genius evil

Chapter 1422 The True Meaning of the Broken Bridge

Chapter 1422 The True Meaning of the Broken Bridge

The woman is magnificent, her appearance, her temperament are difficult to describe in concrete words, like a god, with an incomparable and powerful aura.

She stood proudly and fixedly looked at Jiang Chen. In her beautiful eyes, the eyes were complicated and abnormal, blurred and in a trance, as if regretting, as if suffering...

Jiang Chen also stared at her in a daze, and looked at each other. After a long time, Jiang Chen smiled, and slapped over with a casual palm. That figure, under the impact of the palm wind, vanished into thin air.

"It's just an old obsession." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

In that battle, he died in blood, and was reborn on the earth. Now, he came to Zhenwu Continent from the earth. Variety.

What happened in the True Spirit Continent is certainly unforgettable and indelible, but Jiang Chen is extremely clear about what kind of path he is going to take now.

His mind is stronger and more determined than in the previous life.

If there is an opportunity to cross the void, Jiang Chen doesn't mind. He returns to the True Spirit Continent, visits old friends, and kills old enemies. That's all. But it's already very faint.

"Stimulate obsession, infinitely magnify, capture the weakness of human nature, and destroy ideas?" Jiang Chen said silently.

The magic of the Broken Bridge is well known, but what kind of magic is there? Only when you are on the Broken Bridge can you have a further and deeper feeling.

"After all, it's a matter of state of mind." Jiang Chen smiled again.

In martial arts training, one step at a time, once there is a crack in the state of mind, the damage caused is almost irreversible.

Even for the top geniuses, it is possible, and it will be difficult to make progress in the rest of their lives.

"It's really a good method, I don't know what will happen next." Jiang Chen smiled happily.

A certain manifestation of the state of mind is actually related to the power of the soul. The former strong in the fusion stage is comparable to the strongest in this world. It is tantamount to nonsense to try to influence Jiang Chen with such trivial means.

"It's just that, that girl, what's with her regret and pain? Could it be that my Jiang Chen's charm has really reached this level?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully while rubbing his chin.

Everything is infinitely magnified, especially those seemingly insignificant details, which become clear and clear.

Regarding this point, Jiang Chen had laughed at himself. After all, if the woman hadn't been aggressive, how could he have fallen into such a situation.

Will always be in the True Spirit Continent, invincible vertically and horizontally.

If it is said that the woman wished to crush him, Jiang Chen absolutely believed it. If he said that he felt pain and regretted because of his death, isn't it true that the sun came out from the west?

Jiang Chen was looking forward to the next encounter, he walked forward slowly, not hurrying.

A person has one path, and this path is exactly the path he walks. On the other hand, this is actually realizing himself.

A bright light appeared, like the scorching sun, which was so blazing that it couldn't be looked directly at.

When Jiang Chen gradually approached, with just one glance, his spirit was almost swallowed by that ball of bright light.

"Ingest soul?"

It has to be said that Jiang Chen was surprised.

That is not a sun at all, but a treasure, hanging in the void, shedding light, reflecting each other with the broken bridge.

"The colorful light above the broken bridge?" A thought popped up in Jiang Chen's mind.

When he saw this bright light, Jiang Chen became more and more sure that the Broken Bridge didn't really exist, but was derived from some kind of powerful rules.

Just like the usual rainbow, it is just the light and shadow effect refracted out, and it does not exist concretely.

The existence of the broken bridge is similar to that of the rainbow, but the derivation of such rules is so strange that the existence of the broken bridge is infinitely closer to reality. It is hard to imagine that the existence of the broken bridge is based on the strength of the feet. real.

The bright light shines, transforming into a colorful divine light, and the colorful divine light shines with that group of bright light, and then forms the well-known broken bridge.

Jiang Chen didn't look too much, just swept away his spiritual consciousness, he was quite moved, it is indeed a treasure, if he can get it, it will be the biggest harvest of this trip to the Garden of Everything.

After a while, Jiang Chen had no choice but to cut off this thought, and smiled wryly to himself, because when his consciousness swept past, a backlash occurred.

If it wasn't for instantly withdrawing the consciousness, I'm afraid that he would suffer a serious injury immediately, and it would be impossible to succeed at all.

Jiang Chen was extremely unwilling, but he couldn't help but give up. It was obvious that that treasure had given birth to a sense of self-awareness, and he felt the threat from him.

If there is a further move, I am afraid that it will not be as simple as backlash, but will attack on its own. If it is not good, it will be killed.

Jiang Chen has not lived enough, so naturally he will not be in danger.

