genius evil

Chapter 28 Introducing the Wolf

Chapter 28 Introducing the Wolf
"Jiang Chen, that's the cup I drink from. How could you... how could you..." Tangyue was annoyed and furious, God, if she didn't pay attention, Jiang Chen just took her cup to drink water,

"Teacher Tang, don't you have something to tell me?" For some reason, Jiang Chen didn't seem to hear Tangyue's words.

Tangyue was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Chen strangely. Because Jiang Chen drank from her cup, her reaction was a bit loud, and her voice was also loud. Jiang Chen must have seen and heard it.

Even Tangyue was a little skeptical. Jiang Chen knew that it was the cup she drank from, so he deliberately used that cup to drink water, because it was not the first time she used that cup to drink water, and sometimes she would also fill it with water. Going to the classroom, there was obviously a disposable paper cup on the table, but Jiang Chen didn't use it, but took her plastic cup. It was hard not to let Tangyue suspect whether Jiang Chen had ulterior motives.

But Jiang Chen didn't react at all, which seemed a bit abnormal to Tangyue, but Jiang Chen's lack of reaction also hit Tangyue's heart, otherwise, she wouldn't know how to respond to Jiang Chen's nonsense.

Since Jiang Chen wanted to put on a show, let Jiang Chen pretend, anyway, she just wanted to say a few words to Jiang Chen.

And Tangyue had already decided at this time, after Jiang Chen left the office, she would throw that cup into the trash can and never use it again.

It's not that Tangyue has a cleanliness habit, but that she doesn't want to be taken advantage of by Jiang Chen, and she doesn't want to remember that every time she drinks from this cup in the future, she will remember that this cup has been used by Jiang Chen, then she will really go crazy of.

Taking a breath, suppressing the restless emotions in her heart, Tangyue said: "Jiang Chen, I have seen what happened in front of the teaching building just now, I know you have good intentions, but you are not afraid that Cao Fang will really jump down What? In that case, what will you do? Are you going to be responsible? "

Tangyue called Jiang Chen to the office specially to tell Jiang Chen about this matter. Tangyue could tell that Jiang Chen was forcing Cao Fang to jump off the building on the surface, but in fact he was saving Cao Fang. Give up jumping off the building.

It's just that Jiang Chen's method is too risky. Although there is no problem, there will be a big problem once it happens, and Tangyue must intervene.

"Teacher Tang, I'm really touched." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"What moved you?" Tangyue felt baffled, how could this guy say such a sentence.

"Teacher Tang cares about me so much, of course I'm touched." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop being so pretty." Tangyue said a little weakly.

Having said that, Tangyue had to admit that she was indeed concerned about Jiang Chen. She was a teacher and the head teacher of Class [-] and Class [-], which meant that she had to be responsible for every student in the class, so from a certain In this sense, whether she is willing or not, she must care about Jiang Chen.

Even if Jiang Chen intentionally said it was ambiguous and had the taste of molesting her, in fact, Tangyue couldn't deny it. Of course, it couldn't be denied, and Tangyue couldn't admit it. She could almost imagine that once she admitted it, Jiang Chen would definitely Insatiable.

What's more, Jiang Chen plotted against her once through Li Nengchao, blatantly skipping class for a week, which always made her feel uncomfortable. It is impossible for her to give Jiang Chen a good face. If it was not out of responsibility, she would not Talk to Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, you think too much. Isn't it normal for a teacher to care about students?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

Tangyue was dumbfounded, it was clear that Jiang Chen was thinking too much, why did she think too much, gritted her teeth, Tangyue said: "Jiang Chen, can you stop talking nonsense and tell me first, what exactly were you thinking at that time?" Yes, you must give me a reasonable explanation for this matter."

"Actually, my idea is very simple. Of course, I can give you an explanation, Teacher Tang..." Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue, his eyes swept across Tangyue, and finally fixed on Tangyue's bulging chest.

"What are you looking at, explain quickly if you want to explain." Tangyue was ashamed, subconsciously wrapped her arms around her chest, blocking Jiang Chen's sight.

This guy couldn't see anything good about her, but he just looked at her chest. Although he was wearing clothes, Jiang Chen couldn't see anything at all, but Jiang Chen's presumptuous eyes still made Tangyue feel awkward.

In particular, her territory that had never been invaded by anyone was once violated by Jiang Chen, Tangyue was even more awkward.

"Teacher Tang, have you noticed that your figure is getting better and better." Jiang Chen didn't mean to explain at all, he still looked at Tangyue, but this time he was looking at his legs.

Beautiful or not, look at the thighs.

And there is no doubt that Tangyue's legs are absolutely impeccable and beautiful. The legs occupy the golden ratio of the figure. They are slender but not too skinny. They are well-proportioned and slender. How wonderful.

Tangyue felt a little regretful, how could she have the feeling of luring a wolf into the house?I really can't care about this hooligan. If she cares about him a little bit, this guy will climb up the pole.

