genius evil

Chapter 1418 Honest People Have Temperament

Chapter 1418 Honest People Have Temperament

A monk appeared and chanted the Buddha's name. He had the demeanor of an eminent Buddhist monk who seemed to be about to raise Xia Feixian immediately. Many people looked sideways at him, in awe.

In fact, that Buddha's name may seem simple, but it contains the supreme true meaning of Buddhism, just like the dharma purpose, unique and extraordinary, similar to supernatural powers, and has the magical effect of purifying the soul.

Mu Sirius was grinning, his seemingly simple and honest face shone with a simple light, like a peasant boy who came out of that ordinary family.

He has a strong build, extremely short hair, a rough face, dark skin, animal skins wrapped around his body, and a stone ax on his back. It looks like he is going to go hunting in the mountains.

But this is the Garden of Everything, so the object that Mu Sirius wants to hunt is no longer the beast, but a genius and strong man.

"Brother Mu, Brother Que, how are you all?" Looking over, Jiang Chen said with a smile, his face was smiling like a flower.

These two guys finally showed up, and finally they didn't make his hard work in vain.

"Brother Jiang, this place is so lively. Could it be that there was a day when a talent and treasure appeared?" Mu Sirius said, his voice was loud and buzzing, as if a thunderbolt had exploded in the ears of others.

"That's right, that's exactly the case." Jiang Chen said seriously, and then said that he wanted to notify Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que as soon as possible. Fortunately, the two rushed over in time and did not miss the golden opportunity. Otherwise, It will be a lifelong regret for wasting a great opportunity.

Then, Jiang Chen pointed at the members of the three major martial arts schools, and said angrily: "The three major martial arts schools are bullying others and trying to swallow that rare treasure for themselves. We will fight together and let them pay the price in blood!"

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to spray people with blood."

On the side of the Kamikaze Martial Academy, a person said angrily.

There was no natural talent at all, Jiang Chen was clearly talking nonsense with his eyes open, he was eccentric, rigid, serious, which made people very irritated.

"Do you dare to deny that so many people saw it with their own eyes, do you think we are blind?" Jiang Chen was also angry, his voice suddenly raised an octave, and the momentum was compelling.

That person was about to squirt blood. He didn't know if Jiang Chen was blind, but Jiang Chen was teasing everyone as fools by saying such words.

"Looking at your reaction, it's a guilty conscience. In other words, why bother, hand it over generously, everyone will compete fairly, and the strong will get it. At that time, no one has the right to gossip." Jiang Chen said, kindly Said kindly.

"Jiang Chen, you deserve death for slandering us so much." A person in Lingyun Martial Academy sternly reprimanded, if it wasn't because of the appearance of Mu Sirius and Monk You Que, he would have killed him immediately. Before that, Jiang Chen was going to be killed.

This is splashing dirty water, how can I bear it?
Fortunately, only Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que don't know about the situation here, so it's not serious, but once the situation expands and spreads, their three major martial arts schools will immediately become the target of public criticism. If you want to be like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats you.

Moreover, splashing dirty water is nothing at all, it is not particular at all, the straightforward thing is to take dirty water and pour it on the people of the three major martial arts schools. About to be pissed off.

"I, Jiang Chen, have always been low-key and honest. My biggest problem is that I like to tell the truth. I understand that this violates the interests of the three major martial arts schools. From now on, you will regard me as a thorn in your side. However, for the sake of justice, I You must stand up and speak out." Jiang Chen said righteously.

Some onlookers couldn't help laughing when they heard the sound.

They have all been around for a long time and have witnessed the whole process. Jiang Chen's approach is to fear that others will not know that he is pouring dirty water on the three major martial arts schools.

"Jiang Chen, do you have to do this? Originally, there is no room for mediation between my three major martial arts schools and you. You are personally burying your own future." A person in the Senluo martial arts school said, incomparably It's strict.

"It's too honest for me to suffer a loss." Jiang Chen said.

Almost as Jiang Chen's words fell, he saw, in the void, a ray of light like lightning flashed. It was Mu Sirius, holding a stone axe and slashing violently.

The stone ax is a blunt weapon, not a magic weapon, it is purely made of stone, but in the hands of Sirius Mu, it possesses a sharp edge and is unstoppable.

The stone ax slashed down, blood splashed everywhere, the person who spoke in Senluo Martial Academy didn't even have time to react, the corpse was in a different place.

"By bullying Jiang Chen, you're bullying me. Are we honest people bound to be bullied?" Mu Tianlang said loudly.

Before he could finish speaking, he held the stone ax in his hand and slashed again, reaping another life.

"An honest person also has a temper." Mu Tianlang said in a muffled voice, he was very violent, like a monster, baring his fangs.

The people from the Senluo Martial Academy, their eyes were about to burst, and Mu Sirius slapped two axes in succession, and those who killed were all from the Senluo Martial Academy. Counting the last time, in the Qunying Building, one person was slapped by Mu Sirius To be shot to death, Mu Sirius is already a genius disciple who killed three Senluo Martial Academy.

