genius evil

Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424

Shen Anhe died, and died with hatred in the midst of endless aggrieved and angry, even if he was dying, he never thought that he would still die by Jiang Chen's hands after all.

Jiang Chen was strong when he was strong, and his fighting methods were simple and rough, but there were always surprises. The battle of the same realm was really a horizontal push, unparalleled in domineering.

In fact, the two strong men who followed Shen Anhe were only one step away from entering the realm of transformation into mortals, but they still lost to Jiang Chen and were suppressed and killed.

Such a situation was undoubtedly terrifying. The strong men on the Broken Bridge could only deal with it in silence. Facing Jiang Chen's aggressiveness, no one had anything to say.

Naturally, they would not know that Jiang Chen had an epiphany on the Broken Bridge, entered a wonderful state of visualization, and even experienced a leap in his state of mind. As long as he was willing, his cultivation could break through at any time.

Even though Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to break through and waited for a more suitable time, it was still different. He had unlimited potential. In this way, he would indeed be invincible in the same realm and unstoppable by anyone.

"Since no one speaks, then this Dragon Fruit belongs to me, Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice, he intended to intimidate, Shen Anhe was considered a pretty good cannon fodder.

A group of people waited, and then remained silent. They looked at Jiang Chen, their eyes flickering, and their thoughts were complicated.

They are all members of the royal family, their status is noble, they are incomparable, and they are the first to get the moon when they are close to the water. Among the many strong people, they are the first to reach the other side of the broken bridge, waiting for the flowers on the other side to bloom and bear fruit.

Jiang Chen rushed out of nowhere, and with his own strength, suppressed all of them forcefully. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable and extremely aggrieved.

But no matter how uncomfortable and aggrieved, he could only endure it forcibly, otherwise, Shen Anhe's fate might be a lesson for him to wait for.

"This guy is getting more and more domineering." Qin Shiji smiled wryly.

He is not very familiar with Jiang Chen, but he has dealt with Jiang Chen a few times, and he has a little understanding of Jiang Chen's character. In addition, Luo Xi and Jiang Chen seem to have a good relationship. The positions between people can be said to be naturally in the same direction.

Since Jiang Chen had let go and made an appointment for Hualongguo, Qin Shiji would not intervene any more. He also knew that if he intervened, Jiang Chen would be unceremonious and lose face.

In Qin Shiji's impression, Jiang Chen fought back in a silent place many times, but this was the first time he saw Jiang Chen being so ostentatious.

You must know that the people who first appeared on the other side of the broken bridge were all members of the royal family. If it were other geniuses and strong men, even if they had enough strength to push, they would still adopt gentle methods and be slick. On the premise of not being offended, I got the Dragon Fruit.

After all, killing Shen Anhe is a complete offense to the Tianfeng Empire. If the matter is done absolutely, it means that all other empires will be offended. Will it be like Jiang Chen, without any scruples?
"Too courageous." Qin Shiji said to himself, deep in his eyes, if there was any hidden worry.

Of course Jiang Chen knew that he could take a more gentle approach, but once the Hualong Fruit matured, the dispute would resume.

Therefore, in fact, gentle means are useless at all, and it will only bring more troubles. Jiang Chen has always disliked troubles, so he can only cut off all future troubles at once.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen would kill Shen Anhe. How could he not understand that it would completely offend the Tianfeng Empire, but if he did not do so, then he would not only offend a super powerful empire Simple.


There was the sound of the wind, and along with the sound of piercing the sky, two figures appeared almost hand in hand, it was Sirius Mu and Monk Youque.

One person has one path, and the two paths are different, but they appear in the same place by coincidence. Obviously, although there are gaps and monks that are not as high-profile as Mu Sirius, they should not be underestimated.

"Dragon fruit?"

At a glance, Mu Tianlang lost his voice, while Monk Youque's eyes were clearly visible, shining brilliantly, and he was also attracted.

"Brother Mu, Brother You Que, I have pre-ordered this Dragon Fruit. It's a pity that you two are late." Jiang Chen said carelessly, declaring his sovereignty.

"Is that so?" Frowning, Mu Tianlang took a deep look at Jiang Chen, then grinned, and said, "Brother Jiang, since it was reserved by you, then of course it is yours."

"However, I can exchange it with you for a more precious treasure, what do you think?" After a pause, Sirius Mu said again, salivating.

"Well, this guy knows a lot about Hualongguo?" Jiang Chen was slightly curious.

Jiang Chen doesn't think that Mu Tianlang is lying casually, saying that there are more precious treasures, then there must be, this guy comes from that mysterious tribe, and has an ancient heritage, so it is naturally extraordinary and has an unimaginable background .

The word Hualongguo Hualong has a deep meaning. According to rumors, Hualongguo has the miraculous effect of transforming a snake into a dragon. That is to say, if an ordinary snake swallows a dragonfruit, it will become dragon.

