genius evil

Chapter 29 I'm Really Good at Fighting

Chapter 29 I'm Really Good at Fighting
The exam will continue in the afternoon, and the exam is mathematics.

Jiang Chen wasn't good at mathematics before, but now, of course he is very good at it, and the things he is very good at are naturally extremely easy and fun to do.

It only took Jiang Chen half an hour to hand in the paper ahead of time, and then walked out of the classroom under the watchful eyes of dozens of strange eyes.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen climbed over the wall and left the school again, then hailed a taxi and went to the center of Yilan City. An hour later, Jiang Chen returned to the school and appeared at the entrance of Sister Lan Hotel. But at this time, Jiang Chen had two more bags in his hands.

"Hey, why are you here again?" Jiang Chen had just walked into the small restaurant when Ding Lingling's voice came from inside. Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes.

"Could you be here for dinner?" Soon, Ding Lingling said again.

Jiang Chen ignored Ding Lingling, and said directly to Sister Lan, "Sister Lan, stir fry two dishes."

"Today's dishes are all finished." Before Sister Lan could speak, Ding Lingling hurriedly said.

"Then let's fry the rice with eggs. Put more eggs and rice, and fry it for five people." Jiang Chen said.

"The eggs are gone, the rice is gone, even the rice is gone." Ding Lingling said again just after Jiang Chen's words fell.

"Jiang Chen, it's a bit of a coincidence today, why don't you go to another restaurant for dinner." Sister Lan, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, with a slight bitterness on her face.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "It seems that it's really a bit of a misfortune, but I only like to eat the meals you cook, Sister Lan, so what should I do... Otherwise, while it's still early, I will Go to the supermarket and buy some rice and vegetables."

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you, Sister Lan told you to go to another restaurant for dinner, hurry up." Ding Lingling urged.

While talking, Ding Lingling carefully looked at the people at the other table in the restaurant from the corner of her eyes, and at the same time kept winking at Jiang Chen, signaling Jiang Chen to leave quickly.

The business of Sister Lan's restaurant is still not good. At this time, besides Ding Lingling, there are only three guests at the other table eating in the restaurant.

Those three people were drinking, they must have been drinking for quite a long time, all three of them were red-faced, but after Jiang Chen entered the restaurant, the three of them stopped drinking, and put their eyes on Jiang Chen, coldly He looked at Jiang Chen coldly.

"Hey, I said you three idiots, I'm a bit hungry now, you guys hurry up and get out." Jiang Chen ignored Ding Lingling's wink and said something to the three of them.

As soon as Jiang Chen's words came out, Ding Lingling was shocked, and Sister Lan was also shocked, her face turned pale.

"Jiang Chen, I said, are you an idiot? I have hinted so clearly, why don't you leave." Ding Lingling said anxiously.

It was precisely because of the existence of those three people that Ding Lingling hinted that Jiang Chen would leave the hotel. How could he know that Jiang Chen would let it go if he didn't leave?

"I said, I'm hungry." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Then you can go to another place to eat. You will be hacked to death here later. Don't blame me for not reminding you." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"Hey, is there anyone here who wants to chop me up?" Jiang Chen pretended to be surprised and said.

"That's right, someone here is indeed going to chop you up, and that person is me." Among the three of them, a middle-aged man with a slender scar on his left face got up and looked at Jiang Chen like a dead man.

"Then you come over and chop me up, remember to come and chop quickly, don't be blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Boy, you are the guy who injured my four younger brothers last night. I can't see that you are quite lucky. The two women here are protecting you... I am a little curious, why are you still smiling at this time?" Come out, it looks like you are either an idiot or you have something to depend on, but whether you are an idiot or something to rely on, I will hack you to death here today." Scarface said coldly.

"Hey, don't be too arrogant. You said you cut people in front of me. Did you take me seriously?" Ding Lingling said dissatisfied. She is a policeman anyway, and this guy is too disrespectful Save face.

"Little girl, if you want to meddle in other people's business, I don't mind cutting you off at all." Scarface said nonchalantly.

"I warn you, don't call me chick. I hate the word little. You can call me by my name, or you can call me police sister, or I will be very angry." Ding Lingling jumped and said loudly.

Hearing this, Scar's face froze for a moment, and he smiled a little strangely: "Little girl, wait for me to take off the clothes on you and take a closer look, then I will know whether you are young or not."

"Ah, I'm so mad, you're deaf or something, I told you, don't say small print." The rookie policeman, who could never catch the point, went crazy and screamed angrily.

