genius evil

Chapter 31 What is an Airport

Chapter 31 What is an Airport

Ding Lingling's voice was not low in the first place, but this sudden shock made her voice even louder. No matter if it was Jiang Chen or Sister Lan, it was impossible to pretend that she didn't hear it.

"Little rascal, no wonder you are so anxious to drive me away. You really have no good intentions. I didn't expect you, a rascal, to be small and courageous. You actually have such an idea." Ding Lingling put her hands on her hips and looked sideways. Jiang Chen said.

"Lingling..." Sister Lan called out Ding Lingling's name. She didn't know what she wanted to say, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it.

The main reason is that Sister Lan felt that no matter what she said at this time, it was inappropriate. After all, she didn't know exactly what Jiang Chen was thinking.

"Sister Lan, don't be afraid. With me here, I will definitely not let this beast succeed." Ding Lingling comforted Sister Lan, and then said to Jiang Chen: "Little rascal, I am here Now that you've caught it, do you have anything else to say?"

While talking, Ding Lingling thought to herself, so this guy likes women like Yujie, no wonder he seems to dislike her and completely ignores her beauty.

Not to mention, Ding Lingling is very narcissistic, naturally, she also has the capital of narcissism, although she is a rookie, she is a flower in the police station.

"You are boring." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Hey, why am I bored?" Ding Lingling yelled.

"I think your top priority is not whether Sister Lan will be taken care of by me, but whether you can marry yourself." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Why can't I get married, I'm so beautiful." Ding Lingling was unhappy, and shouted more vigorously.

"Because your figure is too poor." Jiang Chen said simply.

"Hmph, I already knew that you like big breasts." Ding Lingling said angrily.

He does not mean that.

Sister Lan subconsciously lowered her head and looked at her breasts, her face blushed unknowingly.

"Of course I like big ones. Could it be that I like airports like yours?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

Ding Lingling's eyes were wide open, the airport, this hooligan actually said she was an airport, even if her breasts were not as big as Sister Lan's, she couldn't be called an airport, could she?
Ding Lingling felt that she wanted to beat Jiang Chen up again, even though she knew she couldn't beat Jiang Chen, but she really couldn't swallow this bad breath.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what is an airport?" But at this time, a crisp voice came.

I saw a small figure at the entrance of the hotel. I don't know when, a little girl about seven years old, with two cute braids, carved with jade, very cute.

After the little girl finished speaking, she looked at the three people in the restaurant with big eyes, innocent and innocent, which instantly made Ding Lingling lose her temper.

"Xiaodie, are you Xiaodie?" Ding Lingling looked at the cute little girl and couldn't help but want to pinch her little cheek.

"Beautiful sister, my name is Lan Xiaodie, are you brother Jiang Chen's girlfriend?" Xiaodie asked curiously.

"No...not..." Ding Lingling denied loudly, just joking, how could she be the girlfriend of a stinky hooligan who tried to keep Sister Lan in vain?On the contrary, if Sister Lan was taken care of by Jiang Chen, then Sister Lan would become Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

"Oh, that's pretty sister, you haven't agreed to Jiang Chen's pursuit, right? Pretty sister, brother Jiang Chen is a very nice person, you have to test him a little bit, then agree to him, otherwise other sisters will snatch Jiang Chen away. Brother Chen's." Xiaodie said in a childish voice.

Ding Lingling was dumbfounded, and felt an urge to bump her head to death. The seven-year-old girl in front of her was actually teaching her how to fall in love. Even if she had never been in love before, she didn't know how to fall in love, but she Don't you have the four big characters "I don't know how to fall in love" written on your face?

Ding Lingling looked at Xiaodie and said, "Xiaodie, where did you know these things?"

"Beautiful sister, I watched it on TV. It's always played like this on TV. If there is anything you don't understand, pretty sister, you can ask me." Xiaodie said with a smile.

Ding Lingling's face was full of embarrassment. It was fine that she was hit by Jiang Chen first, but such a young girl also hit her. She felt that she couldn't stay here anymore, otherwise she would definitely burst into tears from the blow.

Then Ding Lingling completely forgot that she was still asking about Jiang Chen's support just now, quickly dropped 100 yuan, and ran away in a desperate manner.

"Hey, how did the beautiful sister leave? Brother Jiang Chen, the beautiful sister runs so fast. If you want to chase her, you have to work hard." Xiaodie walked in front of Jiang Chen and said with blinking eyes.

"Xiaodie, that sister is obviously not beautiful at all, why do you call her pretty sister." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

It was not the first time for Jiang Chen to learn about Lan Xiaodie's strange elves. His predecessor was always rendered speechless by Lan Xiaodie.Ding Lingling, who was dealing with Xiaodie for the first time, was beaten and fled when she didn't know enough about Xiaodie, which is perfectly normal.