Of course, it was just a rumor. In fact, a dragon fruit would appear on the other side of the broken bridge. Such a situation was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

In the past, in the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen exhausted all his efforts in order to find the Hualong Fruit that existed in the isolated classics, but in the end, he found nothing.

Therefore, there are great uncertainties in the rumors, but one thing that Jiang Chen can be sure of is that a dragon fruit will allow him to successfully tear a shackle, and it is the most crucial shackle.

In this way, Jiang Chen is naturally bound to win, and he will not give up an inch!
"Not really." Jiang Chen shook his head, bluntly refusing, not giving Mu Sirius a chance to dream.

"Brother Jiang, think about it again." Mu Tianlang said in a muffled voice, and then told him that the Hualong Fruit was of great use to him, and it fell into Jiang Chen's hands, but it was a pearl.Even, Mu Tianlang said that he could take Jiang Chen back to the tribe, there are many benefits, but if he likes it, let Jiang Chen choose, just ask for a dragon fruit.

"Don't think about it." Jiang Chen refused more directly.

On the surface, he and Sirius Mu are friends, but Jiang Chen knows that he and Sirius Mu are actually the same kind of people in essence, which is too deceptive.

This seemingly honest and honest guy is definitely the kind who eats people without spit out bones.

"Brother Jiang, why are you so unreasonable?" Mu Tianlang sighed. He really wanted to get this dragon fruit, but Jiang Chen's attitude clearly showed that there was no room for negotiation. He felt helpless, but he didn't want to tear up his face with Jiang Chen.

"In this garden of all things, if there are other benefits, I can give them to you." Jiang Chen said.

Mu Tianlang pondered for a while, knowing that this was not Jiang Chen's compromise, but a kind of transaction. The implication was that if Jiang Chen had any troubles in the process of obtaining the Dragon Fruit, he would also Help.

"Forget it." Sirius Mu agreed.

The garden of all things is vast and boundless, and its benefits are endless. Although the Hualong fruit is strange, other benefits are also endless.

"Brother Youque, what do you think?" Jiang Chen asked Monk Youque again.

"Excellent, excellent." Monk You Que clasped his hands together and said loudly.

Therefore, Jiang Chen just grinned. These two guys were quite strong, and they didn't pull him back. Otherwise, today's matter might not be good.

Of course, even if he offends a big empire, Jiang Chen is not afraid. That's because he has a big killer, that is, the woman in the portrait of the goddess.

Jiang Chen received the Beast Control Art from Wantong, and the method of tempering the soul power in it benefited the woman a lot. Her cultivation level is even more unpredictable. Compared with before, she is even stronger and even more inconvenient. thing.

If he was really forced to a dead end, Jiang Chen would naturally use a big weapon without hesitation, at worst, he would kill all directions, who can stop him?
A deal was negotiated like this, Mu Tianlang and Monk Youque were successfully persuaded by Jiang Chen, and the powerful members of the royal family had even more strange thoughts.

Originally they didn't give up, they just waited for the Dragon Fruit to ripen before they would plunder it, but at this moment, they had no choice but to forcibly suppress that thought.

As time goes by, the Hualong Fruit is filled with radiant light, and the mysterious fragrance permeates, taking a sip, it will make people feel refreshed, and the spirit and will have been sublimated to a certain extent.

"It is indeed not a mortal thing." Jiang Chen said silently.

Floating snakes transforming into dragons is a legend, it is not true, after all, no one has ever seen it before, but, as the dragon fruit gradually matures, it emits a strange fragrance, this kind of fragrance, bathing in it, is already enough to make people enlightened.

Many people gained something because of this. They crazily inhaled the fruity fragrance, and their mood became a little restless.

Finally, the fruit was ripe and fell from the branch. In the void, a big hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the fallen fruit.


Jiang Chen shouted loudly, this is someone hiding in the dark, cutting off the breath, and taking advantage of the moment when the fruit is ripe, he made a move to pick the fruit.


The Chunyang cauldron was thrown out by Jiang Chen, and it went towards that figure. At the same time, Jiang Chen's blood was surging, and the golden light gushed out. People push across.

The incident happened suddenly, and no one expected that such a situation would happen. The man was crushed and killed by Jiang Chen in an instant, and the Hualong Fruit appeared in Jiang Chen's palm without any damage.

"Get out all of them." Putting away the Hualong Fruit, Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

He shot with his divine sense, and caught several figures again. At this time, he was furious, almost making wedding dresses for others, which made Jiang Chen extremely angry, and had the urge to slaughter.

Several figures appeared one after another. They stared at Jiang Chen, looked and looked, and were shocked by the breath Jiang Chen released, and their scalps went numb.

"Give me all to die." Jiang Chen shouted, and immediately started a massacre. This was a one-sided massacre. Jiang Chen wanted to vent his anger, and he wanted to further deter him. Who will, kill it with one effort.

"Anyone who dares to use the idea of ​​transforming a dragon fruit into the sky or into the earth, I, Jiang Chen, will destroy all of them." Finally, Jiang Chen dropped these words, and his figure disappeared from everyone's sight...

(End of this chapter)

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