"Little girl, you are too noisy, shut up." Although Ding Lingling is a policeman, but Scarface doesn't take Ding Lingling seriously, she said unceremoniously.

"I'm really going to be pissed off, I'll fight you." Ding Lingling couldn't take it anymore, she clenched her fist and rushed towards Scarface, punching Scarface's mouth, looking at the situation, it looked like It was to smash Scarface's mouth with a punch.

It's just that Ding Lingling's fist just hit him, and Scarface slapped Ding Lingling. Scarface didn't have the slightest sense of pity, if this slap fell, half of Ding Lingling's face would be swollen .

Ding Lingling turned pale with fright, and wanted to back away in a hurry, but it was too late, and she was about to be slapped by the scarred face, Ding Lingling couldn't help but yelled again.

And at this moment, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to grab Ding Lingling behind him, quickly avoiding the slap from Scarface.

"Okay, stop arguing, I didn't hit you." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Hey, it doesn't seem to hurt. I really didn't hit me." Ding Lingling touched her face with her hands, and then said angrily to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, you are really an idiot. Create an opportunity for you to escape, why don't you run away?"

Ding Lingling was so frothy as to say that she completely forgot that if Jiang Chen hadn't grabbed him away, she would have already been murdered by Scarface.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, never thought that this little rookie with no chest and no brains, his behavior just now was to create a chance for him to escape, this didn't make Jiang Chen surprised.

"Why should I run? I haven't eaten yet." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You are a pig, so you know how to eat. You are so good at eating, but you are so stingy. You will shut down Sister Lan's restaurant. Then I won't be able to eat the meals that Sister Lan made herself." Ding Lingling said loudly.

"I said little girl, are you going astray?" Jiang Chen said depressedly, why is this little girl's brain circuit so different.

"Oh, it seems to be." After Jiang Chen's reminder, Ding Lingling finally realized that she had grasped the wrong point again. She pushed Jiang Chen vigorously and said, "Hurry up, I'm a policeman. Don't dare to do anything to me."

"Actually, I can stay here to help you." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Your small arms and legs, it's a good thing if you don't drag me down." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes and said contemptuously. After all, if it weren't for Jiang Chen, she wouldn't be so passive. After all, she is a policeman after all. Scarface and the three would not provoke her for no reason, and it would not do them any good.

"Actually, I'm very good at fighting. If you don't believe me, take a look." Jiang Chen said confidently.

Jiang Chen raised his foot and kicked Scarface's stomach. Poor Scarface didn't realize what happened, but was kicked to the ground.

"Boy, I think you are getting impatient, you two, kill him." Before Scarface could make a move, Jiang Chen moved his feet first, which made Scarface furious, and stretched out his hand from his arms. He took out a machete from inside and slashed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen kicked out again, kicked Scarface to the ground again, and said to Ding Lingling: "Did you see, I'm really good at fighting."

Ding Lingling not only saw it, but was dumbfounded.

"Do you know who he is? He's Brother Dao. You actually beat him, twice?" Ding Lingling said in a daze.

Brother Dao's ferocity is well known in this area. Over the years, there have been ninety if not a hundred people who have been hacked to death by Brother Dao.Even the police, in the absence of direct evidence, would not dare to provoke Brother Dao easily, otherwise if he was accidentally hacked to death, he would not even be able to find the body.

It was for this reason that Ding Lingling tried every means to get Jiang Chen to leave, otherwise, Brother Dao might really hack Jiang Chen to death.Ding Lingling never expected that the ferocious Brother Dao would be kicked twice so easily by Jiang Chen.

Ganqing is not an idiot, but can really fight, and is more ferocious than Brother Dao. No wonder Jiang Chen ignored her hints.

Of course Jiang Chen knew that this guy was Brother Dao. Although Jiang Chen had never seen Brother Dao, when he saw the scar on Scarface's face, he knew that this guy was Brother Dao.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also knew that Brother Dao came here because of what happened last night. It was precisely because of this that Jiang Chen turned his face directly. He didn't have the heart to waste time on Brother Dao.

"Cut, hack him to death." Brother Dao was roaring, he was kicked twice by an unattractive student, which was a great shame to him. , Brother Dao picked up the knife in his hand without hesitation, and slashed wildly again.





Then Ding Lingling heard three dull sounds, Brother Dao was kicked over by Jiang Chen for the third time, but this time, Jiang Chen directly kicked Brother Dao and the three of them out of the restaurant!

"Okay, it's finally clean, Sister Lan, let's cook two dishes, I'm really hungry." Putting the bag in his hand on a table, he said lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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