genius evil

Chapter 35: 1 Kiss and 2 Kiss

Chapter 35 One Kiss and Two Kiss

This time, the timing of the simulated exam for the college entrance examination made many students feel a little unprepared. When the bell rang at the end of the final comprehensive exam, many people were greatly relieved, even for an excellent student like Xu Anqi. It's all inevitable, not to mention the incident of the super academic Cao Fang jumping off the building. In short, everyone is tense, and the atmosphere of the exam is not much different from the real college entrance examination.

Of course, Jiang Chen was the only exception.

After the exam, everyone didn't go to the cafeteria to eat immediately, but discussed their feelings after the exam in the classroom, and then many people were checking the answers.

"Hey, isn't that Qiu Shaojie from Class [-] and [-]?"

"It's really Qiu Shaojie, wow, he's really tall and handsome."

"I didn't expect Qiu Shaojie to come to our class. Is he here to find someone?"

"Even if he is looking for someone, he is not looking for you. Maybe he is looking for me. You said that if he invites me to dinner, should I go or not?"

"Would you like some Bilian, you're obviously here to ask me out for dinner."


All of a sudden, the classroom was quiet for a while, and soon, a heated discussion broke out, and most of the discussions were girls.As for the boys, each of them had an expression of envy and jealousy in their eyes.

I saw that at the door of the classroom, there was an extra person at some point, and it was Qiu Shaojie.

Qiu Shaojie is quite well-known in Yilan Middle School. His family is rich, he is tall and handsome, and he is an all-around player in sports. He has a personality. It can be said that he is rich and stylish. The object of crush, obviously, in the third class, there are also many people who have a crush on him. No, Qiu Shaojie's sudden appearance has made many girls become nympho.

Qiu Shaojie didn't appear suddenly. He came here specially to find Jiang Chen. Seeing Jiang Chen was there, Qiu Shaojie smiled slightly and walked over.

"Jiang Chen, you are here, do you have time soon?" Qiu Shaojie was still very polite to Jiang Chen, but such politeness was often incomprehensible.

"Well, not very much time." Jiang Chen still had a deep impression of Qiu Shaojie. Naturally, the big reason for his deep impression was that he knew that Qiu Shaojie had given him 10 yuan.

"Actually, it doesn't need to take up too much of your time, as long as half an hour is enough, or 10 minutes... Remember what I said about the football game last time, the time is today, I really hope you can participate Yes." Qiu Shaojie suggested sincerely.

"I also said that I'm not interested." Jiang Chen shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to give Qiu Shaojie face, it was that he was really not interested.

Qiu Shaojie showed a disappointed look on his face. The matter of Jiang Chen beating sandbags in the gymnasium gave him a very mysterious feeling, so even though he was rejected last time, this time Qiu Shaojie came to invite Jiang Chen, hoping that Jiang Chen would change his mind. He once thought that Jiang Chen would refuse for the second time.

"I don't think you're not interested, it's because you don't know how to play football at all." But at this time, a slightly mocking voice sounded, Jiang Yanyan squinted at Jiang Chen, with a look that I can see through at a glance if you don't try to pretend expression.

"Indeed, I don't know how to play football." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Huh—" Jiang Yanyan expected Jiang Chen to admit it so readily, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Xiaojie, you heard it too, I don't know how to play football, well, you can go." Jiang Chen waved to Qiu Shaojie.

"Little Jay!"

Everyone in the classroom has black lines all over their heads.

This guy is actually called Qiu Shaojie Xiaojie, you know, some people call Qiu Shaojie two things, one is Brother Jie, the other is Qiu Shao, what the hell is this Xiaojie?

And some nympho girls were curious about who Qiu Shaojie came to look for in class three, and when they realized that Qiu Shaojie was looking for Jiang Chen, their expressions were a little weird, but this time, it was even weirder.

Qiu Shaojie was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care about Jiang Chen's title. He smiled and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you can kick the ball or not, as long as you kick the ball in."

"I'm afraid that some people not only don't understand the rules of football, but they don't even know how to kick the ball in. Maybe if they are not careful, they will kick the ball into their own door frame." Jiang Yanyan said again.

"It seems that I really don't know how to kick the ball in, Xiaojie, what do you think should I do?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Jiang Yanyan, who finally found the topic, was speechless again. What's the matter with this guy? Couldn't he be more of a man and fall into her tricks?
That's right, Jiang Yanyan was indeed using a very incompetent aggressive method. When she first heard that Qiu Shaojie was here to invite Jiang Chen to participate in the football match, Jiang Yanyan's reaction was weird, even a little weird.

It was fine for Qiu Shaojie to come to class three to look for Jiang Chen, but he even invited Jiang Chen to participate in the football match. The sun came out from the west, so such a strange thing wouldn't happen.

