genius evil

Chapter 1416 What To Do If You Are Too Popular

Chapter 1416 What To Do If You Are Too Popular

From Ye Luosha's standpoint, it doesn't really matter whether you believe Wen Yanxi's words or not.

When it comes to innocence, the relationship between her and Jiang Chen is truly innocent. All misunderstandings were caused by Jiang Chen's nonsense, and they were purely fabricated.

Hearing what Wen Yanxi said, Ye Luosha would not know that Wen Yanxi misunderstood the relationship between her and Jiang Chen.

As a woman, she could still hear that when Wen Yanxi said these words, there was a hint of resentment in his words.

From this, it is not difficult to know that Wen Yanxi not only misunderstood the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, that kind of misunderstanding is also very deep.

"Jiang Chen, it's all good deeds you did!" Suddenly, Ye Luosha said bitterly.

She had always been reticent, she spoke very little, and she was very calm, but she had a tendency to be forced into a shrew by Jiang Chen.

Ye Luosha was very straightforward, and pushed all the responsibilities onto Jiang Chen. She didn't want to talk too much with Wen Yanxi.

Anyway, no matter how much she said, it would not shake her mind.

"I am innocent." Jiang Chen said.

"It was a misunderstanding." Wen Yanxi said.

In fact, Wen Yanxi felt that she was the most innocent one. She was involved in the emotional dispute between Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha for no reason.

This feeling is too embarrassing, but it is hard to express.

"I don't need to care if it's a misunderstanding." Ye Luosha said seriously.

She could feel that Wen Yanxi was not hostile, so he was still being polite. Then, Ye Luosha said, "No matter what you say, I will definitely kill Jiang Chen."

"Since you know it's a misunderstanding, why do you still do it?" Wen Yanxi asked with eyebrows frowned.

It wasn't that he cared about Jiang Chen's life or death, but that Wen Yanxi felt that Ye Luosha was suspected of being indifferent.

Her existence caused a dispute between Ye Luosha and Jiang Chen, at least this time, it must be resolved peacefully.

There will be another time, or if Jiang Chen provokes other women again, she will not care.

Wen Yanxi had something in his mind, but Ye Luosha had a different understanding of what he said.

"Damn bastard!" Ye Luosha cursed in his heart.

Ye Luosha thought that Wen Yanxi was protecting Jiang Chen, and further, regarded Wen Yanxi's protection of Jiang Chen as a manifestation of his deep affection.

While Wen Yanxi was so devoted to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen teased her again and again, which made Ye Luosha feel that Jiang Chen was too irresponsible.

At the same time, Ye Luosha hated Wen Yanxi, thinking that Wen Yanxi was blind, so he fell in love with Jiang Chen, and couldn't see at all what was so good about Jiang Chen that it was worth Wen Yanxi's sacrifice.

This is clearly a flower stuck on the cow dung, and that cow dung is still self-righteous and complacent!

But Ye Luosha didn't know that Wen Yanxi's thoughts were roughly the same as hers.

The two sides each believed that the other had a deep affection for Jiang Chen, but the methods they adopted were different. One was gentle, the other was fierce, forming extremes and contrasting sharply.

"I want to kill him, it has nothing to do with you." Ye Luosha said.

"You need to calm down." Wen Yanxi advised.

"I'm calm." Ye Luosha responded.

Unlike when she first appeared, she was extremely restless. At this time, Ye Luosha has completely calmed down. It is precisely because of her extremely calm that she is more clear about her goal.

Wen Yanxi smiled wryly, and said: "There are too many people here, after all, it's hard to say too much. I hope you can understand that in life, there will always be various misunderstandings."

Ye Luosha was very annoyed, why did Wen Yanxi not believe what she said?
Did some of her actions cause Wen Yanxi's misunderstanding?Or is it that some of her performances make people extremely sure that there is no clear relationship between her and Jiang Chen?

"It really has nothing to do with you." Ye Luosha said seriously, trying to make Wen Yanxi believe her words.

"No need to fight." Wen Yanxi said.

Thus, Ye Luosha remained silent, unable to explain why.

"Is this sympathy? To coexist peacefully?"

Someone saw the clue and couldn't help but say.

"Why is this so, is this battle still going on?"

Some people also said that they were very disappointed and were waiting for Ye Luosha to fight. Who knew that such a situation would happen.

"That woman's name is Wen Yanxi. She is not inferior to Ye Luosha in strength. She is full of pride, and Ye Luosha is even more staunch. She actually compromised with each other. Is Jiang Chen's charm so great?"

Some people were amazed that from the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen did not play any role in resolving the dispute. On the contrary, Wen Yanxi succeeded in dissuading Ye Luosha.

That is very big house demeanor, which makes people envy and jealous at the same time.

After all, no matter Wen Yanxi or Ye Luosha, ordinary monks dare not even think about it, but Jiang Chen is successful and enjoys the blessing of being equal to others, how can this not make people envious and envious.

"Brother Ji, I have a question. I am very confused. I have thought about it for a long time, but I still can't figure it out. Please give me an answer." Jiang Chen said at this time.

