genius evil

Chapter 1420 Mysterious Broken Bridge

Chapter 1420 Mysterious Broken Bridge
The accident happened extremely suddenly. At a glance, one could see that with the occurrence of the shock, the void was torn apart, presenting a vacuum zone. In that vacuum zone, there was a terrifying crack that could not be bridged. .

It seems to be a natural moat that only existed in rumors, but now it has evolved into reality, and it is hard to describe.


At this moment, the Broken Bridge, suspended in the void and showing a static state, changed suddenly and transformed into a colorful divine light, blurred and bright, making it difficult for people to open their eyes and look directly at it.

The colorful divine light morphed out, wrapping the broken bridge. The broken bridge was not straight, but an arched bridge, so it looked like a rainbow hanging from the sky, which was extraordinarily strange.

However, after the Broken Bridge turned into a seven-color divine light, with the naked eye, even if you try your best, you can still only see one end, and the other end is covered by clouds and fog, but you can't see it at all.

"Is this really a broken bridge?" Jiang Chen thought, released his consciousness, and shot at it.

Soon, Jiang Chen's face changed slightly. With the rapid release of his spiritual consciousness, it turned out to be the same, unable to catch the edge of the broken bridge.

Of course, there may be another situation, that is, the existence of the broken bridge cuts off the perception of all foreign objects and external forces. Only by stepping on it can you feel the mystery of it.

But just when Jiang Chen was thinking so, a figure flew out in the air, and stepped on the broken bridge at an astonishing speed.


The dull sound exploded at this moment, and lightning flashed in the void. That figure, as if held in mid-air by an invisible big hand, was actually frozen, motionless, letting the one Lightning, split down.

"Bang... bang..."

After that, only a hysterical scream came out, which was creepy.

Immediately afterwards, the lightning disappeared, and the man fell into the air, split in two, and was split in half by that bolt of lightning. His whole body was scorched and burned, emitting an unpleasant smell of scorching.

Such a scene caused the expression of all the people present to change suddenly, and they were deeply moved.

In itself, that flash of lightning is not surprising, but there is an indescribable strange power in that void, which can hold people in place, making them unable to make a move, let alone escape, and can only resist passively.

And the result of being unable to resist is to be torn apart, which is extremely tragic.

"It's so miserable, we must stay away quickly, otherwise, my life will be in danger. If you see it, this is a lesson from the past." Jiang Chen shouted loudly.

Following his yelling, everyone's attention was drawn to him, and they were all speechless.

Jiang Chen had always been bold, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was bold, but if he said such a thing, wasn't he really speaking ironically?
Or is it intentional to deceive everyone to leave, and then enjoy the benefits alone?
"What are you watching me do, did I say something wrong?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid, and said again: "This place is a place of right and wrong, so you can't stay for long. I, Jiang Chen, have said nothing here. Don't wait. I don't know good from bad."

"Jiang Chen, have you had enough?" Shen Anhe said impatiently.

"That's enough, go ahead as you please." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Immediately, Shen Anhe was sitting on wax, extremely suspicious that Jiang Chen said that on purpose, and then adopted the aggressive method logically.

"This damn bastard!" Shen Anhe cursed from the bottom of his heart, and even more regarded Jiang Chen as a thorn in his side.

"No way, right? No way, just shut up." Jiang Chen said in a vicious voice, squinting at Shen Anhe, that look was clearly like watching a joke.

Shen Anhe's lungs were about to explode, and he took several deep breaths in a row to forcefully suppress the anger in his heart.

"Brother Mu, Brother You Que, since they won't listen, the three of us will leave alone." Jiang Chen said to Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que.

"Brother Jiang, the rare treasure I mentioned that day is on the Broken Bridge." Mu Sirius said solemnly, his voice buzzing.

"Does this mean that I must be the cannon fodder?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

Looking at the fate of the previous man, he was really, genuine cannon fodder, without any discount.

"Brother Jiang, this is a chance." Mu Sirius said.

"Okay then, you can tell me now, what is that so-called heavenly treasure." Jiang Chen then asked.

Of course, he can also ask the woman in the portrait of the Goddess this question, but his goal is too big and it is difficult to find a suitable opportunity.

"That's a fruit." After thinking for a while, Sirius Mu said.

"Can eating it make people live forever?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

However, Mu Tianlang remained silent for a while, before saying: "Brother Jiang, if you are lucky enough to get that fruit, I can help you eat it and try it."

"..." Jiang Chen had black lines all over his head.

"Brother Jiang, do you know what is at the other end of the broken bridge?" Qin Shiji walked over and said loudly.

