genius evil

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

"Sturdy, really too tough."

"Cao Fang looks small and weak, but she didn't expect to scold people so badly."

"It's true that people can't be judged by appearances, and sea water can't be measured."


Many people wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, shocked by Cao Fang's pungent demeanor.

Naturally, because of this, they also remembered that guy who was so angry that he didn't pay for his life. Besides Jiang Chen would be so weird, who else could it be.

"Cao Fang, right? Originally, you were going to jump off the building. I just suspected that you had a brain problem. Now it seems that you not only have a brain problem, but also your eyes. I am so handsome, how can you open your eyes and say What about nonsense?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"My brain is fine, and my eyes are fine, because you are not handsome at all. If you don't believe me, ask the people next to you and ask them whether you are handsome or not." Cao Fang was almost pissed off by Jiang Chen. .

How could this guy have the face to say that he is handsome, and what's more, her IQ crushed all the people in Yilan Middle School, and she actually said that there was a problem with her brain, so she opened her eyes and said nonsense.

"Don't ask, I'm the most handsome. You're not smart enough, so I won't argue with you." Jiang Chen was full of confidence, completely unaware that the way the people next to him looked at him was completely Watching a boastful psycho.

"Hmph, I don't think you dare to ask, do you think this can change the fact that you are not handsome?" Cao Fang's voice came from a height.

Obviously, in addition to being good at studying, Cao Fang is also very good at talking.

"The fact is that I am really handsome. This fact cannot be changed by anyone. Forget it, you have a problem with your brain, and you don't understand the truth when I tell you. Aren't you going to jump off the building? Hurry up, jump Come down." Jiang Chen urged.

"What, you want me to jump down?" Cao Fang couldn't believe it, this guy actually told her to jump down.

"Cao Fang, don't think that you can squirt blood casually because your brain is not good enough. It's not that I want you to jump, it's you who want to jump off the building. I just suggest that you jump quickly and don't waste everyone's time." Jiang Chen was upset. Said.

" really want me to jump down?" Cao Fang still thought she heard it wrong.

"Yes, hurry up and jump." Jiang Chen urged even harder.

"Then I really jumped. If I jumped, I would be forced to death by you." Cao Fang stammered.

"Let's dance, let's dance, people are going to die, what are you doing with all this nonsense." Jiang Chen said lazily, not paying attention to Cao Fang's words at all.

"Fuck me, this bastard's mouth is too poisonous, everyone is trying to persuade Cao Fang not to jump off the building, but this kid is good enough to ask Cao Fang to jump off, isn't this going to force Cao Fang to death?"

"Yes, who is this guy? Does he still have a sense of public morality?"

"Who knows who he is, he's just a bad guy anyway."


These people thought it was very interesting to hear Jiang Chen and Cao Fang bickering, so no one interrupted, but if Cao Fang really jumped down, the matter would become a big mess, and no one wanted to see such a scene happen, it was all crusade Get up Jiang Chen.

Although Jiang Chen is a little famous in class three now, his little fame is limited to class three. No, students in other classes still don't know Jiang Chen.

But it doesn't matter if they don't know each other, in their opinion, Jiang Chen really deserves a beating.

"This classmate, how can you talk like this? You are trying to force Cao Fang to death. Do you know what consequences will result from doing this?" Cao Fang's class teacher, Mr. Cao, said to Jiang Chen very sternly.

"The consequence is that she died. Teacher, don't you understand such a simple question?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

"You—you—" Teacher Cao was furious at Jiang Chen, what kind of students are these.

"Hey, don't be in a daze. Do you want to dance or not? I'm still waiting for the exam. If you delay my exam and cause me to fail to get No.1, I will ask you to settle the score." Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

"Jiang Chen, can you show some face, but you still get No.1? It's almost the same as being the bottom No.1." A student in Class Three, Grade Three, couldn't stand it any longer, and jumped out to criticize.

"Even if I can't get No.1 and lose a strong competitor, you still have a chance to get No.1, right?" Jiang Chen smiled strangely.

That person was taken aback, and the rest of the people who heard Jiang Chen's words were also taken aback.

Everyone thought about it, yes.

Especially for some students with good academic performance, killing Cao Fang has always been their goal, but they have never been able to achieve it. Now there is a ready-made opportunity to kill Cao Fang. This is something that can be met but not sought after. .

"An Qi, you have a chance to win first place." Jiang Yanyan whispered in Xu Anqi's ear.

Xu Anqi's academic performance is the first in the third class. Looking at the whole school, it is only in the top five. There is no way. Yilan Middle School is the best middle school in Yilan City. There are so many strong ones, and the competition is too fierce.

