genius evil

Chapter 1413 Crush the crown 1 anger is red face

chapter 1413
"Come on, let's go take a look."

When that voice came to his ears, Wen Yanxi said immediately, and before Jiang Chen could respond, Wen Yanxi took a step forward, leading the way.

"Miss Wen, what are you doing so fast? Are you trying to get rid of me? It's too irresponsible. You know, I've given you my innocence. You do this , is it really good? Is it suitable?"

Jiang Chen chased after him, complaining loudly.

That kind of battle happened hundreds of meters ahead, and at the speed of Jiang Chen and Wen Yanxi, it happened in an instant. When Jiang Chen's voice just fell, the battle scene fell into the sight of the two of them.

I saw two people fighting, and several other people watched, chatting, laughing and commenting, watching the excitement.

"Jiang Chen?"

As soon as Jiang Chen just appeared, all the people recognized Jiang Chen at first sight, they followed the sound and looked over.

"Innocence? This..."

Immediately afterwards, these people were all confused.

Let's not talk about whether Jiang Chen is still innocent, but what did he mean when he said just now that he handed over his innocence to Wen Yanxi?
Could it be that he is telling him that there is an unclear relationship between him and Wen Yanxi?
But, wasn't Jiang Chen pursuing Ye Luosha before?When did another woman come out halfway?
"Jiang Chen!"

Wen Yanxi couldn't help shouting, gnashing his teeth, is Jiang Chen going to ruin her reputation?
"I'm sorry, Miss Wen is rather shy, just pretend you didn't hear anything, did you hear that?" Jiang Chen scolded.

Those few people were speechless, even if they pretended they didn't hear about this kind of thing, so what?Is it necessary to be so deceitful?

"Brother Jiang, what you say is what you say."

Thinking this way in my heart, on the surface, those people were extremely polite to Jiang Chen.

There is no way, Jiang Chen's reputation is too great. Unlike other people's famous reputation, Jiang Chen's reputation is completely created by him.

That makes people afraid, and if it is not necessary, they will definitely not provoke it easily.

"Hey, did you two hear that?" Jiang Chen said to the two who were fighting fiercely.

"Brush... brush..."

The two figures separated immediately, their eyes fluctuated, and in the end, they could only nod their heads, not wanting to offend Jiang Chen.

"Miss Wen, you can rest assured now, no one will know about the relationship between you and me." Jiang Chen said to Wen Yanxi swearingly.

Wen Yanxi's face was blood red, and he hated Jiang Chen to death.

Jiang Chen's behavior seemed to be a forced gag order, but it was clearly that there was no silver 300 taels here.

In this way, even if these people had doubts about the relationship between her and Jiang Chen at the beginning, now, that doubt has all become affirmation.

"Really, you have to believe in my strength. Anyone who dares to be disobedient will be suppressed and killed without leaving a way out. If you are really worried, how about I kill them all, how about it?" Jiang Chen asked. Said sincerely.

These words were just casual talk, but those few people counted one by one, their faces changed drastically, and they stared at Jiang Chen as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Well, you kill them." Wen Yanxi said angrily.

She didn't believe that Jiang Chen would go to great lengths to kill in order to protect her reputation, because it was Jiang Chen who was ruining her reputation.

Wen Yanxi thought that Jiang Chen was just talking and trying to deceive her, but how could she, Wen Yanxi, be so easy to deceive.

Instead, we have to see if Jiang Chen will really kill people to silence him.

"Have you heard, I'm going to kill you guys, hurry up, prepare to die for me." Jiang Chen said carelessly, and walked towards those people with strides.

Those few people stared at Jiang Chen, resentful and aggrieved.

He thought he had never offended Jiang Chen, and this was the first time he had dealt with them, but Jiang Chen wanted to please Wen Yanxi, and he did not hesitate to kill them to silence them. This situation was absolutely unbearable.

"Jiang Chen, we have no grievances or enmities. You are deceiving people too much by going through the scriptures like this." Someone said gloomyly, with fire in his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, stay on the line in life, so that we can meet later, we have already promised to keep our mouths shut, so don't bully others." Someone said again, their eyes flickering, they were both shocked and angry.

"Jiang Chen, it's true that you are strong, but we are definitely not lambs to be slaughtered. You'd better think clearly about what the consequences will be." Someone was roaring, hysterical.

"So, having said so much, are you all ready?" Jiang Chen said lazily.


The few people were speechless. Jiang Chen was indifferent when they made such a statement. Did he not pay attention to them at all, treating them like ants, thinking that they could be suppressed and killed at will?
"Jiang Chen, are you really going to kill them?"

Wen Yanxi opened his mouth to speak, but he also had to speak. It could be heard that Jiang Chen was determined and unshakable, and there was a tendency not to kill these people, and vowed not to give up.

"I, Jiang Chen, have never joked." Jiang Chen said.

"never mind."

Wen Yanxi just said, feeling discouraged for a while.

She said those words out of anger, and she didn't really want to kill people to silence her. Who would have expected that Jiang Chen would take it seriously.

The occurrence of this kind of situation was unexpected, but Wen Yanxi was at a loss as to what to do, and it was difficult to resist.

