genius evil

Chapter 1408 Opening of the Garden of All Things

Chapter 1408 Opening of the Garden of All Things

Time seems to pass quickly, but for many geniuses, there is a feeling that every day passes, and it is more than ten times slower than usual.

Countless people are looking forward to it, waiting for this day to come.

Finally, this day officially announced the arrival.

In the morning, powerful people from all walks of life gathered in the direction of the Tianfeng Empire's palace. For this reason, the Tianfeng Empire's royal family dispatched the most elite forces. Among those who maintain order, there are several Become a strong man in all realms.

In Tianfeng Empire, within the palace, in a square that can accommodate 10 people, people's heads surged, and powerful auras intertwined vertically and horizontally.

In the Eastern Great Territory, there are more than a dozen empires with a vast territory. In addition to the dozen or so martial arts academy, there are also endless sects, mysterious families and hidden heirs.

At this time, they showed up one after another, and the number of them had reached tens of thousands.

"It really is a prosperous age."

Among the crowd, someone sighed.

"This is indeed a prosperous age."

Someone said in an extremely positive tone.

This is an era in which geniuses are born in large numbers, and the strong from all directions lead the coquettish style and shine unprecedentedly.

Yue Dong led the people from the Seven Star Martial Academy to appear. He looked around, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

As far as Yue Dong knew, the last time the Garden of Everything was opened, there were only a few thousand people. This time, there were tens of thousands of people. It is conceivable that once you enter the Garden of Everything, the pressure of competition will skyrocket.

Jiang Chen's reputation was well-known, and when he appeared at this time, many people immediately looked sideways at him, and they all looked at him.

Jiang Chen turned a blind eye to everything, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked towards the extremely far place.

There, there are more than a dozen bright yellow figures, they are as motionless as mountains, and their powerful auras soar to the sky, making people feel palpitating, and they cannot help but pay respects to them.

That kind of breath was not released intentionally, even restrained intentionally, but it still couldn't be restrained and released.

"The monarchs of the great empires." Jiang Chen said softly.

The opening of the Garden of Everything is closely related to the ten great empires of the Eastern Great Territory. In this grand event, the monarchs of more than a dozen great empires showed up one after another.

The existence of Xeon in the absolute and true sense is elusive, and there is an invisible barrier on everyone's body, which blocks all prying eyes.

The same is true for Jiang Chen's use of spiritual consciousness, which is fundamentally impenetrable.

However, after releasing his consciousness, Jiang Chen managed to catch familiar figures in the square, including Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que whom he had known recently, as well as Ye Luosha and Shang Heng.

"Oh, Qin Shiji, are you here too?"

Another familiar breath caught by Jiang Chen was none other than Qin Shiji.

Beside Qin Shiji, there were two other powerful auras lingering, they were Wen Yanxi and Ye Yufan.

Previously, Jiang Chen knew that the three of them would not miss this opportunity, but since entering Tianhai City, they have never met each other.

Now, here, they have become invisible, being perceived by Jiang Chen one by one.

Compared to the tens of thousands of geniuses, the number of people Jiang Chen knew was too few, but the people Jiang Chen offended had to be said to be too many.

For example, the people from Senra Martial Arts Academy, the people from Shenfeng Martial Arts Academy, and for example, those who were offended in the Qunying Building.

Those gazes looking at Jiang Chen one by one, some were calm and indifferent, some were meaningful, and more of them had a deep hatred that was hard to hide.

Of course, Jiang Chen would simply ignore all of this.


Geniuses from all walks of life gathered on this square, and the voices of discussion continued one after another, until a bell rang, and the voice of discussion stopped abruptly.

Someone is ringing the bell, and the bell is ringing. At the moment when it rings, there is a kind of mighty power that hits directly into the bottom of my heart. That mighty power is simply irresistible, pointing to the essence and affecting the heart, making all people, They all quieted down, their eyes solemn.

"Imperial Dao Qingyin?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Whether this bell sound is the voiceless voice of the imperial way remains to be verified, but it is similar to the voiceless voice of the imperial way that Jiang Chen has experienced before.

Shock the soul, wash away the ugliness.

After the crowd was silent, then I saw a bright yellow figure, and under Void's big hand, there was a vibration in the space, and one by one, large characters emerged from Void.

Every large character is covered with a layer of golden light, which is extraordinary and conspicuous.

But without the need for everyone, seeing with the naked eye, the big golden characters turned into a soft thought in an instant, rushing into the minds of each of them.

That is, the rules of the Garden of Everything.

The rules were directly transformed into an idea, and such a scene changed the expressions of many people.

"The one who proves the Dao?"

It has to be said that Jiang Chen was surprised.

