genius evil

Chapter 33 3 Harmful Students

Chapter 33 Three Harmful Students
"I found out that you are really fucking stupid. You brought so many people to kill me, don't you even know who I am?" Jiang Chen said like an idiot.

"I know you are a student of Yilan Middle School." Brother Dao said depressedly, he doesn't seem so stupid, this guy is wearing the uniform of Yilan Middle School, obviously a student of Yilan Middle School.He also saw the word Jiang Chen written on the school badge on the school uniform, which was Jiang Chen's name.

"That's why I said you're stupid. It's true that I'm a student of Yilan Middle School, but I'm not an ordinary student." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Then what kind of student are you?" Brother Dao lost his temper at this moment, and said embarrassingly.

"I have an honorary title, which was awarded to me by the teachers and students of the whole school. It's called the Three Evil Students." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Three evil students?" Brother Dao was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to have heard of what kind of honorary title it was.

"At first glance, you are an idiot who has never been to school. You don't even know what the three evils mean. The three evils mean that you are good at picking up girls, and you are good at fighting. Well, the last evil is that you are good at bedtime." Jiang Chen said to himself. Said in a general way.

Brother Dao's cheek twitched, but he had to admit that Jiang Chen was really good at fighting.

No, he didn't even see what happened. The people he brought couldn't move. Even if he didn't see how Jiang Chen made the move, it must be Jiang Chen's hands and feet. This is the only way to show how terrifying Jiang Chen is!
"Brother Jiang, that's what the three evils to students mean. Brother Jiang, you must be well-deserved." Brother Dao said with a straight face.

"Shut up, I already deserved it, there is no need for you to flatter me here, didn't you say you want to hack me to death, hurry up and chop me up, I have to go to sleep after hacking." Jiang Chen meant to turn his back on him.

Brother Dao's heart trembled again, he gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice: "Brother Jiang, what I did today was dishonest, and here I apologize to you, Brother Jiang, and I will never dare to harass you again. Miss Lan."

Brother Dao had to humble himself, he couldn't cut Jiang Chen to death at all, and he didn't dare to do anything now, he knew very well what the direct consequences would be.

Because Brother Dao is really afraid. He has always thought that he is not afraid of death, but now he realizes that he is actually afraid of death. He used to think that he was not afraid of death because the other party is more afraid of death than him .

"Oh, you won't chop me up?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said.

"Brother Jiang, I don't dare I." Brother Dao begged for mercy in a low voice.

"I said Xiaodao, you make it difficult for me to do it like this, you know? If you don't cut me, how can I cut you? Otherwise, you can cut yourself to death." Jiang Chen's face was full of displeasure. Said.

"Ah—" Brother Dao's eyes showed fear.

"If you want to kill someone, they will kill you. You want me to teach you such a simple truth?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, his face full of gentleness and harmlessness, "However, it's not that I won't give you a chance to live. See if you can catch it."

"Brother Jiang, what chance is it?" Brother Dao asked hastily.

"The chance of surviving is also very simple. You brought thirty people here, right? In this way, you will cut yourself thirty times...or you will cut each of them once, and then I will kill you." I'll let you go." Jiang Chen said lightly.

As Jiang Chen's voice came out, Brother Dao subconsciously turned his head to look at the thirty people he had brought. At this time, the thirty people were standing there motionless, not to mention slashing, but everyone's body. Cut thirty knives without encountering any resistance.

Brother Dao knew that Jiang Chen was indeed giving him a chance to survive. Compared to what they were going to do, Jiang Chen's actions could be regarded as benevolent.

"Slash yourself thirty knives, or give each of them thirty knives one knives?" Brother Dao thought in his heart, his eyes were full of hesitation and struggle, showing that he was very uneasy.

"Brother Jiang, did you let us go after I chopped myself off thirty knives?" About a minute later, Brother Dao said.

"Xiaodao, you are really more stupid than I imagined, don't you think it's better to chop them off?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Brother Jiang, although I, Xiao Dao, is not a good person, these brothers have been with me through life and death. They would have given up their own lives for me. How can I stab them with a knife? Then am I still human?" Brother Dao firmly Said.

"I'd still suggest you chop them up, wouldn't that be more exciting?" Jiang Chen suggested.

"No, I've already made up my mind." Brother Dao shook his head, not being moved by Jiang Chen's words.

As soon as the words fell, Brother Dao gritted his teeth and slashed on his left hand with a knife. Blood spurted out immediately, and then he slashed on his thigh with another knife...

Jiang Chen looked at Brother Dao quietly, he didn't know what he thought of, a strange light gradually flashed in his eyes, but Jiang Chen didn't stop Brother Dao's actions.

But Brother Dao is really a ruthless person, he is ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to himself. He slashed on his body one by one, without even frowning.

Naturally, after 30 consecutive slashes, Brother Dao's whole body, except for the right hand holding the knife is still intact, the rest of his body is covered with bruises, and Brother Dao himself, after No. Unable to hold on any longer, he fell to the ground and passed out from the pain.