"It's not something without an owner, who left it?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

A treasure that gave birth to self-awareness, if spread out, would definitely drive the world crazy. From this, it is not difficult to understand why some people would turn the Garden of All Things into a fertile ground for geniuses.

There are too many opportunities at your fingertips, and immediate breakthroughs are also possible.

Jiang Chen continued to move forward, he passed through this ball of bright light, and there was nowhere to go under his feet.

The Broken Bridge disappeared strangely, as if it had come to an end, but Jiang Chen didn't see that strange fruit, nor did he see any other people.

This means that this place is not the other side, and there is still a way to go ahead, but Jiang Chen's way is broken here.

"Why is that so?" Jiang Chen pondered.

One person, one road, this is not the end of the road Jiang Chen wants to walk, nor the end of the other end of the broken bridge, but he has no way to go.

"Could it be because of me?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

He is not a martial arts cultivator, but a cultivator. The path he walks is completely different from martial arts cultivation.And since this broken bridge is derived from the rules, it is natural to be able to feel the abnormalities of different life forms.

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

If this is the case, then it undoubtedly means that Jiang Chen is incompatible with this world, and the road ahead is broken here, which means that he has been abandoned.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Soon, Jiang Chen shook his head, denying this idea.

There are thousands of roads, each of which is different, but in the end, in the final analysis, all paths lead to the same goal.

Jiang Chen didn't think there was any essential difference between martial arts cultivation and cultivation, but the paths they took were different.

It's like, above the earth, one river after another, no matter which direction it flows in, will eventually converge to the sea.

The essence is the same, the difference is only the surface.

"If other people can continue to move forward and reach the other shore, then I can too." Jiang Chen said.

If the other side is called the sea, the road Jiang Chen walked is a branch of a river.

"Go forward." Without hesitation, Jiang Chen said.

He has great faith, and he doesn't intend to stop because of it, nor will he feel hesitant, and has an indomitable heart.

Even if the road ahead is really broken, it must be continued by force.

Jiang Chen was not wrong. When he stepped out of the void, the broken bridge appeared again, and the feeling of being down-to-earth returned.

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly, this was expected, even though it was a little risky, and if one was bad, it would be irreversible, but if he stopped here and the success fell short, Jiang Chen would not be willing anyway.

Forcibly continuing, and blazing a path that truly belongs to me, this is probably the true meaning of the existence of this broken bridge.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether the peerless power to build the Garden of Everything left such a foreshadowing, but according to his own assumptions, it was probably close to ten.

There is still a long way to go, and I don't know how far.

A broken bridge derived from the rules, encompasses everything. Jiang Chen realized himself while walking. He had many associations and confirmed them at the same time, gaining a lot.

This is definitely a journey of cleansing the soul, cleaning away the dust. Gradually, there is only one road left in front of Jiang Chen. He has entered the state of nothing and no self, so his state of mind is empty and clear, free from dust.

This is a state of visualization. Jiang Chen has never systematically cultivated a certain visualization technique, and he has entered such a state naturally.

I don't know how much time passed, Jiang Chen suddenly stopped, because a certain barrier in his body was on the verge of collapse.

It was a qualitative leap. With Jiang Chen's current cultivation level, he could go one step further and make a breakthrough at any time.

But Jiang Chen wasn't in a hurry, the place wasn't right, and the timing wasn't right either.

After a while, Jiang Chen took another step. He was walking more firmly, with no worries in his heart, as relaxed and comfortable as walking in a garden.

If such a scene is seen by other geniuses walking on the Broken Bridge, they are destined to be dumbfounded.

Because, this means that Jiang Chen's state of mind has undergone a leap.

This is a perfect transformation, withstood repeated baptisms.

Even if he didn't get that strange fruit after reaching the other shore on the Broken Bridge, Jiang Chen's harvest during this trip would far exceed anyone else's.

But Jiang Chen naturally couldn't be satisfied with that. He wanted that strange fruit very much. At worst, he wanted to see with his own eyes what it was and what Qi Xiao was there for.

Because, Jiang Chen planned to tear another shackle while breaking through, and by that time, his strength would skyrocket.

The road of cultivating immortals is endless. As long as there is a strong existence, in addition to extraordinary talent, it will be blessed with endless blessings. If you want to embark on a path of peerless power just by relying on hard work, that is undoubtedly a fantasy. What an idiot!
Finally, when Jiang Chen's footsteps stopped for the second time, in his line of sight, the road ahead was cut off again. This was the end of the other end of the broken bridge. Confrontation, when they sensed Jiang Chen's aura, they raised their eyes and glanced over immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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