genius evil

Chapter 1411 Honest People Have Temperament

Chapter 1411 Honest People Have Temperament

Entering that portal, all transmissions are arbitrary and disorderly.

Unless, before entering the Garden of All Things, one has to understand the internal situation of the Garden of All Things, otherwise, it is inevitable and at a loss.

Jiang Chen walked inside the Garden of Myriad Things. After a period of time, one after another, he saw many geniuses who were teleported in various directions.

Without exception, they were all sent alone, and they were all confused, confused, and puzzled at first...

Jiang Chen is famous, and every time he appears, he attracts attention and attracts people's attention.

As time went by, many geniuses who were originally scattered found their own camps, and appeared in twos and threes, but Jiang Chen was still alone.

"Where's Miss Sister?" Jiang Chen expressed his confusion.

He was walking, seemingly aimless. On the one hand, he was familiar with the internal situation of the Garden of All Things, and on the other hand, he was looking for someone.

At present, what Jiang Chen most wants to find is Shang Heng.

The reason is very simple, he wants to punish that goblin on the spot.

Jiang Chen had wanted to do this a long time ago, but the time was not ripe, but now that he entered the Garden of Everything, Jiang Chen was confident that Shang Heng was destined not to escape from his grasp.

But Jiang Chen didn't find Shang Heng, instead, he saw another woman.

"Wen Yanxi?"

Ahead, a battle broke out, and one of them was Wen Yanxi.

The two were besieging Wen Yanxi, constantly uttering wild words, reckless words, provocative everywhere, it was obvious that they were playing Wen Yanxi's idea.

"Sure enough, beautiful women are all disasters."

The figure flashed past, and the battle situation clearly fell into Jiang Chen's eyes, and Jiang Chen sighed lightly.

Undoubtedly, judging from the words of the two men, meng lang, they set their eyes on Wen Yanxi because of Wen Yanxi's beauty.

Both of these two were not weak, and their cultivation was good. They joined forces to attack and suppressed Wen Yanxi. Wen Yanxi fell into a passive position, clumsy left and right, and almost got injured several times.

This is because the two were merciful and didn't want to hurt Wen Yanxi, otherwise, Wen Yanxi might not be able to hold on long ago.

"Beauty, I advise you to give up resisting, otherwise if you are injured, we two brothers will feel distressed." Among the two, one of them was chattering and laughing.

His eyes shot at Wen Yanxi presumptuously, as if he was extremely interested in Wen Yanxi.

That kind of look, extremely frivolous, disgusted Wen Yanxi to the extreme, goosebumps were about to pop out, but it was also heart palpitations, as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake, if he was not careful, he would bite him.

And once bitten, it is absolutely fatal.

"This girl, we two brothers have no hostility towards you. Why do you have to work so hard? Let's sit down and talk calmly. I promise, you will definitely change your impression of us." Another person said, eloquently While talking, he smiled slightly, showing kindness.

Wen Yanxi's face was livid, unmoved.

She had already seen through the intentions of these two people, and it was impossible for her to be fooled. If she gave up resisting, the consequences would be disastrous.

At that time, she will definitely take the lead in ending her own life, no matter what, she can't, and it will fall into the hands of the two of them.


The three attacks were entangled together, and a big explosion occurred in the void. Wen Yanxi sacrificed the original magic weapon to fight, and one of the voids collapsed and sank due to this.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of the explosion was heard far away, piercing the eardrums, and large craters were blasted out on the ground.

"Beauty, it's meaningless to hold back in the corner. Are you really not willing to kill you as two brothers?" Finally, one of them was completely enraged and lost his patience.

Originally, he thought that subduing Wen Yanxi was just a trivial matter, but he didn't know that Wen Yanxi was so fierce that he was desperately trying to kill everything.

Because, because they didn't intend to hurt Wen Yanxi's life, the two of them inevitably became passive, restrained and unable to use their skills.

This naturally made them extremely unhappy and angry.

"Girl, if you don't stop, even if you die at the hands of the two of us, what happens after that will definitely not be what you expected." The other person said darkly, also burning with anger.

Because, he was almost injured, and under Wen Yanxi's violent attack, he was so annoyed that he wanted to tear Wen Yanxi's heart apart.

The battle was so brutal, how could the two of them fail to see that Wen Yanxi was desperately trying to pull the two of them back even at the expense of his own death?
The two of them, it is naturally impossible for Wen Yanxi to fulfill his wish. Even if they get nothing in the end, they must kill Wen Yanxi first, and they must not be injured on the first day of entering the Garden of Everything, in case they are accidentally targeted by other people , Disaster is imminent.

Wen Yanxi remained silent, she was already cold, but at this moment, she was even colder to the extreme. She ignored the threat of the two, bullied forward, attacked, and was determined to kill the three of them together.

"This woman's character is still the same as before."

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Chen silently smiled wryly.