But for the current Jiang Chen, such a situation would naturally not occur.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you think that sister is not beautiful. No wonder you don't go after her, but I think that sister is very beautiful. Brother Jiang Chen, don't pick and choose. But brother Jiang Chen, you are so handsome. It's okay to have a higher vision." Lan Xiaodie said, tilting her cute little head and wrinkling her cute little nose.

"That's right, I'm the most handsome." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Sister Lan was a little speechless, it's fine for a little girl to be ignorant, Jiang Chen actually thinks that she is the most handsome, but she can't tell how handsome Jiang Chen is at all?

"Xiaodie, you go to do your homework in the room." Sister Lan said to Xiaodie, she was a little worried that Jiang Chen would distort Xiaodie's aesthetics if she was not careful.In fact, Xiaodie's aesthetics seemed to have been distorted, because she thought Jiang Chen was handsome.

"But brother Jiang Chen hasn't answered me yet, what is an airport?" Xiaodie said resolutely.

"Xiaodie, stop talking, mom is going to be angry." Sister Lan immediately made a big face, pulled Xiaodie and walked inside.

"Brother Jiang Chen, then you can tell me what an airport is later on. Also, I have a lot of whispers to tell you, but my mother is too mean and won't let me talk. I'll tell you later. "Xiao Die did not forget to say to Jiang Chen while following Sister Lan.

"Okay, let's have a good chat in the future." Jiang Chen said with a smile, judging from his tone, he didn't treat Xiaodie as a child, but he was talking to an adult.

Sister Lan directly pulled Xiaodie to the attic, closed the door, and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Jiang Chen, sighed suddenly, and said, "Jiang Chen, you can go too."

"Sister Lan, I haven't finished my words yet," Jiang Chen said.

"I'm a little tired, let's talk about it later." Sister Lan shook her head. She is not in the mood to listen to Jiang Chen now. She used to think that Jiang Chen was quite honest and had a good impression of Jiang Chen. Now, Jiang Chen seems to have changed. , and made up her mind, which disappointed Sister Lan very much.

"Sister Lan, I think you have misunderstood. In fact, it was a very simple matter, so there is no need to misunderstand anything." Jiang Chen looked at Sister Lan and said sincerely.

Jiang Chen knew that Sister Lan was weak on the surface, but she was strong in reality. Otherwise, such a beautiful woman like her would have no need to live such a difficult life with a daughter. As long as she wants, she can have a different life from the present. Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't want unnecessary misunderstandings.

What's more, he didn't have that kind of thought about Sister Lan. It was Ding Lingling's right and wrong. Ding Lingling could throw his ass and leave, but he couldn't. He came to Sister Lan's restaurant today. There is one more important thing.

Without waiting for Sister Lan to speak, Jiang Chen quickly explained the purpose of his visit, and then Jiang Chen said: "Sister Lan, this 1 yuan is my hard work for you, after all, you have to cook medicine for me If not, it will take a lot of time every day, which will affect the business of the hotel.”

Jiang Chen mentioned two bags in the restaurant. One bag contained a casserole for boiling medicine, and the other idiot contained medicinal materials for body quenching. He bought it from a large pharmacy in the city center on a special trip. Chen also opened the bag and showed Sister Lan, which completely dispelled Sister Lan's doubts.

1 yuan seems like a lot, but in fact, Jiang Chen planned to give Sister Lan a little more money if he hadn't spent a full [-] yuan on the medicine. This matter is very important to him, and he must treat it with caution. , and Sister Lan must be willing to do this for him, for which he doesn't mind spending a little more money.

"Jiang Chen, you mean you want me to make medicine for you? Are you in poor health?" Sister Lan said suspiciously, Jiang Chen can eat so well, it doesn't seem like he is sick.

"You can put it this way." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Sister Lan, you can accept the 1 yuan now, right?"

"Jiang Chen, this is just a trivial matter. How can I ask for your money?" Sister Lan hastily refused. After learning what happened to the 1 yuan, Sister Lan was relieved and at the same time very sorry.

She also felt that she was too ridiculous, Jiang Chen was only so old, how could he think of raising her with a wallet.But Sister Lan didn't blame Ding Lingling, after all, Ding Lingling was doing it for her own good.

"No, Sister Lan, you must accept the money. In addition, as you can see, I have a large demand for food every day, so I need to supplement food supplements while taking medicine. The 1 yuan is worth a lot. Part of it is used to buy vegetables and meat, if you still refuse, Sister Lan, then I can only find someone else." Jiang Chen insisted.

"Then... well... okay." After Jiang Chen had said that, Sister Lan had no choice but to agree. Firstly, Jiang Chen seemed to be in poor health, and secondly, Jiang Chen helped her twice. To repay Jiang Chen's favor, this favor cannot be ignored.

As for the money, Sister Lan's plan is to wait until Jiang Chen doesn't let her make medicine, and then she will return the money left over from buying vegetables to Jiang Chen. It is impossible for her to really want Jiang Chen's money, but she is now If he didn't take it, Jiang Chen would go to someone else, and Sister Lan could only take the money first.

(End of this chapter)

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