genius evil

Chapter 1421 One person, one way

Chapter 1421 One Person One Way
The royal family of the empire searched for all kinds of rare treasures in the world. In the void, Shen An and his whole body were intertwined with colorful lights, releasing surging power, which undoubtedly fully verified the unbreakable wisdom of leaning on a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The lightning flashed like a pillar, it seemed to be going through a catastrophe, the ordinary magic weapon was completely vulnerable to a single blow, and instantly shattered into powder.

But after Shen Anhe was imprisoned, relying on the five powerful magic weapons, he unexpectedly withstood the attack abruptly. Although he was a little embarrassed, he was not in danger of falling.

Feeling the attack coming, Shen Anhe's eyes lit up, he knew that he was about to succeed.

His judgment was right, there is only one lightning attack, as long as he bears it, the pressure will drop suddenly, exactly as he expected, after an attack came, the pressure on his whole body was instantly relieved, at the same time, the imprisoned Disappeared.

Without hesitation, Shen Anhe seized the opportunity and stepped onto the broken bridge in one fell swoop.

There were five people dispatched together with Shen Anhe. Among these five people, except for two who were lucky enough to resist the attack and set foot on the broken bridge with Shen Anhe, the other three were bleeding one after another. miserable.

On the broken bridge, Shen Anhe looked down from a high position, took a deep look at Jiang Chen, and then waved his hand, leading the two of them away quickly.

"Shen An and that guy are really narrow-minded, is it necessary to show off in front of me?" Jiang Chen shouted.

"Brother Jiang, I'll take a step first." Qin Shiji said with a slight smile.

There was enough cannon fodder, even Shen Anhe could see the clues, how could Qin Shiji not see it?

After the words fell, without waiting for Jiang Chen to respond, Qin Shiji's figure moved, stepped on the void, soared straight up, and pulled out a terrifying afterimage.

He was extremely confident. Unlike Shen Anhe, who was armed from head to toe, he just sacrificed a magic weapon at random, which successfully withstood the lightning attack, swept over the broken bridge, and disappeared in an instant.

With Shen An and Yu Qin Shiji succeeding successively, some people who were flabbergasted at first are ready to move again, but not everyone is as lucky as Shen An and Qin Shiji.

In the case of dozens of people launching an attack, only a few people succeeded.

The fact that Shen Anhe and Qin Shiji successfully set foot on the Broken Bridge had nothing to do with luck. They each relied on their own strengths, and their foundations were far beyond what other warriors could match.

A group of talented fighters were dazzled by the success of Shen Anhe and Qin Shiji, and their ending was naturally extremely tragic.

"Brother Jiang, let's do it." Mu Tianlang said, his eyes were bright and his eyes were shining brightly, he couldn't hold back for a long time, but he was always waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Jiang Chen nodded. Countless fresh blood piled up a path. Naturally, without hesitation, he sacrificed the Pure Yang Cauldron, suspended above his head, and released the golden light. on the shock.

The lightning attack here was almost ineffective against Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen boarded the Broken Bridge with an extremely relaxed attitude.

"Sure enough." Watching Jiang Chen step onto the Broken Bridge, Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que looked at each other, both of them were touched.

The reason why the two deliberately pulled Jiang Chen up was because they knew that the Pure Yang Cauldron was extremely miraculous, but Jiang Chen's performance was still astonishing. He just ignored the attack, and his speed did not decrease at all. The confinement of power, that is, slightly slowed down Jiang Chen's speed.

"How many secrets does this guy have?" Sirius Mu said to himself.

Afterwards, the two began to attack in a very tacit understanding. Mu Tianlang held a stone ax and chopped out of the void. The air seemed to have substance, and it was chopped out into circles and ripples.

And the monk Youque, whose whole body is shining, is the golden body of Bodhi, which looks like a god.

Both are extremely powerful existences, much stronger than Shen Anhe and Qin Shiji, and they are also extremely vigorous, standing on the broken bridge.

Standing on the Broken Bridge, Jiang Chen still couldn't see the edge of the Broken Bridge when he looked as far as he could. Moreover, looking up from the bottom, the Broken Bridge was not so magnificent, but when he stood on it, it was astonishingly large.

The figures of Shen Anhe, Qin Shiji and others also disappeared, and they could not be captured by using their spiritual sense.


After pondering for a while, Jiang Chen waved at Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que, and the three immediately moved into action, galloping like a rainbow.

Everything here seems to be the same, just like walking on an ordinary bridge, but when you feel it carefully, it is quite different.

Unreal, ethereal, utterly unreal.

"Evolution of the rules?" Jiang Chen had some associations, but it was hard to be sure for a while.

Every step is down-to-earth, if it is really a rule evolution, it is too amazing, even Jiang Chen will be moved by it.

The farther he went, the more intense this feeling became, until the Mu Tianlang and Monk Youque who had been following Jiang Chen's sides disappeared strangely.


