genius evil

Chapter 1415 I only want your life

Chapter 1415 I only want your life
That was Ye Luosha. She inquired about it in many ways, went around several times, and finally appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

During this journey, Ye Luosha has listened to all kinds of gossip and gossip. In her heart, she already has a bad breath, that kind of bad breath, after accumulating several times, it has already arrived and is on the verge of breaking out. edge.

"Beauty Luosha, hello, I'm finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and greeted Ye Luosha with a cheerful face.

Little did they know, Ye Luosha looked at Jiang Chen, as if he was looking at a dead person.

With a cold snort, facing Jiang Chen's words, Ye Luosha was not unmoved, but saw that a magic weapon was sacrificed by Ye Luosha.

It was a long black arrow, and as soon as it was thrown out, under the flow of black light, a strong death energy was released, which was shocking and moving.

Ye Luosha obviously didn't intend to make Jiang Chen feel better, and Jiang Chen's greeting was actually a kind of teasing in Ye Luosha's view.

Therefore, all the evil spirits accumulated in my heart exploded at this very moment!

"call out!"

That long black arrow flew out from the palm of Ye Luosha, turned into a black light, and pulled out a series of terrifying phantoms, piercing the void.

"Raksha beauty, are you greeting me? The way is really special." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

In fact, this long black arrow is supernatural and should not be underestimated, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will suffer a big loss.

This is the most yin thing, which is refined by a mysterious method. It is obvious that there are many in Ye Luosha's body, because last time, he clearly used the pure yang cauldron and shattered one.

The long black arrow goes to yin, while the pure yang tripod goes to yang.

And between the two, there is a natural mutual generation and mutual restraint.

In other words, in terms of the respective attributes of the Black Long Arrow and the Chunyang Ding, they are incomparable, but the Chunyang Ding is obviously more advanced, far beyond what the Black Long Arrow can match.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was very successful, and sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron, smashing it over.

"call out!"

However, when Jiang Chen moved, Ye Luosha also moved over there, and another long black arrow was sacrificed by her, tearing the void, and there was a tendency not to kill Jiang Chen, and vowed not to give up.

"Raksha beauty, what are you going to do? Murder your own husband? But even so, is it necessary to do it so clearly?" Jiang Chen sighed, almost wanting to beat his chest.

He urged the Chunyang Cauldron to strike, and now, he is more and more familiar with the manipulation of the Chunyang Cauldron, like commanding with an arm.


A long black arrow was cracked by the shock, and then there was another sound. The second long black arrow also failed to avoid the fate of being suppressed by Jiang Chen.


The black light appeared, and the light was long, but after Jiang Chen shattered the two long black arrows, Ye Luosha made another move, which made everyone, including Jiang Chen, stunned when they looked at it. .

"Raksha beauty, you really like to joke." Jiang Chen said with a smile, a little embarrassed.

It can be clearly seen that in the hands of Ye Luosha, there are more than a dozen black long arrows, which are scattered with faint lights. That thing is a strange thing, but to Ye Luosha, it seems to be worthless, just grab it casually. Grabbed a handful.


The crowd around the audience was a little messy.

The gossip scandal between Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha was spread all over the sky, and it was much more sensational than the scandal between Jiang Chen and Wen Yanxi.

This is because, in comparison, Ye Luosha has been famous for a long time and is extremely strong, while Wen Yanxi, in terms of fame, is much, much inferior to Ye Luosha.

It can be said that Wen Yanxi's fame is limited to a small area, but Ye Luocha is different.

Not everyone has the courage to flirt with Ye Luosha. Jiang Chen is undoubtedly the special case. His wanton ridicule and frivolous words have opened the eyes of those who have been to Qunying Tower and amazed them.

Gossip and gossip have always been talked about by people. This is almost a human nature. As long as there is something exciting to watch, it must be watched.

After Jiang Chen entered the Garden of All Things, he didn't stop for a moment. In a short period of time, there was an affair with Wen Yanxi. In such a situation, some people's reaction to Ye Luosha in private was extremely happy to see the result.

There are even a lot of good people who follow Ye Luosha all the way, just to see for themselves how Ye Luosha will handle this matter.

The result was undeniably wonderful and did not disappoint them. Looking at it at this moment, it can be described as amazing. I thought that Ye Luosha was worthy of the name of Rakshasa. Even Jiang Chen was going to kill him if he killed him. That's one point There is no mercy.

You know, Jiang Chen is the ambiguous object of Ye Luosha, and he always strikes cruelly without hesitation. What if it were someone else?

As everyone knows, it is precisely because Jiang Chen is his own ambiguous object that Ye Luosha will not care about the cost. If it is other people, it will definitely not be like this.

The long black arrows are made of a special material, and each one is extremely precious. If it is not forced to the point of last resort, it is impossible for Ye Luosha to waste it like this.