"Xiao Dao, when you went to Sister Lan's restaurant for dinner, you ran away without paying, and now you should pay the bill." Jiang Chen didn't look at Brother Dao, and said to himself.

While talking, Jiang Chen walked towards the thirty guys standing still, and soon there were thirty more empty wallets on the ground, and Jiang Chen also had more wallets in his hands. Thirty silver needles.

The silver needles were bought by Jiang Chen when he went to the city center to buy medicine. These silver needles were originally used by Jiang Chen to treat diseases, but obviously, this time they were used for another purpose.

The silver needle entered the acupuncture point without a sound, and it was impossible for thirty ordinary people to find out what Jiang Chen had done. This was why Jiang Chen would lure Brother Dao to this place tonight.

After putting away the silver needle, Jiang Chen just disappeared into the darkness.

"Hurry up, send Brother Dao to the hospital." Among the thirty people, someone suddenly yelled, and then everyone realized that they could move, and hurriedly resisted Brother Dao and moved towards the hospital. Run in the direction of the hospital.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared in bedroom [-]. Bao Shifan was still reading a book, more precisely, he was memorizing English words.

As soon as he saw Jiang Chen coming back, Bao Shifan asked, "Jiang Chen, are you still going for tomorrow's exam?"

"Go." Jiang Chen said simply.

Now that he has taken the exam, he naturally intends to finish it from beginning to end. Although he can be sure that tomorrow's English exam will be a mess, who told him that he would have a terrible headache when he sees English words now.

"Oh." Bao Shifan nodded. He asked this question because Jiang Chen's math test was handed in soon, and he didn't seem in the mood to take the test.

Moreover, Jiang Chen didn't even go to class recently, and Jiang Chen didn't seem to care much about exams and so on.

Leaving this sentence behind, Jiang Chen just took off his jacket and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Jiang Chen casually threw the jacket on the bed, and a lot of the money that Jiang Chen stuffed in his pocket fell out.

"Hey, why is there so much money in his pocket? Could it be that Jiang Chen has gone out to make money?" Bao Shifan glanced at it and muttered to himself.

"Didn't Jiang Chen make 10 yuan? Why did he go out to make money again? And he made a lot of money." Bao Shifan was a little confused, thinking that Jiang Chen seemed really anxious to make money.

The next morning's English test was uneventful, and Jiang Chen did exactly as he expected. The test was a mess, basically scribbling on the test card. As for English writing, there was no word at all. Write.

It's not that Jiang Chen didn't want to write, or that he couldn't. Jiang Chen's predecessor was actually pretty good at English. He usually got a hundred or so points in the exam, but now Jiang Chen couldn't write any letters when he saw those letters. The headache was so bad that I didn't spend my mind on the exam at all.

But Jiang Chen didn't hand in the papers soon, because he planned to go directly to the cafeteria to eat after handing in the papers, and there was no place to go if he handed in the papers too early.

The bell rang at the end of the exam, Jiang Chen had just handed in the test paper, Jiang Yanyan's voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear: "Hey, how did you do in the English exam?"

Jiang Yanyan was always with Xu Anqi, and now Xu Anqi was standing beside Jiang Yanyan, also looking at Jiang Chen.

"Squad leader Xu, are you going to invite me to dinner again?" Jiang Chen said to Xu Anqi with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I asked you something." Jiang Yanyan said a little dissatisfied.

"Jiang Chen, I..." Xu Anqi also said a word, but she was interrupted by Jiang Chen before she finished speaking.

"Squad Leader Xu, hurry up if you want to invite me to dinner, I'm very busy." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Are you busy?" Xu Anqi asked strangely.

"Yeah, I'm very busy. Many people want to invite me to dinner. Tell me if I'm busy." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, can you show some face, besides An Qi who will treat you to dinner, who else would treat you to dinner." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes and said, obviously not believing Jiang Chen's words, she quickly pulled Xu Anqi away Now, Jiang Yanyan realized that she couldn't bear Jiang Chen's smug virtues more and more. She didn't want Xu Anqi to be harmed by Jiang Chen accidentally, so it was better to stay away.

"An Qi, don't you think there is something wrong with Jiang Chen's brain?" On the way to the cafeteria, Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"What's the matter?" Xu Anqi said strangely, wondering why Jiang Yanyan would say such a sentence, it was a curse word, and it was a relatively serious one.

You know, although Jiang Yanyan has a straightforward personality, she doesn't actually curse like this.

"If he wasn't out of his mind, why would he tease you at every turn?" Jiang Yanyan said with a curl of her lips.

"He doesn't seem to be teasing me." After a little hesitation, Xu Anqi said
"God, isn't this called molesting?" Jiang Yanyan's expression was exaggerated, and she was a little unhappy. She even wondered if Xu Anqi was a little stupid, or Jiang Chen had given him ecstasy, otherwise, how could she say such a thing? Woolen cloth?
(End of this chapter)

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