police, Ding Lingling's location was the closest to Yilan Middle School, so Ding Lingling Lingling appeared.

This is the first real police call in Ding Lingling's life. No matter what kind of first time it is, she is usually very excited and busy. No, Ding Lingling, whose face was flushed with excitement, found herself In fact, I don't know how to solve the situation at hand.

She didn't have any experience in dealing with emergencies at all. She came here, but after she came, she raised her neck like everyone else, stared at the roof in a daze, there was nothing she could do.

"How long will it take for those colleagues of yours to come here?" Jiang Chen had nothing to do, so he chatted with Ding Lingling.

"Ten minutes, at most 10 minutes." Ding Lingling didn't have the desire to speak, she was just getting annoyed.

You know, although this is the first time she has called the police, if it is not handled well, it may be the last time she has called the police.

Ding Lingling still hopes to settle this matter well, one is for her own future, and the other is that she doesn't want death to happen.

"Then you should call your colleagues and tell them not to come over." Yawning, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, what are you talking about?" Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen.

"I'm doing this for everyone's benefit, so I don't waste my time. If there is no accident, the girl named Cao Fang will jump down from upstairs in at most 2 minutes... But it's good that they are here, just in time to collect Cao Fang's body. "Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"You damn rascal, you can still laugh at this time." Ding Lingling got angry, and then suddenly understood Jiang Chen's words, and she said in a daze, "What did you just say, you said that Cao Fang would be dead in 2 minutes at most." Jump off? Are you sure?"

"You'll know if you can't see it yourself." Jiang Chen pointed to Cao Fang and said without too much mind.

The teaching building only has six floors, which is not too high. When Ding Lingling raised her head to look at Cao Fang, she could barely see some of Cao Fang's movements clearly.

After looking at it, Ding Lingling's heart tightened. She found that Cao Fang's mood became more and more unstable, and she kept trembling. I'm going to jump off.

"What can we do? They still have a few minutes to come over, but the time is running out." Ding Lingling was in a hurry.

"It's useless for you to be anxious, just watch it carefully here. By the way, this is also the first time I've seen someone jump off a building. It seems quite interesting." Jiang Chen laughed.

Ding Lingling wanted to bite Jiang Chen to death in one bite. He even said it was interesting when he jumped off the building there, but this person is too unscrupulous.

But Ding Lingling was very nervous now, and didn't care too much about Jiang Chen. She rushed forward and shouted at Cao Fang: "Cao Fang, calm down."

"I'm very calm now." Cao Fang's voice came from the top of the building, the voice was blown away by the wind, desperate and sad.

"Are you really calm? Then can you calm down for another 10 minutes?" This was the first time Cao Fang spoke. Ding Lingling felt that her chance had come and discussed with Cao Fang.

"I can calm down for another 2 minutes at most." Cao Fang said resentfully.

Ding Lingling froze for a moment, thinking that it really took 2 minutes, she hurriedly said: "No, you have to calm down for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes, my colleagues will rush over, even if you really want to If you want to jump off the building, jump again after 10 minutes, please let me beg you."

"I won't wait for 10 minutes, I'll jump off after a while." Cao Fang said with certainty.

"No, this is the first time I have called the police. You have to wait 10 minutes before jumping, otherwise I will be very angry." Ding Lingling said angrily.

Ding Lingling, who has always been unable to grasp the key points, still can't grasp the key points now. She seems to have forgotten that she is here to save people, and instead wants Cao Fang to dance after 10 minutes.

All the onlookers were stunned. Who is this policewoman? Why is she so unreliable?
"I'm also very angry, I'm going to dance now." Cao Fang said sharply.

"No, I'm really begging you, I'm begging you very seriously, it's fine if you die, don't drag me down, I still want to be a good policeman." Ding Lingling said with a mournful face.

"I really jumped." Cao Fang moved her steps and said firmly.

"I'm really angry." Ding Lingling had a stern face, her nose was almost crooked, she didn't want to control Cao Fang anymore, why didn't this person give her any face at all, she didn't want Cao Fang to jump off the building, Just let Cao Fang wait for 10 minutes before jumping.

"Don't jump!"

"Cao Fang, don't scare us."

"Really don't jump, I'm afraid."


The audience clamored again, but perhaps because Cao Fang said that she was going to jump off, the crowd unconsciously stepped back a little to avoid being hit when Cao Fang jumped down.

"Hey, that so-and-so, how about discussing something with you, when you jump off, remember not to land on your face first." A voice sounded at this moment, it didn't sound loud, but it surprised many people. Everyone heard it.

"Why don't you touch the ground first?" Ding Lingling asked suspiciously.

"She is already ugly enough. If she hit the ground face first, she would be even more ugly. I don't know if you can bear it, but I can't bear it anyway." The voice of the voice resounded.

"It seems to be the reason. Just jumping from a height of more than ten meters, it doesn't seem to be very easy to prevent your face from landing on the ground first." Ding Lingling nodded in agreement, the little policewoman who couldn't grasp the point , was taken to the country of Java.

"Shit, this guy is too irritating, he's about to jump off the building, and he even said he's ugly."

"What kind of policeman is this? They don't know how to do things at all. Could it be that they came through the back door?"

"Who are these people? Cao Fang is already neurotic enough, and these two are even more neurotic."

Discussion voices suddenly sounded one after another, but this time it was not aimed at Cao Fang, but at Ding Lingling and the guy who spoke.

The person who spoke did not change his expression, and said lightly: "Stop arguing, I am doing this for your own good, lest you see her ugly face and have nightmares, but you don't have to thank me, This is what I should do."

"Fuck, this guy is really thick-skinned." Someone shuddered, feeling a little unbearable.

"Who are you? You actually call me ugly. You are the one who is ugly. You are so ugly that you have the nerve to call me ugly." Cao Fang couldn't stand it anymore. She didn't know if she forgot that she was going to jump off the building or what was going on, and stretched out a He pointed a finger at the guy who was speaking, and cursed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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