genius evil

Chapter 1419 1 Ax Slashes You

Chapter 1419 An Ax Slashes You

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen and the three left, attracting attention.Jiang Chen opened his mouth and asked casually.

"A true natural treasure." Said the God of Heavenly Wolf mysteriously.

"Brother Mu, are you kidding me?" Jiang Chen was immediately dissatisfied.

This guy looks simple and honest, but in reality he is full of gossip. Even if Jiang Chen is an idiot, he won't believe his words, or else it is very likely that he will be swallowed up to the bone.

"Brother Jiang, that's true. Brother Mu is not joking." After reciting the Buddha's name, Monk You Que said so. His kind eyebrows are dignified, and people can't help but believe his words.

"Brother You Que, you really disappointed me. Do you want to fall so fast? Do you still have Buddhist precepts in your eyes?" Jiang Chen looked heartbroken.

"Amitabha, monks don't tell lies." Monk Youque looked solemnly, clasped his hands together, and confessed his sins.

"Brother You Que, is it really okay for you to be so inconsistent? If there really is a god Bodhisattva, I'm afraid I would have slapped you to death as an unworthy child." Jiang Chen joked with a smile.

"Brother Jiang, don't speak nonsense, and be in awe." Monk You Que hurriedly said, his face turned pale from Jiang Chen's fright.

"Brother Jiang, this is a free opportunity for you. Originally, Brother You Que and I discovered it and planned to take it for ourselves. In the end, conscience and emotion overcame reason, and we planned to share it with you." Mu Sirius vowed Said.

"I'm so moved, I believe in you." Jiang Chen was completely moved.

Mu Tianlang smiled innocently, that was incomparably honest and pure, and he patted Jiang Chen's shoulder vigorously, and said, "Brother Jiang, I trust you, so I told you this matter, don't let me down It is."

"So, you are asking me to serve as cannon fodder, is that what you mean?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Mu Sirius was immediately embarrassed, but soon he grinned, regained his innocence, and said, "Brother Jiang, you are wrong, although it is indeed dangerous and unpredictable to obtain that rare treasure, but we must advance together and retreat together. "

"Okay, I trust you again." Jiang Chen was once again completely moved.

But this time, Mu Tianlang couldn't laugh no matter what, because he found that it was too difficult to deceive Jiang Chen.

With just a few words, his intention was to be seen through, which made Mu Tianlang suddenly doubt whether it was a correct decision to bring Jiang Chen together.

Even if it is correct, it is definitely not wise. To some extent, this is leading the wolf into the house.

"Brother Mu, for the sake of trusting you with all my heart and soul, shouldn't you tell me what's going on?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Brother Jiang, I don't know if you have heard that there is a broken bridge in this garden of all things." Said Mu Tianlang mysteriously

"I don't know anything." Jiang Chen said bluntly, incomparably straightforward.

Previously, Jiang Chen met Wen Yanxi, and from Wen Yanxi, he had a better understanding of the Garden of All Things, one of which was that there was a broken bridge in the Garden of All Things.

It's just that, what exactly does that broken bridge represent and what kind of mystery it has, but Wen Yanxi's words are unknown, which leads to it. There is not much difference between Jiang Chen knowing and not knowing.

So at this time, Jiang Chen would naturally not admit that he had heard of it, otherwise, what if Mu Sirius thought he knew and deliberately kept it hidden?
"I don't know?" Brow raised, Mu Sirius was slightly surprised.

And that monk You Que also looked at Jiang Chen with a glance.

Obviously, both of them were doubting the credibility and authenticity of Jiang Chen's words.

"What happened to the broken bridge?" Jiang Chen asked casually, deciding to pretend to be crazy to the end.

"I don't know the details, brother Jiang, you will understand when you see it with your own eyes." Mu Tianlang said.

In an instant, Jiang Chenzhen had the heart to kill this guy. He had a mellow appearance, but he was almost able to catch up to him with a narrow mind. What about the Orion boy that he promised, do you want to be so tricky?
Of course, Jiang Chen also knew that Mu Tianlang came from that mysterious tribe, was born powerful, was called the chosen one, grew up fighting with thousands of fierce beasts, honest and honest, these four words are destined to be insulated.

It's just that the length is too deceptive.

"Then let's go, don't dawdle here, I, Jiang Chen, can't wait to kill a bloody road and help the two of you successfully plunder that rare treasure." Jiang Chen urged.

"Brother Jiang, we have the same blessings and the same difficulties." Mu Tianlang reminded, he would not be fooled by Jiang Chen, if he accidentally followed Jiang Chen's words, wouldn't it be true? Is it the monk Lian Youque who is cheating Jiang Chen, and the kind who is cheating him to death?

"It's okay, don't worry about these details." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

Then, the three set off.

This garden of all things is indeed so big that it is boundless. With the speed of the three of them, it took nearly two hours to reach the destination.

It was a plain area where the edge could not be seen at a glance, but on the ground, it was as black as charcoal, with no grass growing, and a large area was bare.

In sight, a bridge appeared.

That bridge is not connected to the ground, but is suspended in the void, but the bridge is too long, and the naked eye can only see one end, and it is impossible to see where the end is.

