genius evil

Chapter 34 Your Whole Family Are Good People

Chapter 34 Your Whole Family Are Good People

Xu Anqi didn't answer Jiang Yanyan's question. She thought for a while and said, "Yanyan, do you feel that Jiang Chen has changed a bit recently?"

"Does it need to be said? Many people can see that his personality has changed a lot, a bit like a psychosis." Jiang Yanyan said without thinking.

"Then have you noticed that his eyes are different from before?" Xu Anqi asked again.

"There's nothing to pay attention to, isn't it just more wretched." Jiang Yanyan said quickly and naturally.

"No, it's very bright, his eyes have become very bright." Xu Anqi shook her head, and continued, "This is the biggest change in Jiang Chen that I have discovered."

Jiang Chen's previous character was cowardly, and because of his cowardice, he had low self-esteem, which made it difficult for Jiang Chen to look at people directly. As time passed, that kind of low self-esteem filled Jiang Chen's eyes, making Jiang Chen look at people with a low self-esteem. The eyes were abnormally muddy, and when that low self-esteem appeared on Jiang Chen's face, it made Jiang Chen look a little wretched.

But in recent days, Xu Anqi discovered that Jiang Chen's eyes were bright and serene, which could be described as full of energy, and this, in her opinion, was the biggest change that Jiang Chen had undergone.

"Hey, why didn't I find out?" Jiang Yanyan was confused.

"Also, haven't you noticed that Jiang Chen doesn't care what other people think of him now. It's not that he has a thick skin, it's that he doesn't care. His heart is very strong." Xu Anqi said slowly.

"An Qi, the more you talk, the more mysterious you are, why can't I understand it at all." Jiang Yanyan muttered, not quite understanding why Xu Anqi would say good things for Jiang Chen?

Xu Anqi smiled softly. She knew that Jiang Yanyan had a prejudice against Jiang Chen, and a large part of that prejudice was caused by Jiang Chen molesting her many times.

But as Xu Anqi said, in fact, she didn't think that Jiang Chen was molesting her, because when Jiang Chen talked to her, even if he was talking nonsense, his eyes were very natural, and there was no obscenity at all.

Although Xu Anqi is innocent, she has seen a lot of things because of her family relationship, and she has been in contact with all kinds of people. She knows that she will not be wrong.

Moreover, even though she was being molested, it was limited to molesting. Even Xu Anqi had a feeling that Jiang Chen was not very interested in her at all. In other words, Jiang Chen was not very interested in anything. Like an exam.

No matter what Jiang Chen does now, he always has a chic taste of doing whatever he wants.

The most direct reason why Xu Anqi has such a feeling is that when Jiang Chen addressed her, he never called her by her name, but called her Squad Leader Xu. some things.

Especially for a girl like Xu Anqi, who knows her beauty and has grown up to be a popular star, she doesn't say anything on the surface, but she is actually quite sensitive in her heart.

"It's fine if you don't understand, you will find out if you read slowly." Xu Anqi said softly.

"Anyway, no matter what, I think he is a bad embryo, he is a hooligan, an out-and-out hooligan." Jiang Yanyan expressed her protest.

"Will the bad guys tell all their thoughts?" Xu Anqi smiled slightly.

"Hmph, that only shows that he is bad to the bone. Besides, he cheated you of 1000 yuan. It must be true, right?" Jiang Yanyan said with a snort.

This matter can be regarded as Xu Anqi's heart knot, many things that happened to Jiang Chen can have a proper explanation, only this matter, Xu Anqi was a little confused, so she just kept silent one time.

Seeing that Xu Anqi looked a little unhappy, Jiang Yanyan took Xu Anqi's arm and said, "Okay, Anqi, let's not talk about that little rascal, let's go to dinner... As for you asking me to watch slowly, I will definitely be very slow." Look slowly and carefully, and make sure that little rascal has nowhere to hide."

If Jiang Chen knew Xu Anqi's heartfelt feelings, he would definitely think that Xu Anqi was the one who knew him best, but unfortunately Jiang Chen didn't know.

Jiang Chen was already in the cafeteria with Bao Shifan at this time, but Jiang Chen was not eating, he was cursing, not others, but that Cao Fang.

"You are a good person, and your whole family is a good person." Jiang Chen cursed angrily.

What's going on with this Cao Fang, he said he was a good person as soon as he came here, which immediately made Jiang Chen angry, how could he be a good person?This woman really has a problem.

Cao Fang came here specially to thank Jiang Chen. The incident of jumping off the building caused a sensation in the whole school. Cao Fang, who was already very well-known, was known to everyone.

Cao Fang, who has been from death to life, now sees it very openly.The smart Cao Fang, recalling the situation at that time afterwards, naturally knew that Jiang Chen's nonsense yesterday was actually diverting her attention and disintegrating her desire to jump off the building. If Duo Qihua existed, she must have jumped to her death from a building.

