genius evil

Chapter 1423 You are a waste

Chapter 1423 You are a waste
"Jiang Chen!"

Someone said, with a gloomy voice, it was Shen Anhe.

After Shen Anhe sensed Jiang Chen's aura, his face immediately became ugly.

Originally thought that Jiang Chen had lost himself on the Broken Bridge and would never appear again, but Jiang Chen came despite being late, which made Shen Anhe very upset.

"Who is calling me?" Jiang Chen said carelessly as he walked over.

"Shen Anhe, are you calling me? By the way, you are calling so loudly and eagerly, as if I know you very well, but do I know you very well?" Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Not familiar?" Shen Anhe gritted his teeth in response.

He and Jiang Chen have never been friends, but life-and-death rivals. Because of this, Shen Anhe has learned more about Jiang Chen. It can be said that he is very familiar with Jiang Chen. Bottom investigation.

"Not familiar, not familiar at all." Jiang Chen shook his head, looked at Qin Shiji, and said with a smile, "Brother Qin and I are really familiar, so please don't put gold on your face in the future, okay?" ?”

"Brother Jiang." Qin Shiji greeted Jiang Chen with a smile.

There were more than a dozen people who had already reached the end of the broken bridge. Among them, except for Shen Anhe and Qin Shiji who were relatively familiar with Jiang Chen, the rest of them were all unfamiliar faces.

But looking at each of them with gorgeous clothes and extraordinary aura, it must be that they are either closely related to the royal families of the major empires, or they are directly members of the royal families.

Undoubtedly, the latter is more likely.

Because Jiang Chen didn't see Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que, which clearly showed that the royal families of the major empires had a certain degree of understanding of Broken Bridge.

This led to them being one step ahead of everyone who was close to the water.

Jiang Chen sized them up one by one, unscrupulously using his divine sense to shoot at them, and those few people were also sized up Jiang Chen, each and every one of them showed their great interest in Jiang Chen.

Of course, it is not known whether he is really interested or pretends to be interested.

They confront each other, and not far behind each other, there is a flower, that flower is withering, it seems slow but very fast, just when Jiang Chen noticed, a flower petal, in Jiang Chen's Withered under the eyelids.


When he saw that flower, Jiang Chen's eyes instantly became strange. He had some associations, but for a while, it was hard to be sure.

Because Jiang Chen had never seen such a flower before.

The petals of that flower are huge, almost the size of an adult's palm, and the flower has nine petals. Its color is gorgeous and brilliant, and it emits a strange light, which is eye-catching.

It's just a flower, not a fruit, but that flower is withering. At this speed, it won't take long, and that flower will eventually bear fruit.

"That's the flower of the other shore." Qin Shiji explained to Jiang Chen with a smile. He was very calm and leisurely, and he didn't feel cramped at all because so many strong men were staring at him.

"The other shore flower?" Jiang Chen whispered.

Of course he knew the Bianhua flower, it was definitely not like this. However, this is the Bianhua, this flower, which blooms on the Bianhua, is named the Bianhua, and it complements each other perfectly, there is nothing wrong with it.

"From flowering to flower withering to fruiting to fruit ripening, the time is not too short. Brother Jiang can take a break." Qin Shiji reminded meaningfully.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen just laughed. This Qin Shiji seemed boring, but actually he was quite lacking.

This could be regarded as a naked hint, it was telling Jiang Chen that he had plenty of time to wait for Mu Tianlang and Monk Youque to come over.

At that time, the three will be a perfect match, so what is there to be afraid of?

In fact, even if Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que were delayed, Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to shrink back because of it, the worst would be a massacre.

"Is Luoxi okay?" But Qin Shiji said again.

"Brother uncle, hello." Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen hurriedly said politely.

"Brother uncle?" Qin Shiji's head was full of black lines, and he looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost. What kind of nonsense address is this?

"Under my meticulous care, the beauty Luo Xi eats well and sleeps well, that's the best thing." Immediately, Jiang Chen answered Qin Shiji's question with a smile.

"That's not what I asked." Qin Shiji said displeased.

He heard what Jiang Chen meant, as if he had an indescribable relationship with Luo Xi.

"Isn't it? Uncle, it's your fault. You are too indifferent to Luo Xi's beauty. Fortunately, there is a good one, otherwise Luo Xi's beauty is pitiful." Jiang Chen said.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Including Shen Anhe, everyone looked at Jiang Chen quietly, with a little more meaning in their eyes.

Does this mean that he and Qin Shiji have a good friendship?
One question and one answer, Jiang Chen formed an alliance with Qin Shiji, no matter whether it was for Jiang Chen or Qin Shiji, who could compete with this alliance between the two?
"Damn it!" Shen Anhe scolded fiercely from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that Jiang Chen and Qin Shiji had friendship, but he didn't expect that the relationship between the two was so close that forming an alliance at this time would become extremely difficult, and it was very likely that it would ruin his good deeds.