"This, is the Broken Bridge?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

It is not a secret that there is a broken bridge in the Garden of Everything. Before Jiang Chen and the others arrived, there were already many figures gathered here.

Among them, there are several figures that Jiang Chen is quite familiar with.

"Brother Jiang." One person said happily, and walked over quickly. It was Ye Yufan.

Ye Yufan was extraordinarily enthusiastic, he was smiling, his face almost turned into a flower.

At the same time, Jiang Chen saw Qin Shiji again. Qin Shiji just glanced at Jiang Chen and nodded his head as a greeting.

In addition, Jiang Chen saw Shen Anhe again, and the faces of the people standing beside Shen Anhe were very unfamiliar to Jiang Chen, and they seemed to be geniuses in the Tianfeng Empire.

"Brother Jiang, I knew you would come here." Ye Yufan said, and then told him that he had been waiting here early in the morning, and finally Jiang Chen showed up.

"Brother Ye, could it be that you are also waiting for me to be cannon fodder?" Jiang Chen couldn't help asking.

"What cannon fodder?" Ye Yufan was confused.

"Look at the two of them, be sure to be careful, stare at them clearly, and pull me to be cannon fodder with all your heart. Fortunately, I was smart enough to avoid being deceived." Jiang Chen said with special sigh.

After Ye Yufan heard the sound, he really stared at Mu Sirius and looked again and again, his pupils constricted. It was obvious that he had heard some stories about Mu Sirius and Monk Youque.

"Brother Ye, have you seen it clearly, or should you take a few more glances?" Jiang Chen said.

"See clearly." Ye Yufan murmured, he was a little afraid of Mu Sirius and Monk Youque.

"It's good to see clearly, don't be fooled by the two of them, this is sincere advice." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Ye Yufan was speechless, thinking that since Jiang Chen hadn't been fooled, why did he appear here?
But just when Ye Yufan was thinking this way, he suddenly heard Jiang Chen shout, "What are you looking at, if you dare to look at me again, believe it or not, I will gouge your eyes out?"

The person who looked at Jiang Chen was none other than Shen Anhe.

He just swept Jiang Chen casually and said bluntly, because Jiang Chen noticed it and made trouble. He didn't intend to give any face, so it can't be said that he was not arrogant.

"You still dare to look at me, Brother Mu. Next, it's up to you. I chopped him with an axe. Just cut him in half. I'll use it as firewood later." Jiang Chen shouted. , shouting and shouting to kill.

Shen Anhe's eyes sank, and he subconsciously looked at Mu Tianlang, while Mu Tianlang looked at Jiang Chen strangely. What does this guy mean by dragging him into the water for no reason?
"Brother Mu, if you hack him, I'll be willing to be cannon fodder for you." Jiang Chen made a request.

"Brother Jiang, you're not cannon fodder." Mu Tianlang said so, naturally he wouldn't do it so easily. Moreover, he thought that the favor he gave Jiang Chen was big enough, so he completely offended Senluo Martial Academy. If this offends the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire again, it will definitely not be a good deal.

"Brother Mu, if you think it's not enough, you can increase the conditions at will. In short, you must kill him." Jiang Chen said resolutely, in short, he must send Shen Anhe to die.

Regarding the reward order, Jiang Chen had always suspected that it was related to Shen Anhe, although so far, there was no evidence.

However, Jiang Chen no longer intends to look for evidence. Anyway, no matter what, it is right to kill Shen Anhe.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to die, just say so, and I will help you." Shen Anhe said gloomyly.

Mu Sirius itself made Shen Anhe fearful, coupled with Mu Sirius' extraordinary background, even Shen Anhe was unwilling to offend him easily.

At this time, Shen Anhe rushed to speak, fearing that Mu Sirius would be persuaded by Jiang Chen, after all, Mu Sirius looked easy to deceive.

"It's not that I want to die. It's you who want to die. You're right. I'm helping you now. Don't thank me. If you really want to thank me, thank you brother Mu. After all, I'm not the one who killed you." , but Brother Mu." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The corner of Mu Tianlang's mouth twitched, it was not just as simple as dragging him into the water, it was absolutely, he would not give up until he was pushed to the opposite of Shen Anhe.

It's too tricky, he just tricked Jiang Chen once, is it necessary for Jiang Chen to fight back so quickly?Besides, he didn't succeed in tricking Jiang Chen, but his intentions were seen through.

This made Mu Tianlang feel very wronged, and felt even more that pulling Jiang Chen was an unforgivable mistake.

"Jiang Chen, if you dare to speak too much, today is your day of death." Shen Anhe said angrily.

The conflict between him and Jiang Chen was irreconcilable, and would erupt sooner or later. Originally, Shen Anhe didn't plan to fight here, but if Jiang Chen insisted on entanglement, then he had no choice but to do it in advance.

"Haha!" Jiang Chen yelled, and said contemptuously: "Is it up to you? Brother Mu chopped you to pieces with one axe."

The corner of Mu Tianlang's mouth twitched again, with the urge to chop Jiang Chen with an axe. At this moment, this space suddenly shook...

(End of this chapter)

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