And although she failed yesterday's Chinese test and even failed the math test, Cao Fang did well in the English test this morning. Although she couldn't get the first overall score this time, Cao Fang was still very confident. Take the first place in two single subjects in the comprehensive.

In this way, Cao Fang, who has figured it out, is actually in a good mood, and this is why Cao Fang came to say thank you to Jiang Chen.

However, just as Cao Fang said that you are a good person, she was immediately scolded by Jiang Chen, which completely stunned Cao Fang.

Cao Fang felt baffled, and Bao Shifan, who was sitting with Jiang Chen, was also baffled. Isn't it good to be a good person?Why did Jiang Chen resist acting like a good person?
"Jiang Chen, I'm here to thank you." Cao Fang explained in a low voice.

"You don't need to thank me, in fact, I really hope you jump off." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Jiang Chen, I understand that you are doing it for my own good. Don't worry, I won't do stupid things again." Startled for a moment, Cao Fang's voice became softer, thinking to herself, why is it so difficult to deal with this strange flower?

"What can I worry about? Whether you are dead or not, it has nothing to do with me. Hurry up, I won't be able to eat when I see your ugly face." Jiang Chen chased away.

Cao Fang wanted to cry, who is this, even if she is not a very beautiful girl, she is definitely not ugly, this guy is too irritating.

"Okay, you can eat. If you have time another day, I will treat you to dinner. Anyway, thank you for saving me." Cao Fang said helplessly, turned and left.

"Not everyone can invite me to dinner. You think you are Squad Leader Xu, even if Squad Leader Xu invites me to dinner, you still have to make an appointment." Cao Fang left, Jiang Chen was still muttering.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan talked while walking, and they had just entered the cafeteria at this time, and then the two of them heard Jiang Chen's last words.

As soon as he raised his head, Jiang Chen turned to Xu Anqi and said with a smile: "Squad Leader Xu, have you seen that many people really invite me to dinner... Hurry up and invite me, I'm really busy."

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan looked at each other, speechless, Jiang Yanyan scolded Jiang Chen at least a hundred times in an instant, this guy is not only shameless, he is simply shameless, and hurriedly dragged Xu Anqi away again.

"An Qi, do you want me to watch slowly now?" After finishing the meal and finding a seat to sit down, Jiang Yanyan glanced at Jiang Chen who was wolfing down, rolled her eyes, and said contemptuously.


Yilan Middle School is known as the best middle school in Yilan City. Whether it is the best in other aspects is unknown, but the school's hardware facilities are definitely the best.

In the campus covering an area of ​​more than 500 mu, there is a small lake dug out manually. When this small lake was named at the beginning, because it was always difficult to find a suitable name, it became a nameless lake. A small lake, and the students of Yilan Middle School call this small lake Weiming Lake, which has the same name as the lake in the world-famous university in Yanjing.

The small lake with a water area of ​​about ten mu has a quiet environment. The willows have sprouted new shoots and spit out new branches. The breeze is blowing, which is refreshing. Many students who have eaten in the cafeteria walk together in twos and threes, wandering around here.

Among them, there are quite a few young lovers, hiding under a certain tree or behind a certain bush, secretly doing things that they shouldn't do at their age but are more exciting to do.

Yilan Middle School explicitly forbids students from falling in love. Of course, it is obvious that there is no way to completely prohibit this kind of situation.

By the small lake, under the willow tree, on the grass, a figure was lying there quietly, looking at him motionless, as if he was asleep.

It's just that he didn't seem to be completely asleep, and he was holding a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, chewing it from time to time. Of course, in this situation, it looked more like he was dreaming, a daydream that should be pretty good .

The guy lying on the grass was none other than Jiang Chen who had slipped over from the cafeteria after eating.

The place where Jiang Chen was lying was about three meters away. Under another willow tree, a girl was also sitting there quietly. The girl didn't lie down to sleep, let alone come to see the scenery. She was reading a book, to be sure. Some people say that they are reading a book of fairy tales.

It was a fairy tale used to enlighten children, but the girl read it with gusto. If someone passed by here at this time and saw the girl reading a book without realizing that she was reading a fairy tale, she would be ashamed No end, after all, the girl is so fascinated by watching it.

The fairy tale book is very thin, and the girl finished reading it quickly. Then the girl began to look at people. She looked at Jiang Chen. The reason why she looked at Jiang Chen was not because Jiang Chen was so good-looking, but because Jiang Chen had The place where she lay down had been a place she liked to stay in for a long time, but right now, that place was taken by Jiang Chen.

"Be sure to come here early at noon tomorrow." The girl thought in her heart after glancing twice.

(End of this chapter)

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