It's not hard to see how determined Wen Yanxi is, rather than die.

In the end, Wen Yanxi failed to fulfill his wish, and was suppressed again under the joint efforts of those two people. The two had a perfect understanding and attacked violently.

"You two, you can stop now."

At this moment, Jiang Chen spoke, and he had to speak, otherwise, Wen Yanxi would be very miserable, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

In the final analysis, he has a friendship with Wen Yanxibo, so the matter in front of him is really embarrassing, and he would rather die than save him.

At this time, Jiang Chen opened his mouth leisurely, and while speaking, Jiang Chen walked out slowly.

"Where did you come from, go away, or you will be killed together." One person said angrily. He was about to succeed, but Jiang Chen appeared to stop him, and he was very angry.

"What is this for? Is it because the weather is too hot that you are so angry?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "I'll just say a few words and leave immediately after I finish."

"Shut up!" Another person said, not even giving Jiang Chen a chance to say a word.

"The anger is really great. By the way, why is this necessary? Didn't your parents tell you what is polite?" Jiang Chen's face darkened, and he was a little unhappy.

"Want to die, right? Let me do it for you!"

Those two abandoned Wen Yanxi, and quickly rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Because of Wen Yanxi's idea, he couldn't help restraining his hands and feet. He was already full of anger, and just at this moment, he vented it on Jiang Chen.

Maybe, after killing Jiang Chen, he can deter Wen Yanxi and make Wen Yanxi obedient?

"Jiang Chen, be careful."

Seeing this, Wen Yanxi said in a hurry.

At this moment, she is extremely embarrassed, there is a smear of blood on the corner of her mouth, her clothes are broken in many places, revealing her white and tender body, fortunately, it is only her arms, so she will not be happy.

Jiang Chen walked out suddenly, and Wen Yanxi was very surprised. Although he knew before that that Jiang Chen had a great reputation in Tianhai City, he did not expect that he would meet Jiang Chen in the Garden of Everything.

As far as she knew, the Garden of Everything was a small world, and the probability of meeting someone she knew was too low.

"I'll be careful." Jiang Chen said with a wink at Wen Yanxi.

Then, Jiang Chen said to the two of them again: "Everyone, do you really want to do something? I just said a few words, even if I look very honest and look easy to bully, you can't treat me like this, right? "

Jiang Chen felt that he was very innocent. In fact, he had no intention of doing anything. He thought that if he showed his face, he would be able to scare these two guys away.

Who knows, these two people are like stupefied youths, after he showed up, they didn't react at all, which made Jiang Chen feel uncomfortable. After all, they are people with status, so he also wants to save face, okay?
"Boy, after you die, I will tear your mouth apart." One person said, thinking that Jiang Chen's nonsense was too much to bear.

"As the saying goes, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. Even if I am an honest person, I still have a temper." Jiang Chen sighed.

He used the phantom technique, like electricity and light, the attacks of the two were ineffective against him, and then, Jiang Chen sacrificed the Chunyang cauldron, raised the Chunyang cauldron with one hand, and directly smashed the two people's heads.

"Jiang Chen, are you Jiang Chen?"

One person finally reacted and said in a voice.

The golden light of the Pure Yang Cauldron shone like a bright sun. This was too familiar. For many people, it was regarded as Jiang Chen's symbol.

Because of this heavy symbol, no one can pretend to be Jiang Chen's identity.

He remembered that Wen Yanxi called Jiang Chen's name just now, and because he was full of anger, he didn't pay attention to it. At this time, when he saw the Chunyang cauldron, even if he didn't want to, he couldn't care less.

"Jiang Chen?"

said another, his face changing.

In the shadow of a famous tree, Jiang Chen's reputation is too great, at least in Tianhai City, it is such a situation, it is not too much to say that everyone knows everyone.

The two of them had never met Jiang Chen, so they selectively ignored Jiang Chen.

In an instant, both of them had the intention of retreating. Judging from Jiang Chen's various deeds, it is obviously not a wise thing to offend Jiang Chen.

Even though there was a reward order on Jiang Chen's body, Jiang Chen had already fully proved that no matter how attractive the reward was, not everyone could get it.

The two of them have self-knowledge and know that it is not something they can get their hands on.

At the moment when flinching appeared, the two turned around and fled without hesitation.

"Run if you can't fight, is there such a cheap thing in this world?" Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said, chasing after him.

A few minutes later, the two were killed by Jiang Chen respectively, and Jiang Chen appeared in Wen Yanxi's sight again.

"Jiang Chen, are you okay?" Wen Yanxi asked.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with it, but Miss Wen, you seem to be seriously injured. Hurry up, the two of us find a place where no one is around, and I will check it carefully for you." Jiang Chen said eagerly.

"A place where there's no one... Check carefully..." Wen Yanxi murmured, thinking of something, his expression suddenly became coy...

(End of this chapter)

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