genius evil

Chapter 1412 Your Vision Is Too Bad

Chapter 1412 Your Vision Is Too Bad
"Miss Wen, what are you thinking about? Your face is blushing. Could it be that you are thinking about some impure things?" Jiang Chen looked at Wen Yanxi with curiosity on his face.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense." Wen Yanxi scolded in a low voice, but his complexion became even more ruddy, like a fresh green apple, making people look at it and want to take a bite.

"Miss Wen, I have always thought that you are pure and unattainable. Who would have thought that you are so impure. I am really disappointed." Jiang Chen sighed with emotion.

"You said it!"

Wen Yanxi stared at Jiang Chen, about to run away, she couldn't take it anymore, Jiang Chen was obviously impure, but he kept pouring dirty water on her body, what is this, is it molesting?

"Okay, don't say much, hurry up and find a place where no one is there. Otherwise, the injury will worsen in a while, and it is very likely that it will be life-threatening." Jiang Chen said.

Suddenly, Wen Yanxi was angry and annoyed, she said speechlessly: "It's not that serious, I will deal with it myself."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded and muttered angrily.

Wen Yanxi listened to Jiang Chen's muttering, even though he was always cold, he still had the urge to strangle Jiang Chen to death, because according to what Jiang Chen said, he was obviously regretting that the time to take action was too early, resulting in a waste of time Great opportunity.

Originally, Wen Yanxi was grateful for Jiang Chen's rescue, but in this way, he even wanted to kill Jiang Chen. After all, how is it different from those two guys before?
"No, it seems that I misunderstood?" Suddenly, Wen Yanxi came to his senses.

Although Jiang Chen showed a look of eagerness, but if Jiang Chen really had such an idea, how could he say it directly?
"Is he comforting me? Worried about my psychological shadow?" Wen Yanxi said silently in his heart.

After thinking about it for a while, Wen Yanxi realized that it seemed to be the case. Otherwise, considering Jiang Chen's shrewdness, he might have sold her, and she would have to help count the money.

"Jiang Chen, thank you." Thinking this way in his heart, Wen Yanxi said.

"It's over like this? Is it that simple? Is it more appropriate to promise each other with your body?" Jiang Chen said, giving appropriate suggestions.

"You're thinking too much." Wen Yanxi said speechlessly, suddenly wondering if he was thinking too much in his justification for Jiang Chen just now, and was just being sentimental.

Because, judging from Jiang Chen's various performances, he was clearly trying to take advantage of her, so how could he comfort her at all?
"I knew Miss Wen that you would be shy, so it's more appropriate for me to take the initiative to make a promise. As a man, how can I let a woman take the initiative, Miss Wen, do you think it makes sense." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't act recklessly." Wen Yanxi was nervous for a while, and she was really worried that Jiang Chen would touch her. Considering the strength Jiang Chen showed just now, if Jiang Chen plotted against her, she might even have the chance to resist. ,nothing.

"Jiang Chen, how could he be so strong?"

At the same time, a thought emerged from the depths of Wen Yanxi's mind.

Previously, Wen Yanxi had only met Jiang Chen face to face, that is, when Qian Baohe was alive. At that time, Jiang Chen was amazing, but in Wen Yanxi's opinion, at best, he could only stand in the second rank.

And the first sequence is Ji Mobai and her and others.

At that time, she also talked about Qianbaohe with Jiang Chen, and said that she wanted Jiang Chen to fight for the first place in the Seven Star Martial Academy's Heaven Ranking.

From Qianbaohe's appearance to the present, the time is not too long, Jiang Chen has become stronger, suppressing Ji Mobai in one fell swoop, and won the first place in the sky list, this time appearing in Tianhai City, it is even more so. Power, the city is full of trouble.

This made Wen Yanxi amazed. In fact, he wanted to meet Jiang Chen early in the morning, but the timing was always immature. Inadvertently, he met Jiang Chen in the Garden of Everything, but under such a situation, Wen Yanxi felt somewhat Awkward.

In the past, the guy who thought he had to work hard to catch up with her in order to be in the same echelon as her, quietly left her far behind, which made Wen Yanxi feel a lot.

"I, Jiang Chen, have seen countless women, and I know best that when a woman, especially a beautiful woman, yells not to mess around, she is actually expecting the other party to mess around." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, who do you take me, Wen Yanxi?" Wen Yanxi was very angry.

She was not as casual as Jiang Chen thought, she would rather die than break. If Jiang Chen thought that he could take advantage of her, he would definitely rather die than follow suit.

"Miss Wen, why are you so serious? Could it be that you know my hobbies very clearly, and know that my greatest hobby is being a bully?" Jiang Chen stared at Wen Yanxi with wide eyes, looking like a ghost.

In fact, Wen Yanxi had a feeling that he was alive.

"The Overlord bows hard?"

