genius evil

Chapter 1409 Entering the Garden of Everything

Chapter 1409 Entering the Garden of Everything


Jiang Chen's speed was too fast. Even if the people who appeared on the steps were extraordinary geniuses, it would be difficult to catch his figure.

There were tens of thousands of steps, Jiang Chen passed by in the blink of an eye, and appeared at the entrance of that door.

However, even standing here, the situation behind the door is still unknown. Mysterious ripples cover the line of sight and isolate the consciousness, let alone seeing, even perception is impossible.


Jiang Chen said to himself, this trip to Tianfeng Empire is for the Garden of All Things. Now that the Garden of All Things is open, the entrance is right in front of you. You only need to step on it to enter it. Jiang Chen naturally has no hesitation .

With a single movement of his feet, Jiang Chen took a step forward and disappeared in an instant.

"This feeling?"

After entering that door, Jiang Chen's whole body was wrapped in a strange feeling, no matter what, he couldn't break free.

After that strange feeling disappeared, Jiang Chen appeared in an extremely strange place.

"Is that a portal?"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, he had to say that he was surprised.

It's just a door, but it has such a mystery. When you step into it, you will be teleported immediately. There is no choice, and you can't refuse it.

Jiang Chen released his consciousness and swept around, but within several kilometers, there was no one else except him.

This is random teleportation, regardless of the object or direction. After the teleportation, it will randomly appear in a place in the garden of all things, which makes Jiang Chen deepen his understanding of that portal.

After that, Jiang Chen was the one who looked at his current situation.

Here, at a glance, it is no different from being in the Zhenwu Continent. There are mountains and waters, grass and trees, but there is no sun.

Above the head, more than a dozen stars are suspended, sprinkling brilliance, reflecting this place.

In addition, Jiang Chen found that the rules of heaven and earth here are obviously very different from those in Zhenwu Continent, and have been forcibly reversed and changed.

This is a small world independent of the Zhenwu Continent. After all, it is very different from the Zhenwu Continent.

"The Garden of All Things is a small world." Jiang Chen said softly, and pondered.

Regarding the words of the woman in the portrait of the goddess, Jiang Chen had always believed in them, but at this moment, he was shaken and doubted the truth.

"Is one of the builders of the Garden of Everything really just a strong man who proves the Dao?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Jiang Chen had some doubts, whether a strong person who proved the Dao had the ability to build a garden of all things.

This small world, although the rules have been reversed, is still very complete. Jiang Chen believes that even a strong person who proves the way is not enough to do this.

"No." Soon, Jiang Chen shook his head and laughed dumbfoundedly.

It was he who thought that the woman in the portrait of the Goddess was just the one who proved the Dao, but that woman had never said or admitted it.

"The existence that is more powerful than the one who proved the Dao has fallen, and his soul has been shattered. What happened?" After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen's expression became a little more dignified.

He realized that all previous conjectures were likely to be overturned.

What happened to the woman in the portrait of the goddess was even more incredible than he had imagined.

In an instant, Jiang Chen had an extremely strong urge to summon that woman, but he suppressed it forcibly.

After all, with his current strength, just as the woman said, knowing too much will do him no good. When he is strong enough, all the truth will naturally surface one by one.

After a while, Jiang Chen disappeared in place.

This is a strange world that requires more cognition, and Jiang Chen needs to explore it.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen saw a figure, and when he saw that person, that person was also the first to discover Jiang Chen's existence.

"Jiang Chen, it's you."

After seeing Jiang Chen, that person was quite quick. With a glance, looking towards Jiang Chen, it was very obvious. He was surprised that he would meet Jiang Chen so quickly.

"Brother Liu, please stay safe." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

That person was none other than Liu Ruoyu from Lingyun Martial Academy. Judging from Liu Ruoyu's reaction, Jiang Chen knew that he was the first person Liu Ruoyu saw after entering the Garden of Everything.

Of course, so did he.

"Brother Jiang, I'm at a loss. Fortunately, you showed up. Why don't we go together, and if there is any problem, we can take care of you. I don't know what you want, Brother Jiang?" Liu Ruoyu said, sending out an invitation.

"It's exactly what I want. Even if you don't mention it, Brother Liu, I'm planning to mention it." Jiang Chen nodded and readily agreed.

Liu Ruoyu just smiled slightly, walked towards Jiang Chen quickly, and said as he walked, "It's so strange, it's inexplicable, I just appeared here, and there is no one around me, if someone sneaks up on me, it will be very dangerous."

"Brother Liu, you obviously worry too much. Considering your strength, brother Liu, it is obvious that someone is more afraid of being attacked by you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"In the end, it's all about being careful. I have a feeling that this place is very weird. If I'm not careful, I'm afraid there will be a risk of falling." Liu Ruoyu said solemnly. He was getting closer and closer. A mere ten meters.