The occurrence of such a situation caused Jiang Chen's expression to change slightly.

There was no sign, no sign, Jiang Chen could conclude that Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que did not leave voluntarily, but, inexplicably, the two of them just disappeared.

In an instant, Jiang Chen's footsteps stopped, and he used his divine sense to shoot, but it was obviously only for a short while, but he couldn't capture the breath of Mu Tianlang and Monk Youque.

"What's going on?" Jiang Chen pondered, thoughtful.

"Could it be that there is more than one path?" Jiang Chen said silently.

More than one road means that although he seems to be walking on the same road with Mu Sirius and You Que Monk, in fact, the three of them are not walking together. Mu Sirius and You Que Monk have unintentionally reached a fork in the road , which is gone.

This is undoubtedly the most reasonable explanation, but even if it is reasonable, there are many things that are difficult to explain.

"One person, one road, is that what you mean?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

According to Monk You Que and Qin Shiji, the end of the broken bridge is the other shore, where there is a strange fruit, which means that in the end, all roads will lead to the same destination in the end, reaching the other shore.

Of course, not everyone can successfully reach the other shore. One person has one path, and each person walks on his own path. What he experiences and what he sees will undoubtedly be completely different. different.

"If that's the case, it would be interesting." Grinning, Jiang Chen smiled.

He had a strong urge to summon the woman in the portrait of the goddess to ask the truth, but he held back after all, it was just a small test, and he wouldn't do that.

Good steel should be used on the cutting edge, right? To some extent, the exploration of the Garden of Everything has just begun, and the tip of the iceberg of this world has never been revealed.

The mysterious veil of the Garden of Everything must be revealed bit by bit by yourself, so it will be more interesting, isn't it?

After a short pause, Jiang Chen continued to move forward. The road ahead had no end in sight, and it stretched straight forward, as if, as long as he kept going forward, he could reach the Heavenly Palace.

That makes people excited, with endless desires rising in their hearts, and they must keep moving forward and never stop.

This is actually a strange illusion, but in such an illusion, you can see it with your eyes without being aware of it, and the influence is silent.

But how powerful Jiang Chen's soul is, these illusions naturally have no effect on him. Jiang Chen maintains an inherent rhythm, taking it easy.

At the same time, Jiang Chen was enjoying the scenery on the broken bridge.

Here, the clouds and mist linger, giving people a feeling of standing in the clouds. A broken bridge connects the sky and the earth. Above the head, the clouds are surging, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Chen's line of sight. It was the Mu Sirius. Jiang Chen's heart moved, and his speed immediately increased, wanting to catch up.

However, just as Jiang Chen approached infinitely, that figure changed and became a monk Youque.

"Is this still an illusion?" Jiang Chen silently smiled wryly, and almost fell for it by accident.

The occurrence of this kind of situation moved Jiang Chen a little. Illusions are everywhere, and there is even a possibility that the existence of this broken bridge is an illusion, just like that mirage.

Infinite reality, infinite verisimilitude, but often, the more real, the more illusory, and the virtual and the real time are changing and alternating all the time, until the end, people can't tell what is real and what is virtual.

In the end, it leads to, like a nightmare, people get lost in it and cannot extricate themselves.

"Who built this broken bridge? Was it ever related to the woman in the portrait of the Goddess?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

The woman in the portrait of the Goddess claims to be one of the builders of the Garden of Everything, so naturally there are many traces and footprints left in the Garden of Everything.

Without careful questioning, Jiang Chen didn't know whether it was related to the woman in the portrait of the goddess, but it made Jiang Chen more sure of one thing. The woman in the portrait of the goddess is probably not a preacher in the ordinary sense. strong.

Jiang Chen kept on stepping, he saw more, and his perception became more and more profound. This was like an experience, in fact, it was closer to the baptism of the soul.

Of course, it can also be called a devastation to the soul. If the mind is not strong enough, it is very likely that it will collapse at a certain moment.

Another figure appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

Different from the figures of Mu Tianlang and Monk Youque that I saw before, the existence of this figure is incomparably conspicuous. It is a woman, graceful and graceful, but with the arrogance of looking down on the world, it is truly incomparable , is the figure who is like a god.

"My obsession?" Jiang Chen looked at it and said slowly.

That figure evokes Jiang Chen's memories. That protracted and unprecedented pursuit was all caused by a woman.

In the end, his sword was broken and his blood dried up, and his spirit and soul were all wiped out.

That woman is the woman in front of him. This is like an obsession, deeply rooted in Jiang Chen's heart. It has never been mentioned to anyone, but it has always existed and is indelible.

Just as Jiang Chen was saying these words, the woman turned around suddenly and looked at Jiang Chen. She seemed to be sad or resentful, but she could still hear it clearly. She was sighing softly. [-] turns...

(End of this chapter)

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