"Jiang Chen, you haven't answered my question yet." Tangyue turned around, not wanting to pay attention to Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang's figure is really getting better and better." Jiang Chen was still sighing there.

Hearing this, Tangyue immediately realized that she had made another mistake, because even if she didn't look back, she knew that Jiang Chen was staring at her buttocks.

"Jiang Chen, why can't you learn well and always like to be a hooligan?" Tangyue had to turn around and said helplessly.

"Actually, I don't like playing hooligans very much, I just like playing hooligans with you, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"--" Tangyue blushed, and when she saw Jiang Chen's serious face, she just came here without getting angry.

"Teacher Tang, you may not know that the greatest advantage of me is that I am honest, and I can say what I see, especially in front of you, Teacher Tang...Of course, if you still don't believe Teacher Tang, I can swear." Chen said swearingly.

Tangyue was dumbfounded again, this guy is too good at putting gold on his face, he should be the most dishonest and restless guy in the world, he was molested once when he saw him, so he had the nerve to say that he was honest.

Of course, Tangyue knew that Jiang Chen was quite honest in the past. In fact, Tangyue didn't want Jiang Chen to be that honest. It wasn't that honesty was bad, but she could see that Jiang Chen was almost inferior.

But now, Tangyue found that she missed that honest Jiang Chen a little bit, at least she wouldn't make her angry at every turn.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't want to explain it's fine, you can go back to the classroom." Tangyue said expressionlessly, she didn't want to talk anymore, Jiang Chen always said what he wanted to say, leaving others with nothing to say. What can I say?

"Okay then, see you again, teacher." On a rare occasion, Jiang Chen stood up obediently, and walked out with a water glass in his hand.

"Jiang Chen, what did you take my cup for?" Tangyue was stunned when she saw it.

"Teacher Tang, I have a feeling that from today onwards, I will fall in love with drinking water, so I need a special water cup... And I know that you will throw away this cup, Teacher Tang, so even if you give it to me Alright." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and he had already arrived at the door of the office.

Tangyue was stunned for a moment, and sure enough, this guy was pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. He had heard her words just now, and he even guessed exactly what she would do.

Tangyue really wanted to snatch the cup from Jiang Chen's hand, and then throw the cup into the trash can in front of Jiang Chen, but Tangyue knew that Jiang Chen would not give herself such a chance, so she could only They watched Jiang Chen leave with her drinking cup.

"By the way, Teacher Tang, although you don't want to listen to my explanation, I think it is necessary to explain... The reason why I did that is because I am sure that Cao Fang will not jump off the building. She just needs an excuse, an excuse to use An excuse to cover up your failure." At the door, Jiang Chen's voice came, and immediately, the footsteps gradually faded away.

"Excuse?" Tangyue muttered to herself, after a little thought, Tangyue knew that what Jiang Chen said was right, but how could Jiang Chen know that it was just an excuse for Cao Fang to cover up her failure?
"Jiang Chen, you said that Cao Fang's jumping from the building was just an excuse, so what is the reason for the things you are doing now and the change in your behavior?" Then, think of Jiang Chen's recent past Change, Tangyue whispered in her heart.

"The handsome guy is here."

"Our super handsome guy is here."

As soon as Jiang Chen appeared at the door of the classroom, he heard someone shouting a few times in the classroom. Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on him.

"What handsome guy, do you think he has a dime relationship with the word handsome guy? I think he is a super liar." Jiang Yanyan's voice sounded.

"Jiang Yanyan, why do you say that Jiang Chen is a big liar? Did he lie to you about something?" Someone didn't seem to understand.

"Of course I was cheated of money and sex, otherwise, why would Jiang Yanyan be so angry." Some people despise that guy who clearly understands but pretends not to understand, Jiang Yanyan is so obvious, okay?

Jiang Yanyan's face was bloodshot, and she was about to reprimand and refute angrily, when a light voice came: "You guys have low taste, don't think I'm the same as you, am I going to lie to Jiang Yanyan? I'm going to lie to Squad Leader Xu, okay? Squad Leader Xu, You said I was right?"

Xu Anqi really wanted to say she was wrong, but she couldn't say it, because Jiang Chen had indeed cheated her of 1000 yuan and even cheated her of a meal.Xu Anqi's face flushed red, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Jiang Chen, you are so hateful." Jiang Yanyan hated Jiang Chen to death. This was not the first time Jiang Chen despised her. Could it be that ugly girls have no human rights?Besides, she is just not as beautiful as Xu Anqi, so she is not ugly at all.

"Jiang Yanyan, jealousy is unacceptable. This habit is not good. It must be changed." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Rogue, liar, I hate you to death." Jiang Yanyan cursed angrily in a low voice.

Then someone discovered Jiang Chen was holding a water cup, and Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan also saw the cup Jiang Chen was holding.

"Why does that cup look so familiar?" Jiang Yanyan asked in wonder.

Xu Anqi didn't speak, just looked at the cup in Jiang Chen's hand, she didn't know what she remembered, her expression was slightly weird.

(End of this chapter)

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