genius evil

Chapter 1414 Too many people are jealous of me

Chapter 1414 Too many people are jealous of me
Wen Yanxi didn't know, so she looked in the direction Jiang Chen pointed at, and then, she saw two figures walking out there quickly.

"Brother Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang!"

Those two people arrived in a blink of an eye, opened their mouths one after another, and greeted Jiang Chen with smiles on their faces. It was Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan.

"Brother Jiang, you are indeed the smartest person in the world that Fang Qingxuan has seen in his life." Fang Qingxuan sighed.

The transmission of the portal is arbitrary and disorderly. After entering that gate, they are separated. In this garden of all things, if you want to find someone, it is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, just as Fang Qingxuan and Ji Mobai were running around like headless chickens, they both heard about Jiang Chen's news, and then, they followed the clues and quickly searched for them.

"Miss Wen, do you understand now? I have proved myself?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Are you looking for someone?" Wen Yanxi said suddenly after glancing at Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan.

When the voice fell, she was suddenly extremely embarrassed.

"Am I being self-indulgent?" Wen Yanxi murmured.

She wholeheartedly thought that Jiang Chen was using this to publicize his relationship with her, and when the time came, she would no longer be able to tell the truth from the crowd.

In the end, it turned out that such a situation was beyond Wen Yanxi's expectations, and she was so ashamed that she wished she could just dig a hole and get in.

"To be precise, let them come to me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

This is actually a stupid way, it kind of means to wait and see, to make a big news, to become the focus person, and naturally, every move will be watched all the time.

In this way, he has nowhere to hide, so it is very easy for him to be found.

This is exactly why Fang Qingxuan admires Jiang Chen so much.

Firstly, Jiang Chen's method is too peculiar. How can ordinary people think of such a method?
Secondly, this method can only be used by Jiang Chen. If it is someone else, the effect will undoubtedly become negligible, greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to attract attention.

Of course, this approach also has an inevitable disadvantage, that is, it is very easy for enemies to come to your door.

"Just the two of you?"

Saying that, Jiang Chen released his spiritual consciousness and swept around. Nothing in the surrounding movement could escape his perception, but, except for Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, no one else came.

For example, shepherd Sirius, and for example, there is a lack of monks.

At the beginning, in Qunying Building, Jiang Chen took great risks to win these two guys over with great difficulty. At the critical moment, he actually sent pigeons and never came to see him. This made Jiang Chen a little annoyed.

"Too disrespectful." Jiang Chen was quite upset.

However, compared to Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que, what Jiang Chen most wanted to see was Shang Heng.

"Miss Sister, you are really generous, are you not jealous at all?" Jiang Chen said quietly, feeling a sense of loss, very dissatisfied with the final result, not even half of his expected value.

"Jiang Chen, are you looking for us?"

However, following Jiang Chen's voice, not long after falling, he saw six figures appearing. They were staring at Jiang Chen, with murderous intent surging deep in their eyes.

"Hey, who are you, do I know you?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Jiang Chen, why pretend to be crazy, I am a disciple of Senluo Martial Academy, you can not just tease me if you want to." One person said darkly.

"It turns out that you are from the Senluo Martial Academy, no wonder you look familiar, but why are there only six left? If I remember correctly, there should be seven." Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

Cui Ning, Zhang Yu, and Yan Di died at his hands, leaving only seven geniuses in Senluo Martial Academy. Although there is no evidence for this matter, Senluo Martial Academy But it was still on his head.

Of course, from Jiang Chen's point of view, this account was the right one.After all, he was indeed a murderer.

But of the remaining seven people, only six people appeared, which inevitably made Jiang Chen ask more questions.

"Jiang Chen, are you telling us that you are telling us that you have killed another disciple of our Senluo Martial Academy?" the man asked incomparably viciously.

"There are actually dead people. I can only say that your Senluo Martial Arts Institute has a bad year. Could it be that you forgot to read the almanac when you went out?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

After entering the Garden of All Things, he met many people and killed several people, among them was Liu Ruoyu, a disciple of Senluo Martial Arts Academy who had never seen him before.

Although Jiang Chen would kill him without hesitation once he saw it, but unfortunately, Jiang Chen really didn't kill him.

"Jiang Chen, are you planning to quibble?" The ferocious expression on the man's face seemed to wish he could tear Jiang Chen into pieces.

"You think highly of yourself, why should I, Jiang Chen, argue in front of you." Jiang Chen shook his head, suddenly, his eyes became extremely sharp, and he said coldly, "Hurry up before I get angry. Get out, or they will all be killed!"

"Suppress and kill everything? Jiang Chen, your tone is getting louder and louder." Just then, another person appeared, and it was the person from the Kamikaze Martial Academy.

The person who walked in the front was Meng Xinghai. He led the people from the Kamikaze Martial Academy and came after hearing the news.