It's just that those strong people have been oppressed by Cao Fang all the time, they can't help it, who called Cao Fang so perverted.

"Yanyan, don't talk nonsense, even if I want to take the first place, I won't do it this way." Xu Anqi shook her head.

Xu Anqi disdains to fight for the first place in this way. Even if she wants to fight for the first place, she must speak for herself with her achievements.

But there are some people, after seeing the dawn of hope, their hearts are full of enthusiasm, and their thoughts are active.

Then, under Jiang Chen's leadership, a crowd of shouts rang out.

"Cao Fang, hurry up and die."

"Cao Fang, if you die, I will be number one."

"Cao Fang, we agreed to jump off the building, but you must not stop jumping, otherwise we will be very sad."

"Cao Fang, if you don't dance, you will be the most ugly woman in the world!"


A large number of shouts for Cao Fang to jump off the building, like a plague, fermented and contagious among the crowd. At first, the group of guys who wanted to tell Cao Fang not to jump off the building, at this time, uniformly asked Cao Fang to jump down.

In that situation, it was as if Cao Fang didn't jump off the building, and she was sorry for them.

"Crazy, all crazy." Teacher Cao kept stomping his feet, yelling for everyone to shut up. Drooling overwhelmed.

The clamor of the crowd almost didn't drive Cao Fang crazy.

She just wanted to jump off the building quietly, why is it so difficult?

Then Cao Fang realized that, in fact, she didn't really want to jump off the building, she just couldn't accept her failure.

"Shut up all of you, I won't dance anymore, whoever you like to dance, the first one is mine, and none of you can take it away, don't even think about it!" Cao Fang yelled hysterically, and suddenly turned around. Turn around and walk towards the roof.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, regret was beyond words, Cao Fang was obviously about to jump off, why did she suddenly change her mind and not jump?Isn't this a waste of their hearts?

Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen with bright eyes like light bulbs, "Jiang Chen, you did it on purpose, right?"

"That's right, I did it on let Cao Fang die on purpose. In that case, No.1 will be mine." Jiang Chen nodded and said seriously.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense, but no matter what, you finally did a good deed. I found that I was about to fall in love with you." Ding Lingling's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"It's right to fall in love with me, but I definitely won't fall in love with you, your figure is too bad." Jiang Chen said with a look of disgust.

Jiang Chen's mouth is still so poisonous, but at this time, Ding Lingling has decided not to care about Jiang Chen, the little rookie went out to the police for the first time, and almost died before leaving the army, but fortunately, there was no danger in the end, which made Ding Lingling Lingling felt that her future was bright, and she seemed to see her reputation as a policewoman waving to her.

Naturally, with Ding Lingling's unreliable personality, it's hard to say whether she is a policewoman or a neurotic.

Ding Lingling turned her ass away soon. She still had to talk to Cao Fang, and then she had to write a report. In short, this day, Ding Lingling was busy.

Cao Fang failed to jump off the building in the end, the crowd who watched the excitement quickly dispersed under the teacher's organization, Jiang Chen took a step, and Shi Shiran walked towards the classroom.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Chen saw a person waiting for him in front of him. After seeing that figure, Jiang Chen giggled, walked forward quickly, and said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, long time no see. Ah, are you here specially waiting for me? What a shame, Mr. Tang, if you have anything to do, just give me a call, and I promise to be there on call... By the way, Mr. Tang, you know me The mobile phone number, my number is 186..."

"Shut up." Tangyue couldn't listen anymore, she hadn't seen him for several days, why is this guy still talking like this, she couldn't bear it every minute.

However, Jiang Chen was right about one thing, she was indeed here to wait for Jiang Chen.

After glaring at Jiang Chen, Tangyue waved her hand and said, "Come with me, I have something to talk to you about."

The place of the conversation was in Tangyue's office, this was Jiang Chen's second visit.

"Teacher Tang, do you want some water?" As soon as he entered the office, Jiang Chen's voice rang in Tangyue's ear again.

"I'm not thirsty." Tangyue shook her head.

"Oh, I'm thirsty, I'll drink some water first." Jiang Chen picked up a cup from the desk, ran to the water dispenser and poured a glass of water, drank it with a few sips, and put his buttocks on the chair He sat down, looked at Tangyue and asked, "Teacher Tang, what do you want to talk to me about? I'm ready...Teacher Tang, please sit down and talk too. Standing is very tiring."

Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly. Is this guy really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? on his lap?

Immediately, Tangyue felt something was wrong, did something go wrong, this was her office, why did it seem like Jiang Chen was the owner and she was the guest?
Then, after seeing the drinking cup in Jiang Chen's hand, Tangyue's breathing immediately became rapid, and she felt that she was going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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