genius evil

Chapter 37 The Miraculous Goal

Chapter 37 The Miraculous Goal
"Jiang Chen, hurry up, kick the ball over quickly!" Qiu Shaojie's eyes lit up suddenly when he saw the football rolling down at Jiang Chen's feet, and he said loudly to Jiang Chen.

At this time, winning or losing has long been a foregone conclusion, or it can be said that at the end of the third quarter of the game, the winning or losing of this campus football game has already been fixed.

The reason why Qiu Shaojie is unwilling to admit defeat is not that he naively thinks that he has a chance to come back, but that he cannot accept Shi Lei's humiliation, and he does not want to admit defeat without scoring a goal. To him, it is definitely a great shame .

Therefore, in the fourth quarter of the game, for Qiu Shaojie, the only goal was to try his best to score a goal so as not to be kicked bald by the opponent.

But Qiu Shaojie soon found out that it was very difficult, too difficult, too difficult. Shi Lei's defense, Fatty's goalkeeping, and Liu Yang's offense, the incomparably tacit cooperation of the three made the score bigger and bigger.

When the score became [-]-[-], Qiu Shaojie was extremely disheartened and lost, an unprecedented tragic defeat, the biggest win-loss score in history, might nail him to the pillar of shame.

Just when Qiu Shaojie was on the verge of despair, the ball unexpectedly appeared at Jiang Chen's feet. This made Qiu Shaojie realize that his chance had come. This might be his last chance to score a goal. He had to to catch.

"Xiaojie, how many minutes are left in the game?" Jiang Chen stepped on the ball and asked.

"What?" Qiu Shaojie was stunned for a moment, quickly looked at his watch, and said, "More than five minutes, less than six minutes."

"Oh, that's still early." Jiang Chen said something, then looked at Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, and said loudly: "Squad leader Xu, classmate Yanyan, are you two ready?"

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

"Are you ready for something?" Jiang Yanyan asked suspiciously.

"Get ready to kiss me." Jiang Chen giggled.

"Jiang Chen, you idiot." Jiang Yanyan couldn't help cursing. Where did this guy get his confidence? There are only five minutes left. Does he think he can really score ten goals?Even if Ronaldo is possessed, there is only a rest.

"Student Yanyan, cursing is wrong. I've decided. You have to kiss me twice in a while, otherwise I'll be very angry." Jiang Chen smiled all over his face.

"What is that guy doing, is he molesting Jiang Yanyan?"

"Not only did he molested Jiang Yanyan, he even molested Xu Anqi."

"That guy must be out of his mind."

"It's crazy to say what to do with such elegance."


Xu Anqi, who is the school flower of Yilan Middle School, is known to everyone in the school. Jiang Yanyan and Xu Anqi are like shadows, so they are naturally known by countless people.

Jiang Chen's words immediately aroused public anger. There was a clamor outside the football field, and countless people scolded Jiang Chen. At this time, Qiu Shaojie couldn't help scolding Jiang Chen in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, we are running out of time, hurry up and kick the ball to me." Qiu Shaojie said again.

"5 minutes, it should be about the same." This time, as if Jiang Chen didn't hear Qiu Shaojie's words, he suddenly lifted his foot and kicked the ball out.

Seeing Jiang Chen's move, Qiu Shaojie heaved a sigh of relief. Although Jiang Chen seemed unreliable, he finally passed the ball to him.

Soon, Qiu Shaojie realized something was wrong, Jiang Chen didn't pass the ball to him, but shot directly.

"Fuck me." Qiu Shaojie cursed again in his heart, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood. What kind of plane is this Jiang Chen doing? It's fine if he can't help. Under the opponent's feet?

As for the members of the liberal arts class, when they saw such a scene, they all laughed out loud, and looked at Jiang Chen one by one, as if they were looking at an idiot.

As for the fat goalkeeper, he simply folded his arms around his chest and didn't intend to block at all, because it was impossible for Jiang Chen to shoot in terms of the distance from Jiang Chen to the goal.

"An Qi, this picture is too beautiful, I dare not look at it at all." Jiang Yanyan muttered.


Suddenly, an incredible cry attracted everyone's attention. It was none other than the fat man guarding the door.

"The ball is in!"

Then, I don't know who called again.

"Fatty, stop fucking... That's right, I'm calling you, hurry up..." Jiang Chen's voice sounded.

The fat man who guarded the goal was stunned, bent down to pick up the football, gave Jiang Chen a strange look, and threw the football towards Shi Lei with force.

Shi Lei moved quickly, ready to take the ball away, but someone was faster than Shi Lei, and just as Shi Lei moved, the football landed at Jiang Chen's feet again, so Jiang Chen shot again.

If it was said that the fat man underestimated the opponent the first time, then the second time, when the fat man didn't even react, the ball crashed into the net.