As soon as he appeared, Meng Xinghai couldn't help feeling disgusted when he heard Jiang Chen's unbridled clamor. He couldn't help but speak out.

"Is there such a thing? If I remember correctly, my tone should be this big all the time." Looking at Meng Xinghai, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Sure enough, this approach has advantages and disadvantages.

But judging from the current situation, it is undoubtedly that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, and all of his deadly enemies are attracted to come.

"The tone has always been so loud?" Meng Xinghai smiled coldly, he looked at Jiang Chen, clearly looking at a dead person, and said lightly, "Maybe, but, this will never happen again, you today, There is no doubt about death."

"Yes, there is no doubt that he will die." The man from Senluo Martial Arts Institute immediately opened his mouth, and said in response, they were very much in the same hatred.

"Brother Jiang, what should we do?" Frowning, Ji Mobai asked.

The strong men from the two major martial arts schools came oppressively. Judging from this posture, they vowed not to give up without killing Jiang Chen, which made Ji Mobai feel worried.

"It doesn't matter, just kill them all. It's just a few little grasshoppers. They dare to jump in front of me, Jiang Chen. This is looking for death. Could it be that I naively thought that I, Jiang Chen, was a vegetarian?" Jiang Chen was very upset. Said thoughtfully.

"Jiang Chen, it doesn't matter whether you are a vegetarian or not, but if you kill my disciple of Lingyun Martial Academy, you are killing yourself."

However, before the people from Senluo Martial Academy and Shenfeng Martial Academy could respond, there was another voice, it was the genius of Lingyun Martial Academy.

"Lingyun Martial Academy is also dead, why are you so careless?" Jiang Chen said, beating his chest.

"Jiang Chen, do you dare to deny it?" One person scolded coldly.

"I'm really sorry, what a pity, it must have been a miserable death." Jiang Chen said.


The nine members of Lingyun Martial Academy were all furious.

"Jiang Chen, how many people have you offended?"

The people from the Three Great Martial Arts Institutes came aggressively. Seeing such a scene, Wen Yanxi's expression was as weird as possible.

Regarding Jiang Chen's ability to cause trouble, Wen Yanxi has personally experienced it, but he never expected that Jiang Chen would offend the three major martial arts schools in one go. Is this going against the sky?
The internal exchanges between the major martial arts schools and what happened have not been publicized, so the grievances and grievances of all parties are not clear to the outside world.

At this time, the three major martial arts institutes launched an attack together, which made some onlookers feel astonished and confused. They didn't know whether to say that Jiang Chen was looking for death, or that Jiang Chen was too courageous.

"Miss Wen, it's obvious that it's not what you think, but that there are too many people who are jealous of me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jealous of you?" Wen Yanxi was confused, what does this have to do with being jealous of Jiang Chen.

"That's right, it's because I'm jealous of me. However, there's nothing I can do about it. Since the heavens have endowed me with a peerless beauty, I will naturally suffer the world's unreasonable slander. I'm used to it, and I'm used to it." Jiang Chen looked helpless. appearance.

The corners of Wen Yanxi's mouth twitched. At this time, Jiang Chen still had the desire to show off himself. Is it necessary to be so smug?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen said the matter seriously, as if it really happened, Wen Yanxi was so speechless that he couldn't understand why Jiang Chen was so confident.

And, could it be that Jiang Chen has no sense of awe at all?
In Wen Yanxi's opinion, even if Jiang Chen was a powerhouse in the realm of mortal transformation, the geniuses of the three major martial arts academy would be in trouble.

In fact, Jiang Chen was not at the Mortal Transformation Realm. Even if he was in the same realm, he could push and crush one person, but no matter what, it was impossible to push them all!

"You all go away, I need a person to be quiet, grow up like this, I don't want it, I can only say, it's not my fault, if you blame me, you will go to heaven, why do you love me so much?" Jiang Chen was depressed. Said, waved his hand, chasing people away.

"Jiang Chen, have you finished talking nonsense?"

The people from the three major martial arts academy all had livid faces, each of them was breathing heavily, showing a tendency to be unbearable.

They thought that Jiang Chen was clearly fooling them as if they were fools by saying such a thing, and he wanted to drive them away so naively, did he really think they were fools?
"I really want to be quiet." Jiang Chen said very sincerely, and further said that he didn't want to kill people for the time being, otherwise, he would have taken action long ago and suppressed them all.

This naturally angered the people of the three major martial arts schools even more. How could Jiang Chen tolerate so many people being ignored by Jiang Chen?
"Jiang Chen, you deserve to die!"

Just when the geniuses and powerhouses of the three major martial arts schools were ready to move, a voice suddenly came through the air, piercing the eardrums, with murderous intent.

Accompanied by the voice, a figure in white gauze rolled the air and appeared with a howl.

That was a woman, she was famous, especially because of Jiang Chen, she was even more famous, almost everyone knew it, everyone knew it...

(End of this chapter)

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