genius evil

Chapter 30

Chapter 30
"Oh, ok... ok..." After a while, Sister Lan said, she was a little unresponsive, a seemingly incomparably difficult matter was so easily solved by Jiang Chen, even if he saw it with his own eyes. When something happened, Sister Lan felt as if she was dreaming.

Moreover, Jiang Chen is too powerful, he just casually kicked Brother Dao and the two people brought by Brother Dao out. He shouldn't be the legendary martial arts master, right?Why didn't I discover this before?

After the huge shock last night, Sister Lan's heart was once again severely shocked, and her past impressions of Jiang Chen were inevitably being subverted gradually.

Sister Lan thought for a while, and found that she couldn't figure it out, so she decided not to think too much, and went to cook for Jiang Chen first, because she could tell that Jiang Chen was really hungry.

"Sister Lan, stir fry two more dishes. I didn't feel full just now." At this moment, Ding Lingling also said.

"Okay, you two wait a moment, you'll be fine soon." Sister Lan nodded, then turned and went to the kitchen to get busy.

Naturally, there was food and vegetables in the kitchen, but Brother Dao was here just now, Sister Lan and Ding Lingling hoped that Jiang Chen would leave quickly, so they said no.

At this time, Sister Lan quickly started chopping and cooking vegetables, while Ding Lingling sat opposite Jiang Chen, still looking at Jiang Chen with eyes that were as bright as light bulbs.

"Jiang Chen, why... why are you so powerful, how did you do it?" Ding Lingling asked very curiously.

Last night, also at Sister Lan's restaurant, Ding Lingling saw four guys with their palms pierced by chopsticks, but after all, he didn't see Jiang Chen make a move, and it was far less shocking than what he saw with his own eyes today.

Ding Lingling was really curious. Seeing Jiang Chen being ordinary, dry and skinny, he didn't look like a tall man. How could he be so powerful?

"As long as I think, I can do it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, how can you answer questions like this? You have no sincerity at all." Ding Lingling was dissatisfied. Jiang Chen refused to tell her how to pierce the palms of those four guys with chopsticks, but even he Why would he fight so much and refuse to tell her? This guy is really a cheapskate.

"I'm really not sincere, because I don't intend to tell you at all." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You—" Ding Lingling felt that Jiang Chen was too hateful, even if he really didn't want to tell her, couldn't he be a little more tactful?

She really wanted to beat Jiang Chen up, but thinking that she would definitely not be able to beat Jiang Chen, Ding Lingling could only decide to eat two more bowls of rice for a while, leaving Jiang Chen with nothing to eat.

Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling were talking inside the small restaurant, while the three of Brother Dao were talking outside the restaurant.

After being kicked out of the hotel, Brother Dao and the three did not leave immediately.

"Brother Dao, shall we continue to chop people?" One of the guys said.

"You idiot, it's fine if people don't kill you, but you still want to kill others?" Brother Dao scolded.

How could he not want to cut Jiang Chen, he really wished he could cut Jiang Chen down to 18 yuan, but the ideal is full, the reality is cruel, they are not Jiang Chen's opponents at all.

Looking resentfully at the inside of the small restaurant, Brother Dao stared at Jiang Chen who was talking to Ding Lingling. He knew that he was too careless and underestimated Jiang Chen's strength. The two came over rashly.

From the description of those four guys last night, Brother Dao heard that Jiang Chen was just a fool. Although Jiang Chen's behavior of piercing his palm with chopsticks was a bit weird, Brother Dao didn't really take it to heart.

In his opinion, those four useless guys must have lied, maybe how they were injured, after all, when he saw those four guys, they had already gone to the hospital to bandage their wounds.

But now, Brother Dao suddenly discovered that those four guys might not have lied, Jiang Chen was too weird, he had hardly seen how Jiang Chen made his move before, and the three of them were kicked out.

Moreover, the three of them chopped Jiang Chen with their knives together, but they didn't even cut off a piece of Jiang Chen's clothes.If he did it again, he might be chopped down to 18 yuan by Jiang Chen.

"Let's go first, come back later." Staring at Jiang Chen for a while, Brother Dao said coldly.

Brother Dao decided not to suffer this immediate loss. He planned to call some brothers to come to Jiang Chen to settle the score. Isn't Jiang Chen able to fight?He can hit three, but what about ten?What about thirty?He really wanted to see how capable Jiang Chen was in fighting!

Jiang Chen didn't care when the three of Brother Dao left, he had already started eating at this time.

After Jiang Chen quenched his body on the first floor, the restaurant became very astonishing, and this was because he didn't exercise much, otherwise, his appetite would become even more terrifying.

It's just that, Jiang Chen's appetite is already terrifying. Rao Ding Lingling and Sister Lan, who had seen Jiang Chen's terrifying appetite yesterday, were once again shocked by Jiang Chen's appetite. .