When this word came out of Jiang Chen's mouth, Wen Yanxi's heart suddenly trembled, and he looked at Jiang Chen with unprecedented vigilance.

"Damn pervert!" Wen Yanxi cursed viciously.

Such menstruation, to say so openly, how many women should have been harmed by Jiang Chen?
"How can this be perverted? It's obviously a kind of taste." Jiang Chen shook his head to deny Wen Yanxi's statement, and then told him solemnly that this is very interesting, but if he tried it last time, Wen Yanxi would definitely fall in love with him deeply.

Wen Yanxi almost didn't go crazy, but fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't force the overlord to bow in the end, but healed her wounds in the way of the overlord, but he didn't take advantage of it, which made Wen Yanxi gradually feel at ease.

Naturally, this situation made Wen Yanxi confused, and found that Jiang Chen was simply unpredictable, and he was very unconstrained.

Wen Yanxi found a secluded place, changed his clothes, and then walked with Jiang Chen in this garden of all things.

"Miss Wen, how much do you know about this garden of all things?" Jiang Chen asked.

Naturally, he didn't really want to take advantage of Wen Yanxi, but he just verbally flirted with him. Who made this woman so superior in front of him last time.

In the final analysis, this is just a bad taste.

Jiang Chen's greatest hobby has never been any overlord forcing himself to bow, but pulling fairies down from the mortal world forcefully!
"I don't know much about it." Wen Yanxi said, she pondered, and said, "As far as I know, in this garden of all things, there is a broken bridge... There is another key, the key to open the door of this world..."

After a pause, Wen Yanxi's complexion quietly became a little strange, she said, "It seems that there is still a very strange legend, but I only know a few words about that legend, but I can't say it."

"Broken bridge? The key?"

Jiang Chen was just asking casually, and he didn't expect Wen Yanxi to know anything about the world in the Garden of Everything. You must know that he had asked the woman in the portrait of the goddess many times, but he only had a half-knowledge.

The woman in the portrait of the Goddess has an ambiguous attitude. It seems that this world in the garden of all things hides many secrets. Among them, there are some secrets that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

And Wen Yanxi's attitude was exactly the same.

This is very strange, inexplicably made Jiang Chen more interested in exploring this unknown small world.

The opening time of the Garden of All Things is uncertain. During the closed period, the interior is empty. This time, tens of thousands of geniuses and powerhouses entered it. As time went by, each came together.

"People from Lingyun Martial Academy."

In front, there were several figures, who seemed to be looking for something, and they were the people from Lingyun Martial Academy.

Jiang Chen was very familiar with their faces, and it was obvious that they were more familiar with Jiang Chen in comparison.

At this time, when those few people saw Jiang Chen and Wen Yanxi walking out, they all looked a little more wary.

"What are you looking for, do you need help? Just tell me if you need it, don't be polite to me, and don't treat me as an outsider, or I will be unhappy." Jiang Chen bluffed. Said.

"Thanks, but no," said one of them.

There were a total of four people who appeared here. After they were scattered, they managed to get together. At this time, they were indeed looking for Liu Ruoyu.

In the Garden of Everything, various forces may become friends and allies, but more likely, they will become rivals and mortal enemies.

Jiang Chen had always been different, even though he looked very friendly at this time, they didn't dare to be careless. Besides, Jiang Chen had enough troubles, and they didn't want to be dragged down because of Jiang Chen.

"Is it really not necessary? I am very happy to help others." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"Thank you." The man said again, bowing his hands.

"Alright then, but if you change your mind, you are welcome to find me at any time." Jiang Chen said, expressing his kindness.

"When did you become so good?" After a while, the two left. Wen Yanxi looked at Jiang Chen strangely, but Jiang Chen offered to help. Is this the sun coming out from the west?

"Miss Wen, I can only say that I have too many advantages. It is very necessary for you to get to know me better. Once you know me to a tenth level, you must You will fall in love with me with all your heart and soul." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Guilty to be a thief?" Wen Yanxi said.

"Absolutely not. Even if I, Jiang Chen, were a thief, it would be impossible for me to have a guilty conscience." Jiang Chen said, really a little guilty. Wen Yanxi is too sharp, pointing directly at the essence through phenomena.

Wen Yanxi sneered, the reason why she thinks this is because she has learned Jiang Chen's methods, Jiang Chen is not profitable, no matter what he does, he has intentions and purposes.

She thought she guessed it right, but she didn't get entangled in this topic, and suddenly remembered something, and asked instead: "Jiang Chen, those two people from earlier, you said they have two things to say, is it true?" What words?"

Wen Yanxi thought about this question seriously, but there was no answer.

"Oh, I want to advise those two guys kindly, their vision is too bad." Jiang Chen said casually.

Wen Yanxi's face turned black, and she hated herself for being too talkative.

However, at this moment, there was another sound of fighting ahead, coming from afar...

(End of this chapter)

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