genius evil

Chapter 1417 Peerless Good Man

Chapter 1417 Peerless Good Man


One after another, the long black arrows exploded in Meng Xinghai's hands, and were forcibly broken by him, shattering into powder.

Opening his big hand, Meng Xinghai sprinkled the powder on the ground. He looked at Ye Luosha and said in a cold voice, "Ye Luosha, you are well-known outside the world, but you are not qualified to shout in front of me, Meng Xinghai. You are too far behind. .”

"Really?" Ye Luosha sneered.

"If you dare to do anything again, just crush and kill him!" Meng Xinghai said, extremely domineering.

"You're going to die today." Ye Luosha said coldly.

"You are courting death!" Meng Xinghai was furious.

His target was Jiang Chen, and he didn't want to waste time on Ye Luosha, but if Ye Luosha was obsessed with his obsession, he didn't mind at all and killed Ye Luosha first.

Until then, it will not be too late to kill Jiang Chen!
"Brother Meng, I suddenly realized that your hands are so beautiful, I am so envious." Suddenly, Jiang Chen spoke.

Meng Xinghai was taken aback, not understanding why Jiang Chen noticed his hands and said such a thing.

After hearing the words, he subconsciously looked down, and then his face changed dramatically.

It can be seen that a layer of black air is clearly lingering on those two hands, and the black air spreads at an extremely fast speed, drilling above the wrists.

"Death?" Meng Xinghai growled sharply.

On the long black arrow, death energy entangled, and after touching his hands, it was like the tarsal maggot, causing Meng Xinghai's hands to change color.

This was death energy, extremely yin to cold, and it happened to be restrained by Jiang Chen's Pure Yang Cauldron. Therefore, Ye Luosha could only suffer a crushing defeat in front of Jiang Chen.

But Meng Xinghai was obviously not so lucky. He used the Star Picking Hand to forcibly break Ye Luocha's attack. Although it was very powerful, it also left hidden dangers.


Meng Xinghai cursed loudly. He activated the breath in his body, trying to erase the dead air, but he couldn't do it at all. The dead air was extremely dark, but it was also extremely poisonous. Once it was contaminated, unless some special means were used, otherwise, even If you don't die, it will be half useless.

"Kill you!"

Meng Xinghai was also aware of this, he went berserk, originally thought that Ye Luosha was insignificant, but he was being calculated, and it is very possible that the road has been cut off since then.

At this time, Meng Xinghai was extremely violent, and the wind and thunder were swirling, and he rushed to kill Ye Luosha.

Ye Luosha is fearless, and her fierce reputation is all due to killing. It is the accumulation of one life after another that she has her current fame.

Although Meng Xinghai is very strong, how can she be a weak person? To try to suppress her is just a dream.

As soon as the figure moved, Ye Luosha was about to strike, but someone was faster than her and stopped in front of her, blocking Meng Xinghai's attack.

That was Jiang Chen, with a pure yang cauldron on his head, majestic and majestic.

"Raksha beauty, let me come." Jiang Chen said.

"No need." Ye Luosha directly refused, this is her business and has nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

"You must let me come. As a peerless good man, I will not allow my beloved woman to suffer even the slightest injury." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


Some people couldn't help laughing, what is this, a public show of affection?
However, is it really appropriate to show affection at this time?

"Shut up and get out of here." Ye Luosha said impatiently.

The reason why she attacked Meng Xinghai was precisely because of Jiang Chen. To a certain extent, this was also a self-proving of her innocence.

With Jiang Chen intervening at this time, the relationship between the two parties will only become entangled and even more misleading.

"Raksha beauty, don't be brave, this is a man's business, it's about a man's dignity." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Then, Jiang Chen said to Meng Xinghai again: "What's wrong with me, what kind of skill is bullying women?"

"Jiang Chen, I will do what you wish." Meng Xinghai said in a hateful voice, and then launched another attack, but this time, the target became Jiang Chen.

"It's just in time, look at me, you are looking for teeth all over the place." Jiang Chen shouted excitedly, before Meng Xinghai came close, he took the initiative to attack.


A while later, Meng Xinghai was hit by the Chunyang Cauldron thrown by Jiang Chen, and quickly retreated.

"Raksha beauty, have you seen it? This is called the unity of husband and wife, and its power cuts through gold." Jiang Chen shouted.


Meng Xinghai roared angrily, he felt that he had become a tool used by Jiang Chen to show off his love to Ye Luosha, this taste was terrible, how could he bear it, he attacked again and went forward, sparing no effort.


Unfortunately, facing Jiang Chen, Meng Xinghai had no advantage at all.

He is known as the No.1 of the Divine Wind Martial Academy, and Jiang Chen is number one in the heavenly list, isn't he also the No.1 of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Both of them have extremely strong combat power to push a large realm horizontally. Looking at the many strong men in the Garden of Everything, they are also the top ones.

However, there is still a gap between geniuses after all, and often, the seemingly insignificant small gap is enough to determine the outcome of a battle and the fate.

Meng Xinghai was extremely violent, but Jiang Chen was even more violent. This was Jiang Chen's favorite way of fighting.