As time goes by, the petals of the Bianhua flower fall one after another. In the end, there are bare buds left. You can see that an inconspicuous fruit is showing its embryonic form.

All the people are paying close attention. In their line of sight, the fruit grows slowly, and as the fruit grows, rays of light gradually burst out.

"This fruit?" Jiang Chen was surprised, his eyes were bright.

"This fruit is called Hualong Fruit." Qin Shiji said.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

This is indeed true, it is the Hualong fruit, which is not yet ripe, but it is full of fragrance and glow.

Immediately, Jiang Chen said: "I want this fruit, do you have any opinions?"

Jiang Chen was very serious, and absolutely did not mean to be joking. The Hualong Fruit is extraordinary. With the help of this Hualong Fruit, he will be able to tear a shackle again.

If luck is good enough, then Jiang Chen's cultivation base will also go a step further, and he will be successfully promoted to Nascent Soul.

If this kind of cultivation speed is spread, it is destined to shock the world. From this, it can be seen how rare this Dragon Fruit is.

This kind of strange thing, even the powerhouses in many imperial families, would offend Jiang Chen, and he would not hesitate to do so.

This is to say hello, and at the same time express your attitude and position in public.

"Jiang Chen, do you want it to be yours?" Shen Anhe said with an unhappy expression.

"It's not that I want it, it's that I must have it." Jiang Chen corrected.

"Presumptuous, what do you think we are waiting for?" Shen Anhe scolded.

"I don't know about others, but you are a waste in my eyes." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

There is still a period of time before the Hualong Fruit matures, but before that, Jiang Chen doesn't mind at all, and will deal with Shen Anhe first.

Speaking of the arrest warrant, Shen Anhe is the biggest suspect. Even though Jiang Chen has no conclusive evidence so far to prove that it was Shen Anhe who did it, Jiang Chen has long given up looking for evidence.

Killing sometimes requires many reasons, and sometimes, no reason is needed at all!
"To shut up!"

"court death!"

The two people standing beside Shen Anhe spoke angrily, and they glared angrily.

"It's the two of you who should shut up. If you want to seek death, just come here and help you." Jiang Chen said, extremely arrogant.

Those two looked at Shen Anhe, waiting for Shen Anhe's order, Shen Anhe's face turned dark, while he looked at Qin Shiji, caring about Qin Shiji's attitude.

Qin Shiji put his hands behind his back and looked at the sky above his head, looking extremely fascinated.

"Kill him!" Seeing this, Shen Anhe ordered without hesitation.

Jiang Chen wanted to get rid of him first, so he had the same idea, the only difference was, who was stronger and who was weaker.

Jiang Chen was extremely conceited and never took him seriously, so he must let Jiang Chen know what the price of being arrogant in front of him is.

After the two heard the sound, without hesitation, they frantically culled and killed Jiang Chen, and used their big killer weapons to get rid of Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time.

This was exactly what Jiang Chen wanted. Jiang Chen sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron, and when he raised the Cauldron, he smashed it like crazy. Then, holding the Chunyang Cauldron, he dunked like a slam dunk.

This battle was very fierce. Those two were powerful existences in the Tianfeng Empire's palace. Because they wanted to enter the Garden of Everything, they were specially called by Shen Anhe. They originally intended to deal with Jiang Chen. It came in handy.

Shen Anhe's eyes were shining brightly, he could see that Jiang Chen was forced to play all his cards, and he sneered, thinking that this was all he could do, and at the same time, he was determined in his heart, and concluded that Jiang Chen would undoubtedly die today.

Suddenly, a black light appeared, it was a short sword, the short sword floated in the air, and Jiang Chen cut it with the sword.

This is the art of controlling swords. After being cultivated by the sword-raising gourd, the innate Yimu Qingqi has been completely absorbed, and it is even more powerful and invincible.

The sword light was flickering, and with the help of the Chunyang cauldron, Jiang Chen fought one against two, and each played a real fire.


A human head fell to the ground, and flying swords criss-crossed, directly separating the body of the strong man.

The incident happened suddenly, beyond Shen Anhe's expectation, and the other person, seeing that the situation was not good, rushed out in a hurry, Jiang Chen held the Chunyang cauldron without hesitation, and just put it on top of his head , directly tore it apart.

"Shen Anhe, take your life." Jiang Chen shouted, he was majestic, as if the God of War had come to the world, his body was bathed in blood, and he looked more and more powerful, with an invincible demeanor.

Jiang Chen chased forward and killed Shen Anhe. This was a long-awaited battle. Unfortunately, Shen Anhe was vulnerable, so Jiang Chen never enjoyed himself to the fullest.

In the end, Jiang Chen beheaded Shen Anhe.

"Wait, but who else has an opinion? If you have something to say, just stand up and let's talk about it. Don't worry, I, Jiang Chen, have always convinced people with virtue. Violence and the like are the most annoying." Jiang Chen said, Talking and laughing.

Many royal powerhouses were slightly moved, and for a while, they were all silent...

(End of this chapter)

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