Undoubtedly, this is a method only available to those who prove the Dao. That is to say, the monarchs of more than a dozen empires are all those who have proved the Dao.

This is undoubtedly amazing, but when you think about it carefully, it is so natural.

To be in charge of an empire and to command hundreds of millions of people, should be such a powerful existence that turns its hands into clouds and rains its hands.

The rules of the Garden of Everything are actually very simple. There is a saying that the Garden of Everything is a game for the strong. Judging by the rules, it is indeed the case.

To some extent, the so-called rules mean that there are no rules.

The only point is the entry threshold for entering the Garden of Everything, which means that even though tens of thousands of geniuses and powerhouses gather, in the end, not all of them are eligible to enter it.

Just as there are only ten places in the major martial arts schools, every person who is eligible to enter the Garden of Everything has, in fact, been selected.

That thought rushed into everyone's minds, and after a short digest, they saw that bright yellow figure once again made a big move to the void.


A painting suddenly appeared, and immediately, it swelled in the wind, becoming hundreds of meters long and hundreds of meters wide.

It was a picture of thousands of miles of rivers and rivers.

This picture of thousands of miles of rivers and rivers, in one painting, contains all of those thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

"The important weapon of the Tianfeng Empire." Jiang Chen looked over, amazed.

Regarding the Garden of All Things, under Jiang Chen's persistent entanglement, he and Jiang Chen revealed a little about the number of women in the portrait of the Goddess.

The woman told Jiang Chen that the opening of the Garden of All Things requires the joint efforts of more than a dozen empires, and among them, it involves the state-defending weapons of these ten empires.

The Tianfeng Empire's important national weapon is this map of thousands of miles of rivers and rivers, and now it is sacrificed to swallow thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

Immediately after the monarch of the Tianfeng Empire, there was another bright yellow figure, with a flick of his finger, another painting stretched across the void.

"Jiangshan Sheji Map."

Squinting his eyes slightly, Jiang Chen said to himself.

This is an important national weapon belonging to the Great Qin Empire. Once the map of Jiangshan Sheji is shown, its magnificence is beyond the limit of imagination.

This is an important treasure that is not inferior to the map of Jianghe Wanli. Many people stared straight at it, and did not dare to take a bite.

The monarch of the Great Qin Empire had a stern face, unsmiling, and abnormal indifference. His face was expressionless, he just flicked his fingers, and with another flick, the map of Jiangshan Sheji manifested.

Immediately, the monarchs of other empires moved one after another, sacrificing one after another important weapons for the country.

Not every important weapon of the empire is a picture, they are different and very different.

When more than a dozen pieces of the national heavy weapon, the void rises and falls, there, the light is blazing, and the void is suppressed and collapsing, it simply cannot bear such power.


The void is constantly collapsing and annihilating, forming a terrifying vortex. The vortex, like a black hole, is spinning crazily, as if it wants to swallow this world.

Until, a few minutes later, in the depths of the vortex, a ray of light burst out suddenly.

That ray of light suddenly appeared, tearing the vortex apart. This is the void that is constantly being annihilated, and gradually tends to a stable state. After that, it is seen that an entrance appeared in the midair.

To be precise, it was a door, majestic and towering into the sky.

Behind the door is a very different world, and there is the world of the Garden of Everything.

At this moment, all the people, subconsciously, held their breath and looked towards that door with piercing eyes, wanting to see what kind of world is behind that door.

The entrance to the Garden of All Things unfolds, but this is not the end. I saw the monarch of the Tianfeng Empire make a big move from the void for the third time, and there are layers of ripples in the air, stirring like water waves.

In the end, the turbulent ripples turned into steps. One side of the steps connected to the ground, and the other side connected to the entrance of the Garden of Everything.

"The Garden of Everything, Kai!"

At the same time, a voice, indiscriminate, rang in everyone's ears.


Such a voice, as soon as it fell, someone couldn't hold it anymore, and with a movement, he stepped on the steps, soared up, and rushed forward.

As soon as one person moved, countless people moved out one after another, scrambling to be the first, and flew towards the steps, climbing up at the fastest speed.

"Wait, be careful in everything, don't forget it, and act recklessly, you must keep it in mind." Yue Dong solemnly urged, with a rare seriousness.

While speaking, he stared at Jiang Chen and took a deep look. He had some words to say, but those words reached his lips and were taken back.

Because I know that no matter what I say, it won't work.

That was the road that belonged to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen could only walk it by himself, he couldn't interfere too much at all.


Ji Mobai and the others responded, each of them was full of enthusiasm, their emotions were agitated, and they had no time to care about others, they just left one after another.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not lag behind. Using the phantom technique, he easily left countless people behind. Like lightning, he appeared at the top of the steps in the blink of an eye. The entrance was right in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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