Soon, Meng Xinghai was hit for the second time and was seriously injured, bleeding profusely.

"Raksha beauty, your man is peerless and invincible, I really envy you, your vision is so good." Jiang Chen shouted again.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Ye Luosha had a strong urge to vomit blood, and almost couldn't restrain himself from rushing forward, joining forces with Meng Xinghai, and killing Jiang Chen.

The crowd of onlookers couldn't laugh or cry, and they looked at Meng Xinghai like that, quietly showing a little more pity.

No. 1 of the Kamikaze Academy, how invincible it is, but it has fallen into such a situation, I don't know whether to say it is sad or lamentable.

"This bastard!"

Among the disciples of the Divine Wind Martial Academy, one said angrily, they looked at Jiang Chen, and their eyes almost burst into flames.

"It's too presumptuous, we must let him pay with blood!"

As for the Senluo Martial Academy, several disciples also gritted their teeth with hatred, counting on Meng Xinghai to fight back and kill Jiang Chen.

The nine members of the Lingyun Martial Academy did not speak at this moment, but their eyes flickered and their thoughts fluttered. It was obvious that their thoughts were exactly the same as those of the disciples of the Kamikaze Martial Academy and Senluo Martial Academy.


Finally, Meng Xinghai was hit for the third time, breaking an unknown number of ribs on his chest.

He was in a mess, his clothes were torn, and he was covered in blood.

"Jiang Chen, I, Meng Xinghai, are incompatible with you!"'

Meng Xinghai was hysterical, like crazy.

"Brother Meng, why do you do this, everyone is just discussing with each other to prove it." Jiang Chen said casually, raised the Chunyang cauldron casually, and smashed it for the fourth time.

As a result, Meng Xinghai became even more miserable. His body was broken and he couldn't even stand up. His knees gave way and he fell to the ground. However, the way he looked at Jiang Chen was still full of hatred.

"Understood?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, while speaking, he raised his eyes and looked around with high spirits.


Meng Xinghai was stunned, puzzled, but in an instant, Meng Xinghai suddenly realized, the muscles on his cheeks twitched and trembled.

"Kill, kill him!" The next moment, Meng Xinghai screamed at the top of his throat.

He was fooled, Jiang Chen seemed to be showing affection with Ye Luosha, but in fact, it was diverting everyone's attention.

When everyone's attention was on Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha, his battle with Jiang Chen became a foil.

Meng Xinghai came to his senses. This was an astonishing calculation. Under such a calculation, the members of the three major martial arts schools focused on watching the excitement and were teased by Jiang Chen.

"It's not too stupid at all." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and smashed down the Chunyang cauldron for the fifth time, reaping Meng Xinghai's life.

At this time, the three major martial arts schools were all shaken.

When they heard Meng Xinghai's scream, they all came to their senses and realized that something was wrong.

The battle between Jiang Chen and Meng Xinghai was not a match for proof. It was a battle of life and death. Under Jiang Chen's intentional guidance, they unconsciously ignored this point. Otherwise, when Meng Xinghai was injured for the first time, , they should swarm up and surround and kill Jiang Chen.




The disciples of Shenfeng Wuyuan were furious. Jiang Chen killed Meng Xinghai under their noses. They regretted it too much, and it was too late to save Meng Xinghai.



The two figures moved quickly, it was Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, they stood up without any hesitation, and wanted to fight side by side with Jiang Chen.

At the same time, the disciples of Senluo Martial Academy and Lingyun Martial Academy also dispatched, they surrounded from two other directions, this is to besiege and kill Jiang Chen.

"Is it interesting that more people bully few people?" Ji Mobai said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, Jiang Chen must die, and if you help the tyrant, you will all be suppressed and killed." A disciple of Senluo Martial Arts Academy said in a sinister manner.


The Kamikaze Martial Academy and Lingyun Martial Academy expressed their determination.

"Does it have to be like this? In fact, everyone can have a good talk calmly, isn't it too impulsive?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, you're still going to put on a show when you've reached this point?" A member of Lingyun Martial Academy said viciously.

Liu Ruoyu didn't act alone, he had greeted him earlier, so even though he didn't see Jiang Chen make a move with his own eyes, he was absolutely certain that Liu Ruoyu died at Jiang Chen's hands.

"That's not the case, what I mean is that there is a misunderstanding between us." Jiang Chen said with a strong oath.

"Jiang Chen, letting your words grow like lotuses will not help you today." A person from the Divine Wind Martial Academy said.

The three major martial arts institutes have a tacit understanding, and at this point, they just want to do it.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen waved his hand and signaled, "I have a friend here... Well, it seems that it's not one, but two..."

A figure appeared at this moment. It was Mu Sirius. He appeared very quickly and suddenly. As soon as he appeared, the expressions of the people from the three major martial arts schools changed.

But following Mu Sirius, another figure appeared, that is, Monk Youque.

The two of them came hand in hand and appeared beside Jiang Chen, causing the hearts of everyone in the three major martial arts schools to tremble...

(End of this chapter)

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