genius evil

Chapter 36 I'm going to take some medicine first

Chapter 36 I'm going to take some medicine first
There are quite a few sports-loving students in Yilan Middle School. Every year, there will be a group of sports-specialized students who are directly recommended to enter some good colleges and universities before the college entrance examination.

No, even though it's time for dinner, there are still many people playing sports in the open-air stadium, and in the direction of the football field, at this time, there are many people around.

There will be a football match here today.

The football game was decided a long time ago. The two sides of the game were a confrontation between the six classes in arts and sciences among the twelve classes in the third division of Yilan Middle School.

But in fact, the date of the game is not today, but tomorrow. Because a mock exam just ended today, in order to relax, this football match was brought forward.

Some people who participated in the football game appeared directly on the football field after changing their clothes.

"Jiang Chen, why didn't you change your clothes and shoes?" Jiang Yanyan was thinking about the bet, she didn't even go to eat, she just pulled Xu Anqi over, and when she saw Jiang Chen appearing, she immediately said to Jiang Chen .

Jiang Chen was still wearing his school uniform, with a pair of school-issued leather shoes under his feet, standing with Qiu Shaojie who had changed into a football uniform, very conspicuous.

"It's fine to kick casually, don't need to be so troublesome, lest people say that I bully others." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, you'll fall down after running for 5 minutes at most in these shoes, and we'll see how you lose later." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I said classmate Yanyan. Judging from your tone, it seems that you don't want me to lose. You must have been thinking about me for a long time." Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

"What's my idea for you?" Jiang Yanyan asked suspiciously.

"Don't you just want me to win, and then kiss me openly?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, it's thanks to you for saying such things. I think you forgot to take your medicine today, right?" Jiang Yanyan was about to die of anger.

"It seems that I did forget to take my medicine today." Jiang Chen said with a smile, as if he didn't realize that Jiang Yanyan was scolding someone.

But at this time, Qiu Shaojie said: "Jiang Chen, the football game will start in 5 minutes, you should prepare first, it's time to play in a while."

For this football match, Qiu Shaojie made some preparations. Even though he didn't know whether Jiang Chen would come, he specially reserved a center position for Jiang Chen.

Qiu Shaojie knew that Jiang Chen's stamina was good, and a center forward could be said to be the most suitable for Jiang Chen. Moreover, Jiang Chen might be able to play a whole game.

"I'll come back in the last 10 minutes. I really don't want to bully people." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Go again in the last 10 minutes?" Qiu Shaojie thought he heard it wrong. He hadn't forgotten the bet between Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan. Could it be that Jiang Chen planned to score ten goals in 10 minutes?Is that possible?

"Is there any problem... Well, let's talk about the last 5 minutes." Jiang Chen said casually.

Qiu Shaojie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this old man didn't take the bet seriously at all, but since Jiang Chen said so, Qiu Shaojie couldn't say anything more, and walked quickly towards the other team members.

Five minutes passed quickly and the football match began.

And with the start of the ball game, there was a lot of excitement in all directions. The students in the liberal arts class and the science class cheered for the students in their class respectively.

Jiang Chen watched for a while, feeling bored, and yawned while watching.

"Jiang Chen, are you tired?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily after glancing at Jiang Chen.

"I was thinking, should I take some medicine first, it's too boring." Jiang Chen yawned again.

Jiang Yanyan pretended not to hear Jiang Chen's nonsense, and said, "Hey, are you familiar with Qiu Shaojie? I think Qiu Shaojie seems to value you very much."

"It's not that I know him well, it's that he knows me well." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Isn't that the same meaning?" Jiang Yanyan was confused, but Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

These two sentences seem to mean the same thing, but Xu Anqi knows that they don't mean the same thing. If Jiang Chen and Qiu Shaojie are familiar with each other, then in terms of the relationship between the two parties, it is Qiu Shaojie who takes the initiative. If Qiu Shaojie and Jiang Chen are familiar with each other, Then it was Jiang Chen who took the initiative.

Regardless of whether it was Qiu Shaojie who took the initiative to go to class three to find Jiang Chen and invite Jiang Chen to participate in the football match, or Qiu Shaojie's attitude towards Jiang Chen in other aspects, it was obvious that Jiang Chen took the initiative.

Therefore, this is indeed Qiu Shaojie and Jiang Chen's acquaintance.

"Student Yanyan, with your IQ, you can't understand many things. Of course, I don't have the heart to explain it to you. I'd better go take medicine." Jiang Chen yawned again.

"Jiang Chen, is this necessary?" Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen strangely, thinking that this guy must do some tricks in order to win the bet.

"It's necessary, it's necessary." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking rice. To him, playing a football match was just something he could do casually, but taking medicine was a must.

"Then you go and eat, but let me tell you, in your situation, let alone taking medicine, even taking hormones is useless, just wait to lose." Jiang Yanyan looked down on Jiang Chen a little.

Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense with Jiang Yanyan anymore, turned around and left, and soon disappeared in the stadium. Jiang Yanyan was dumbfounded, did this guy really go to take medicine?
When Jiang Chen appeared again, the third quarter of the match had just ended, and both players were taking a break.

Qiu Shaojie's complexion was very ugly, in other words, the faces of the science class members were all very ugly, even Jiang Yanyan and others who had been watching the excitement all looked quite angry at this moment.

"Hey, did I miss something?" Jiang Chen appeared slowly, hiccupped and said.

"Did you go to eat?" Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly, didn't this guy say to take medicine?Why did you just eat?Doesn't he know that this kind of high-intensity exercise cannot be played on a full stomach?

"While taking the medicine, I had a meal by the way... I said, Xiaojie, what's going on, everyone looks like their parents are dead." Jiang Chen turned to look at Qiu Shaojie.

"Damn it, they hired foreign aid." Qiu Shaojie said bitterly.

"Qiu Shaojie, if you can't afford to lose, just admit defeat. Is it interesting for you to say this?" A tall, big, handsome boy said.

"I'm talking about Shi Lei. It's just a football match. You actually invited foreign aid. You just invited one, but you invited two at one go. I think it's you who are boring." Qiu Shaojie said coldly.

"It seems that there is no rule that you can't hire foreign aid, oh, by the way, you science class nerds don't have the money to hire foreign aid, right?" Shi Lei said indifferently.

"It's not that we can't afford it, it's that we don't even bother to invite it." Qiu Shaojie was extremely annoyed.

"It doesn't matter if you can't afford it or you don't bother to invite it. In short, your science class is doomed today. I kindly advise you to admit defeat as soon as possible, otherwise you will lose face." Shi Lei said teasingly.

"Shi Lei, just give up on this, I can't admit defeat." Gritting his teeth, Qiu Shaojie was furious.

"I don't want to admit defeat, but it's a pity that the score is five to zero, maybe it will be ten to zero in a while, so how can I be ashamed." Shi Lei chuckled, shook his head, and deliberately made a chic movement, It caused some girls in the liberal arts class to scream.

"Science class is useless! Liberal arts class must win!" Shi Lei clenched his fists and said loudly after attracting everyone's attention.

"Liberal arts class must win!"

"Science class waste material!"


In the liberal arts class, there was a burst of high-pitched shouts. Perhaps the people in the science class lost a little bit badly. Everyone felt that they had no face. For a while, everyone was a little speechless Come.

"Xiaojie, who is that guy? Does he think he's handsome? I'm so handsome, but I didn't say anything wrong." Jiang Chen said a little annoyed.

Qiu Shaojie glanced at Jiang Chen speechlessly. Fortunately, he was not in the mood to discuss handsomeness with Jiang Chen, and said, "That guy's name is Shi Lei, the captain of the liberal arts football team, and he has always been a bit uncomfortable with me. I didn't expect him to be so shameless that he invited two foreign players for an ordinary school football match."

Then Qiu Shaojie pointed to the two figures in the football field, and said: "Did you see that man, his name is Liu Yang, he is a football team member of the City Sports School, he is known as the golden right foot, the other one is fatter, It was a specially invited goalkeeper, and it was because of the existence of these two guys that we didn't score a single goal."

"What kind of golden right foot, I haven't heard of it, I just kick it casually... Oh, yes, in fact, I also have a nickname, called the golden right foot." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Qiu Shaojie was speechless again, he said: "Then let's play, but be careful, Liu Yang is very fierce, several of our team members were injured."

After Qiu Shaojie finished speaking, the fourth quarter began, and the football stadium became lively again. However, many people soon discovered that after Jiang Chen entered the field, he stood there motionless like a goose. The originally passive science class became even more passive because of Jiang Chen's appearance.

"Brother Jie, what's going on with that Jiang Chen?" Zheng Yu was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to show his supernatural power, but he couldn't hold back either.

"Leave him alone, just kick him." Qiu Shaojie said a little discouraged.

"Damn it, who is that guy?"

"What is he doing, he must be asleep."

"If you want to sleep in the dormitory, what does it mean to be stuck there motionless?"


Qiu Shaojie asked Zheng Yu to ignore it, but the science class, who was already bullied by the liberal arts class, and everyone watching the football game, all criticized loudly.

No matter how they scolded him, Jiang Chen stood there motionless, as if he had fallen asleep.

I don't know if it was due to Jiang Chen's influence, the already low morale of the science class was even more defeated. In just a few minutes, the liberal arts class scored several goals again.The gap in the score quickly widened to nine to zero.

And at this moment, the kicked soccer ball appeared at Jiang Chen's feet after rolling several times...

(End of this chapter)

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