It was clear that Jiang Chen didn't have any sincerity in molesting her, but he wanted to do this kind of thing again, which made Wen Yanxi look at Jiang Chen extremely strangely.

She found that it seemed that the more familiar she was with Jiang Chen, the more she couldn't understand Jiang Chen.

"How can you forget it? It's about Miss Wen's reputation." Jiang Chen said seriously, refusing to let go.

Wen Yanxi just ignored Jiang Chen lazily, and said to those few people: "Let's go."

Those people were greatly relieved when they heard what Wen Yanxi said, and they turned around and left without saying a word.

"Don't anyone think about leaving, stop for me, and fight for [-] rounds." Jiang Chen couldn't stop, and shouted.

On this day, a piece of news spread through word of mouth, and then, spread within the Garden of Everything at an extremely fast speed.Jiang Chen was very successful and became famous again.

"Jiang Chen came together with a woman again, isn't it unclear between him and that night Luosha?"

Some people say, feel puzzled, and then envy.

"Jiang Chen, did he abandon Ye Luosha? How unlucky he is, Ye Luosha will fall in love with him, he was really blind at the beginning."

Some people also said that they were fighting for Ye Luosha, thinking that Jiang Chen was too flirtatious and irresponsible.

"Ye Luosha has a strong temperament, being treated like this by Jiang Chen, there must be a good show to watch."

Of course, more people are extremely gloating about this, happy to see its success, and looking forward to it. In this garden of all things, Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha will meet. Such a scene will definitely happen, it is extremely exciting, and it cannot be tolerated. miss.

"Jiang Chen, you deserve to die!"

Such news, inevitably, reached Ye Raksha's ears.

Ever since she was in the Qunying Building for a while, no matter where she appeared, she was pointed at by others, and without exception, she was bound together with Jiang Chen.

This is purely an innocent disaster, it was originally to make Ye Luosha hate Jiang Chen very much, so he wished that he could tear Jiang Chen's corpse into thousands of pieces.

Now that Jiang Chen and other women came together, Ye Luosha admitted that he had absolutely nothing to do with her, but it also made countless people imagine that she was abandoned by Jiang Chen and suffered emotional injuries.

"Where is Jiang Chen?"

Ye Luosha made a sound, looking for Jiang Chen's whereabouts.

She knew that in this way, she would feel the fact that she was hurt more and more, but she couldn't control that much anymore. She wanted to find Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time, and then, at any cost, suppress and kill Jiang Chen. That's the only way to prove your innocence.

"Ye Raksha is angry, worthy of the name of Raksha, Jiang Chen is in trouble."

The fact that Ye Luosha was looking for Jiang Chen spread quickly, and it spread in the Garden of All Things. Those who were waiting to watch the fun became even more excited collectively, and helped Ye Luosha to find out Jiang Chen's whereabouts.

"Little man, you're playing tricks again, playboy."

Shang Heng lowered his brows and smiled with a unique style. There was a flower in the palm of her right hand, which was a peach blossom.

The flowers are blooming beautifully, just like her charming face, Shang Heng smiled sweetly when he said this.

"Chong Guan became a beauty? Little man, I don't know if my sister and I have this honor?"


Gossip, no matter what kind of environment it is, is deliberately easy to attract attention. Those who watch the excitement are always afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they are not afraid of big troubles. No, Jiang Chen and Wen Yanxi have also heard such rumors .

"Miss Wen, I have to declare that I and Raksha beauty are innocent." Jiang Chen said in a sworn tone, trying to convince Wen Yanxi of the truth of his words.

"Jiang Chen, did you do it on purpose?" Wen Yanxi asked.

"What intentional?" Jiang Chen was very confused.

"You deliberately proposed to kill people, knowing that I would never let you do such a thing, and then, as a matter of course, angered those people, and they spared no effort to vent the anger between you and me. The matter has spread." Wen Yanxi said, very weakly.

This is a conclusion she came to after repeated analysis.

It seemed like a trivial matter, destined not to be noticed by too many people, but in the end, it turned upside down, and everyone knew that in this way, even if she tried her best to disregard that it had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, it would still be a jump. If you enter the Yellow River, you will not be able to wash it clean, and no one will believe it.

"Miss Wen, I can only say that your associative ability is very rich, which amazes me." Jiang Chen said.

"Could it be that you want to tell me that the truth of the matter is not as I thought?" Frowning, Wen Yanxi asked.

"Of course not. How can I, Jiang Chen, be such a superficial man, Miss Wen, after all, you have underestimated me, Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"How to prove it?" Wen Yanxi pressed.

Being calculated and fooled by Jiang Chen again and again made Wen Yanxi feel like an idiot and a fool, and would never believe Jiang Chen's words easily again.

On this issue, unless Jiang Chen could prove his own innocence, he didn't intend to use those people to deliberately confuse the public and publicize the relationship between the two of them.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Chen was innocent, she would definitely have to blame Jiang Chen for this sum.

"It's really too simple to prove this problem." Jiang Chen smiled, and casually pointed in a direction...

(End of this chapter)

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