Jiang Chen killed four people, Mu Tianlang killed three more, and now, among the top ten genius disciples of Senluo Martial Arts Academy, there are only three left.

In the history, within the Garden of All Things, the Senluo Martial Academy is not without damage, but it has never been damaged so tragically.

"Unconvinced, right? If you still want to bully others, then I will beat you until you are convinced." Sirius Mu said, this guy looks honest and simple, even if he said such a thing, it would give people a feeling that it seemed wrong. The feeling of not doing anything.

As expected of the existence who had beheaded Tianjiao before, Mu Sirius hit as soon as he said, holding a stone axe, and beheaded the remaining three people in Senluo Wuyuan at the speed of chopping melons and vegetables.

Since then, the top ten talented disciples of Senluo Martial Arts Academy have all been wiped out!
Everyone in Shenfeng Wuyuan and Lingyun Wuyuan watched such a scene happen under their noses, even if they wanted to stop it, it was too late.

They felt cold in their hearts and trembled all over their bodies. They had heard the name of Sirius Mu earlier, and learned that among the many geniuses, this person was probably one of the top ten.

But seeing Mu Sirius make a move with his own eyes, the shock is still beyond imagination, and he is simply invincible. Mu Sirius kills like a chicken, no one can stop him.

It's not that the genius disciples of Senluo Martial Arts Academy are too weak, but that Mu Sirius is too strong. The ordinary stone ax is not a magic weapon, but a power that surpasses a magic weapon!
"Are you convinced?" Mu Tianlang buzzed, raising his eyes to look at the people of Shenfeng Martial Academy and Lingyun Martial Academy.

The two major martial arts schools all chose to remain silent.

Mu Sirius just crushes and pushes horizontally. He is peerless and invincible. If he is not convinced, what can he do?

"Will you still bully honest people in the future?" Mu Sirius said again, as if telling the whole world that he is very honest.

The people from the two major martial arts schools were speechless and completely silent.

This down-to-earth Orion boy shows his sharpness, who dares to touch his sharpness?

"Get out, get out of here." After that, Sirius Mu shouted loudly and drove them away.

The people from the two major martial arts schools didn't dare to stay longer, they left immediately without hesitation, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Mu, you don't want the natural treasure?" Jiang Chen asked.

Mu Tianlang smiled, slapped Jiang Chen's shoulder heavily like a fan, and said with a smile, "No, whoever wants it will want it, anyway, I don't want it."

"I really want it." Jiang Chen said.

"Then you go and ask for it." Sirius Mu said.

"Then I'll go." Jiang Chen smiled, and started to move, but just as he was about to leave, Mu Sirius pressed down with his big palm, stopping Jiang Chen.

"Come with me." Sirius Mu said.

"Brother Mu, do you have to do this? Even if you helped me just now, is it necessary to ask for something in return so quickly?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"You can treat it as a deal." Mu Sirius said without any concealment, there was light in his eyes, and it seemed that there was no simplicity at all.

This guy's appearance is too deceiving, he is a cannibalistic existence.

"What benefits can I get?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que, the timing of their appearance was ingenious, Yiru appeared on the spot, the people of the three major martial arts academy might regard it as a coincidence, but of course Jiang Chen would not be so naive.

It must be purposeful. Looking at Mu Tianlang's move to wipe out all the talented disciples of Senluo Martial Academy, it is not difficult to see that Jiang Chen will suffer from this deal.

Jiang Chen had never been one to suffer, so he was naturally unceremonious and asked for benefits.

"As long as you can get it, it's all yours." Sirius Mu said.

"How dangerous is it?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Ninety percent!" Mu Sirius said seriously.

"Huh?" Frowning sharply, Jiang Chen finally understood why Mu Tianlang insisted on pulling him back. It was [-]% dangerous, and it was not much different from sending him to death.

"Can I refuse?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"You won't refuse, I promise. This is the real opportunity. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Mu Tianlang said with a smile, returning all Jiang Chen's words.

He hooked his big hand around Jiang Chen's neck, and dragged Jiang Chen away without giving Jiang Chen any room to refuse. He waved at the missing monk by the way, and the three of them left.

Such a scene is confusing, but no matter what, Jiang Chen successfully reunited with Mu Tianlang and You Que Monk. Even if there are only three of them, they can basically push all the way in the Garden of Everything.

This made people feel horrified, recalling Jiang Chen's actions in the Qunying Tower back then, and secretly sighed that Jiang Chen's calculations were far-reaching, directly binding himself with Mu Tianlang and Monk Youque.

Of course, they saw this kind of situation, but they could only envy them and couldn't imitate it. That's because Jiang Chen himself was strong enough, so he was able to chat and laugh happily with Mu Tianlang. I was afraid that he would have been slapped by Mu Sirius long ago, and his brains would have been knocked out...

(End of this chapter)

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