"Damn it." The fat man spat viciously, picked up the ball, and threw it at Liu Yang, but the ball still landed at Jiang Chen's feet, and Jiang Chen shot for the third time.

The score became nine to three in an instant.

But this is not the end, only the beginning.

Next, the huge football field completely became Jiang Chen's performance alone. No matter which direction the fat man threw the ball, and no matter how the players in the liberal arts class defended, the ball was always played in an incomprehensible way. appeared at Jiang Chen's feet.

And the direct result of the ball appearing at Jiang Chen's feet was a shot into the net.

The spectators were dazzled, they could only hear the referee yelling about the score change, and everyone on the field was also dazzled, because they didn't know what happened.

"Really, I don't want to bully you." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, volleyed heavily, and the ball was shot again. The score between the two sides was nine to nine.

In the liberal arts class, all the team members' expressions have changed, or, in fact, their expressions have changed a long time ago, but at this time, it has become especially severe.

"Who can tell me, what's going on?" Shi Lei roared angrily, it was clearly a matter of sure chance of winning, why did it become like this.

The other team members looked at each other, and no one could speak. They just looked at Jiang Chen, and their eyes were extremely serious.

"An Qi, he seems to be really bullying people." Jiang Yanyan held back for a while, but finally couldn't hold back at this time.

"Jiang Chen said at the beginning that he scored ten goals in 10 minutes, but later changed his words to five minutes. We all thought he was joking, but he was about to do it." Xu Anqi said softly.

The reason why it is almost done is because so far, Jiang Chen has only scored nine goals. However, judging from the current situation, no one will doubt that Jiang Chen can score another goal.

"An Qi, tell me, he is really taking hormones, right?" Jiang Yanyan lowered her voice very low, a little worried about being heard by others.

Xu Anqi laughed, and said, "Yanyan, you can believe his nonsense."

"I also think he is talking nonsense, but how to explain such a thing?" Jiang Yanyan had an expression that she couldn't understand.

Xu Anqi didn't speak any more, her little face turned red quietly, she remembered the bet between Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan, could it be that, after Jiang Chen scored ten goals, would she really want to kiss Jiang Chen?
There was 1 minute left in the game. When Fatty threw the ball, all the members of the liberal arts class didn't try to grab the ball. They already knew that no matter how they tried to grab the ball, the ball would still appear in Jiang Chen's hands. underfoot.

They just did one thing. Eleven people, including the goalkeeper, lined up and stood in front of the goal, blocking the goal tightly.

The members of the science class don't have to do anything, it's not that they don't want to do it, it's that they don't need to do it at all, they just need to watch Jiang Chen perform alone. It's hard to see the ball into the net.

"Shi Lei, do you only know about these dirty tricks?" Seeing Shi Lei's plan at a glance, Qiu Shaojie said angrily.

"Qiu Shaojie, make it clear that this is a competition, as long as it doesn't violate the rules of the competition, any means can be used." Shi Lei said indifferently.

"Scrap from the liberal arts class, you still have to be shameless."

"It's not that they are shameless, they have no face at all."

"The liberal arts class is useless, the science class will win!"


The slogan sounded again, but this time it was completely reversed. The students who could not speak were no longer the students of the science class, but the students of the liberal arts class.

The situation reversed too quickly, and Jiang Chen's astonishing performance made everyone in the science class straighten up a lot, and the shouts were especially loud.

"Shi Lei, I think it's not that I can't afford to lose, but that you can't afford to lose?" Qiu Shaojie jokingly said to Shi Lei, but he was a little anxious in his heart. Now the score is tied, but this is not the perfect result. Jiang Chen scored another goal and won the game, that would be the biggest blow to Shi Lei.

And the eleven players defended the goal tightly, and it was completely impossible to score another goal.

Although Jiang Chen had created a miracle by scoring nine consecutive goals in just a few minutes, Qiu Shaojie still felt unwilling.

Shi Lei didn't pay attention to Qiu Shaojie's words, nor did he pay attention to the shouts of the crowd around him. He fixedly looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes filled with stern hatred, and said gloomily, "Boy, aren't you very powerful? This time, I am Let's see how you shoot the ball in."

With a score of 4 to [-], it was tied in just three or four minutes. Shi Lei's mood was so gloomy that it couldn't be more gloomy, and all of this was because of Jiang Chen.

There was only about one minute left in the time, Shi Lei had to stop Jiang Chen from scoring, even if he couldn't win, he definitely didn't want to lose.

"Oh, then open your eyes wide and take a good look." Jiang Chen said casually, then kicked the ball without looking at it.

At the same time as the ball flew out, Jiang Chen started to run quickly, but instead of chasing the ball, he ran in front of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

"Squad leader Xu, classmate Yanyan, come and kiss me quickly." Jiang Chen said impatiently, pointing to both cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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