"Hey, I seem to have heard something. There seems to be someone in that direction." Suddenly, Liu Ruoyu stopped, and he stretched out his hand to point in a direction.

"Brother Jiang, let's go and have a look." Afterwards, Liu Ruoyu said again.

"Brother Liu, you are really suspicious. In fact, if there are people, it is the same to let them come to see us, but since you said so, Brother Liu, it is good to go and have a look." Jiang Chen said.

"Here, any accident may be fatal. You must always take the initiative, so that you may be able to protect yourself." Liu Ruoyu exhorted, very serious.

"I don't know why, Brother Liu, what you say always makes sense." Jiang Chen just smiled.

"Brother Jiang made you laugh." Liu Ruoyu expressed his shame.

"It's not just for laughing, but because I realized that Brother Liu, you are mature and stable, which is impressive. I have a hunch that we will become life-and-death friends." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

It seemed unexpected that Jiang Chen would say such words, Liu Ruoyu was stunned, and immediately, he said with a smile: "Brother Jiang, you can see it, I am flattered."

"It's over." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and said seriously, "Others don't know, how could I, Jiang Chen, not know, Brother Liu, you were merciful in the communication that day, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been caught by you long ago. Kill."

"Brother Jiang, you are too modest." Liu Ruoyu shook his head again and again, and he said, "Brother Jiang, you are invincible and peerless. I have admired you for a long time."

The two flattered each other, on the surface, they all came from a sincere heart, but it is not known whether this is really the case.

The two were extremely fast, and they fled in that direction, but they didn't see other people.

"Am I really suspicious? Obviously, I heard something." Liu Ruoyu looked very embarrassed, and said nana, very embarrassed.

"I guess I sensed your aura, Brother Liu, and was startled away." Jiang Chen said.

Liu Ruoyu waved his hands again and again, expressing his ashamedness. Afterwards, he invited Jiang Chen to walk around to check the situation.

Because, with an unprecedented sense of crisis, it is almost like a war.

Jiang Chen still didn't refuse. He and Liu Ruoyu walked together and patrolled around. As a result, he didn't know whether it was the luck of the two of them was too good or too bad. Within the radius of dozens of kilometers, there was not even a single figure. Did not see.

"How big is the Garden of Everything?"

A thought, coincidentally, emerged from the minds of Jiang Chen and Liu Ruoyu.

In terms of their speed, it only takes a very short time to inspect the range of tens of kilometers. If there are people, they will not be able to escape their perception.

However, a single figure has never been seen.

And you must know that when the Garden of All Things is opened, those who enter the Garden of All Things, excluding some unqualified geniuses and powerhouses, there are a small number of nearly [-] people.

1 geniuses entered the Garden of Everything, scattered all over the place, and disappeared without a trace. There is no doubt that the Garden of Everything is so big that it has no boundaries.

"Brother Jiang, let's take another look." Liu Ruoyu said, he was still not at ease, he was tense all the time, he was almost going to be a frightened bird, and he was very nervous when there was any disturbance.

"Brother Liu, relax, there are only you and me here, so don't be so nervous." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Brother Jiang, I am lucky to have you. If I am alone, I must be lost and mentally damaged." Liu Ruoyu said.

He was so nervous that sweat oozes from his forehead, and while he was speaking, he stretched out his hand to wipe away the cold sweat.

"Brother Liu, I have a guess. When you were with me, you were so nervous. Could it be that you were worried about my backstabbing?" Jiang Chen said suspiciously.

"Brother Jiang, I swear, I never had such a thought." Liu Ruoyu said hastily, lest Jiang Chen misunderstand.

"Then what could be the reason? Could it be that you are looking for an opportunity to do something wrong to me, and you are worried that I will find out the clues, so you are so nervous?" Jiang Chen said again, extremely suspicious.

"Brother Jiang, if you don't trust me, you and I can split up and act independently." Liu Ruoyu's face turned black, and he was angry.

"Haha, I was just joking, just to ease the atmosphere. Brother Liu, why are you so angry? If I suspect that you have a guilty conscience, it would not be so wonderful." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Brother Jiang, some jokes can be made, but some jokes can't be made no matter what." Liu Ruoyu reminded, telling Jiang Chen that such a joke would increase his psychological burden and he would not be able to bear it.

"Okay, then I'm not kidding." Jiang Chen followed suit.

Before he finished speaking, he saw a golden light suddenly emerge from Jiang Chen's body. The golden light was incomparably bright, and the Pure Yang Cauldron appeared in the air, appearing in Jiang Chen's palm. Jiang Chen raised the cauldron to meet Liu Ruoyu. smashed his head.


Almost at the same time, the void buzzed, and in Liu Ruoyu's palm, a black light emerged, and in an instant, the domain was released.

"Brother Liu, what are you going to do? It turns out that you really want to kill me, and you are looking for an opportunity to do something wrong." Jiang Chen yelled, charged forward, and suppressed and killed Liu Ruoyu...

(End of this chapter)

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