genius evil

Chapter 32 Jiang Chen's Domineering Aura

Chapter 32 Jiang Chen's Domineering Aura

Sister Lan's small restaurant business is not good, and the monthly profit is only about two to three thousand. Because Xiaodie has to go to school, such a small amount of money can barely cover the basic living expenses. 1 yuan is not a small amount for Lan Jie, but Jiang Chen admires Lan Jie's attitude.

Of course, this also let Jiang Chen know that he found the right person.

Decocting medicine seems to be a very simple matter, but Jiang Chen is absolutely worried about entrusting this simple matter to someone he doesn't trust.

And Jiang Chen didn't have time to decoct the medicine himself, nor did he have a suitable place to decoct the medicine. Sister Lan's restaurant was right next to the school, so it was convenient for him to come over. Sister will do it.

After Sister Lan received the money, Jiang Chen spent a little more time carefully teaching Sister Lan how to cook the medicine, the ratio of water and medicine, the control of the heat and other small details.

But the medicine had already been packaged by him, and what Sister Lan had to do was to spend a little time to get the medicine out, and it wasn't too difficult.

Sister Lan was very careful, and asked Jiang Chen to wait in the restaurant, and then spent about four hours cooking the first pot of medicine for Jiang Chen. Doing it by yourself is almost at the level of Sister Lan.

However, after the problem of decocting the medicine was solved, another problem troubled Jiang Chen again.

The problem is still a money problem.

He spent 8 yuan on medicine today, which seems to be a lot of money, but the medicinal materials he bought were not much, that is, a week's worth of medicine.

This is because Jiang Chen's physical body is too weak and his blood is too lacking. In order to avoid the situation of not being replenished, Jiang Chen reduced the amount of medicinal materials. Otherwise, these medicinal materials would be almost the amount of a single medicine.

And as Jiang Chen continues to temper his body, the amount of medicine he will use will continue to increase in the future. If he insists on taking medicine, the money spent will be an extremely astonishing figure, which means that Jiang Chen It was necessary to make more money, and more money in a short period of time, because Jiang Chen didn't want to spend too much time on a very simple body quenching stage.

Naturally, after the first layer of body tempering was successful, Jiang Chen now has a way to complete the body tempering and enter the Qi training stage in a very short time, but he doesn't want to do that either. Although it will take more time to go step by step, but for His future practice will be of great benefit, especially in a place like the earth where the aura is so thin that it is almost exhausted, too much pursuit of speed will lead to other disadvantages.

"Jiang Chen, can I cook medicine like this in the future?" Seeing Jiang Chen showing a satisfied expression after drinking the medicine, Ms. Lan said in a low voice. At first she was a little worried that she could not do well.

"That's right, that's fine, once a day, if you have time, you can cook the medicine earlier, and I will come over to drink when I have time." Jiang Chen nodded.

"If Lingling saw it, what should I say?" Sister Lan was worried about another thing. Today Ding Lingling saw the 1 yuan and thought that Jiang Chen was going to keep her, although Ding Lingling didn't want it. She thought so, but Sister Lan always felt a little weird, so she didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen directly at this moment.

"If she asks, just tell her directly... Oh, you can also tell her that I am actually a doctor. If she thinks her breasts are too small, I can help her breast enlargement." Jiang Chen casually said with a smile .

"Ah—" Sister Lan was stunned for a moment, her face blushing.

Sister Lan didn't know if Jiang Chen really knew medical skills, but the topic of breast enlargement instantly touched her sensitive heartstrings.

"Hey, I think that chick will be interested." Jiang Chen gave a weird laugh and left the small restaurant, while Sister Lan was still a little dazed. After a while, she began to tidy up the restaurant's environmental hygiene. It's getting late, and the small restaurant will close soon.

After Jiang Chen walked out of Sister Lan's restaurant, he didn't go back to the school directly. Instead, he chose a direction and walked in a random direction.

The footsteps stopped at this moment, Jiang Chen said lightly: "Stop hiding, come out."

"Boy, you know we're waiting for you, yet you dare to come to this place. I think you really don't know how to write death." Following Jiang Chen's words, a sinister voice came out, and soon , a figure appeared in Jiang Chen's sight, it was Brother Dao who was kicked out of the restaurant by Jiang Chen.

But Brother Dao didn't come alone, a group of people followed behind him, each of them was holding a machete, judging from the number, there were about thirty people.

Thirty or so people, including Brother Dao, all had fierce expressions and murderous looks, especially Brother Dao, the way he looked at Jiang Chen was completely looking at a dead person.

Of course, soon, Brother Dao will hack Jiang Chen to death with his own hands, turning Jiang Chen into a dead man through and through.