As the prince of the Great Qin Empire, he has a prominent status, and his every move is followed by countless people. At this time, he walked towards Jiang Chen, which naturally made Jiang Chen the focus of everyone's attention.

"Oh, what is it?" Jiang Chen asked thoughtfully.

Qin Shiji didn't rush to answer Jiang Chen's question, but looked at Monk You Que and smiled. Monk You Que clasped his hands together and said, "There is the other shore."

"The other end of the broken bridge is the other shore?" Jiang Chen completed the words of the two of them.

Countless pairs of ears listened to what the three of them said, and their expressions became strange. Obviously, this was the first time they heard such a statement.

"It's the other shore." Monk Youque emphasized.

"Only by going through hundreds of generations and thousands of calamities can we reach the other shore." Qin Shiji said with a slight sigh after Monk You Que's words fell.

"So, if you want to get the fruit on the broken bridge, you have to force your way?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Exactly, there is no other way." Qin Shiji nodded.

At the end, Qin Shiji said: "Brother Jiang, if you get that fruit and feel that you don't need it, you can use it and exchange it with me. All the rare treasures in the Imperial Treasure Pavilion are up to Brother Jiang to choose!"

When Qin Shiji said this, countless people were in an uproar.

Originally, they knew early on that the value of the fruit on the Broken Bridge was astonishing, but what Qin Shiji said was tantamount to quantifying the value of that fruit.

It is no exaggeration to say that the treasure house of the imperial family, where the powerful people who have proved the Dao, contains all things, but they can choose any thing at will in exchange for that fruit.

From this, it is not difficult to know how rare that fruit is in the world.

"Brother Qin, are you serious? If I get the fruit by accident, but you go back on your words, I will be very angry." Jiang Chen said.

"I, Qin Shiji, always keep my word when I speak, and I will never regret it after nine deaths." Qin Shiji said lightly.



At this moment, several figures rushed forward, and they each sacrificed their flying magic weapons and rushed towards the broken bridge.

The temptation is too great, not only the fruit, but also Qin Shiji's promise, countless people's hearts are hot for it.

Even if that fruit is not needed, it can definitely be exchanged for a rare treasure in the Treasure Pavilion of the Great Qin Empire.

It was with such an idea that these several figures took action one after another, wanting to take the lead.

However, the ideal is very happy, but the reality is extremely cruel.

The void lightning appeared again, and without any suspense, those figures were all intercepted, and then fell bloody.

But unlike No.1 being split in two, which was moving, at this time, all the martial arts masters understood the value of the fruit on the broken bridge, and they did not stop because of this.

There are more geniuses and powerhouses dispatched, they are well prepared, use powerful magical weapons to protect themselves, and carry out the impact...

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, as expected." Jiang Chen said with emotion, while speaking, he observed the movement in the void.

"Thank you Brother Jiang for your cooperation." Qin Shiji said with a half smile.

"It's just acting, I'm the best at it." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

It's not about cooperation, but it's just that everyone gets what they need, greed is always the original sin, Qin Shiji's promise is too tempting, enough to make people take risks with their own bodies, and knowing that there is a tiger mountain in front of them, they have to do it without hesitation Dive into it.

Whether it is the statement of the other side, or the specific quantification of the value of the fruit on the broken bridge, it is all intentional. In a few words, countless monks have been calculated, even if they die, they will not know. , They became Qin Shiji's cannon fodder.

The Broken Bridge is miraculous, and the powerful force in the void that can confine a powerful life is even more extraordinary.

Mao rashly broke into it, even if it was as powerful as Jiang Chen or Qin Shiji, there was no absolute certainty. Under such circumstances, naturally, the more cannon fodder the better.

Just like Mu Sirius and Monk You Que dragged him to serve as cannon fodder.

"Pi Li Pi Li..."

In the void, lightning kept falling, and there was a deafening explosion. Broken limbs continued to fall downwards, and then, more geniuses and strong men rushed upwards. It can be said that they followed each other.

It's not that they are unaware of the unpredictable danger there, but everyone has a fluke mentality, and the result is not any different.

"Get ready to do it."

Over there, Shen Anhe looked at the scene in the void with piercing eyes, and spoke in a low voice.


Several people around him responded one after another, and each started to prepare. One after another, powerful magic weapons were sacrificed, especially Shen Anhe, who sacrificed five magic weapons in one breath, armed from head to toe.




Shen Anhe took the lead and rushed out, and the rest of the people did not hesitate at all, surrounding Shen Anhe from front to back, left to right, forming an astonishing force.


The lightning flashed like a pillar, tearing apart the void, and finally, when Shen An and the others were imprisoned and unable to move, they landed on them indiscriminately...

(End of this chapter)

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