Soon, Jiang Yanyan realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to make Jiang Chen look bad.

A guy who would pant after running a few steps, if you let him play football, wouldn't that kill him? Undoubtedly, in Jiang Yanyan's heart, Jiang Chen is such a guy.

It is precisely because Jiang Chen has never played football and does not understand football, Jiang Yanyan wants Jiang Chen to participate, so he will stand up and speak out. If Jiang Chen is very good at football, then Jiang Yanyan will not Said such a thing.

"In short, you're just afraid of losing face, right? Jiang Chen, don't deny it. You don't have time and you don't know how to play. It's all an excuse." Jiang Yanyan decided to say it all at once. In this way, even Jiang Chen It would be a shame for Chen not to play football.

"I'm afraid of losing face." Jiang Chen sighed.

Hearing this, Jiang Yanyan thought that it was so, so she couldn't help being a little proud, and soon, Jiang Yanyan's expression changed.

"A genius like me, even in a field that I am not good at, will always be the best. If I go to participate in the football match, how can I make others feel embarrassed. In order to avoid embarrassing others, I'd better not go." Jiang Chen A very embarrassed expression.

"Jiang Chen, please show some face, can you put gold on your face like this, have you considered other people's feelings?" Jiang Yanyan felt that she was about to throw up, and it was shameless to praise herself so high-soundingly. ah.

Everyone else in the classroom was speechless. As a classmate, they had seen Jiang Chen's recent changes, but they really didn't know that Jiang Chen was so shameless.

"Anyway, in a word, you are afraid of losing and losing face. If you have the ability, you can kick it. It's useless to talk about the rest." After being depressed for a while, Jiang Yanyan said.

"How about we make a bet?" Jiang Chen said with a smile on his mind. He knew that Jiang Yanyan was trying to get along with him. If he didn't play football, maybe Jiang Yanyan would say something. Such bad words, but it's one thing for him to be willing to go, but another thing for him to be forced to go. Jiang Yanyan provoked him like this, and he would not let Jiang Yanyan go easily.

"What bet?" Jiang Yanyan asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple. After a while, I will go to a football match. I decided that in order not to hurt the confidence of others, it's fine if I score ten goals carelessly. If I don't score ten goals, it's considered I lose. If I score ten goals, I will win, what do you think?" Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Yanyan and said.

ten balls?
Jiang Yanyan was stunned for a moment, and said quickly: "You said this, I didn't force you to do anything. Tell me, so what if you lose, so what if you win?"

"If I win, you and Squad Leader Xu can each kiss me, what do you think?" Jiang Chen glanced at Xu Anqi, who had been silent all this time, and said with a smile.

Xu Anqi was also shot while lying down, her face blushing slightly, she glanced at Jiang Chen reproachfully, this was a matter between him and Jiang Yanyan, why did she get involved?

And Jiang Yanyan did the same. Isn't this intentionally embarrassing Jiang Chen? Even if he doesn't like Jiang Chen very much, he can't deliberately make Jiang Chen lose face.

Jiang Yanyan was annoyed for a while, but fortunately Xu Anqi said she was not molested, this is clearly Chi Guoguo's molestation, okay?

"Then what if you lose?" Jiang Yanyan said displeased.

"I won't lose... But if I accidentally lose the bet, I won't take advantage of you, so I will forcefully kiss you two. How about it, it's fair." Jiang Chen said Said selflessly.


Including Qiu Shaojie, the students in the third class were once again full of black lines. No matter whether they win or lose, they are all taking advantage of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan. This level cannot be described as shameless.

"No, in this case, what's the point of this bet? If you lose, you promise me one condition. If you win, at worst, I'll kiss you twice. Anyway, you won't suffer." Jiang Yanyan Absolutely do not think that Jiang Chen can win, that is an impossible situation.

"No, you think I'm stupid, just take advantage of me once, absolutely not twice, what do you say you won't let me suffer, it will be a big loss." Jiang Chen immediately refused.

"Damn it, I was disgusted by this hooligan again." Jiang Yanyan cursed angrily in her heart, feeling very unbalanced.

In Qiu Shaojie's view, the bet between Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan was more of a playful nature. Qiu Shaojie didn't take it seriously, and he didn't think that Jiang Chen could score ten goals.

After all, football is not basketball. Dozens or even hundreds of scores are very common in basketball, but it is difficult to score big in football. Even if Jiang Chen is possessed by Messi, scoring a few goals is enough It's amazing, scoring ten goals, that's simply impossible.

However, Jiang Chen finally agreed to his invitation. Even if it wasn't because of his face, Qiu Shaojie was satisfied. At this time, he took advantage of the opportunity to invite: "Jiang Chen, let's go. In 10 minutes, the game will start. , let's change clothes and shoes first, and then go to the football field!"

(End of this chapter)

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