As for the people from the three major martial arts schools, watching such a scene, they are all happy to see the results. They are certainly interested in the ambiguous relationship between Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha, but they are killing each other right under their noses. , very happy.

"Jiang Chen, do you think I'm joking?" Ye Luosha said coldly, and he was about to activate, presenting all the dozens of long black arrows to Jiang Chen.

"Aren't you kidding? Oh, I understand, you are jealous." After patting his forehead, Jiang Chen said belatedly.

"To shut up!"

Ye Luosha didn't even want to listen to half of Jiang Chen's nonsense. This guy's mouth is so powerful that the living can talk about life and death, and the dead can be told life and death.

I have experienced it personally, and it is in this respect that I have suffered a lot.Ye Luosha doesn't want to learn again, it will drive her crazy.

"Raksha beauty, actually, it's not what you think, you listen to my explanation." Jiang Chen became anxious immediately, and said in a hurry.

Ye Luosha had black lines all over his head, and he looked at Jiang Chen like he was insane. No matter what Jiang Chen said, he really thought that he was jealous.

Heck, she'll be jealous!

"Miss Wen and I are very innocent, even whiter than that tofu... Beauty Luosha, you must believe me. There are too many rumors and rumors in the outside world, but none of them are true. The truth often lies in the truth." In the hands of a few people." Jiang Chen explained again.

"I tell you to shut up!" Ye Luosha said angrily.

Her reputation in this life was ruined by Jiang Chen's mouth. If Jiang Chen was allowed to continue speaking, even if Jiang Chen was killed, it would be difficult to prove her innocence!
"Beauty Rakshasa, do you not believe my words or what is the matter, or how about I swear?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

On Jiang Chen's side, he focused on explaining, while on Ye Luosha's side, he was aggressive and didn't want to listen.

The surrounding audience watched the excitement with relish, and they were all eye-opening.

It turns out that a strong man like Ye Luosha will become unreasonable when in love, no different from ordinary women.

Of course, there is still a considerable difference.

When ordinary women encounter this kind of situation, they will only complain about themselves and wash their faces with tears, but Ye Luosha is different, she is going to kill Jiang Chen, the man she can't get, other women, It is also unimaginable!
Such a temperament, it can be said that it is not staunch.

Especially some warriors, who used to regard Ye Luosha as the goddess in their hearts, suddenly saw such a side of Ye Luosha, inexplicably, their hearts became a little uncomfortable.

Because, the goddess in my heart has a tendency to become a shrew!

No one stepped forward to help. It is difficult for outsiders to intervene in this kind of men and women's affairs.

"Swearing is useless to me, I only want your life!" Ye Luosha remained unmoved, and let Jiang Chen's hype fall into the sky, which was of no avail.

She came here and there just to kill Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen apologized honestly, it would be better to say that he was still talking nonsense, which made Ye Luosha even more murderous and angry!

"Is that the rumored love and killing? But why is it so different from the rumored situation?" Jiang Chen said confusedly.

"Fall in love and kill each other?"

Hearing the sound, Ye Luosha gritted his teeth, and those teeth were almost crushed.

She felt that Jiang Chen was too shameless to even say such words, he was too narcissistic, wasn't he?Do you really think that he is invincible in his own charm, and that he is a woman, so he is going to bow down wholeheartedly?
Maybe other women are like this, but Ye Luosha doesn't.

She is immune to Jiang Chen's various tricks and rhetoric, not to mention hype, even if her tongue produces lotus flowers, her heart to kill Jiang Chen will not be shaken!
"Ye Luosha, Jiang Chen and I really have nothing to do with each other." At this time, Wen Yanxi stood up and said, her expression was cold, and her words were even colder.

For some reason, when Jiang Chen said that the relationship with her was innocent, at that moment, it seemed that his weakness had been stabbed, and he felt inexplicably sad.


Wen Yanxi felt bitter in her heart. If she was innocent, how would Jiang Chen explain what he did to her?
Or did Jiang Chen want to kick her away in order to please Ye Luosha?

"I, Wen Yanxi, don't tell me, in Jiang Chen's heart, is this my weight?" Wen Yanxi sighed softly.

She didn't think that she was inferior to Ye Luosha, this was Jiang Chen's choice, and she had no right to interfere.

"That's okay, originally it was the same, it doesn't matter." Wen Yanxi said in his heart again, when this thought emerged from the depths of his mind, Wen Yanxi just chose and stood up.

Xu did not expect that Wen Yanxi would stand up and speak. Ye Luosha glanced at Wen Yanxi, and she said, "I won't pay attention to the matter between you and Jiang Chen."

"This matter was caused by me after all." Wen Yanxi said.

She thought, if it wasn't for the scandal with Jiang Chen, how could Ye Luosha's reaction be so fierce, and Jiang Chen must be killed?
"It has nothing to do with you." Ye Luosha could only say.

"Ye Luosha, you don't believe me, do you?" Wen Yanxi asked.


(End of this chapter)

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