There is no way, in Brother Dao's view, what Jiang Chen is doing now is not at all different from courting death.

Brother Dao spent a few hours looking for someone after Jiang Chen suffered a loss and left the restaurant, and then went to Sister Lan's restaurant again. It was because he thought it was too high-profile, and it was easy for the police to catch him.

Brother Dao was still thinking about how he could take Jiang Chen to a remote place, but Jiang Chen fulfilled his wish by himself.

You know, when Jiang Chen walked out of Sister Lan's restaurant, Brother Dao was still a little worried that Jiang Chen would go back to school directly. In that case, he wouldn't be able to kill Jiang Chen tonight. After all, he couldn't go to school to openly kill someone .

"Xiaodao, what do you think of this place?" Jiang Chen said as if he didn't hear Brother Dao's words.

"Idiot, do you want to die?"

"Damn it, how dare you call Brother Dao Xiaodao, I will cut off your tongue later."


Dozens of people shouted and scolded one after another. They, who were originally calm, became restless. They were undoubtedly enraged by Jiang Chen's words in an instant. Several people were eager to try with machetes in their hands, wishing to chop Jiang Chen into pieces. piece.

Brother Dao stretched out his hand, interrupted everyone's words, and said coldly: "Boy, I have to say, you are very courageous, and you are not afraid of death... But you are not qualified to call the word Xiaodao. If you provoke me like this, it will only hasten your death."

"Xiaodao, you haven't answered my question yet." Jiang Chen said leisurely, completely ignoring all kinds of threats.

Strong anger flashed in Brother Dao's eyes, isn't this damn kid really afraid of dying?

"This place is good, very suitable for cutting people." Brother Dao said grimly.

"I also think this place is good. After all, this is the place I personally chose for you. My vision has always been good." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"The place you personally chose for me? What do you mean?" Brother Dao was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, it means that this place is very suitable for burying the dead... By the way, that dead person is you." Jiang Chen pointed at Brother Dao and said slowly.

"Oh, really? Then I really want to see who died tonight... But, I won't kill you so soon, I will cut off your two legs first, and then Break your two hands, and then torture you slowly..." Brother Dao said coldly.

Doesn't this guy like to kick people very much? After his two legs were cut off, Brother Dao was a little bit looking forward to how he could kick people at that time.

"You want to cut off my two legs, then I'll smash your mouth first." Jiang Chen's voice came out again.

Jiang Chen hit as he said, but not with his hands, but with his feet.

In fact, Jiang Chen has done a lot of things recently, but Jiang Chen still likes to kick people with his feet. Naturally, this is also the reason why Brother Dao is not qualified to let him do it.

Brother Dao's mouth was about to crooked with anger, this bastard's tone was too loud, he said in front of dozens of his younger brothers that he would smash his mouth, he decided, after cutting off Jiang Chen's two legs, The second thing is to cut Jiang Chen's mouth.There is no way, who told Jiang Chen that mouth is too annoying.


Brother Dao's thoughts just came out of his mind, but his mouth was rotten, and a few bloody teeth spurted out wildly.

"You—" Brother Dao was completely dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that such a situation would happen, and he couldn't believe that his mouth was really smashed.

"Chop, hack him to death." Brother Dao was furious, his whole body tended to be in a state of madness, pointed at Jiang Chen, and roared hysterically.

His mouth was smashed, and his speech leaked out, so he looked even more twisted and ferocious, like a mad dog stimulated.

After finishing speaking, Brother Dao drew out the machete and rushed towards Jiang Chen quickly.

But soon, Brother Dao stopped in his tracks. He became angry again, and shouted at the people behind him: "Are you all deaf? Cut people, let me chop them."

"Don't bother, don't you realize that they can't move at all?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Brother Dao's face changed suddenly. He also found something unusual at this time. He saw that the dozens of people he brought were standing there motionless at this moment, each of them maintaining a rather strange posture. They were in such a posture that they were clearly planning to rush up to chop Jiang Chen, but for some reason, they just maintained a posture of preparing to chop someone, and then they were like wooden carvings, without any movement.

"What... what's going on here?" Brother Rao was always very courageous, but at this moment he was almost scared out of his wits, completely unable to understand what happened.

"Idiots, they were all shocked by my domineering aura, so they didn't dare to kill me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Brother Dao naturally wouldn't believe in any domineering aura, and he couldn't see that Jiang Chen had any domineering aura at all. He was more willing to believe that it was a demon method, and he was even willing to believe that Jiang Chen was a monster.

If not, how do you explain the situation where dozens of people are motionless?

"Boy, who the hell are you?" The Adam's apple trembled, Brother Dao's face was pale, and he said tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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