Ding Lingling, who originally planned to snatch Jiang Chen's food and make Jiang Chen have nothing to eat, naturally soon found out sadly that it was not she who made Jiang Chen have nothing to eat, but Jiang Chen who made her have nothing to eat.

Fortunately, before Jiang Chen came over, Ding Lingling had already eaten, otherwise, Sister Lan would have to cook another pot of rice.

After eating enough, Jiang Chen was satisfied, but seeing that Ding Lingling hadn't left yet, Jiang Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why don't you leave?" Jiang Chen chased away.

"Hey, why should I leave? This is not your home?" Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen. She had helped Jiang Chen just now. This guy turned around and demolished the bridge. It's too hateful.

"What are you doing here if you're full?" Jiang Chen continued to chase Ding Lingling away.

Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen strangely, and said, "Little hooligan, you don't have money for the meal, do you? Or you did, but you only brought 20 yuan, so you want to drive me away, because you Are you afraid that I will call you a cheapskate?"

Ding Lingling doesn't call Jiang Chen's name anymore at this time, she still thinks it's more appropriate to be called Jiang Chen's little rascal, whoever calls this guy always refuses to answer her questions, which makes her doubts in her heart more and more .

"Little girl, you really are a small-breasted and brainless weirdo. You were going to leave, so why stay here?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Hey, how do you know I'm leaving?" Ding Lingling said in confusion.

Ding Lingling has been busy at school for a long time today, comforting Cao Fang, taking notes, and finally having time to have a meal, and because of Brother Dao's appearance, she was dragged to Sister Lan's small restaurant without enough time Report back to the police station.She is indeed going.

But, why does Jiang Chen care so much about whether she leaves?Ding Lingling suspected that Jiang Chen had other purposes.

Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and said, "Little rascal, why do I feel that you want to drive me away on purpose? Are you planning on playing with Sister Lan?"

"Could it be that you want me to make up your mind?" Jiang Chen looked around and sized up Ding Lingling.

"You really are a hooligan, I'll go first, I won't talk nonsense with you." Ding Lingling felt that Jiang Chen's gaze was too poisonous, as if she had no clothes on, and Jiang Chen's scalp felt a little numb. He quickly got up and fled the hotel.

In fact, what Ding Lingling said was correct, Jiang Chen wanted to drive Ding Lingling away, he was really trying to play Sister Lan's idea, but what he wanted to do was not what Ding Lingling thought.

Jiang Chen reached out, took out a stack of money from his pocket, handed it to Sister Lan and said, "Sister Lan, here is 1 yuan, you take it first."

"1 yuan is enough to live with me for half a year. How can I ask for so much money?" Sister Lan froze for a moment, but did not dare to take it.

"This is not meal money." Jiang Chen said.

"It's not meal money?" Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Sister Lan didn't know what she thought of, her face suddenly turned red, and her originally timid eyes kept flickering, and she didn't dare to confront Jiang Chen at all. See.

Sister Lan heard what Ding Lingling said just now, but she didn't pay attention to it just now. She is so much older than Jiang Chen, how could Jiang Chen have her idea?
So when Jiang Chen took out 1 yuan and said it was for her, Sister Lan subconsciously thought it was food money, but no matter how Jiang Chen could eat, even if it was 50 yuan or even 100 yuan a meal The standard of 1 yuan, this [-] yuan, is enough for Jiang Chen to eat for a long time, so how could she want it?
How did Sister Lan know that Jiang Chen said it was not meal money, which made Sister Lan a little at a loss, could it be that Jiang Chen was really planning on her?Otherwise, why would he give her so much money?

And the 1 yuan is supposed to be used to keep her?
In fact, the reason why Sister Lan had such an idea was because of what Ding Lingling said just now on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was related to what happened in the restaurant these two days.

Jiang Chen helped her twice before and after. Although Brother Dao appeared today to find Jiang Chen, Sister Lan understood that in the final analysis, the matter started because of her, otherwise Jiang Chen would not have had any grudges with Brother Dao.

In this way, Jiang Chen was helping her and giving her money, how could she not think wildly.

When Jiang Chen saw Sister Lan's reaction, he didn't know what Sister Lan might have misunderstood. He couldn't help but find it funny. He was about to explain to Sister Lan what the 1 yuan was for, but he heard footsteps, and then A figure rushed in from outside.

"Why are you back?" Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling who rushed in, a little depressed. This little rookie had only been away for a few minutes, and came back so quickly.

"I forgot to give Sister Lan the meal money, so I came back again." Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a blank look. It seemed that this little rascal didn't welcome her very much. Even if she was not as good as Sister Lan, she definitely She can be regarded as a big loli type beauty, okay?
While talking, Ding Lingling saw the money in Jiang Chen's hand, and immediately yelled, "Jiang Chen, what are you doing, damn it, you are really trying to get Sister Lan's idea and plan to keep Sister Lan Bar?"

(End of this chapter)

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