"What's the problem?" Ji Mobai said.

"Brother Ji, you said, this is too popular, what should we do?" Jiang Chen just asked.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ji Mobai inexplicably found that Jiang Chen was short of twitching, yes, he was short of twitching.

"you shut up!"

Over there, Ye Raksha's voice came, and the matter here is not over yet.

"Raksha beauty, you are just too restless." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said, "We must learn a lot from Miss Wen, how to be a gentle and virtuous woman."

Ye Luosha has black lines all over her head, why, she wants to learn to be a gentle and virtuous woman?

Whether it is gentle or virtuous, such words have always been insulated from him!
Jiang Chen wants her to learn to be gentle and virtuous. Is this implying that he wants to bully her for the rest of her life?Don't even think about it.

"Jiang Chen, do you think that I give up killing you?" Ye Luosha scolded.

"Hitting is love and scolding is love." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Sooner or later, I will make you pay in blood." Ye Luosha said sharply.

Ye Luosha didn't want to procrastinate, the longer she procrastinated, the more passive she became, but for some reason, she lost that momentum, even though she knew she was going to kill Jiang Chen, she couldn't make up her mind for a while .

Ye Luosha blamed Wen Yanxi for the reason, thinking that it was because of Wen Yanxi that he failed to kill him immediately.

But it was also like this, with the current situation, it became very difficult for her to make another move.

This made Ye Luosha very depressed. She felt that she had wasted an opportunity and should have used the ultimate method from the beginning.

"A ridiculous farce." At this moment, a voice sounded, it was Meng Xinghai speaking.

With his hands behind his back, Meng Xinghai said leisurely, "Jiang Chen, do you think you can avoid death by doing this? It's too naive, it's just a joke."

"I don't understand what you are talking about," Jiang Chen said.

Pointing at Ye Luosha with a finger, Meng Xinghai said: "The appearance of this woman is just to help you confuse the public. Do you think I won't be able to understand?"

Before Jiang Chen could respond, Meng Xinghai sneered again. He sneered again and again and said, "You think you've put on a good show, but you don't know that it's a shame. The number one in the Seven Star Martial Academy is you. Is it a thing? It really is, and I am very disappointed."

"Raksha beauty, are we acting?" Jiang Chen blinked as if he still didn't understand the meaning of Meng Xinghai's words, and said in confusion.

This is naturally not acting, at least, Ye Luosha definitely does not think that he is acting.

Ye Luosha didn't quite understand why Meng Xinghai thought she was cooperating with Jiang Chen in acting, but on the other hand, even if it was really acting, what qualifications did Meng Xinghai have to point fingers in front of her.

"Apologize!" Ye Luosha said coldly, these words were addressed to Meng Xinghai.

"What did you say?" Meng Xinghai said, frowning tightly.

"Apologize, or die." Ye Luosha said coldly.

The reason why she appeared was to protect her own reputation. No matter what the reason was, Meng Xinghai believed that she was cooperating with Jiang Chen in acting.

This kind of situation, in Ye Luosha's understanding, is further damaging her reputation.

In order to maintain her own reputation, she even wanted to kill Jiang Chen. If Meng Xinghai didn't apologize, then don't blame her for being rude.

"Kill me?" Meng Xinghai laughed loudly, and he said in a deep voice, "Ye Luosha, you and Jiang Chen are in collusion. As we all know, you can do anything. Could it be that I can't say it?"

"To shut up!"

Ye Raksha broke out. Meng Xinghai's words, every word and every word, were all heart-punishing, which made her unbearable. The long black arrow in her hand, which was originally used to kill Jiang Chen, burst out with bright black light, releasing a strong dead air. , turned into black lights, and shot towards Meng Xinghai at extreme speed.

"Damn it!" Meng Xinghai cursed secretly.

It has to be said that Ye Luosha's temper is too hot, and he will do it when he says he will do it, without ambiguity.

What upset Meng Xinghai the most was that this method was used on Jiang Chen, but now it was used on him instead. Doesn't it mean that he suffered for Jiang Chen?
"Is this being wronged by Jiang Chen and using me, Meng Xinghai, as a punching bag?" A very sudden thought popped up from the depths of Meng Xinghai's mind.

When this idea popped up, Meng Xinghai roared uncontrollably, his face was livid, and with his hands moving, he raised his hand to grab the flying black long arrow.

"Star Picker?"

Among the crowd, who knows who, exclaimed.

Meng Xinghai moved his hands in illusion, bits and pieces of light shone like stars in the sky.

The light was so dazzling that Meng Xinghai's hands were blurred when looking at it, almost showing a transparent shape.

Of course, this is the appearance of the star picker. There is a saying that if such a star picker has been cultivated to the extreme, even the stars in the sky can be picked up with one's hand.

Meng Xinghai flicked his hands and turned them into illusions, and he grasped the long black arrows in his palms in a dreamlike way.

"Ye Luosha, is that all you have? How dare you kill me?" Meng Xinghai sneered, looking at Ye Luosha, as if he was looking at a dead person...

(End of this chapter)

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